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    April 2018 - EASTERN OREGON PARENT - 15
Parents, stay positive with the Triple P program
Does this sound like you…
• “My five-year-old won’t pick
up his toys.”
• “My toddler has frequent
• “My kids never listen to me.”
• “I feel like I’m constantly
• “Parenting is fun but there
are times when things
don’t go as you would like.”
If only someone could give
you some ideas to make those
times easier! Well, Triple P can.
As a parent you face the
same kinds of challenges as
other moms and dads when
it comes to raising children. In
spite of those challenges, you
want nothing more than to raise
happy, successful children.
St. Anthony Hospital has been
awarded a grant to implement
the Triple P (Positive Parenting
Program) in Umatilla County.
With the partnership of Greater
Oregon Behavioral Health, Inc.,
the Triple P program has trained
over 50 practitioners to deliver
parenting education to parents
and caregivers of Umatilla County.
There are always times when you
could use a little help; we want par-
ents to understand that’s normal.
No parent is perfect and sometimes
we need just a few strategies to
deal with our children’s behavior.
Triple P’s positive parenting
allows parents to decide what is
important to them. It does not tell
parents how to raise their children,
but gives them the confidence and
skills to build positive relationships
with their child, set boundaries and
rules, and follow up with conse-
quences that are not harmful.
No single parenting program
can meet the needs of all parents.
That’s why the Triple P Program has
been developed as a system, with
a set of interventions, of increas-
ing intensity. To ensure Triple P has
“something for everyone,” each
deliver Triple P seminars allowing
parents to understand the power
of positive parenting. Seminars are
relaxed talks that tackle some of
the most common family issues.
You can do one, two, or all three
in a series. You can choose from:
level of the program can be deliv-
ered in many ways, including one-
on-one consultations, small groups,
large seminars, or online self-help.
No other parenting program in the
world has an evidence base more
extensive than Triple P. Every parent
has different needs, so whether you
are looking for a few simple tips or
more in-depth support to resolve
a complex family issue, there is a
Triple P program for you. These are
offered in English or Spanish, with
food and childcare available during
parent consults in certain circum-
Here in Umatilla County, we
“The Power of Positive Parenting,”
“Raising Competent, Confident
Children,” or “Raising Resilient Chil-
dren.” At the end of each seminar
you will take home a tip sheet to
remind you of all the great ideas
you heard.
Triple P discussion groups are
small group sessions, targeting a
specific problem behavior or issue.
Each can be taken as a stand-alone
session or as part of a series. Dis-
cussion groups include DVD seg-
ments and cover suggestions about
managing problem behavior and
developing a personalized parent-
ing plan. All groups discuss ways
to prevent problems and how to
calmly deal with these issues when
you need to. Discussion groups are
available on several topics: “Deal-
ing with Disobedience,” “Managing
Fighting and Aggression,” “Hassle
Free Shopping,” and “Developing
Good Bedtime Rou-
If you prefer an indi-
vidual consultation, Pri-
mary Care Triple P might
be right for you. Primary
Care is targeted help for
parents of a child with
mild to moderate behav-
ioral difficulties. This can
be a brief face-to-face or
telephone call – typically
you’ll have about four
individual sessions of 15
and 30 minutes each.
Are you a parent
of a child with severe
behavioral difficulties?
Standard Triple P can
help! For parents who
need intensive support,
individual coaching de-
livered over 10 sessions
is available.
Not sure where to start? Con-
tact a Triple P coordinator to help
you decide which Triple P course
would work best for your family.
You can call or text 541-969-4061 or
take a peek online at www.triplep-
parenting.com/umatillacounty. We
also have a Facebook page (Triple P
Umatilla County) for tips and events
near you.
Chelsea Maranville is the Violence
Prevention Coordinator at Greater
Oregon Behavioral Health, Inc. in
The Dalles.