CLASSIFIEDS Tuesday, June 13, 2017 Pets 445 Pets 445 Pets 445 Business/Service East Oregonian 355 NOTICE: OREGON STATE law requires anyone who contracts for construction work to be licensed with the Construction Contractors Board. An active license means the contractor is bonded and insured. Verify the contractorʼs CCB license through the CCB Consumer Website: Mia is a 4 year old female Domestic Longhair Pongo is a 1 1/2 year old male Boxer/ Dalmation Available for adoption at PAWS 517 SE 3rd St. Available for adoption at PAWS 517 SE 3rd St. Sponsored by Pupcakes Sponsored by Pupcakes Ranier is a 2 month old female Chihuahua/ Dachshund Mix Available for adoption at PAWS 517 SE 3rd St. Sponsored by Pupcakes Miscellaneous 485 AIRPORT ANTIQUES The Furniture Lady 1816 NW 51st Open Saturday, June 17 10am-3pm Garage Sales Pendleton 530 Recreational Vehicles 600 16ʼ ALUMINUM Boat with snap on/off enclosure, 2 motors, and trailer. Very nice. Asking $5000 541-567-9681 No calls after 7pm Reach the buyer you’re looking for with a low cost, effective classified ad. YOUR DREAM home is right here in the Classifieds… check our listings for your next move! PUBLIC NOTICES EO-8985 NOTICE OF SHERIFFʼS SALE On June 28th, 2017 at the hour of 10:00 a.m. at the Umatilla County Sheriffʼs Office main entrance, 4700 NW Pioneer Place, Pendleton, Oregon, the defendantʼs interest will be sold, subject to redemption, in the real property commonly known as: 1215 SW NYE AVE, PENDLETON, OR 97801- 9406. The court case number is CV151802 where U.S. BANK N.A., AS TRUSTEE, SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO BANK OF AMERICA N.A., AS TRUSTEE, SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO LASALLE BANK, N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR RESIDENTIAL ASSET MORTGAGE PRODUCTS, INC., MORTGAGE ASSET- BACKED PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2007-RP3 is plaintiff, and PEGGY A. WILLIAMS; MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR GREENPOINT MORTGAGE FUNDING, INC.; BANK OF AMERICA, N.A.; AND ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS 1215 SW NYE AVE., PENDLETON, OR 97801- 9406, is defendant. The sale is a public auction to the highest bidder for cash or cashierʼs check, in hand, made out to Umatilla County Sheriffʼs Office. For more information on this sale go to: May 30, June 6, 13, 20, 2017 Page 5B PUBLIC NOTICES EO-8982 NOTICE OF SHERIFFʼS SALE On June 28th, 2017 at the hour of 10:00 a.m. at the Umatilla County Sheriffʼs Office main entrance, 4700 NW Pioneer Place, Pendleton, Oregon, the defendantʼs interest will be sold, subject to redemption, in the real property commonly known as: 3332 SW Kirk Ave, Pendleton, OR 97801. The court case number is CV151653 where JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION is plaintiff, and KIMBERLY K. GOODHUE; WALTER S. COX; STATE OF OREGON; ASHLEY L. SELLER; PARTIES IN POSSESSION, is defendant. The sale is a public auction to the highest bidder for cash or cashierʼs check, in hand, made out to Umatilla County Sheriffʼs Office. For more information on this sale go to: May 30, June 6, 13, 20, 2017 View all statewide legal notices online at; EO-8962 NOTICE OF SHERIFFʼS SALE On June 28th, 2017 at the hour of 10:00 a.m. at the Umatilla County Sheriffʼs Office main entrance, 4700 NW Pioneer Place, Pendleton, Oregon, the defendantʼs interest will be sold, subject to redemption, in the real property commonly known as: 735 NW 7TH Street, Hermiston, Oregon 97838. The court case number is CV160464 where CITIMORTGAGE, INC., is plaintiff, and LETITIA J. FURCHES; PACIFIC COAST RECOVERY SERVICES, INC.; OREGON AFFORDABLE HOUSING ASSISTANCE CORPORATION; CACH, LLC; and ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS 735 NW 7TH ST, HERMISTON, OREGON 97838, is defendant. The sale is a public auction to the highest bidder for cash or cashierʼs check, in hand, made out to Umatilla County Sheriffʼs Office. For more information on this sale go