East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 21, 2017, Page Page 5A, Image 5

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Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Anita Joan Beilke Miller
Freeland, Washington
September 23, 1920 – November 2, 2017
Late on the evening of
November 2, 2017, Anita
Joan Beilke Miller passed
away peacefully at the age
of 97. She was surrounded
by family at her home in
Freeland, Washington.
Anita was born in Pend-
leton, Oregon, on September
23, 1920, to Herman and
Louise Beilke of rural
Pendleton. As a youngster,
Anita worked alongside her
father in his farm and dairy
operation. She first attended
school at “Four Corners”
schoolhouse at the intersec-
tion of Shaw and School-
house roads. The family
soon moved to lower McKay
Creek below the reservoir
and she attended school on
the corner of US 395-S and
County Road 1086 and later
attended school in Nolin. She
graduated from Pendleton
High School and studied at
a small business college in
Pendleton until 1941.
Anita always had horses
to ride. With cousins she rode
horses, hunted rattlesnakes,
and rode in the Westward
Ho! Parade. Using mostly
draft horses, Anita would
ride one while leading the
others to move the horses
from McKay Creek to Nolin
and back.
While in high school,
Anita met Joseph Miller
while on the school bus
and they later married on
December 29, 1941, in
Pendleton. They lived on
the Miller Ranch on McKay
Creek until Joe entered
the Navy Seabees in 1942.
While Joe was deployed,
Anita worked for Graham
Insurance Agency, Air Corp
Supply and Pendleton Air
Base, as an accountant’s
assistant, and at School
District #16.
At the end of WWII, Anita
and Joe returned to farming
and ranching, moving to
the house on Little McKay
Creek in 1950. She raised
her children and assisted in
ranch operations: herding
and hauling cattle, driving
wheat truck, and running the
flood irrigation operation in
Boardman, Oregon.
Anita delighted in her
children, grandchildren, and
enjoyed hosting them at the
ranch and provided inter-
esting activities, delicious
food and hospitality. She
enjoyed her many friends
with visits, dinners and
playing bridge.
In the fall of 2014, Anita
and Joe retired their ranch
in Pilot Rock and moved to
Whidbey Island, Washington,
to be near their son Don and
family. During her time on
Whidbey, she made many
friends, supported numerous
charities, found a church
family at Trinity Lutheran,
and enjoyed ice cream while
waiting for the ferry.
Anita is preceded in death
by Joe, her husband of 73
years, and parents Herman
and Louise Beilke of McKay
Creek, Pendleton, Oregon.
Anita is survived by chil-
dren Marilyn Miller and Don
(Linda) Miller; grandchildren
Ben (Rebecca) Armstrong,
and Chelsea Miller; and
great-grandchildren Natalie
and Spencer Armstrong
and JamiZen Miller. Her
additional family included
grandchildren Brieann (Jake)
Zourkos, Layel Moore and
great-grandchildren Madison
and Brhody Zourkos.
Memorial service will be
Sunday, May 27, 2018, 1:30
p.m., at Skyview Memorial
Park, 70116 US-395 South,
Pendleton, Oregon. Fellow-
ship will follow at Ellis
Hunting Ranch, 68685 Shaw
Road, Pilot Rock, OR 97868.
Memorial donations may
be made to Pilot Rock Food
Pantry, P.O. Box 128, Pilot
Rock, OR 97868 or a charity
of choice.
The family extends a
special thank you to Maple
Ridge Assisted Living and
Whidbey Health Hospice.
Anita received tremendous
support from family and
friends by phone calls, mail,
and visits.
Family condolences and
personal comments may be
sent to Marilyn Miller, 3805
Bermuda Road, Kennewick,
WA 99338 or Donald Miller,
7891 Cultus Bay Road,
Clinton, WA 98236.
Jack Raymond Mann
Pilot Rock
May 8, 1948 - November 14, 2017
Jack Mann, resident of
Pilot Rock, Oregon, died
Tuesday, November 14,
2017, at the Harbor
in Seattle, Wash-
ington, due to a
fatal pickup truck
accident. He was
born in Leaven-
worth, Washington,
on May 8, 1948 to
Frank and Marjorie
Mann. He was 69.
Jack is survived
by his wife Rose;
sons Larry, Arin,
Joe; stepdaughters
Ann, Monica and
Janet; nine grand-
children and five
preceded in death
by his mother
brother Mann
Dennis and stepson
Funeral arrangements are
being handled by Pendleton
Pioneer Chapel in Pend-
Graveside service at
Skyview Memorial
Park, located at
395 South, Pend-
leton OR 97801
2017 at 11 a.m.
will be served at
the Eagles Lodge,
located at 428
South Main Street,
would like to invite
all friends and
family to join them
may be made to
Wounded Warrior
Project in care of
Pendleton Pioneer
Chapel, 131 S.E.
Byers Ave., Pend-
leton, OR 97801. Online
condolences may be sent to
East Oregonian
Page 5A
Dean E. Clark
Ulises JoseMaria Zavalza
September 11, 1941 - November 10, 2017
July 29, 2011 - November 10, 2017
Dean E. Clark died
peacefully at home with his
wife at his side on Friday,
November 10, 2017, at the
age of 76.
