Page 4A OPINION East Oregonian Tuesday, January 17, 2017 Founded October 16, 1875 KATHRYN B. BROWN Publisher DANIEL WATTENBURGER Managing Editor TIM TRAINOR Opinion Page Editor MARISSA WILLIAMS Regional Advertising Director MARCY ROSENBERG Circulation Manager JANNA HEIMGARTNER Business Office Manager MIKE JENSEN Production Manager OUR VIEW Rent control for Oregon is a fool’s bargain Oregon House Speaker Tina South of us, in San Francisco, Kotek threw red meat to her lies one of the most unfortunate Portland constituents by proposing conundrums, born of rent control. legislation to create rent control. Writing in Willamette Week last Portland rents have escalated as the June, Aaron Mesh explored the city has become one of the nation’s San Francisco example. “Many most desirable locations. Kotek landlords either evict tenants or keep extended her rent control proposal apartments empty,” wrote Mesh. beyond Portland’s “Roughly one in boundaries, 12 housing units in to all Oregon Rent control will San Francisco sit communities. according generate a huge vacant, to the U.S. Census Rent control is now prohibited in Bureau.” bureaucracy Oregon statute. Of San Francisco, and is fraught Tim Duy of the America’s on-again, off-again of with unintended University experience with Oregon economics consequences. department asked: rent control began during World War II “Has that really been housing shortages. effective at solving With almost 70 years of history in their problems? No. You think various cities such as New York, you’re helping people, but you are rent control has generated enormous constraining the stock of affordable economic study and literature. housing.” Retired Portland State University For Speaker Kotek to propose rent Professor John Walker said: “The control for all Oregon communities shelves of literature on rent control is an especially ridiculous concept. are bigger than the Astoria Public Asking the Oregon Legislature Library.” to embark on consideration of rent control is a fool’s bargain. If Of rent control, one can say this comes to serious legislative two things: it will generate a huge committee discussion, we hope bureaucracy and it is fraught with that economists from Oregon’s unintended consequences that are universities will enlighten the not what hard-pressed tenants hope statehouse. for. Unsigned editorials are the opinion of the East Oregonian editorial board of publisher Kathryn Brown, managing editor Daniel Wattenburger, and opinion page editor Tim Trainor. Other columns, letters and cartoons on this page express the opinions of the authors and not necessarily that of the East Oregonian. OTHER VIEWS John’s gospel of Trump’s illegitimacy n Friday, the Georgia In fact, one of Trump’s five congressman, civil rights deferments was in 1965, the same icon and Donald Trump year as the Selma marches and inauguration-boycotter John “Bloody Sunday,” during which Lewis told NBC’s Chuck Todd Lewis was struck so violently by a something that I believe millions state trooper wielding a billy club of Americans are thinking. that Lewis’ skull was fractured. “I don’t see this president-elect Coincidentally, Trump finally as a legitimate president,” Lewis received his permanent exemption Charles said. “I think the Russians M. Blow from the draft, a 4-F status, in the participated in helping this man year before he and his father were Comment get elected. And they helped sued by the Department of Justice destroy the candidacy of Hillary for violating the Fair Housing Act Clinton.” of 1968 — one of the many justice issues The release of the clip in which Lewis championed. Lewis made his stark assessment came As The New York Times noted at the on the same day that the FBI director, time: “The government contended that James Comey, and other intelligence Trump Management had refused to rent officials provided a classified briefing to or negotiate rentals ‘because of race and members of the House, no doubt divulging color.’ It also charged that the company information to which we mere mortals had required different rental terms and are not privy. After the meeting, Rep. conditions because of race and that it had Maxine Waters of California blasted: “It’s misrepresented to blacks that apartments classified and we can’t tell you anything. were not available.” All I can tell you is the FBI director has no Let’s be clear: Donald Trump doesn’t credibility!” even deserve to stand in John Lewis’ It would be easy to simply claim that shadow. The spectacular obscenity of emotions are running high or that partisan Trump’s comment is incomparable and pain is abnormally acute. But I continue deeply repulsive. to argue, strenuously and adamantly, that And furthermore, I don’t find what to simply see the extraordinary events Lewis said about Trump’s illegitimacy to unfolding before us as purely ideological be outrageous, or off the mark in the least. blinds us to the very real concern that our I guess for me, it comes