Page 4A OPINION East Oregonian Tuesday, April 11, 2017 Founded October 16, 1875 KATHRYN B. BROWN Publisher DANIEL WATTENBURGER Managing Editor TIM TRAINOR Opinion Page Editor MARISSA WILLIAMS Regional Advertising Director MARCY ROSENBERG Circulation Manager JANNA HEIMGARTNER Business Office Manager MIKE JENSEN Production Manager OUR VIEW Trump ag budget cuts just the beginning of the story The Trump administration produced by the USDA are the only has proposed a 21 percent cut in independent market information discretionary spending for the available to producers and the Department of Agriculture, and ag public at large. Their loss would be interests are grumbling. a tragedy. Similarly, not having a We understand the concerns, but local Farm Service office would be it’s too soon in the process to get too a hassle. We emphasize the tenuous nature excited. Here are the facts. of the administration document because the Trump plan lacks The president’s plan cuts $4.7 billion from the much detail. current budget for The traditional, non-entitlement The Trump budget full-budget document is said programs that cuts money for to be coming in are implemented by appropriation May. rural water and bills rather than But more wastewater enshrined in importantly, the permanent law. gives infrastructure loans, Constitution Trump’s plan the president still allocates absolutely no would reduce $17.9 billion over county ag service authority for these types producing the of programs. office and eliminate budget. (Our colleagues While the spending on ag at Politico president can framed that offer to Congress statistics. figure as “just” his suggestions $17.9 billion, for the next suggesting that it’s not a significant spending plan, and we appreciate any president’s considerable weight amount of money.) in influencing policy, it is the The Trump budget cuts money Congress that actually enacts the for rural water and wastewater budget. infrastructure loans, would reduce Presidents of all stripes have county ag service offices, eliminate proposed cuts in USDA’s budget, spending on ag statistics, and end the International Food for Education eliminating one program or another to help pay for their own spending program. priorities. Then the Senate and None of the proposed cuts would House ag committees step in, impact spending on the so-called and individual members use their “mandatory” programs — the crop influence to sway their colleagues to programs and welfare expenditures save or expand favored programs. that make up $130 billion of the While the president’s budget USDA’s current budget of $155 proposals have to be given due billion. weight, we’ve seen too many of We would not suggest that these plans wither on the vine to some of these proposed cuts could get too excited now over Trump’s cause problems for farmers and ranchers. In many cases the statistics allocations. Unsigned editorials are the opinion of the East Oregonian editorial board of publisher Kathryn Brown, managing editor Daniel Wattenburger, and opinion page editor Tim Trainor. Other columns, letters and cartoons on this page express the opinions of the authors and not necessarily that of the East Oregonian. LETTERS POLICY The East Oregonian welcomes original letters of 400 words or less on public issues and public policies for publication in the newspaper and on our website. The newspaper reserves the right to withhold letters that address concerns about individual services and products or letters that infringe on the rights of private citizens. Submitted letters must be signed by the author and include the city of residence and a daytime phone number. Send letters to 211 S.E. Byers Ave. Pendleton, OR 97801 or email OTHER VIEWS What happened to who? I first noticed it during the 2016 and the 140-character limit on our Republican presidential debates, tweets. We communicate in uppercase which were crazy-making for so abbreviations (LOL, ICYMI, TTYL) many reasons that I’m not sure how and splenetic bursts, with such an I zeroed in on this one. “Who” was epidemic of exclamation points being exiled from its rightful habitat. It that each has no more drama than a was a linguistic bonobo: endangered, comma. possibly en route to extinction. The deployment of “that” in lieu of Instead of saying “people who,” “who” doesn’t actually rate very high Frank Donald Trump said “people that.” on the messiness meter. It’s defensible, Bruni Marco Rubio followed suit. Even Jeb because while some usage and style Comment Bush, putatively the brainy one, was guides — including The New York “that”-ing when he should have been Times’ — call for “who” and “whom” when people are involved, others say it’s “who”-ing, so I was cringing when I should elective. have been oohing. The Merriam-Webster dictionary blesses It’s always a dangerous thing when politicians get near the English language: Run “that” in relation to people. So does the for the exits and cover the children’s