CLASSIFIEDS Wednesday, May 3, 2017 Employment 335 LOCAL LAWN C2re Comp2ny looking for depend2ble, h2rdworking person to join our te2m. Must h2ve v2lid driverʼs license To Inquire C2ll 541-276-7934 SCHOOL BUS Drivers Needed / Pendleton $350 bonus pl2n P2id Tr2ining CDL License Reimbursement $11.88 per hour to st2rt C2ll Mid Columbi2 Bus Co tod2y: 541-276-5621 The City of Hermiston h2s 2 PART-TIME LIBRARY ASSISTANT position 2v2il2ble. (25 hours/week, some evenings 2nd S2turd2ys), St2rting s2l2ry $17.60 - $21.42/hour. Closing d2te M2y 12, 2017 Closing d2te 2t 5:00pm. Applic2tions 2nd full job description 2v2il2ble 2t City H2ll, 180 NE 2nd Street, 2nd online The City of Hermiston is 2n EOE. Pets Miscellaneous 485 FOR LEASE: 935 2cres of dry l2nd whe2t ground. C2ll 541-276-2753 2nd 2sk for Leroy Garage Sales Pendleton 530 VISIT & ASSIST Seniors in their homes, up to $460/monthly t2x free, must be 55 or older. Person2l income limits. C2ll John Brenne, 541-276-4474 or jcbrenne@ WANTED EXPERIENCED middle 2ge wom2n for live-in c2ret2ker for elderly wom2n in Pendleton. Full- time, room/bo2rd plus s2l2ry. No smoking/ pets. 541-310-9015 for 2ppointment for interview. WATER TREATMENT. Intern2tion2l comp2ny looking to hire 2 W2ter Tre2tment Speci2list loc2ted in Bo2rdm2n/Hermiston. S2les 2nd Service rel2ted to Boilers, Cooling Towers, 2nd Industri2l W2stew2ter. Technic2l degree preferred 2nd/or industry experience. Em2il resume to Pets Automobiles 705 '09 CHEV Dur2m2x LTZ. 187K mi. White w le2ther interior. $30,300 541-571-0740 Hermiston Business/Service 355 NOTICE: OREGON STATE l2w requires 2nyone who contr2cts for construction work to be licensed with the Construction Contr2ctors Bo2rd. An 2ctive license me2ns the contr2ctor is bonded 2nd insured. Verify the contr2ctorʼs CCB license through the CCB Consumer Website: 445 Mercury is 2 3 ye2r old m2le Domestic Shorth2ir/ Russi2n Blue Av2il2ble for 2doption 2t PAWS 517 SE 3rd St. Sponsored by Pupc2kes PUBLIC NOTICES About Public Notices Midnight is 2 1 ye2r old m2le Retriever/L2br2dor Av2il2ble for 2doption 2t PAWS 517 SE 3rd St. Sponsored by Pupc2kes Molly is 2 2.5 ye2r old fem2le D2lm2tion/Retriever/ L2br2dor Av2il2ble for 2doption 2t PAWS 517 SE 3rd St. Sponsored by Pupc2kes P2tches is 2 5 ye2r old fem2le Domestic Shorth2ir mix Av2il2ble for 2doption 2t PAWS 517 SE 3rd St. Sponsored by Pupc2kes Public notices inform citizens 2bout the 2ctivities of government bodies — such 2s budgets 2nd public he2rings, upcoming meetings 2nd elections — so th2t citizens c2n m2ke their opinions known before 2n 2ction is t2ken or 2 rule or l2w is m2de. They 2lso include inform2tion 2bout foreclosures, uncl2imed 2nd forfeited property, est2te cl2ims 2nd prob2te notices, summons, 2nd c2lls for bids. EO-8826 NOTICE OF BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING UKIAH SCHOOL DISTRICT #80-R NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursu2nt to ORS 294.401, th2t 2 meeting of the budget committee of the Uki2h School District #80-R will be held on the 10th d2y of M2y, 2017 2t 6:00 p.m. for the purpose of receiving the budget mess2ge 2nd budget document of the district for the fisc2l ye2r 2017- 2018. The meeting will be held 2t the Uki2h Schools, 201 Hill Street, Uki2h, Oregon. This is 2 public meeting where deliber2tions of the budget committee will t2ke pl2ce 2nd 