Page 8A East Oregonian NATION/WORLD Wednesday, April 12, 2017 Tillerson in Moscow: Pushing During border visit, on Syria where Obama failed Sessions outlines MOSCOW (AP) — The Trump administration veered toward deeper conflict with Russia Tuesday as Secre- tary of State Rex Tillerson arrived in Moscow, gambling that an unpredict- able new president armed with the willingness to threaten military action gives the U.S. much-needed leverage to end Syria’s carnage. Yet there were no guarantees Tillerson’s arguments would prove any more successful than the Obama administration’s failed effort to peel Russia away from its Syrian ally. Tillerson’s mission, coming days after 59 Tomahawk missiles struck a Syrian air base, also carries serious risks: If Russia brushes off the warnings, Pres- ident Donald Trump could be forced into another show of force in Syria or see his credibility wane. “I hope that what the Russian government concludes is that they have aligned themselves with an unre- liable partner in Bashar al-Assad,” Tillerson said before flying to the Russian capital, referring to Syria’s embattled leader. “The reign of the Assad family is coming to an end,” he confidently predicted. But Tillerson’s claim is one Pres- ident Barack Obama, too, argued for years, only to see Assad outlast his own term in office. And the Trump administration’s nascent Syria policy seems to be increasingly centering on the same tactic Obama unsuccessfully employed: persuading Russia, Assad’s staunchest ally, to abandon him. The parallels haven’t gone unno- ticed by Russian President Vladimir Putin as U.S. officials have accused his military of knowing about Assad’s recent chemical weapons attack ahead of time and trying to help cover it up. Calling for a U.N. investigation, Putin held to his claim that it was actually Assad opponents who intro- duced chemical weapons into Syria’s harrowing civil war. “We have seen it all already,” Putin said. Jabbing at U.S. credibility, the Russian leader reminded reporters about unfounded U.S. claims of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, used to justify America’s 2003 invasion. The escalating dispute over last week’s events in the Syrian town of Khan Sheikhoun has thrust Wash- ington and Moscow into a level of tension rarely seen since the end of the Cold War. The animosity is especially striking given widespread speculation that Trump, who lavishly praised Putin during his campaign, would pursue rapprochement BRIEFLY Spicer apologizes for ‘insensitive’ reference to Holocaust WASHINGTON (AP) — White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer apologized Tuesday for making an “inappropriate and insensitive” comparison to the Holocaust in earlier comments about Syrian President Bashar Assad’s use of chemical weapons — remarks that drew instant rebuke from Jewish groups and critics. Spicer said in an inter- view with CNN that he was trying to make a point about Assad’s use of chemical weapons and gas against his people but “mistakenly made an inappropriate and insensitive reference to the Holocaust, for which there is no comparison. And for that I apologize. It was a mistake to do that.” During the daily White House briefing, Spicer told reporters that Adolf Hitler “didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons.” Critics noted the remark ignored Hitler’s use of gas chambers to exterminate Jews during the Holocaust. It was the second day in a row in which Spicer, President Donald Trump’s main spokesman, appeared to struggle to articulate the president’s foreign policy at a critical time. During the briefing, Spicer delivered a garbled defense of his remarks in which he tried to differen- tiate between Hitler’s actions and the gas attack on Syrian civilians. “I think when you come to sarin gas, there was no, he (Hitler) was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Assad is doing,” Spicer said. “There was clearly ... I understand your point, thank you. There was not ... He brought them into the Holocaust center I understand that.” Trump’s intelligence doubts parroted by Putin AP Photo/ Ivan Sekretarev U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson steps out of a plane upon arrival in Moscow’s Vnukovo airport, Russia on Tuesday. with Moscow. Even on Syria, the positions appeared to be hardening. Only a week ago, top Trump officials had spoken off deprioritizing past U.S. efforts to remove Assad from office and accepting the “reality” that 18 months of Russian military interven- tion had secured him in power. Since last Thursday’s cruise missile strike, Tillerson and other U.S. officials appear to have reverted to the past administration’s rhetoric of insisting that Assad is on the way out, without outlining any strategy for making that happen. The Trump administration’s change of heart, apparently spurred in part by the president’s emotional response to the images of chemical weapons victims, also is serving another purpose: defanging the perception of coziness between Trump and Moscow. As the FBI and multiple congressional committees investigate potential collusion between Russia and Trump’s campaign, the president can point to his hard-line stance on Assad as fresh evidence he’s willing to stand up to Putin. Asked about Putin possibly skip- ping a meeting with Tillerson, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said, “There is a bit of irony that for all of these talks that have been perpetu- ated about back channels and direct links, that now it’s they won’t meet with you.” At a minimum, Tillerson will