to: May 30, June 6, 13, 20, 2017 EO-8939 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned Sheriff of Umatilla County, Oregon, by virtue of order May 3, 2017, by the County Commissioners of Umatilla County, Oregon, will on the 27th day of June, 2017, at the hour of 10:00 a.m., sell to the highest bidder in Room 130 of the Umatilla County Courthouse, 216 S.E. 4th, Pendleton, Oregon 97801 the following described parcels of land, heretofore acquired for delinquent taxes or other means by Umatilla County, Oregon. The following interests HAVE NOT BEEN EXAMINED FOR EASEMENTS, MORTGAGE, or OTHER LIENS which may qualify as defects in the title of the interest. All sales will be for cash at the time of sale. Acceptable forms of payment will be cash, money orders and bank checks. A recording fee will be assessed at the time of the purchase in order to properly record the deed to the property. The County WILL NOT WARRANT OR DEFEND THE FEE SIMPLE TITLE OF INTERESTS OFFERED FOR SALE TO BE FREE OF DEFECT OR ENCUMBRANCE. BIDDER SHALL TAKE THE PROPERTY AS IS, IN ITS PRESENT CONDITION, AND SUBJECT TO ANY EASEMENTS OR EXCEPTIONS OF RECORDS, LACK OF ACCESS, ZONING LIMITATIONS AND CONTAMINATION. The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to remove any property from the sale at any time. ECHO AREA: 1. 05-05, 3N2916BD TL#10501, ACCT #143728; RMV $65,460; MINIMUM BID $65,460; LOCATED AT 110 S DUPONT ST, IN THE CITY OF ECHO; LOT SIZE IS APPROXIMATELY .24 ACRES; ZONED R-1. TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 2017 ARIES (March 21-April 19). What someone said to you long ago is still part of your inner scenery, like words drifting on a lake of thought. Go on and ignore them a while longer. Someday they will wash up on the far shore and never get in your way again. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Comfortable people are more honest and generous than defensive people. Your kindness, astute attention and warmth will make people comfortable around you. You've much to gain. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Everyone seems to need you at once -- part of the deal when you're the cosmic darling. Just remember that you have the choice of when and if to respond to people. Their urgency doesn't have to be yours. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You want to share, but choose your audience carefully. Some stories are like hot meals that start to cool off as soon as the air touches them. Consider a diary first and then see how you feel when the private writing is done. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You feel like a fountain, the water of emotion circling through you, the same feeling being pumped up and falling from you. It's the circulation that keeps this fresh. You're willing to feel unimpeded -- an attractive feature. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You don't make the weather outside, but you can go where it's usually sunny this time of year. Similarly, you don't make the weather inside, but you can escape to tropical vacation spots of imagination at will, so what's stopping you? LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You shouldn't have to pay to have your senses enlivened: It's a point of reference, a state of mind, and it's free. You'll go where the scents rhyme and the colors beat out a rhythm your eyes can't help but dance to. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Your ambition will have you setting lofty goals you're not likely to hit. However, you'll get much further than if you hadn't aimed so high. The key will be to interpret all success as significant and to maintain a joyful tone. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). When you fall for someone, the ride down comes with a rush and a hope that you'll be caught or land on something soft. When you believed you've been tripped -- well, that's a far less enjoyable trajectory. