Page 6B East Oregonian PEANUTS COFFEE BREAK Wednesday, January 24, 2018 DEAR ABBY BY CHARLES M . SCHULZ Online guide helps parents recognize child depression FOR BETTER OR WORSE BY LYNN JOHNSTON B.C. BY JOHNNY HART PICKLES BY BRIAN CRANE important information they will find Dear Abby: Seeing a child you useful. love struggle with depression is such a helpless feeling. Parents wonder Risk factors for depression in how to talk to them as they withdraw young people include stressful life from the people and activities that events, such as a family member’s used to bring them joy. You just want divorce or death, bullying, trouble them to feel better again. with school or friends, low self-es- Many times, parents tell them- teem, or a disability or chronic illness. selves it’s just a phase their child will Symptoms of depression that last two Jeanne grow out of, but one in five teens is Phillips weeks or more are significant. They affected by depression. It’s important may include sensitivity to criticism Advice for parents to know that children and outbursts of anger, sadness, even younger can become depressed, headaches or stomachaches, changes and that girls are twice as likely as boys to in sleep or eating habits, lower grades and experience it. Depressed kids are more likely withdrawal from people and activities. to abuse alcohol and other drugs and are at According to the National Institute of greater risk for attempting suicide. Mental Health, in 2015, 3 million kids aged To help concerned parents reach out 12 to 17 experienced a major depressive to their hurting children, has episode in the past year. Because, as you created the free online-only Kids and stated, depression can be a significant factor Depression guide at in suicide attempts, the guide provides infor- kids-and-depression. The guide’s sound, mation to help parents recognize the warning compassionate advice helps parents, grand- signs of suicidal thoughts in their children. parents and teachers recognize symptoms If you think your child might be suicidal, and risk factors in young people. It explains contact the National Suicide Prevention treatment options, including counseling and Lifeline by calling (800) 273-8255. It offers medication. And it also includes age-ap- confidential help 24 hours a day. propriate information about depression that Dear Abby: Should each spouse give an parents can share with their children, elemen- anniversary gift to the other, or is it solely up tary age through college. to the man to arrange for the special occasion Abby, thank you for the love you show and gift-giving? — Soon-To-Celebrate In your readers, and for sharing this potentially Illinois lifesaving guide with them. — Nancy Tyler, Dear Soon: An anniversary is not a Senior Editor, surprise party. When the special occasion Dear Nancy: You’re welcome. I’m glad arises, celebrating shouldn’t be the responsi- you wrote because I receive many letters bility of just one spouse. The arrangements from worried parents and depressed young can be made by whomever is better at doing people. I know the online guide will provide it, but gift-giving should be a two-way street. DAYS GONE BY BEETLE BAILEY GARFIELD BY MORT WALKER BY JIM DAVIS 100 Years Ago From the East Oregonian Jan. 24, 1918 Frank Mytinger, for 18 years conductor on the Pendleton-Huntington division of the O.-W. R. & N. Co., has resigned his position to take effect February 1 and will after that devote his entire time to his dairy ranch just east of Pendleton. He has a good dairy plant, two miles out on the road to the agency, and has a herd of 80 dairy cows at the present time. He believes there will be more money in the dairy business than working as a railroader. In tendering his resignation to the company Mr. Mytinger specified that if at any time his services should be needed in handling war traffic he will be ready for service. 50 Years Ago From the East Oregonian Jan. 24, 1968 City police reported a 16-year-old boy, whom they discovered was the youth who telephoned them Jan. 17 there was a bomb in Pendleton High School, had been cited to juvenile authorities here. The boy first was questioned at considerable length by Sgt. Paul Carter. Carter said the boy refused to admit any previous such calls, stating this was his first. 25 Years Ago From the East Oregonian Jan. 24, 1993 Martin Ortiz, a 14-year-old Umatilla youth charged with criminally negligent homicide in the November shooting death of Cody McNeel, was convicted Thursday in juvenile court. There is no actual guilt or innocence stated in a juvenile adjudication hearing, which is similar to an adult trial, but Judge Robert Abrams’ decision is the equivalent of a guilty verdict. Disposition options include putting Ortiz on probation, placing him in shelter care with a proctor family or sending him to a youth facility like MacLaren School in Woodburn. Assistant District Attorney Nancy Kerns said there was little argument about what happened during the shooting. THIS DAY IN HISTORY BLONDIE DILBERT THE WIZARD OF ID LUANN ZITS BY DEAN YOUNG AND STAN DRAKE BY SCOTT ADAMS BY BRANT PARKER AND JOHNNY HART BY GREG EVANS BY JERRY SCOTT AND JIM BORGMAN Today is the 24th day of 2018. There are 341 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On Jan. 24, 1848, James W. Marshall discovered a gold nugget at Sutter’s Mill in northern California, a discovery that led to the gold rush of ‘49. On this date: In A.D. 41, Roman Emperor Caligula, 28, was assassinated by members of the Praetorian Guard after a reign of nearly four years; he was succeeded by his uncle Claudius. In 1742, Charles VII was elected Holy Roman Emperor during the War of the Austrian Succession. In 1908, the Boy Scouts movement began in England under the aegis of Robert Baden-Powell. In 1939, at least 28,000 people were killed by an earthquake that devastated the city of Chillan in Chile. In 1942, the Roberts Commission placed much of the blame for America’s lack of preparedness for Imperial Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor on Rear Adm. Husband E. Kimmel and Lt. Gen. Walter C. Short, the Navy and Army commanders. In 1943, President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill concluded a wartime conference in Casablanca, Morocco. In 1965, British statesman Winston Churchill died in London at age 90. In 1975, the extremist group FALN bombed Fraunces Tavern in New York City, killing four people. In 1978, a nuclear-pow- ered Soviet satellite, Cosmos 954, plunged through Earth’s atmosphere and disintegrated, scattering radioactive debris over parts of northern Canada. In 1989, confessed serial killer Theodore Bundy was executed in Florida’s electric chair. In 1993, retired Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall died in Bethesda, Maryland, at age 84. In 2003, former Pennsyl- vania Gov. Tom Ridge was sworn as the first secretary of the new Department of Homeland Security. Today’s Birthdays: Actor Jerry Maren (Film: “The Wizard of Oz”) is 99. Cajun musician Doug Kershaw is 82. Singer-songwriter Ray Stevens is 79. Singer-song- writer Neil Diamond is 77. Singer Aaron Neville is 77. Actor Michael Ontkean is 72. Actor Daniel Auteuil is 68. Country singer-songwriter Becky Hobbs is 68. Comedian Yakov Smirnoff is 67. South Korean President Moon Jae-in is 65. Actor William Allen Young is 64. Bandlead- er-musician Jools Holland is 60. Actress Nastassja Kinski is 57. Rhythm-and-blues singer Theo Peoples is 57. Country musician Keech Rainwater (Lonestar) is 55. Obama White House budget director Shaun Donovan is 52. Comedian Phil LaMarr is 51. Olympic gold medal gymnast Mary Lou Retton is 50. Rhythm-and-blues singer Sleepy Brown (Society of Soul) is 48. Actor Matthew Lillard is 48. Actor Ed Helms is 44. Thought for Today: “God gives us relatives; thank God, we can choose our friends.” — Addison Mizner, American architect (1872-1933). PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN BY DANA SIMPSON BIG NATE BY LINCOLN PEIRCE