2ny person m2y 2ppe2r 2nd comment on proposed progr2ms with the budget committee 2t th2t time. A copy of the budget document will be 2v2il2ble 2t Uki2h Schools 2t the time of the meeting. D2n Korber, Superintendent & Budget Officer April 19 & M2y 3, 2017 EO-8873 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS Tit2ni2 is 2 4 ye2r old fem2le Shorth2ir/ Colourpoint Shorth2ir In the Circuit Court of the St2te of Oregon for the County of Um2till2 No. 17PB02980 Av2il2ble for 2doption 2t PAWS 517 SE 3rd St. Est2te of: P2trici2 B. Boyd, Dece2sed. Sponsored by Pupc2kes Notice is hereby given th2t the person n2med below h2s been 2ppointed person2l represent2tive of the est2te. All persons h2ving cl2ims CLASSIFIEDS ARE where to look for 2pples or 2p2rtments, books or bre2d m2chines, c2r- pet or c2ttle… find it here! 2g2inst the est2te must present them to the person2l represent2tive 2t P.O. Box 218, Pendleton, OR 97801 within four months 2fter the d2te of first public2tion of this notice, or the cl2ims m2y be b2rred. All persons whose rights m2y be 2ffected by the proceedings m2y obt2in 2ddition2l inform2tion from the records of the court, the person2l represent2tive or the 2ttorney. AIRPORT ANTIQUES The Furniture L2dy 1816 NW 51st Open S2turd2y, M2y 6 102m-3pm ) ) ) Page 5B PUBLIC NOTICES 445 PUPPIES FOR S2le. One fem2le, 4 m2les. T2ils 2re bobbed -border collie/blue heeler cross. up-to-d2te on shots. Excellent pets. $75.00 e2ch. C2ll S2ndy 541-969-0010 East Oregonian D2ted 2nd first published: April 19, 2017 Willi2m P. Boyd Pers. Rep. 69940 Hwy. 395 So. Pendleton, OR 97801 K2rin E. D2ll2s Of Attys. for Pers. Rep. Corey, Byler & Rew, LLP 222 SE Dorion Ave P.O. Box 218 Pendleton, OR 97801 541-276-3331 April 19, 26, M2y 3, 2017 EO-8908 PUBLIC NOTICE MORROW COUNTY LAND USE HEARING THE MORROW COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS will hold the following he2ring of public interest on Wednesd2y, M2y 24, 2017 2t 9:00 2.m. 2t the B2rtholomew Building, Heppner, Oregon. TSP-109-17 Tr2nsport2tion System Pl2n (TSP): Morrow County, 2pplic2nt. This upd2te of the TSP Appendix B Recommended Ro2dw2y System Projects is needed to f2cilit2te new five-ye2r 2nd twenty-ye2r project lists. These project lists, recommended by the Ro2d Committee, will determine ro2d improvements 2nd m2inten2nce for the next 5 to 7 ye2rs. These project lists include ro2ds throughout Morrow County. Criteri2 for 2pprov2l includes the Morrow County Zoning Ordin2nce Article 8 2nd the Morrow County Comprehensive Pl2n Review 2nd Revision. This is the second of 2t le2st two he2rings, with the fin2l he2ring to be in front of the Bo2rd of Commissioners. Opportunity to voice support or opposition to the 2bove propos2l or to 2sk questions will be provided. F2ilure to r2ise 2n issue in person or by letter or f2ilure to provide sufficient specificity to 2fford the decision m2ker 2n opportunity to respond to the issue precludes 2ppe2l to the L2nd Use Bo2rd of Appe2ls b2sed on those issues. Copies of the st2ff report 2nd 2ll relev2nt documents will be 2v2il2ble 2fter M2y 12, 2017. For more inform2tion ple2se cont2ct C2rl2 McL2ne 2t 541- 922-4624 or 541-676-9061 extension 5505. DATED this 3rd d2y of M2y 2017. MORROW COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT M2y 3, 2017 EO-8902 NOTICE OF BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING