East Oregonian Page 4A Wednesday, June 28, 2017 Little Darlings 2017 Wednesday, June 28, 2017 East Oregonian Page 5A ST. ANTHONY HOSPITAL COMPREHENSIVE FAMILY SUPPORT Shepherd Amauri Mr Happy Guy I love you so much, my baby, my kissy face, my super hero ‘Bee-Man’ Lyla You are a long awaited blessing. God Bless you! Love always Mom and Dad LACTATION SERVICES MOM & BABY SUPPORT GROUP 7 out of 10 children are improperly restrained for travel. Come and get your seat checked by a Child Passenger Safety tech- nician and make sure your child is as safe as possible! For more information, call 541-278-2627 • Inpatient lactation consults • Outpatient lactation consults by appointment • Breastfeeding classes • Learn the benefi ts of breastfeeding Meet and talk with other mothers in a relaxed atmosphere where you can ask questions and receive support. Every Friday 9am – 11am FREE. Newborns to 18 months CHILDBIRTH CLASSES DIGITAL MAMMOGRAPHY WOMEN’S CLINIC • Labor & birth information • Pain medication • Breathing, relaxation & coping techniques • Cesarean delivery • Breastfeeding • Tour of the Birth Center • How your partner can help The more accurate images captured by 3-D mammography reduces un- necessary callback appointments by 40 percent. This type of screening also catches approximately 41 percent more cases of small, invasive can- cers. Those cancers can be hard to spot with traditional mammogram and frequently require follow-up testing. Services offered at the Women’s Clinic include: • Annual checkups • Pap smears • Pregnancy care and delivery • Treatment for gynecologic problems, including pelvic pain, menopause complica- tions and infertility.The Women’s Clinic also offers lactation and education services, including inpatient and outpatient lactation consults, breastfeeding classes, childbirth classes, and a mom and baby support group. Stella and Nellie Ms. Cautious You’re so cute! LJ and Dani Ember and Kian Julie CAR SEAT PROGRAM You two are our pride and joy. We love you very much. Grandma and Grandpa Love you two! Nana and Papa. Craik Pediatric Dentistry 107 E. Cherry St, Walla Walla, Wa. 99362 • 509-525-7336 info@wallawallakidsdentist.com • We offer a unique pediatric dental experience that is interactive and fun. • We encourage parental participation and strive to keep our patients involved and well educated in their dental needs. 2801 St. Anthony Way, Pendleton, OR 541-276-5121 • We promote good oral health through genuine compassion, clear communication and clinical excellence. • We stay abreast of the newest techniques and continually update our education, so that we can provide you with excellent, current and comprehensive patient care. Gabriella Mommy & Daddy love you very much! We love watch- ing you grow & learn. You are smart & sweet :) We ♥ u! Delivering Miracles Daily Aleigh and Amauri The Family Birth Center provides the best in maternity care services. SCHEDULE A TOUR! 1.+/0!0.%/!.0%ü! ,$5/%%*/Č*1./!/Č* /1,,+.0/0û.! +),//%+*0!* .%*#Č0'%*#%*0++*/% !.0%+*5+1.1*%-1! birthing plans. After your delivery you can rest assured that our team "5+13+1( (%'!0+/$! 1(!0+1.Č ,(!/!((1/0ĆąāċććĈċăćĈĀČ+.2%/%01/ +*(%*!0333ċ#/$!(0$ċ+.#Ƭ of experts is available to support you and your baby. In addition to +1.!4!,0%+*(.!Č+1.)%(5ǫ%.0$ƫ!*0!.+û!./č Q Sanijet Jacuzzi tub in each room Q Private Birthing Suites Q C-Section Suite Q *+1.#!'%*ġ0+ġ'%*ƫ+*00 Q Breastfeeding Support Q Special Care Nursery Q A la carte Meal Service Q Birthing Classes Q Legacy Health Tele-Baby Ƶþ(%0! Q Pediatric Visit Q Private Tours + + $ ! , $ ! . ! ( 0 $ ƫ .! 5/0! ) ćā Ā ā ā 0 $ 0 .! ! 0 ! . ) % /0+ * Č ĊĈ ĉ ă ĉ Ć ąā ċ ć ćĈċ ă ą Ā Ā 333ċ# / $ ! ( 0 $ ċ+ .# A cousin’s bond lasts a life- time, but their love endures forever. I love you. Laynee Kyrie Genesys Let me announce I’m here I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always. As long as I’m living my baby girl you’ll be. Love Mom and Dad Laynee-Lu-And though she be but little, she is fi erce. Because of you we laugh a little harder, cry a little less and smile a lot more. You’re entire family loves you up to the sun and the moon and the stars in the sky. Angel You really are an “Angel” We love you very much! You are a smart handsome boy! We love U! Cage You bring us joy, smiles and laughter everyday. We love you! Affordable Specialty Care For Your Children, Right Here At Home! Call Today! 541-289-5433 1060 W. Elm, Suite #115, Hermiston, OR (across from Good Shepherd Medical Center) www.hermistonkidsdentist.com Offi ce Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm