C LASSIFIEDS Tuesday, March 7, 2017 Page 2 E ASTERN O REGON M ARKETPLACE • 1-800-962-2819 • FAX 278-2680 © 2017 by Vicki Whiting, Editor Jeff Schinkel, Graphics Vol. 33, No. 14 I’ve sprinkled this page with lucky clovers. How many can you find? Are you a car careful re eful r reader? eader? e Read rticle below and see if you the article r cle c all five err ro ors. Then, can cir circle errors. rite the artice corr re ectly on rewrite correctly the blank lines. It’ s a bird! It’ It’s It’s s a bu bug? ug? It It’s waaay too small to hold a pers person. Who o flies in these l little planes? Leprechauns? rechauns? This s is a dr drone. is a r one o . A drone d dron flying gadget that is flown by remote control. Drones can hover like a h hummingbird, swoop like a b bat and fly backwards like a dragonfl ly! dragonfly! tiny Small drones can carry tin ny cameras and they can go places humans can’ can’t. t. Look at the ways drones a are being used. Why is a dron ne drone better than a person for each of these jobs? F ir efigh t ers use them Firefighters the em t to o w a t ch f forest or o est fir es . W h y watch fires. Why? = A = I = R = C = L = S = D = M = T = E = N = U = H = O = V A drone is also called a UAV. What does that stand for? Use the Leprechaun’s Code chaun s Cod de to find out! In March arch 2015, a large lar ge storm a anuatu, an hit the e island of V Vanuatu, Pacific, island d in the South Pacific ng 1 11 1 people and making killing almost st 200,000 people eless. Nearly all the homeless. d’ s food crops were island’s oyed. People used a distroyed. pound foldable drone to five-pound fl ly around the island and take fly pi ictures of the damage to pictures figure fi igure out how to helped. Drones are always being D improoved. im mprooved. The Eturnas D has ha as a seven-foot wingspan an nd weighs onl and only y 10 pounds. It t uses solar power and can fly fo or six hours at 27 mph or 1.2 for KRXUVDW¬PSK KR RXUVDW¬PSK While they are often small and cute, drones s are not toys. In fact, once you have a vehicle that can fly y over the fence and see what’s going on at the neighbors, hb you must hbors, follow rules and d etiquette about privacy and safety safety. . Be sure to check with your vernment local government officials about drone laws in your our area. Drones are used by TV news D cr rewz when helicopters aren’t aren’ t crewz practical. pr ractical. They’re also used by y real estate agents to show home ho ome buyers beautiful overhead views vi iews of a home and its neighborhood. ne eighborhood. And drones are a popular tool for wedding photographers ph hotographers to shoot overhead ov verhead video of the big ocassions. oc cassions. Flying a drone rone involves thinking and nd making ike a pilot. It decisions like takes time to master flying tice in an empty a drone and that means doing a lot of practice field. (Check local laws before going to a field to practice.) Meterologists use them to track storms. Why? Biologists use drones to observe wildlife. Why? Look through the newspaper for five or more adjectives that describe a drone. Use these to write three sentences about drones. Standards Link: Research: Use the newspaper to locate information. Each of the these ese Leprechaun hats has a an identical twin – except one. Can you find fin nd it? Standards Link: Visual V isual Discriminat Discrimination: tion: Find similarities and dif differences ferences in co common ommon objects. The Benefits an and nd Problems RI7RGD\·V7HFKQRORJ\ RI7 7 RGD\· R V7 7H HFK KQRORJ\ Look through the newspa newspaper aper for an example of how technology makes s life better for people. Then, talk with a parent about ways could this same technology cou uld cause problems. Standards Link: Research: Use the new newspaper wspaper to locate information. ETIQU ETIQUETTE UETTE DECISIONS DECI ISIONS PRAC CTICE PRACTICE PRIV VA ACY PRIVACY CAME ERAS CAMERAS DRON NES DRONES FL LY YIN NG FLYING REMO OTE REMOTE SAFE ETY SAFETY PILOT T RULE ES RULES FENC CE FENCE FIELD D T OYS S TOYS BIRD D D E C I S I O N S E E F L D L E I F Y T C T B I R D L C O T I S O F Y O A U T E T A R L E V N E R U C F L Y I N G E M Q A E O R T P C E S I R T P E T O M E R T P Y S A R E M A C E This week’ week’s s word: ETIQUETTE The noun etiquette means the rules about the proper way to do something. Wearing W e earing sandals to school was not considered correct etiquette. etiquette . Try T ry r to use the word etiquette in a sentence today when talking with family. . your friends and family What if pigs could fly? Write about what you think would happen if pigs took to the skies.