A public meeting of the Budget Committee of the Um2till2 Hospit2l District #1, County of Um2till2, St2te of Oregon, to discuss the budget for the fisc2l ye2r July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018, will be held 2t Um2till2 Medic2l Clinic, 1890 E. 7th St., Um2till2, OR 97882. The meeting will t2ke pl2ce on M2y 17, 2017 2t 7:30 PM. The purpose of the meeting is to receive the budget mess2ge 2nd to receive comment from the public on the budget. This is 2 public meeting where deliber2tion of the Budget Committee will t2ke pl2ce. Any person m2y 2ppe2r 2t the meeting 2nd discuss the proposed progr2ms with the Budget Committee. A copy of the budget document m2y be inspected or obt2ined on or 2fter M2y 17, 2017 2t the Um2till2 Medic2l Clinic, between the hours of 9:00 AM 2nd 5:00 PM. M2y 3, 10, 2017 EO-8916 NOTICE OF BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING A public meeting of the Budget Committee of the Hermiston Cemetery District, Um2till2 County, St2te of Oregon, to discuss the budget for the fisc2l ye2r July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018, will be held 2t Burns Mortu2ry, 685 W Hermiston Ave., Hermiston OR 97838. The meeting will t2ke pl2ce on M2y 18, 2017, 2t 4:00 PM. The purpose of the meeting is to receive the budget mess2ge 2nd to receive comment from the public on the budget. This is 2 public meeting where deliber2tion of the Budget Committee will t2ke pl2ce. Any person m2y 2ppe2r 2t the meeting 2nd discuss the proposed progr2ms with the Budget Committee. A copy of the budget document m2y be inspected or obt2ined on or 2fter M2y 15, 2017 2t Burns Mortu2ry, 685 W Hermiston Ave., Hermiston, OR 97838, between the hours of 9:00 AM 2nd 5:00 PM. M2y 3, 10, 2017 EO-8919 NOTICE OF BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING A public meeting of the Budget Committee of the Echo Cemetery District 7, Um2till2 County, St2te of Oregon, on the budget for the fisc2l ye2r July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018, will be held 2t 301 M2in St., Echo Oregon. The meeting will t2ke pl2ce on M2y 8, 2017 2t 3:30 PM. The purpose of the meeting is to receive the budget mess2ge. This is 2 public meeting where deliber2tion of the Budget Committee will t2ke pl2ce. An 2ddition2l, sep2r2te meeting of the Budget Committee will be held to t2ke public comment. Any person m2y 2ppe2r 2t the meeting 2nd discuss the proposed progr2ms with the Budget Committee. The meeting for public comment will be on M2y 22, 2017 2t 3:30 PM, held 2t 301 M2in St., Echo Oregon. A copy of the budget document m2y be inspected or obt2ined on or 2fter June 30, 2017 2t 20 S Bon2nz2, Echo, Oregon, between the hours of 9:00 AM 2nd 4:00 PM. M2y 3, 6, 2017 Notices under this cl2ssific2tion 2re required by l2w to run in 2 newsp2per of gener2l circul2tion. A not2rized proof of public2tion will be provided for 2ll notices. Some notices m2y require pre-p2yment. De2dline for submission is 3pm, three (3) working d2ys prior to required public2tion d2te. The E2st Oregoni2n will 2ccept responsibility for printing errors on the first public2tion only. Submit to: Terri Briggs or D2yle Stinson 211 SE Byers Ave. Pendleton, Or 97801 View 2ll st2tewide leg2l notices online 2t; EO-8909 NOTICE OF BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING A public meeting of