meet Wednesday with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and the two are expected to take questions from reporters. As Tillerson landed in Moscow, senior White House officials briefed reporters on declassified U.S. intel- ligence they said disproved Russia’s claim that rebels were responsible for the chemical weapons. In an accom- panying four-page memo, the U.S. accused Russia of a disinformation President Donald Trump’s frequent questioning about the integrity of his spy agencies is coming back to haunt him. As his administration used U.S. intelligence to pressure Moscow over its support for Syrian President Bashar Assad, Russian President Vladimir Putin parroted back Trump’s doubts about the reliability of U.S. spy agencies. Trump used the same argument in December, when the intelligence community issued its official assessment that Russia interfered with the U.S. election. Rejecting the assessment, Trump comparing the analyses to the false claims in the lead up to the Iraq War. “These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction,” the Trump transition team said in a statement. Trump has picked other fights with intelligence agencies, blaming it for the leaks about his associates’ Russia ties. During the transition, he ripped the intelligence community for being behind the leaks and even compared them to Nazi propaganda. Lately, he has blamed Democrats, suggesting that they were using them as an excuse for Hillary Clinton’s defeat. Those statements threaten to undermine the Trump administra- tion’s recent effort isolate Assad, in the wake of a chemical attack that killed dozens of Syrians. U.S. officials have accused Russia of knowing about the attack ahead of time and trying to help cover it up. Putin has called for a formal United Nations investigation. “Putin knows that Trump personally degraded U.S. intelli- gence credibility by attacking it over the Russian hacking and essentially going to war with the CIA and NSA,” said Malcolm Nance, a veteran intelligence officer. He said Putin, a former director of Russian intelligence, “is now taking full advantage of the damage Trump caused with those attacks.” campaign and aiding Syria in covering up the gruesome attack. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told reporters at the Pentagon, “It is very clear who planned this attack ... and who orchestrated this attack.” immigration plan NOGALES, Ariz. (AP) ability to follow through on — Attorney General Jeff a commitment to end the Sessions toured the U.S.- lawlessness,” Sessions said. Mexico border Tuesday and Sessions has been unveiled what he described expanding the Justice as a new get-tough approach Department’s role in the to immigration prosecutions anti-immigration agenda of under President the Trump admin- Donald Trump. istration. But his The nation’s top speech Tuesday law enforcement during his first official outlined a visit to the border series of changes offered the most that he said mark comprehensive the start of a new look yet at his era to rid American plans for federal cities and the prosecutions border of what of those in the he described as Sessions country illegally. “filth” brought on He directed the by drug cartels and criminal nation’s federal prosecutors organizations. in a Tuesday memo to prior- He announced the itize immigration-related changes at a news conference cases, with an eye toward following a morning tour targeting people who cross of the border that included the border illegally and those visiting a port of entry, where who come back after being he exited an SUV in a white deported. shirt and baseball cap before Sessions urged federal entering a restricted area. He prosecutors to intensify their later visited with Customs focus on immigration crimes and Border Protection offi- such as illegal crossing or smuggling others into the cers and agents. Sessions credited Trump U.S., even though such for a steep drop-off of border prosecutions are already apprehensions this year and happening on a large scale. said the administration will Half of federal arrests in 2014 bring more felony prose- were for immigration-related cutions against immigrants offenses, according to a Pew entering the country illegally. Research analysis released “This is a new era. This is this week, based on the most the Trump era,” he said. “The recent federal statistics. Critics blasted the initia- lawlessness, the abdication of the duty to enforce our tives announced by Sessions immigration laws, and the as fear-mongering and catch and release practices of anti-immigrant rhetoric not rooted in facts. old are over.” Sessions made the Sessions answered only a few questions from reporters announcement in Nogales, a following his remarks. He border city that has witnessed said all prosecutors would a dramatic drop in immigrant carefully protect the civil and drug smuggling in recent rights of people charged years as more people enter with crimes, and he defended the country in Texas, many Trump’s proposed border of them Central Americans wall, saying it will be another fleeing violence in Guatemala, tool to fight illegal immigra- Honduras and El Salvador. The Border Patrol’s tion amid efforts within the sector, which Justice Department and other Tucson branches of government comprises most of Arizona, to punish and deter border saw about 65,000 arrests of immigrants last fiscal year, crossers. “The barrier, the wall, roughly half the number will have a great and positive agents made in 2012, impact and will continue our according to Border Patrol.