What did one raindrop say to its friends? Two’s company. Three’s a cloud. When is weather worst for mice? When it is raining Why does it rain? There is water all around us—on the land and in the sea. This water evaporates and rises into the sky as vapor. The vapor in the sky turns to water droplets and makes clouds. The water drops fall from the sky as rain. The rain goes into the ground and into the sea. Then, some of the water from the rain evaporates back to the sky and makes clouds again. Standards Link: Earth Science: Water changes through the process of evaportation and condensation. Cut out the pictures and put them in the correct order on the Water Cycle. Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Follow simple directions; understand the water cycle. cats and dogs. Whacky Weather Great galoshes! Gregg is in a goofy storm. Can you find all the things that start with “G”? There are 12 of them in this picture. Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Follow simple directions. Decoding and Word Recognition: Match initial consonant sound to letter. Where is the ocean deepest? At the bottom. What is the difference between a lion with a toothache and a rainy day? One roars with pain and the other pours with rain. © 2017 by Vicki Whiting, Editor Jeff Schinkel, Graphics Vol. 33, No. 18 What does the ocean do when it is leaving? It waves. How to Make a Cloud in a Jar IMPORTANT: Work with an adult family member on this exciting science experiment. STUFF YOU’LL NEED: a clean empty jar with lid boiling water ice cubes aerosol hairspray AN ADULT SHOULD DO THIS PART: 1. Fill your jar half full of boiling water and swirl the water around the jar. 2. Spray hairspray into the jar and quickly seal with the lid. KIDS CAN SAFELY DO THIS PART: 3. Place as many ice cubes as you can on top of the lid. 4. Observe the cloud forming inside the jar. 5. When you can see the cloud, take off the lid and watch the cloud escape. Weather Watch Look through the newspaper for news about the weather. How does the weather affect different activities mentioned in the news? Umbrella Math Use the color code to color each umbrella section. Standards Link: Reading analysis: Understanding cause and effect. Standards Link: Mathematics: Adding and subtracting number facts up to 20. Water Facts Do the math to discover these amazing facts about water. • In July 1861, more than ______ feet of rain fell 41-11 in one month on the town of Cherrapunji, India. • _______ percent of the Earth is covered with 15 + 55 water. • A watermelon is ______ percent water. 53 + 39 ‡¬7KHUHLVDVPXFKZDWHULQBBBBBBLQFKHVRI 4 + 6 snow as there is in one inch of rain. • About _______ percent of the Earth’s 14 + 36 freshwater supply is contained in five of the Great Lakes. EVAPORATES GALOSHES SHOWERS WEATHER CLOUDS APRIL WATER CYCLE VAPOR LAKES STORM WATCH RAIN SNOW SKY Wet and Dry Headlines Warm water created warm air inside the jar. Some of the water evaporated into the air. When this warm vapor rose, it reached the cold air below the ice-covered lid. This vapor then condensed onto the particles of hairspray forming the cloud. Your cloud should swirl around as the warm air rises and the cold air sinks. I R E N D P R O O R S E T A R O P A V E D T L I T A S N O W This week’s word: U A L C V H Y I M O EVAPORATE O W P S Y K E A R H The verb evaporate means to change into vapor. L A K E S C A R O S C R E F A L L I T N S E H S O L A G S G The dew evaporated as soon as the sun came up. Try to use the word evaporate in a sentence today when talking with your friends and family. Why is the ocean salty? Start a poster collage of headlines and/or articles that mention water. After several weeks, look for a pattern in the stories. What do they tell you about the water situation in your community? ANSWER: Wet Feet Standards Link: Earth Science: Water and the community; origins, availability and recycling. R W A H C T A W R S WHAT HAPPENS: Make a list of your ideas and discuss them with a parent or friend. Your ideas can be clever, silly or serious.