down to a sovereignty has been compromised. rather profound semantic question: Does Trump, the president-elect tweet “legitimate” refer here to the meaning in stormer, couldn’t let this go, particularly law or principle? Lewis’ assessment. It is true that Donald Trump is, by Early on Saturday morning, Trump all measures of the law, the legitimate shot back at Lewis in possibly one of the president-elect and will legitimately be most ill-advised political social media inaugurated our 45th president on Friday, moments I can recall, publishing two no matter how much it pains me to write tweets that together read: “Congressman that or pains you to read it. John Lewis should spend more time on But there is another way of considering fixing and helping his district, which is legitimacy, another test that his election in horrible shape and falling apart (not doesn’t meet: That is when legitimacy to mention crime infested) rather than is defined as “conforming to recognized falsely complaining about the election principles or accepted rules and results. All talk, talk, talk — no action or standards.” results. Sad!” Here, Lewis and his fellow believers Stop and think about what you just are on solid footing. Trump has bucked read: A lecher attacking a legend; a man our conventions; his life is rife with of moral depravity attacking a man of percolating conflicts; Comey outrageously moral certitude; an intellectual weakling threw a wrench in the works with his attacking a warrior for justice. This on meaningless, last-minute letter about Martin Luther King Jr. weekend, no less. Clinton’s email (which is now, quite Trump attacks Lewis as, “All talk, talk, rightly, being investigated); and the talk — no action”; Lewis, who repeatedly intelligence community has determined thrust his body unto the breach for justice, with high confidence that Russia interfered who was arrested, beaten and terrorized, in our election in an effort to hurt Clinton including during the time that young and help Trump, their desired candidate. Trump was at his well-heeled schools, ■ receiving draft deferments from the Charles M. Blow has been a New York Vietnam War. Times Op-Ed columnist since 2008. O OTHER VIEWS Trump and pony show s a professional skeptic, I’m not get elected? going to remain doubtful that Watch. Trump mentioned that Donald Trump has been a over the weekend he was offered a $2 willing Russian tool, masterfully serving billion deal with Dubai, which sounds the needs of a dangerous American like a bribe. Don’t worry, the Trump adversary. I’m not going to buy all organization will not do deals abroad the sordid details of “that crap,” as while he’s president, he said. But he the president-elect called intelligence will be making decisions that can fatten reports of his being compromised Timothy his own family holdings at home, and by nasty people operating out of the he will be conducting foreign policy Egan Kremlin. with countries where the Trumps have Comment I’m going to believe Donald Trump, business entanglements. for now, which is more than “This is not a blind he ever did for the graceful trust,” said Walter Shaub, president soon to exit. the director of the Office of Trump has been a garbage Government Ethics. “It’s not conveyor belt, passing along even close.” every bit of half-fermented Watch. When Russia slop that came his way. “An preys on a defenseless extremely credible source neighbor, or Trump allows has called my office and told Vladimir Putin, a man Sen. me that Barack Obama’s John McCain called “a thug, birth certificate is a fraud,” he a murderer, a killer and a tweeted in 2012, to cite one KGB agent,” to commit war lie among thousands. crimes without consequence, I’m going to believe this we’ll have something to talk same Donald Trump who about. Will Rex Tillerson, the urged Russia to interfere former Exxon Mobil chief with an American election, picked to be secretary of because to believe otherwise, without irrefutable state, earn his Order of Friendship Award from evidence, is a pretty damn horrific thing to Putin, or act like the top diplomat of a nation imagine. It would mean that in a week, the long committed to defending human rights? Russians will have installed a stooge — and Watch. When Trump’s only real done it with the right wing of this country infrastructure program is a wall along the cheering them on. Mexican border, saddling taxpayers with a bill I’m going to follow the advice an old that could exceed $50 billion with no discernible journalism hand gave me when I started out economic benefit at home, then he must answer at City Hall: pay more attention to what a for something far more consequential than his politician does than to what he says. In that opinion of the acting skills of Meryl Streep. sense, Trump’s adviser Kellyanne Conway was Watch. When the executive puts his signature half-right when she urged people to largely to real policies. First up is likely to be the ignore “what’s come