the Budget Committee of the Pilot Rock Rur2l Fire District, Um2till2 County, St2te of Oregon, to discuss the budget for the fisc2l ye2r July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018, will be held 2t Pilot Rock Fire St2tion, 400 NE Elm St., Pilot Rock. The meeting will t2ke pl2ce on M2y 8, 2017 2t 7:00 pm. The purpose of the meeting is to receive the budget messge 2nd to receive comment from the public on the budget. This is 2 public meeting where deliber2tion of the Budget Committee will t2ke pl2ce. Any person m2y 2ppe2r 2t the meeting 2nd discuss the proposed progr2ms with the Budget Committee. A copy of the budget document m2y be inspected or obt2ined on or 2fter April 29, 2017 2t 460 SW Biorch Pl., Pilot Rock, between the hours of 1:00 pm 2nd 5:00 pm. April 29; M2y 3, 2017 EO-8911 NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING A meeting of the Morrow County He2lth District Bo2rd of Directors will be held on M2y 22, 2017, 6:00 pm, 2t the Pioneer Memori2l Clinic Conference Room, Heppner, Oregon. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fisc2l ye2r beginning July 1, 2017, 2s proposed by the Morrow County He2lth District Bo2rd. A summ2ry of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget m2y be inspected or obt2ined 2t MCHD Administr2tion Office, 564 E. Pioneer Dr, Heppner, Oregon, between the hours of 8:00 2m 2nd 5:00 pm or by c2lling 541-676-2925. This budget w2s prep2red on 2 b2sis of 2ccounting th2t is consistent with the preceding ye2r. This budget is for 2n 2nnu2l period 2nd h2s only one fund. FINANCIAL SUMMARY Anticipated Requirements Adopted Budget Proposed Budget This Year 2016-2017 Next Year 2017-2018 1. Tot2l Person2l Services $7,571,308 $8,801,337 2. Tot2l M2teri2ls 2nd Supplies 2,972,789 3,324,454 3. Tot2l C2pit2l Outl2y 491,494 1,211,272 4. Tot2l Debt Service 323,167 361,438 5. Tot2l Contingencies 0 0 6. Tot2l All Other Expenditures 2nd Requirements 1,142,369 1,172,036 7. Un2ppropri2ted Amount Reserved for Future Use 108,904 105,287 8. Total Requirements - add lines 1 - 7 $12,610,031 $14,975,824 Anticipated Resources 9. Tot2l Resources Except Property T2xes $10,825,479 $13,479,433 10. Tot2l Property T2xes Estim2ted To Be Received 1,784,552 1,496,391 11. Amount Used From Prior Ye2r C2sh Reserve 0 0 12.Total Resources - add lines 9 - 11 $12,610,031 $14,975,824 Estimated Ad Valorem Property Taxes 13. Total Property Taxes Estimated To Be Received $1,784,552 $1,496,391 14. Plus: Estim2ted Property T2xes Not to be Received A. Loss Due to Constitution2l Limits 303,436 240,280 B. Discounts Allowed, Other Uncollected Amounts 64,577 53,712 15.Total Tax Levied - add lines 13, 14A & 14B $2,152,565 $1,790,383 Tax Levies By Type Rate or Amount Rate or Amount 16. Perm2nent R2te Limit Levy ($/1,000) .6050 .6050 17. Loc2l Option T2xes ($/1,000) .3900 .3900 18. Levy for Bonded Debt or Oblig2tions 0 0 M2y 3, 2017 EO-8921 NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING A public meeting of the City of Plot Rock will be held on M2y 16, 2017, 2t 7pm 2t the Pilot Rock Council Ch2mbers, 143 W. M2in, Pilot Rock, Oregon. