East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 11, 2018, WEEKEND EDITION, Page Page 2C, Image 20

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East Oregonian
Saturday, August 11, 2018
Symphony charges
forward with PGE grant
The Oregon East Sym-
phony recently received a
$5,000 grant from the PGE
OES executive director
J.D. Kindle said the money
will be used to support activi-
ties for its Playing for Keeps
youth education project. The
comprehensive program was
initiated in 2001 by the sym-
phony’s board of directors
to help expose rural youths
to new cultural opportuni-
ties. In addition, one of the
goals is to give young peo-
ple who can’t afford musi-
cal instruction and/or instru-
ments a chance to participate
in music lessons, rehearsals
and performances.
For additional informa-
tion about the symphony,
its youth education projects,
season concerts or rehearsal
schedules, visit www.ore-
goneastsymphony.org. For
questions, contact 541-276-
0320 or oesdirectorms@
St. Anthony Hospital, Pendleton
JULY 31, 2018
DICKINSON — Brittany Cochran and Bryce Dickin-
son: a boy, Blake Declan Dickinson.
WHITAKER — Ashleyann M. Whitaker and Joseph A.
Whitaker of Pendleton: a boy, Joseph Andrew Whitaker III.
AUG. 1, 2018
Photo contributed by Gary Hartinger
Hermiston residents Michelle Weems, 16, and her mother, Heather Weems, are pictured with members of
Sawyer Brown. The band played Aug. 7 on the Main Stage at the Umatilla County Fair.
Sawyer Brown poses for photos with fans
Heather Weems not only enjoyed
the Aug. 7 Main Stage performance at
the Umatilla County Fair, but she also
got to meet members of the country
group Sawyer Brown.
The Hermiston woman and her
daughter, Michelle Weems, 16, wore
big smiles as they stood amongst the
five band members for a photo op.
Formed in 1981, the band has
cruised across the country living the
life of a “travelin’ band,” as one of
their hit songs says. A fan of the band
since she was 8 years old, Heather
Weems was happy to have the band
perform in her hometown.
Others, too, must have been as
equally excited to have Sawyer
Brown play — Heather’s father, Gary
Hartinger, said the “concert was jam-
packed with fans.”
CONEY — Samantha Kingman and John Coney of
Pendleton: a girl, Zaelyn Nora Coney.
AUG. 2, 2018
PREHN — Sarah A. English and Todd A. Prehn of
Hermiston: a boy, Deklyn Leo Prehn.
TRUITT — Jennifer L. Truitt and Raymond E. Truitt of
Pendleton: a boy, Oliver Kain Dee Truitt.
AUG. 3, 2018
CANCINO — Janet Lomas and Ramiro J. Cancino of
Hermiston: a girl, Melanie Emma Cancino.
Elliot Gottfriedson of Pendleton: a girl, Luna Love Garcia
AUG. 4, 2018
HARRISON— Ivette Harrison and Vincent Harrison of
Irrigon: a boy, Adam Julian Harrison.
ORRALA — Cheyenne M. Sorensen and Alvaro D.
Orrala of Pendleton: a girl, Brielle McKinsay Lynn Orrala.
Three Hermiston
reserve officers
receive badges
Good Shepherd Medical Center, Hermiston
AUG. 4, 2018
Hermiston Police Department
recently welcomed three new reserve
officers to its force.
Bryce Kennedy, Shawnee Rodri-
guez and Sterling Hall earned their
badges July 26, said Captain Scott
Clark, after completing the 2018
Multi-Agency Police Reserve Acad-
emy. They completed 200 hours over
the course of the past five months —
scheduling the training around their
non-police jobs and other time com-
mitments. They volunteered their time
to receive the training, Clark said, in
order to serve their community.
“We are so thankfwul for their
desire to serve, and appreciate them
wholeheartedly,” Clark added.
CALMO RAMOS — Romanda Ramos and Santiago
Calmo of Hermiston: a girl, Sara Yeny Calmo Ramos.
AUG. 6, 2018
PHILLIPS — Asia Hayne and Jacob Phillips of Board-
man: a boy, Ezra Rashad-Ellis Phillips.
Don and Nancy Harsch
Photo contributed by Scott Clark
Bryce Kennedy, Shawnee Rodriguez and Sterling Hall recently joined
the reserve officer corps with the Hermiston Police Department.
Patient party
offers splashing
good time
Don and Nancy Harsch in
Tacos Xavi served up 1,700 tacos
at a recent patient appreciation party
for Dr. James West and Columbia
Orthodontics at the Hermiston Fam-
ily Aquatic Center.
The orthodontist and his staff wel-
comed more than 600 patients to
the pool in the 103 degree weather
during the July 13 event. In addi-
tion to tacos, Yo Country Yogurt was
served up and raffle drawings were
“Columbia Orthodontics and Dr
West are very thankful to be part of
this community and are already mak-
ing plans for next years party,” office
staff said.
Nancy and Don Harsch in
Don and Nancy Harsch are celebrating their 50th wed-
ding anniversary. They were married August 10, 1968, at
Christ Episcopal Church in Lake Oswego, Ore. They met
during undergraduate school at the University of Oregon.
They have three sons, Rob, Matt and Dan Harsch, and
four grandchildren, Emma, Mackenzie, Wyatt and Hayden
Submit information to: community@eastoregonian.com
or drop off to the attention of Tammy Malgesini at 333 E.
Main St., Hermiston or Renee Struthers at 211 S.E. Byers
Ave., Pendleton. Call 541-564-4539 or 541-966-0818
with questions.
Contributed photo
Swag from Dr. James West and Columbia Or-
thodontics was among the raffle items during
a July 13 patient appreciation event held at
Hermiston Family Aquatic Center.
Local Toastmaster steps up as district director
Jan Taylor was recently elected as dis-
trict director for District 9 of Toastmasters
International, which encompasses
northeastern Oregon, eastern Wash-
ington and northern Idaho.
The Pendleton woman has been
a member of Cay-Uma-Wa Toast-
masters Club for seven years. Tay-
lor has served in several district and
club officer positions, including as
the district’s Program Quality direc- Taylor
tor. In that role, she was instrumental
in helping the district become seventh in the
world for paid clubs and eighth for member-
ship payments.
Among her notable Toastmasters achieve-
ments, Taylor holds the title of Distinguished
Toastmaster, the highest educational and
leadership award given by the international
body. She also belongs to the Pendleton club
and the Faculty Club, an advanced
group that meets at various locations
throughout District 9.
Taylor encourages anyone inter-
ested in challenging and improving
themselves in the areas of leadership
and public speaking to join a local
club. She speaks highly of the dis-
trict’s leaders in their commitment to
help members become better leaders
and speakers.
Toastmasters is a nonprofit educational
organization that teaches public speaking
and leadership skills. For more information,
including finding local clubs, visit www.
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