Page 4A OPINION East Oregonian Thursday, November 30, 2017 Founded October 16, 1875 KATHRYN B. BROWN Publisher DANIEL WATTENBURGER Managing Editor TIM TRAINOR Opinion Page Editor MARISSA WILLIAMS Regional Advertising Director MARCY ROSENBERG Circulation Manager JANNA HEIMGARTNER Business Office Manager MIKE JENSEN Production Manager OUR VIEW Corporatism comes for the internet It has been an incredibly newsy the same, no matter where it is headed or how it got there. week — and it’s not over yet. From many internet service Tax reform is ramping up in the U.S. Senate, President Trump providers’ perspective, net neutrality had another Twitter meltdown, an is an unfair burden that limits aggressive North Korea fired another their ability to recoup the cost of missile, and a continuous stream of development. These ISPs have made men are losing their jobs because of significant investments in the online their harassment of women. infrastructure, and they believe they As important as those issues are, should be able to monetize their history may show the end of internet investment into more revenue and neutrality in the United States higher returns for their shareholders. outranks them all. For instance, if the government allowed it, ISPs Consider that the could soon be internet has been to sell a faster the bastion of much The libertarian able connection to certain of the country’s utopia of a free destinations for economic growth of the last two decades. and unregulated certain customers. For Facebook, that Sure, there were could be a good bubbles and dead Internet may You could ends along the road. come to an end. thing. load their site faster But the Amazons, and at lower cost Facebooks and than you could Googles — now the next social network that comes some of the most powerful and along, which does not have the richest companies in the world, were little more than gleams in their financial wherewithal to pay AT&T or Comcast or whoever to fast-track founders’ eyes just 20 years ago. traffic to their site. Much of what is now one of the It’s the same on the consumer richest and most powerful regions of the country — Silicon Valley — was side. If you rely solely on the big little more than a suburban academic boys — the entrenched interests with the biggest pockets — perhaps setting that few people had ever you will be content with a slightly heard of. cheaper internet that restricts and Granted, much of the economic throttles your traffic elsewhere. But muscle created by the new online if you wish to go somewhere on the behemoths came at the expense of internet where your provider has the brick-and-mortars, the analogs little financial stake in you visiting, and the manufacturers. prepare for it to be slower and more But there is no doubting the fact that much of this country’s economic expensive. Ending net neutrality is bad fortunes have been dependent on the for entrepreneurship. It’s bad for enormous growth of many internet entrepreneurs and startup companies, the next new thing. It’s bad for consumers, too, who want fair which have made our world both competition for their time and their better and worse. traffic and their dollars. So that is what is at stake: Current corporate giants stand The last, great libertarian frontier to benefit greatly if net neutrality of entrepreneurship free from comes to an end. Their power to government intervention and the restrict competition and promote constraints of our physical world. their own interests is increased The threat is net neutrality. considerably. Although that term and the issue The internet will become just can seem like a rather complicated another shopping mall that shuffles concept, it doesn’t have to be. its customers to the sites it approves, Picture it this way: Right now, and where it stands to make a bigger you access the internet to view buck. websites or stream video at pretty A lifeless mall would be a sad much the same speed as everyone way for the most important and else. dynamic economic innovation in the The companies that built the last century to end up. internet must treat all traffic exactly Unsigned editorials are the opinion of the East Oregonian editorial board of publisher Kathryn Brown, managing editor Daniel Wattenburger, and opinion page editor Tim Trainor. Other columns, letters and cartoons on this page express the opinions of the authors and not necessarily that of the East Oregonian. YOUR VIEWS Having issues out in open, Round-Up can now unify First let me state that there are few, if any times that I have ever even come close to agreeing with the editorial board’s comments in the East Oregonian. The EO appears to have taken upon themselves to touch the surface of issues between the Pendleton Round-Up board, the stockholders and many of the vast number of volunteers who are the real reason the Round-Up survived for years — especially before the large payments received from the sales of Pendleton Whisky. Any time someone starts off with a statement such as that of a past president — “Trust us” — I immediately think: Here comes the spin and cover-ups. “Trust us” was the same statement made by the head of Pendleton Grain Growers (Tim Hawkins), followed by its collapse. Years ago the Round-Up was completely run by volunteers, mostly behind the scenes. But over time some of the board members and presidents have decided the hard-working volunteers were no longer needed. Many were replaced by commercial vendors, paid friends or family members. Many volunteers lost their job simply because some on the board, or past presidents, had personal issues with the volunteers totally unrelated to the operations of the Round-Up. Surely many, including myself, are upset with no financial openness in the last few years. But that is not the only issue facing the Round-Up situation. Many times there has been a belief by many of the vast number of volunteers, both current and past, that they are only given lip service and that they are not truly appreciated for the years they have taken time to make the Round-Up a success. The current board has stated that all the budgets and financial issues will be made available to all very soon. That is a good step forward. Director Rob Collins said: “Come talk to us and tell us what we are doing wrong or what you think will improve relations.” I say give the current board a chance and if they fail the stockholders or volunteers, hold them accountable at the proper time. The Round-Up is growing, and an important part of the success of the local area. I hope that with the elections over, issues exposed and all having a say, that unlike in the political world everyone can put aside their anger and accept that we all need to work together to make it continue as a big success. John Harvey Stanfield LETTERS POLICY The East Oregonian welcomes original letters of 