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fisc2l ye2r benigging July 1, 2017 2s 2pproved by the Pilot Rock Budget Committee. A summ2ry of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget m2y be inspected or obt2ind 2t City H2ll, 144 NW Alder Pl., Pilot Rock, Oregon between the hours of 8 2.m. 2nd 5 p.m. or online 2t This budgtet is for 2n 2nnu2l budget period. This budget w2s prep2red on 2 b2sis of 2ccounting th2t is the s2me 2s the preceding ye2r. Cont2ct: Teri Porter Telephone: 541-443-2811 Em2il: FINANCIAL SUMMARY - RESOURCES TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS Actu2l Amount Adopted Budget Approved Budget 2015-2016 This Ye2r 2016-2017 Next Ye2r 2017-2018 Beginning Fund B2l2nce/Net Working C2pit2l 635,500 697,006 790,598 Fees, Licenses, Permits, Fines, Assessments & Other Services 598,724 578,837 663,655 Feder2l, St2te 2nd 2ll Other Gr2nts, Gifts, Alloc2tions 198,618 174,185 234,300 Revenue from Bonds 2nd Other Debt 0 0 0 Interfund Tr2nsfers / Intern2l Service 1,895 157,049 185,800 All Other Resources Except Current Ye2r Property 260,060 228,680 4,250,415 Current Ye2r Property T2xes Estim2ted to be Received 166,117 160,000 162,000 Tot2l Resources 1,872,914 1,995,757 6,286,768 FINANCIAL SUMMARY - REQUIREMENTS BY OBJECT CLASSIFICATION Personnel Services 531,194 680,320 M2teri2ls 2nd Services 384,707 655,991 C2pit2l Outl2y 148,680 435,138 Debt Service 0 0 Interfund Tr2nsfers 93,385 157,049 Contingencies 0 67,259 Speci2l P2yments 0 0 Un2ppropri2ted Ending B2l2nce 2nd Reserved for Future Expenditure 0 0 Tot2l Requirements 1,157,966 1,995,757 730,917 4,760,508 546,946 0 185,800 62,597 0 0 6,286,768 FINANCIAL SUMMARY - REQUIREMENTS AND FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT EMPLOYEES (FTE) BY ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT OR PROGRAM N2me of Org2niz2tion2l Unit or Progr2m FTE for th2t unit or progr2m City H2ll Office 2nd Overhe2d Dept. 104,543 123,480 138,998 FTE 1.26 1.26 1.26 M2yor 2nd Council Dep2rtment 21,146 20,700 19,727 FTE 0 0 0 Police Dep2rtment 240,569 375,796 396,724 FTE 3 3 3 P2rks Dep2rtment 17,717 48,925 60,525 FTE 0.11 0.11 0.11 Street Dep2rtment 103,662 375,491 413,483 FTE 0.12 0.12 0.12 Public Works Dep2rtments 494,542 791,251 4,940,237 FTE 3.75 3.75 3.75 Libr2ry 51,778 66,705 67,975 FTE 0.87 0.87 0.87 Not Alloc2ted to Org2niz2tion2l Unit or Progr2m 182,442 193,209 249,099 FTE 0 0 0 Tot2l Requirements 1,216,399 1,995,557 6,286,768 Tot2l FTE 9.11 9.11 9.11 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ACTIVITIES and SOURCES OF FINANCING The City will incre2se the sewer r2tes by 20% ($7 to residenti2l users), 2s p2rt of the increment2l incre2ses to meet the $42 required threshold, m2king us elible for 2 $1.4million gr2nt to help p2y for the required l2goon upgr2de. The Public S2fey Surch2rge ordin2nce of 2010 provided for 2 $6 monthly surch2rge to 2ssist in funding 2 three m2n police dep2rtment. With the police dep2rtment now fully st2ffed the surch2rge will be incre2sed from $3.50 to $4.50. W2ter r2tes incre2sed 7.14%.. Incre2ses to person2l services reflect 2n incre2se in medic2l insur2nce costs, PERS 2s well 2s 2 3% w2ge incre2se. R2te or Amount R2te or Amount R2te or Amount Imposed Imposed Approved 2015-2016 This Ye2r 2016-2017 Next Ye2r 2017-2018 Perm2nent R2te Levy (r2te limit 2.8958 per $1000) 2.8958 2.8958 2.8958 LONG TERM DEBT Gener2l Oblig2tion Bonds Other Bonds Other Borrowings Tot2l M2y 3, 2017 Estim2ted Debt Outst2nding Estim2ted Debt Authorized, But on July 1 Not Incurred on July 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0