Page 8C Spring Home & Garden East Oregonian Wednesday, April 12, 2017 Dwain Livengood via AP This undated photo shows a 1903 farm house in Lancaster, Penn. Dwain Livengood knows he can save money on his home renovation project by doing the work himself, but the owner of this 100-year-old farmhouse also realizes that DIY projects in historic homes require more planning and information than those in newer homes and that mistakes can be costly. DIY work on older houses takes extra know-how, flexibility By MELISSA KOSSLER DUTTON Associated Press Dwain Livengood can save money on his home renovation project by doing the work himself. But he also knows that do-it-your- self projects in historic homes like his 100-year-old farmhouse require extra planning and research, and that mistakes can be costly. “Self-awareness is pretty huge,” says Livengood, who grew up in the house in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and is the third generation of his family to own it. “Saving money isn’t worth it if in the end it looks like an amateur did it.” He is planning the first major renovations to the property, including a new kitchen, hardwood floor restorations and window repair. DIY “fails” in historic homes can do more than look bad; they can seriously damage a home’s structure and character, says Jody Robinson, historic preser- vation officer for the city of Bellevue, Kentucky. DIY has a place in historic home renovation, she says, but it needs to be well-researched. Stephen B. Morton/Savannah Technical College via AP This Sept. 20, 2016 photo provided by Savannah Tech- nical College shows Historic Preservation students taking part in Timber framing and Masonry in the lab, in Savannah, Ga. If your home or neighbor- hood has a historical desig- nation, there probably are restrictions on what you can do, particularly to exteriors. Consult with local authorities before initiating projects or hiring contractors. “The difference with a historic home is the materials used and how they were constructed,” Robinson says. Slate roofs, wood gutters, weight-and-pulley windows, plaster walls and old building materials require special attention, experts say. Luckily, there are numerous places where owners of historic homes can find infor- mation about which projects they should and shouldn’t attempt on their own. Cities, preservations societies, restoration enthu- siasts, and even businesses that specialize in historic renovation offer workshops and classes. Window repair, plastering, basic fireplace fixes and tiling are among the most popular subjects. Understanding your home’s construction and appreciating historic reno- vation methods are the first step, says Benjamin Curran, department head for historic preservation at Savannah Technical College in Georgia. Through its Historic Homeowners Academy, the school teaches classes geared to the do-it-yourselfer. When homeowners try to apply modern solutions to old homes “a remodel can easily turn into a re-muddle,” Curran says. For example, using the wrong mortar can damage old bricks. He recommends taking a class and consulting with a professional or historical preservationist. “From there, it’s a ques- tion of what is achievable. What is the breadth of your skill set? Where might you stretch yourself and learn more?” Curran says. Jim Wigton, president of the Monrovia (California) Historic Preservation Group, says it was formed nearly 40 years ago by residents who were restoring homes and wanted to share knowledge. “At the beginning of the organization, we invited craftspeople in to share how to do things,” says Wigton, adding that group also offers a home tour and works on city-wide preservation proj- ects. Livengood, who has experience restoring antique carriage and tractors, plans on repairing the 40 wood windows in his foursquare house this spring. Using tips from a professional restoration company, he will replace the rope that holds the cast-iron weights that allow the windows to move up and down, and will paint the windows’ interiors. He’s hired a professional to tackle the exterior. He anticipates the work he does will reduce the repair costs by $200 per window. Windows are a good DIY project because the work is more time-consuming than difficult, says Danielle Keperling, who with her parents and husband owns Historic Restorations in Lancaster. Her company is open to teaching the how-tos in order to reduce project costs, she says. To maintain a home’s historical character, repairing old windows — rather than installing new ones — makes a big difference, says Keper- ling. “Windows show the age of the house,” she says. Whenever Doug Heavilin hires a professional to work on his 1902 Queen Anne Victorian in Franklin, Indiana, he shadows the person, soaking up as much information as he can. “I’ve learned 90 percent of what I know about plumbing by sitting there and watching a plumber,” says Heavilin, who is restoring the 4,700-square-foot house with his wife, Amy. They’ve finished five of the home’s 22 rooms. During their restoration journey, they’ve learned to install tile, hang wallpaper and drywall, repair plaster, and match stain and paint. He once engineered a solution to create rounded replacement pieces for their home’s turret. The Heavilins read books and magazines, watch videos, take classes and swap tips with other homeowners before starting a project. But they also know things might not go as planned, and say it’s important to be flexible. “You never know what you’re going to find,” says Amy Heavilin, recalling the time they discovered that their dining room chandelier was wired to a pipe with a coat hanger. “We’re at the point where I’m pretty comfortable with whatever we find,” Doug Heavilin adds. “I’m not always happy, but I’m comfortable.” WINDOW WASHING & Hard Water Removal BEFORE AFTER '()"*#+,-#-++, .)"- #/-#/"* 0$12(334 Alecia Funk Michelle Jurcich • Worker’s Compensation Wendy Snyder Kelsi Putman Dallas Bolen Judy Rowbury FRE Estimate E s Luke Swanson Steve Bertelson With eleven offices in Northeastern Oregon, our experienced agents can offer insurance programs in the following areas: • Business • Service Organization • Farm & Crop • Industrial • Health & Life • Personal $5 34' 464$ '4 4 ,-- RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL 455 E. Main St., Hermiston 541-701-7014 541-567-8834 #$%&$%$# -,3%7#8&. //! !"