400 words or less on public issues and public policies for publication in the newspaper and on our website. The newspaper reserves the right to withhold letters that address concerns about individual services and products or letters that infringe on the rights of private citizens. Submitted letters must be signed by the author and include the city of residence and a daytime phone number. The phone number will not be published. Unsigned letters will not be published. Send letters to 211 S.E. Byers Ave. Pendleton, OR 97801 or email OTHER VIEWS What really happened with the GOP platform and Russia I t’s one of the enduring They left in Denman’s language on misconceptions of the Trump- NATO and on continued and possibly Russia affair. During the 2016 tougher sanctions on Russia. Republican convention, the story The final, Trump-approved passage goes, the Trump campaign weakened read: “We support maintaining and, a critical passage in the GOP platform if warranted, increasing sanctions, to go easy on Russia. The Trump team together with our allies, against acted, according to this narrative, as Russia unless and until Ukraine’s part of an ongoing conspiracy with sovereignty and territorial integrity Byron Vladimir Putin to help Donald Trump are fully restored. We also support York win the White House. providing appropriate assistance to the Comment But that is not what happened. In armed forces of Ukraine and greater fact, an already-tough portion of the coordination with NATO defense Republican platform dealing with Russia planning.” That was the amendment the was strengthened, not weakened, at the GOP committee approved. convention. Here is what took place: In the end, the platform was strengthened The original draft of the platform — it has with language pledging ongoing and possibly never been released publicly, but an insider increased sanctions. It was also made tougher shared the relevant passages with me — had with Denman’s reference to “NATO defense strong language on Russia, and in particular planning,” which had not been in the original on Russian aggression in draft. Ukraine. Warning of “a Finally, Denman’s lethal resurgent Russia occupying aid suggestion was changed parts of Ukraine and to “appropriate assistance to threatening neighbors from the the armed forces” — a change Baltic to the Caucasus,” the that put the specific promise platform vowed to increase of U.S. aid to Ukraine’s U.S. pressure on a “reckless” armed forces in the platform Russia. where it had not been “We will meet the return of — Diana Denman, originally. Russian belligerence with the “The platform ended Texas political activist same resolve that led to the up tougher than it started, collapse of the Soviet Union,” compared from the beginning the platform said. “We will not accept any to the end,” Denman told me, although she territorial change in Eastern Europe imposed added she still believes her lethal aid provision by force, in Ukraine or elsewhere, and will use should have been included in the final all appropriate measures to bring to justice the document. practitioners of aggression and assassination.” So how did the “Trump weakened the GOP It would be hard to call that a pro-Putin platform” meme get started? Seizing on the statement. Every word of it stayed in the final Trump campaign’s entirely defensible change platform. of Denman’s “lethal defensive weapons” to When the platform committee met before “appropriate assistance” — neither of which the GOP convention in Cleveland, one was in the original GOP draft platform — delegate out of the 100 on the committee, a some Democrats, Republican NeverTrumpers Texas political activist named Diana Denman, and their allies in the press portrayed the proposed an amendment. Denman, who came platform meeting in Cleveland as Donald to the convention as a Ted Cruz delegate Trump selling out the GOP to Vladimir Putin. but later switched her support to Trump, They were helped in their efforts by a July was interested because she had traveled to 18, 2016 story in the Washington Post with Ukraine as an international election observer the headline, “Trump campaign guts GOP’s in 1998 and has ever since “kept an eye on anti-Russia stance on Ukraine” — a blatantly the emerging democracies,” she told me in a false description of events. conversation last March. The narrative spread. “The same month Denman’s amendment praised the that Trump denied Putin’s role in Ukraine, Ukrainian people and said they deserved the his team weakened the party platform on greatest U.S. assistance. “We therefore support Ukraine,” Democratic Rep. Andre Carson maintaining (and, if warranted, increasing) said during a House Intelligence Committee sanctions against Russia until Ukraine’s hearing in March. “This was the same month sovereignty and territorial integrity are fully that several individuals in the Trump orbit restored,” Denman’s proposed amendment held secret meetings with Russian officials, read. “We also support providing lethal some of which may have been on the topic of defensive weapons to Ukraine’s armed forces sanctions against Russia or their intervention and greater coordination with NATO on in Ukraine. Now, this is no coincidence, in my defense planning. Simultaneously, we call for opinion.” increased financial aid for Ukraine, as well In addition to being factually wrong, that as greater assistance in the economic and storyline seems particularly out of place humanitarian spheres, including government coming from Democrats, because the 2016 reform and anti-corruption.” Democratic platform, while pledging to “stand Denman’s amendment also contained up to Russian aggression,” said nothing about an introductory paragraph filled with a lot U.S. sanctions against Russia or about U.S. aid of generic rhetoric. When she proposed the to Ukraine’s armed forces, both of which were amendment, a Trump national security aide in the Trump-approved Republican platform. named J.D. Gordon, who was in the room Needless to say, the Democratic platform said with the platform committee, wanted to edit not a word about lethal aid to Ukraine. it. According to Denman, Gordon got on the Yet Democrats, along with GOP phone, saying he was calling “New York” to NeverTrumpers, press on — and it appears the discuss possible changes. platform narrative, wrong as it is, will not die. At the behest of the Trump campaign, That won’t change until people begin to look the platform committee took out the throat- at what actually happened at that Republican clearing introduction and changed Denman’s platform meeting in Cleveland. reference to “lethal defensive weapons” for ■ Ukraine to a pledge to provide “appropriate Byron York is chief political correspondent assistance to the armed forces of Ukraine.” for The Washington Examiner. “The platform ended up tougher than it started.”