11, 1941, at St.
Anthony Hospital
Oregon, to Clifford
and Eleanor Clark.
The family lived
on a ranch east of
Ukiah during his
early years. Dean
would ride his
horse three miles
to Ukiah School.
The family moved
to Pendleton when
he was in the fifth Clark
As a teenager he
was given the responsibility
of taking care of the Ukiah
place during the week while
his dad did excavation work
elsewhere. Later Dean’s
attention turned to stock car
building and racing on a dirt
track down by Reith.
After graduating from
Pendleton High School,
he completed a diesel
mechanics program at OTI.
He worked at Woodpecker
Trucking, Silver Wheel
Freight and Garrett Freight
Lines prior to being drafted
into the United States Army
in 1963. He was stationed
at Fort Riley, Kansas, and
honorably discharged in
Dean attended BMCC.
He married Sharon Spray in
1967. They lived on Gopher
Flats east of Pendleton.
He was a member of Lee
Riders Riding Group, The
Jeep Club, The Wagon Train
Committee, Westward Ho!
Parade Committee and the
Pendleton Round-Up fence
He started his own
business, Clark Excavation
& Landscaping, but due to
ill health he was forced into
early retirement at age 45.
He learned to team rope. He
rode for numerous ranchers
in the Ukiah and North Fork
area. Sharon and Dean had
been married for 35 years
when she passed
away in 2002.
Dean married
Patti Duby in 2005
and he instantly
kids. Dean and
Patti lived east of
Pendleton. They
enjoyed camping,
traveled to Illinois
to visit Dean’s
cousins and their
Dean treasured
the time he spent
working in his
shop. He was quite an
inventor. His faith and
visiting with his friends
were priorities in his
life. He attended Tutuilla
Presbyterian Church. He
was especially interested
in early American, Native
American, and biblical
He is survived by his wife
Patti (of 13 years); stepson
Travis Duby, stepdaughter
Mandi (Marty) Campbell
Tayton, Hannah and Raegan
Duby and Parker and Crae
Campbell; brothers-in-law
and Allen (Bev) Duby;
and cousins, nieces and
Dean was proceeded in
death by his parents, his
first wife Sharon, and his
half-sisters Marge Modica
and Judy Webb.
In accord with Dean’s
wishes there will not be a
memorial service.
In lieu of flowers or
contributions we would
encourage that you spend
extra time with the ones you
Online condolences may
be shared with the family at
Richard Roscoe ‘Dick’ Scheibner
April 27, 1935 - November 16, 2017
Richard Roscoe “Dick” American Legion. Together,
Scheibner died at his home they spent a lifetime of
in Athena on November service to their community.
16, 2017, after a lengthy He coached many youth
sports, served on
memorial service
the Athena-Weston
board of directors
December 2 at 12
from 1984-1998,
p.m. at the Athena
and spearheaded
“Flags for Athena.”
The city of Athena
Mr. Scheibner
is adorned in
American flags on
April 27, 1935, to
national holidays
Ernest and Ruth
because of his
Scheibner in New
efforts. He was
Augusta, Indiana.
The family moved
Citizen of the
to Fall Creek,
Year in 2011. Dick
Oregon, in 1948.
and Elaine were
At Lowell High Scheibner
also faithful fans
School, he was
and spectators at
a member of the
National Honor Society, High School sporting events
earned 15 varsity letters and for more than 30 years.
was named to the 1954 Shri-
Dick was an avid
ner’s East-West All-Star outdoorsman
football team before gradu- enjoyed hunting, fishing
ating in 1954. He enlisted in and camping with his
the United States Air Force family. Much of his time
that same year, spending was also spent gardening
much of his service time in and landscaping at their
Iceland, and was honorably home.
discharged in 1958. He
In addition to his wife
remained a proud veteran and children, he is survived
for the rest of his life.
by a brother, Rowland
In 1958, he married Scheibner, and a sister, Joyce
Madillyn “Madge” Gallia Galliher, both of Eugene.
in North Bend. They lived Several nieces and nephews
in Modesto, California, for regard him as a cherished
a time before moving back family member. He was
to Oregon. She died in July a proud grandfather to
1967. On Valentine’s Day 19 grandchildren and 16
of 1970, he married Ruth great-grandchildren.
Elaine Rowe, who became
A sister, Dorothy Flores,
his faithful wife and partner. and their parents preceded
They lived in Bend and him in death.
Salem before settling in
In lieu of cut flowers,
Athena in 1983. Together, memorial
they have five children: can be made to the ABC
Lance Rowe of
Community Relief Fund
Doreen at the Athena First Baptist
Davis (Phil) of Salem, Church.
Denise Porter (Lane) of
To leave a condo-
Athena, Rick Scheibner lence online visit www.
(Susan) of Hermiston, and munsellerhodes.com
Kevin Scheibner (Shandi)
of Athena.
Mr. Scheibner, along
with his wife, was an active
member of the Athena
First Baptist Church and
Ulises Zavalza,
6, passed away
at Oregon Health
Science University
Hospital in Portland.