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). A strong sense of style isn't really a matter of good taste or bad taste; rather, it's a specific set of mindful choices and intentions repeated in an identifiable pattern. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). When you first made your decision, you weren't sure. Now you're starting to love this choice. The best part about it is, the more you love it, the less you need other people to love it. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). If you had to point it back to a single event that tweaked the relationship, you'd be stumped. It was probably something minor, and it wasn't your fault, either, but that doesn't matter now. What matters is fixing it. TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (June 13). You'll invest your heart in projects and be intensely fulfilled this year. Set out with faith that the path before you will be cleared. The next three weeks you'll brainstorm and keep clarifying your vision. Return often to your creative influences. August through October bring toil and sweat then a big cash-in. Libra and Scorpio adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 10, 40, 4, 49 and 17. HERMISTON AREA: 1. 08-01, 4N2811DB TL#1600, ACCT #131790; RMV $92,630; MINIMUM BID $92,630; LOCATED AT 716 E RIDGEWAY AVE, IN THE CITY OF HERMISTON; LOT SIZE IS APPROXIMATELY .12 ACRES; ZONED R-2. 2. 08-04, 5N2826C TL#1202, ACCT #159002; RMV $70,700; MINIMUM BID $70,700; LOCATED AT THE INTERSECTION OF BAGGETT LN AND ALPINE DR, NEAR THE CITY OF HERMISTON; LOT SIZE IS APPROXIMATELY 3.70 ACRES; ZONED RR-4. MEACHAM AREA: 1. 16-02, 1S3503DB TL#2900, ACCT #116873; RMV $26,390; MINIMUM BID $3,958.50; LOCATED AT 64161 & 64169 OLD OREGON TRAIL RD, IN THE CITY OF MEACHAM; LOT SIZE IS APPROXIMATELY .91 ACRES; ZONED U-C. 2. 09-08, 2N3500 TL#114, ACCT #120079; RMV $108,000; MINIMUM BID $108,000; LOCATED EAST OF ISKUULPA CREEK RD; LOT SIZE IS APPROXIMATELY 80 ACRES; ZONED G-1. MILTON FREEWATER AREA: 1. 07-02, 5N3502DA TL#2900, ACCT #111820; RMV $78,360; MINIMUM BID $78,360; LOCATED AT 108 NW 1ST AVE, IN THE CITY OF MILTON FREEWATER; LOT SIZE IS APPROXIMATELY .11 ACRES; ZONED R-3. 2. 07-11, 6N3526C TL#302, ACCT #163145; RMV $90; MINIMUM BID $90; LOCATED ADJACENT TO 84494 HWY 339, NEAR THE CITY OF MILTON FREEWATER; LOT SIZE IS APPROXIMATELY .01 ACRES; ZONED EFU-10. PENDLETON AREA: 1. 16-30, 2N3201DC TL#4200, ACCT #101818; RMV $44,210; MINIMUM BID $44,210; LOCATED AT 323 NE ANVIDON ST, IN THE CITY OF PENDLETON; LOT SIZE IS APPROXIMATELY .09 ACRES; ZONED R-2. 2. 16-08, 2N3202DD TL#4100, ACCT #103034; RMV $1,580; MINIMUM BID $1,580; LOCATED WITHIN THE VACATED ORDINANCE BETWEEN BLOCKS 146 AND 153, RESERVATION ADDITION, IN THE CITY OF PENDLETON; LOT SIZE IS APPROXIMATELY .02 ACRES; ZONED R-2. 3. 16-01, 2N3203DA TL#15500, ACCT #158937; RMV $46,350; MINIMUM BID $46,350; LOCATED AT 718 N MAIN ST, IN THE CITY OF PENDLETON; LOT SIZE IS APPROXIMATELY .17 ACRES; ZONED R-1. 4. 16-01, 2N3203DA TL#15700, ACCT #158939; RMV $46,350; MINIMUM BID $46,350; LOCATED AT 728 N MAIN ST, IN THE CITY OF PENDLETON; LOT SIZE IS APPROXIMATELY .13 ACRES; ZONED R-1. 5. 16-01, 2N3210CD TL#700, ACCT #109888; RMV $110,510; MINIMUM BID $16,576.50; LOCATED AT 1800 SW GOODWIN PL, IN THE CITY OF PENDLETON; LOT SIZE IS APPROXIMATELY .13 ACRES; ZONED R-2. REITH AREA: 1. 16-27, 2N31A TL#2003, ACCT #163489; RMV $22,630; MINIMUM BID $22,630; LOCATED ADJACENT TO REITH RD, NEAR THE CITY OF REITH; LOT SIZE IS APPROXIMATELY 15.98 ACRES; ZONED EFU. STANFIELD AREA: 1. 61-01, 4N2932CB TL#500, ACCT #117731; RMV $1,360; MINIMUM BID $1,360; LOCATED IN THE 400 BLOCK OF W ROOSEVELT AVE, IN THE CITY OF STANFIELD; LOT SIZE IS APPROXIMATELY .28 ACRES; ZONED R. UKIAH AREA: 1. 80-02, 5S3114CA TL#300, ACCT #117459; RMV $65,290; MINIMUM BID $65,290; LOCATED AT 202 E MAIN ST, IN THE CITY OF UKIAH; LOT SIZE IS APPROXIMATELY .18 ACRES; ZONED RC. Terry Rowan Umatilla County Sheriff By: Sterrin Holcomb Umatilla County Deputy Sheriff May 30, June 6, 13, 20, 2017