ears. But American Heritage dictionary, noting, “‘That’ this bit of wreckage particularly bothered me. has been used in this way for centuries.” It This was who, a pronoun cites examples from the that acknowledges our King James Bible and humanity, our personhood, from no less a master of separating us from the the English language than flotsam and jetsam out Shakespeare. there. We’re supposed to But dissatisfaction with refer to “the trash that” “that” and disagreement we took out or “the table about it persist. I traded that” we discovered at emails with Mary Norris, a flea market. We’re the so-called comma not supposed to refer queen at The New Yorker to “people that call my office” (Rubio) or magazine, who once ruled the grammatical “people that come with a legal visa and roost there. She told me, without equivocation: overstay” (Bush). “When it’s a person the correct relative Or so I always assumed, but this nicety pronoun is ‘who.’ My suspicion is that people is clearly falling by the wayside, and I can’t are afraid of saying ‘who’ when it should be shake the feeling that its plunge is part of a ‘whom’ (or vice versa, which is way worse), larger story, a reflection of so much else that is so they sidestep the issue by using ‘that.’” going wrong in this warped world of ours. Connie Eble, the resident grammar guru Few of our politicians aspire to at the University of North Carolina at Chapel old-fashioned eloquence anymore. Fewer Hill, told me that she’ll shepherd students still attain it. Most can’t manage basic toward “who” and “whom” even though she grammatical coherence, and they’re less likely acknowledges the historical and technical to be punished for that than to be rewarded validity of “that.” for it by voters who see it as a badge of their And there was unmistakable sadness in her authenticity. voice when she concurred with me that “that” I see it less charitably and would have no is getting an ever heavier workout these days, problem with a spelling test as a presidential saying, “The space that ‘that’ is occupying is prerequisite, though maybe that’s just my growing and growing and growing.” It’s not a way of inventing a criterion that would have pronoun. It’s the Blob. weeded out a certain real estate tycoon. You And my fear is that there’s a metaphor know, the one whose “unpresidented” ascent here: something about the age of automation, gave us a leader who says he is “honered” by about the disappearing line between humans his office, is not “bought and payed for,” was and machines. once victim of a “tapp” on his phones, and The robots are coming. Maybe we’re is obviously unfamiliar with the face-saving killing off “who” to avoid the pain of having virtues of autocorrect. them demand — and get — it. But then we’re all plenty sloppy these ■ days, pulled toward staccato bluntness by Frank Bruni has been an Op-Ed columnist the teeny-tiny keypads on our smartphones for The New York Times since 2011. It’s dangerous when politicians get near the English language. YOUR VIEWS Firefighters respond to all emergencies Congress should defend power to declare war Of the 3,200 calls each year handled by the Pendleton Fire and Ambulance Department, 85 percent of these are ambulance calls. Many of us have called 911, have been in an accident, or relied in many other ways upon these essential services. Our principal fire and emergency services are housed in a 58-year-old fire station that is in a poor location and would not pass is own building and fire inspection. The station was built for a time when fire equipment was much smaller and the station did not house female fire and emergency personnel. The station is too small to handle today’s much larger equipment and to appropriately house the men and women who provide 24/7 services to Pendleton and a service area of 2,000 square miles. Voting yes on the city bond measure will build a new fire and ambulance facility on a portion of the former Saint Anthony Hospital location. This will improve emergency response time, reduce operating expenses by $50,000 per year, provide adequate room for personnel, equipment and training, and will pay for mandatory replacements of underfunded emergency equipment. The cost? A net increase of 14 cents per $1,000 of assessed value in property tax, which is $1.80/month based on the median home value in Pendleton. Please vote yes for our public safety. Vote yes on Measure 30-124 on May 16. Unilaterally attacking a sovereign nation that did not first attack the U.S. is plainly unconstitutional and profoundly unwise. Congress must rescue the power to declare war from the office of the president and help the American people and world avoid increased bloodshed and other atrocities of war. In 2013, the previous president declared his willingness to act against Syria. But Congress asserted its constitutionally given authority to declare war and instructed the president to first seek Congress’s permission. It did