Tuesday, April 11, 2017 Page 3 C LASSIFIEDS E ASTERN O REGON M ARKETPLACE • 1-800-962-2819 • FAX 278-2680 © 2017 by y V Vicki icki Whiting, Editor Je Jeff f f S Schinkel, Graphics V Vol. o ol. 33, No. 19 Th he following list has thr The three ee fa acts and three thr ee opinions about facts th he planet Earth. Can you tell the w which are facts and which are op pinions? opinions? The Bunny Buddies are ce celebrating elebrating Spring and our beautiful b planet this year! Just in n time for Earth Day (April l 22). If you draw dra aw a line down the e center happy of this ha appy face from m top bottom, to bottom m, you will see that both sides picture of the pic cture are the This same. Th his is a good example of symmetry. symmetry . 1. . The Earth has one moon. B Bunny Bebe B painted d these eggs. She eggs gs. Sh he wanted to make the d designs design ns symmetrical²¬WKH symmetrical ²¬WKH WKH same on n each half. Use a rule ruler er to dr draw w a straight line from rom point po nt A t to point B on each h egg poin e egg. g. Circle Cir rcle the ones that t are ar re symmetrical. y ymmetrical. 4. . The Earth is beautiful. 2. . The Earth is the best planet in the universe. 3. . 71% of the surface of Earth water . is covered in water. STUFF Y YOU’LL O OU’LL NE NEED: EED EED: Symmetry y is when both halves somethin ng are exactly the same. of something Bab by Burt is confused. Poor Baby Do this project to help him under rstand symmetry understand symmetry. . paintbrush pain tbrush white whit e paper post er paint pain t poster new spa aper newspaper 5. . The Earth’s Earth’ s diameter, diameter , the distance at its middle at the Equator , is 7,928 miles, or Equator, 12,760 kilometres. 6. . The Earth tastes good. Cover your work surface with newspaper . newspaper. Fold d a sheet t of blan nk, blank, whit te white paper r in half f. f half. t paint is still Slowl ly open up Unfold. While the Slowly fo old the paper in the paper pap per and you Paint a wet, fold alo ong the fold you design on half along will have e a matching o both sides one half made and d press so that the image on th he paper. paper . of the paint on the painted side of the paper . transfers to the blank side. side That’s That’ s symmetry! That paper. Dr a w the other half of Bianca Draw Bianca’s ’ s fac face e and Bixb y ’ s fac e . M ake them t symmetr ical . Bixby’s face. Make symmetrical. A Kenyan proverb b says, given “ “The earth is not giv ven to you u b by your parents, but loaned to o children.” yo ou u by your children you . .” Discuss Discu cuss uss amily what w at you yo with your family think hink that hat means. m mea ans. OPINIONS refer to a person’ s (or particular person’s group’s) group’ s) feeling, thought, judgment, belief, estimate, and/or anything that is not 100% true and can’ can’t t be proven. Bixby Bunny changed the th he names of spring clothes. Can C you figure out what he is talking about? ab bout? The real names rhyme with w Bixby’s Bixby Bixby’ s silly names. For example, example e, LOW W LIE is really a BOW W TIE! TIE ! Look through the newspaper for five or more words for which you know a rhyming word. List each word and its rhyming word on a piece of paper paper. . Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Follow written directions. Bingo is making an Ea Earth arth Day sign to celebrate. Use the t code to help him finish his sign. sign s CLUE BEANS B TREE ROCKS BUZZY Y CLIPPERS C A = D = E = G = Half and Half Find a picture of a face or o an object in the newspaper. . Cut out the picture, newspaper p fold it in half and cut along the fol ld. Now glue the fold. picture onto a piece of white w paper ry r to paper. . T Try sketch the missing half. Standards Link: V Visual isual Art: Create repres representations sentations with bilateral symmetry symmetry. . H = I = J = R = S = T = U = Y = NEWS P APER NEWSPAPER A SYMMETRY SYMM METR R Y TRANSFER TRANS SFER SURFACE SURF F ACE A PROVERB PROVE ERB CLOTHES CLOTH HES RHYMING RHYM MING BOTT O OM BOTTOM SPRIN NG SPRING EAR R TH T H EARTH BUDD Y BUDDY FOLD HALF SAME CLUE Go for an Earth Day walk with your family and see if you can find each of these: rock stick leaf litter (pick it up and thr r ow o it away!) throw flower spider web f h feather tree bark bird insect something pink FUN CA CAT AT MARTY MAR RT TY Y PRESS S F ACTS A Remember: FACTS can be proven true for all people and places, can be duplicated, duplicated can be observed, historical, or 100% true. Usually they involve numbers and other measurable components. S Y Y M S P R I N G R M R S A M E E C B Y E E T O T W A L R D D F T E S R R O E This week’ week’s s word: D L T S P M E T T V The verb transfer means to T move something from one place to another. another . U O I A N U M H H O B F P F L A H Y E R C E E C A F R U S P R H Y M I N G T A L TRANSFER Lily transferred transferr ed her money from her f h piggy i bank to a savings account. Try T ry r to use the word transfer in a sentence today when talking with family . your friends and family. My Favorite Vegetable Use at least three of your five senses to describe your favorite vegetable.