Recitation of the
Holy Rosary was
held on Monday,
November 20, 2017,
at 7:00 p.m. at Burns
Mortuary. Mass of
Christian Burial will
be held on Tuesday,
November 21, 2017
at St. Mary’s Cath-
olic Church at 10:00
a.m., with burial to
follow at St. Andrews
Cemetery in Mission.
God gave us our
first wonderful gift
of our lives on July
29, 2011. We waited
impatiently for 8
months talking to
him and touching his
mother’s stomach.
We waited emotion-
ally with love to
see him for the first
time — searching
for a special name
for him and waiting
for his arrival. The
day came and within
four hours we looked
at the face of our first
little angel, Ulises
JoseMaria Zavalza, Zavalza
donations and love.
Garcia and Jaime Zaval-
We have to pray more
za-Lepe’s hearts jumped for the people in hospitals.
with love and joy. All began There are many people with
beautifully. In the first hour, kids in the hospital that do
Chemita opened his eyes not have the support that we
and they smiled at us. As the had. Chema’s chemo-buddy,
months pass our happiness Steve, came to visit Chema
continued to grow. Ulises got two or three time per week
his baptism at Saint Andrew’s even after chemo had ended.
Catholic Church at the same Adults are supposed to teach
mass as his Aunt Liza’s the children how to pray and
quinceañera with his godpar- have faith. Chema taught
ents Angelina Hernandez adults and children how to
and Martin Molina, Father pray and have faith. At the
Ricardo Carillo, Father Mike hospital, Chema taught the
Fitzpatrick, Deacon Daniel doctors and nurse. He prayed
Martinez and Deacon Omar with them.
Torres in attendance.
Thank you to Father
At 5 months Chemita had Khumar and Father Mike,
surgery to repair his small thank you for coming to visit
cleft lip. It went well, thanks Chema and praying for him.
to God.
Thank you to everyone.
At Christmas Chema’s
Chema, we miss you so
close and extended family much. We can feel you here
grandparents, but we cannot hug you or
Eufrocina Hernandez and kiss you. Chema, while your
Roman Garcia filled him mother was pregnant you
with love and gifts and with gave much love to your baby
each birthday came more and sister without even knowing
more blessings and gifts to her yet with kisses to her
the point where they didn’t inside your mama’s stomach.
know where to put them. Later on, after your sister
Chema delighted in getting got her vaccines, you were
together with the family he very concerned and woke
was closest to and playing up early to give her a video
with uncles Juan Ramon call to check up on her. You
and Francisco and cousin said, “I had a dream that you
Lala. Chema’s passion was were crying and crying; and I
trains. Chema and his mother said, ‘Hi, sister. I am Ulises,
traveled to Mexico to meet your brother. Don’t cry. It is
his other grandparents and all going to be OK. I love
more family. He came back you, sister.’” And then you
happily telling his father told the same thing to your
about everything he enjoyed. mom. With your dad, you
Then he was ready for had enough love. With a hug,
his first day of kindergarten. we said more than a thousand
His mom was very nervous words. We were always
because Chema was timid together and gave each other
and reserved. She feared hugs.
he would cry, but he didn’t.
Chema, the cancer killed
They soon realized that he your body but not your spirit.
had a big heart and was not You will always be a cheerful
afraid to sing in public.
teasing boy. We are remem-
January of 2017 at the bering you and missing you
age of 5 a very sick Chema always. Chema, son of our
was rushed to Portland soul. Chema, you are one
via ambulance where the more angel in heaven.
specialists diagnosed him
Ulises JoseMaria Zavalza
Hemophagocytic was born on Friday, July 29,
L y m p h o h i s t i o c y t o s i s 2011 at 4:15 a.m. and on
(HLH). The doctors started Friday, November 10, 2017,
a regimen of medicines and at 6:45 a.m. his body died but
chemotherapy. He eventually not his spirit.
became allergic to the chemo.
However, a bone marrow
match was found and they
were able to perform the
transplant in June.
For a short time in May,
Chema was able to return
to Pendleton where he was
happy to be staying at Aunt
Cineplex Show Times
Bibiana’s and Uncle Mike’s
$5 Classic Movie
where he spent time with
11/22 12:00 PM
his family. The community
at large embraced him as a
9 to 5
family both prayerfully and Justice League 2D (PG13)
In Portland, the commu-
nity embraced him as the Justice League 3D (PG13)
community of Pendleton 4:40 10:00
had. The family would like
to thank each person for Wonder
4:20 7:10 9:40
their prayers, care, support,
We wish you and yours a
Happy Thanksgiving!
The East Oregonian publishes paid obituaries. The obituary can include small photos and, for veterans, a
flag symbol at no charge. Obituaries may be edited for spelling, proper punctuation and style. Expanded
death notices will be published at no charge. These include information about services. Obituaries and no-
tices can be submitted online at www.eastoregonian.com/obituaryform, by email to obits@eastoregonian.
com, by fax to 541-276-8314, placed via the funeral home or in person at the East Oregonian office. For more
information, call 541-966-0818 or 1-800-522-0255, ext. 221.
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