this with a letter to the president signed by more than 140 members of Congress from both parties. In 2011, Obama had acted unilaterally in Libya to the dismay of Congress and many Americans. Also in 2013, Trump tweeted that attacking Syria unilaterally was not only unconstitutional, but foolish. He did this repeatedly, and his words were right — then and now. Obama never asked to intervene in Syria, because he knew Congress would not give him the authorization. The American people were and still are tired of Middle East interventionism, and for good reasons: Iraq war — 4,491 U.S. lives lost, $2 trillion total taxpayer cost. However, Obama complied with the constitutional Congressional demand and did not attack Syria. Just last week, the current president did exactly what he Chuck Wood, Pendleton warned against not that long ago. He ordered a 59-missile strike on an military airbase inside of Syria, costing taxpayers over $90 million, for obvious humanitarian reasons. He did not request permission, likely because he knew debate would be a quagmire in itself and would end in a rejection of his request. Over the past 50 years, presidents have been increasingly willing to act unilaterally when it comes to military interventions. Constitutional experts, including legislators, executive lawyers, and judges, have identified a few ways in which unilateral action may be justified, even retroactively. But attacking Syria when they did not first attack us and in the context of congressional demand that the president first seek their permission is plainly unconstitutional. Trends aside, the Constitution places the power to declare war solely with Congress. If the American people are going to be expected to sacrifice lives and spend huge sums, then the representatives of the American people should be required to approve the action. Rep. Walden, Sen. Wyden, and Sen. Merkley must re-assert Congress’s constitutional authority and demand that the president abide by constitutional limitations on his office and not wage war without first asking Congress and receiving approval. Whether a congressman or president, refusal to carry out job duties justifies removal from office. Will Perkinson Pendleton Rocky Heights a safer place if bond passes Education is one of the most powerful investments you can make and I am urging you to make that investment here in Hermiston. Research shows that education paves the way for better health and employment, benefiting individuals and communities. Once of my largest concerns is that some of our local school facilities are not the most conducive to learning. Imagine trying to work in an office that is by turns blazing hot or freezing cold. I know from experience that adults will not tolerate this in the office environment, yet we expect our children to stay on task and learn in these conditions. I have had the opportunity to be in overheated classrooms at Rocky Heights on several occasions. Due to the outdated system at Rocky, there is no way to control for this. Each time I was relieved to leave after a short stay; the students and teachers are not so lucky. Let’s talk a little more about the Rocky Heights facility. I have observed garbage cans placed at strategic locations in various classrooms to catch water dripping from the ceiling. The “quads” at Rocky feature partial walls and are configured in a way that makes it necessary for students, staff and visitors to traipse through one classroom to get to another. Most of the other classrooms at Rocky have outside entrances such that visitors, while they are requested to do so, do not have to actually pass through a main area before accessing classrooms. This compromises student safety as does the fact that students are left exposed as they travel from their classrooms to the cafeteria/gym, library or office. Classroom doors remain locked during the day, and students and visitors much knock to enter. This is meant to increase safety, but the reality is that for most of the classrooms, it is hard to see who is knocking until you open the door. Because the cafeteria and gym are one and the same at Rocky Heights, indoor physical activity opportunities are limited when recess is canceled due to inclement weather. The large student population also necessitates that one physical education class per day take place in a small, carpeted classroom. The importance of physical activity in the school setting should not be overlooked. Evidence shows that physical activity facilitates academic performance through enhanced student concentration and improved classroom behavior. Today’s students are our community leaders and decision makers of the future. I am willing to make an investment in our schools so that students have the opportunity to learn in environments that support them in reaching their full academic potential while keeping them healthy and safe. Please join me in voting yes for our students on May 16. Angie Treadwell Hermiston