East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 01, 2017, Page 10, Image 10

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Three great gifts in the journey of the being human
rom birth we are given at least
three gi s to create posi ve
change in our lives. When
these gi s are nurtured we can be-
come the crea ve force in our own
lives. The gi s allow us to become
the writer, the director and the
actor in the produc on called “Our
Choice. From the beginning,
choice is a part of our human make-
up. It is this innate ability to choose
that leads us to posi ve growth and
happiness. Between s mulus, what
happens to us, and response, how
we act, there is a space. Contained
in that space is our freedom and
our power to choose our response
to any circumstance.
The more we prac ce choosing,
the more confi dent we become in
our ability to make posi ve deci-
sions that lead to a life well-lived.
Kids Talk™
Having the ability to choose is
given to us, and we always have
a choice for our response.
We strengthen our skill by
exercising our gi of being
able to choose. It is with our
choices that we write our
Natural laws and univer-
sal principles. The natural
laws and universal principles
that govern our lives are
another present given to us.
These laws and principles
direct our lives whether we
are aware of them or not.
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There are physical laws, such as,
gravity, the rota on of the earth,
and the earth’s mo on around the
sun, to name only a few. Principles
of human behavior, such as kind-
ness, respect, honesty, personal
integrity, and service to mankind,
operate constantly in every culture
on our planet.
Physical laws guide our ac ons
because we cannot change the
forces that are exerted on us. We
choose to ignore the force of grav-
ity at our own peril. We can’t stop
day turning into night, or the earth
from moving through the universe.
Physical laws control the conse-
quences of our physical choices.
Likewise, we ignore universal
principles with dangerous results.
Choosing to use principles, such as
respect, kindness and trust, en-
ables us to tap into a moral author-
ity to guide our lives through many
hazards. If we choose to make
decisions and place value in our life
on ac vi es not based on univer-
sal principles that are self-evident,
factual, objec ve and impersonal,
well, we will have a hard row to
Universal principles direct our
lives with objec ve cause and ef-
fect. Disregard principles of human
behavior and the eff ects can seem
very personal and subjec ve. When
we are cognizant of these underly-
ing principles of life, we
are more likely to make
wise choices.
Inborn intelligence.
Our third gi is our-
selves: our bodies, our
hearts, our minds and
our spirits. We might say
we are comprised of four
dis nct intelligences:
physical, social/emo on-
al, mental and spiritual.
How we choose to use
our talents depends on
the tools, people, ideas,
and natural surroundings in which
we fi nd ourselves. Our intelligences
allow us to act on our choices and
Each of us is given three gi s:
choice, self-evident physical and
spiritual laws that are objec ve,
factual, impersonal, and self-evi-
dent, along with the innate intel-
ligence to act on our choices and
values. As adults, let us recognize
our gi s so that we can help our
children understand and fully u lize
these natural endowments.
Kids Talk™ is an award-winning
column dealing with childhood de-
velopment issues wri en by Maren
Stark Schmidt, M.Ed. She has more
than 25 years experience working
with young children and is the au-
thor of Understanding Montessori:
A Guide for Parents. Contact her via
e-mail at maren@kidstalknews.