Tuesday, March 28, 2017 Page 3 C LASSIFIEDS E ASTERN O REGON M ARKETPLACE • 1-800-962-2819 • FAX 278-2680 \ V M Z I 8 V W O M Z 7 V Z M \ -I[ March 2017 All about babysitting ct What to expe GE 5 PA from a sitter care Relative child E E R PAGE 15 ysit ur teen to bab F PAGE 3 Setting up yo Pick up your free copy Like Eastern Oregon Parent on Facebook of Eastern Oregon Parent Magazine Read current and past issues online at across Umatilla County! www.eoparent.com Upcoming Advertising Opportunities If you are a business and would like to advertise in any of these special sections contact a sales representative today! April: Apr il: Little Li ttle Dar Darlings rlings - Wednesday, W ednesday e y , April 12 in the East Oregonian & Hermiston y, Hermis ston Herald Spring Spr ing Home Ho ome & Gar Garden rd den - Saturday, S Saturday y , April 15 in the EO W ednesday e y, April 12 in the Hermiston Herald erald - Wednesday, He Homegr Homegrown ro wn - Wednesday, W ednesday e y , April A p 26 in the EO & Hermiston H Herald Hermiston Hermis st to n Hor Horse r se s Sale Ex Extravaganza tr r a v ag anza Ca Catalog a talo t o g - Wednesday, W e ednesday y, April Ap pril 19 in the EO & Hermiston He ermiston Herald May: Ma ay y: Graduation Gr r adua a a tio t on 2017 - Saturday Saturday, y , May 27 in the EO Wednesday, Hermiston - W e ednesd ay y, May 31 in the He ermiston Herald J June: Pendleton Pendle ton n Visi Visitors torrs Guide & Chamber Dir Directory r ec e tory - Saturday, Saturday y , June Ju ne 24 in the East Oregonian Ore egonian July: Farm-City F arm-Ci a t y Pro Prro R Rodeo o odeo - Wednesday, W e ednesday y, July 2 in th the he East Oregonian & Hermiston Herald Fall F all a Spor Sports t - Wednesday, ts W e ednesday y , July y 30 in the East Oregonian Oreg gonian & Hermiston Herald H Jeanne Jewett Audra Workman Danni Halladay 541-564-4531 547-564-4538 547-278-2683 547-278-2687 jjewett@hermiston aworkman@eastoregonian.com dhalladay@eastoregonian.com snewsom@eastoregonian.com Stephanie Newsom