EAST'40OREGON marketplace Place classified ads online at www.eastoregonmarketplace.com or call 1-800-962-2819 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. After hours, leave a voicemail and we’ll confirm your ad the next business day. Email us at classifieds@ east oregonian.com or fax: 541-278-2680 East Oregonian Deadline is 3 p.m. the day before publication 211 S.E. Byers Ave. 333 E. Main St. We accept: Pendleton, OR 97801 Hermiston, OR 97838 See www.eastoregonmarketplace.com for classified ads from all over Eastern Oregon EAST OREGONIAN • HERMISTON HERALD • BLUE MOUNTAIN EAGLE • WALLOWA COUNTY CHIEFTAIN Tuesday March 28, 2017 Postal Customer Local Standard Pre-Sort Permit #73 U.S. Postage Paid Pendleton, OR 97801 Mike Morehead of Pilot Rock, Oregon took this scene near Elgin, Oregon 541-567-0272 2150 N. First St., Hermiston MULTI-MEDIA SALES Mar. 26th - 31st Press Position BREAK INTO SPRING!!! Great work environment. Super awesome team. Good pay. Retirement plan. Weekends off. Interested? FREE VEGAN SOFT SERVE CONE!! Press person need- ed at East Oregonian newspaper. Our operation prints an array of weekly, bi-weekly and monthly publications. To join our team, you’ll need web press operation skills, an eye for color, mechanical ability, be a good com- municator and work well with others. Must be able to lift 50# and go up/down stairs on a regular basis. (one per customer per visit) DOOR PRIZE DRAWINGS DAILY FOR KIDS & PARENTS!! 20% OFF ALL CHILDREN’S GIFTS ITEMS & DÉCOR!!! ITEMS INCLUDE: •Veggietales •Books •Bibles •Clothing •Games •Sticker Books •Toys •Devotionals •Water Wow Books •Crafts •Stuffed Animals •Wooden Toys •Color Books •Colored Pencils •OOOH YEAH SOCKS •DVDs •CDs Mention this ad for an additional 5% OFF Kids activities available while parents shop!!! One free gift for each child that comes in!! (one per child per visit) Buy It! Sell It! Find It! The East Oregonian Classified Send resume and cover letter stating salary requirements to: EO Media Group PO Box 2048 Salem, OR 97308-2048 or fax: (503) 371-2935 or email: hr@eomediagroup.com. Benefi ts include Paid Time Off (PTO), insur- ances and a 401(k)/Roth 401(k) retirement plan. Send resume and letter of interest to EO Media Group., PO Box 2048, Salem, OR 97308-2048, by fax to 503-371-2935 or email hr@eomediagroup.com East Oregonian has an opening for multi-media sales. No multi-media experience? 7KDW·VÀQHDVORQJDV\RX understand the importance RIFXVWRPHUVHUYLFHZRUNLQJ hard and a desire to enjoy your job. Could this be you? Send resume and letter of interest to EO Media Group PO Box 2048 Salem, OR 97308-2048 by fax to 503-371-2935 or e-mail hr@eomediagroup.com %DVHZDJHSOXVFRPPLVVLRQV EHQHÀWVDQGPLOHDJH UHLPEXUVHPHQW%HQHÀWV LQFOXGH3DLG7LPH2II372 insurances and a 401(k)/Roth 401(k) retirement plan. 1-800-962-2819 Did D id You Y ou o Kn Know n ? • What W ha t t two w o big g grassroots r assr r oots pr projects ojec ts ar are e happen happening ning in P endlet on? Pendleton? • What W ha t c competition ompetition did d Her mist on win t to o br in g in a about Hermiston bring playground $20,000 f for or a new pla p y g r ound a at t Sunset P Park? ar k? k under r • How Ho w long will Pendleton’s P endl let on ’ s Westgate W est ga t e be unde spring? c construction onstruc tion this sp pr ing? Eastern Oregon • What W ha t r responsibilities esponsibilitie es will the new East er n Or egon Trade Center (EOTEC) have, once hired? and Event E v en t C en t er (E EO TEC ) manager ha v e , on nc e hi Try us s f for or two weeks ks free! fr ee! c on v enien t Call today for convenient eliv er y home delivery 2-0255 1-800-522-0255 And preview A nd did y you ou get y your our r pr eview of high school sports s ts in the spor EO’s Spring section? EO ’ s Spr ing Sports Spor ts 2017 2 sec tion? Subscribe Subscr ibe to t o the EO and a read r ead all about it! SEE WEEKLY ADVERTISING CIRCULARS INSIDE