out of his mouth.” Obamacare repeal, which would give a huge tax His tweets are a diversion, many of them cut to the wealthiest Americans. The 400 highest celebrity-on-celebrity drivel without a dust mite taxpayers would each get a break of about $7 of dignity. They move markets, and ignite news million, on average. Soon to follow, gutting the cycles — an addictive power for an insecure estate tax, which could benefit his Cabinet and man. His Trump Tower perp walks, showing off his family by upward of $9 billion total. the latest poor soul to kiss the king’s ring, reveal Watch. When that same Cabinet, heavy on little but the everyday nourishment needs of a billionaires and people with no government narcissist. experience goes to work. In the inner circle, In the combustible Wednesday news Trump’s national security adviser will be Lt. conference, the skills of a talented charlatan Gen. Michael Flynn, who was paid to give a were on display. Trump is a terrific showman, speech by RT, the Kremlin’s main propaganda and the press was no match. He belittled, outlet for English-language television. bragged, dodged, told a half-dozen half-truths. Watch for a counterweight of sanity, the His motto should be: stay unclassy! He said nominee for defense secretary, retired Marine he could run the country and his business at Corps Gen. James Mattis. On Thursday, he the same time. And judging by the paper-thin broke with Trump, saying the United States conflict-of-interest wall he set up, he probably must confront Putin and should try to make will. the Iran nuclear deal work. You know we’re in His tax returns could reveal many of those trouble when the only reasonable voice during a opportunities to enrich himself from the Oval week of capital chaos is a man whose nickname Office. But he refuses to release this vital is Mad Dog. information. He never answered two essential ■ questions of the transition: What will he replace Timothy Egan worked for 18 years as a Obamacare with? And, did anyone in his writer for The New York Times, first as the campaign have contact with Russian operatives Pacific Northwest correspondent, then as a working to ensure that Hillary Clinton would national enterprise reporter. A I’m going to believe Donald Trump, for now, which is more than he ever did for the graceful president soon to exit. YOUR VIEWS Communities must be vigilant to animal neglect, abuse Regarding East Oregonian Jan. 10 article: “Investigation finds dead, malnourished cattle/” We’re in near total disbelief that these animals were allowed to be abused to this degree. It’s obvious that the owner wouldn’t or couldn’t take care of them properly for some time before they were actually reported, but how many people witnessed the starving things and did nothing about it? The address listed was South Edwards and Columbia roads, two main thoroughfares east of Hermiston. The article stated that a caller had seen the dead animals from Columbia. Ehen the authorities got there 14 were dead, one more calf had to be put down, and 15 were so malnourished they could not be moved safely. How long had the cattle been in bad shape before somebody finally called? That’s a lot of pain and agony that could have been averted because nobody “wanted to get involved.” Surely this terrible travesty had been an ongoing thing for quite some time, maybe for months when the growing season came to a close and the animals ran out of grass. Apparently they didn’t get the feed they so desperately needed to live, especially in the cold weather we’ve had lately, and was their water frozen, or did they have any? Why didn’t the owner do something with his cattle when it became apparent that he couldn’t care for them properly? It makes no sense at all from a humane or economic standpoint. Isn’t Northwest Sale Yard less than 20 miles away? And what about the owner’s friends, family or neighbors? Where were they while these animals were starving to death? Cattle are pretty vocal animals when something is wrong and we’re fairly sure that these animals at some time before they became too emaciated and sick had vocalized they plight collectively that could have been heard for a half mile or more. Are the people who were aware of the condition of these animals that were dying a slow and agonizing death just as guilty of animal abuse as their owner? We think they are. Greg and Diane Elliott Pilot Rock LETTERS POLICY The East Oregonian welcomes original letters of 400 words or less on public issues and public policies for publication in the newspaper and on our website. The newspaper reserves the right to withhold letters that address concerns about individual services and products or letters that infringe on the rights of private citizens. Submitted letters must be signed by the author and include the city of residence and a daytime phone number. The phone number will not be published. Unsigned letters will not be published. Send letters to managing editor Daniel Wattenburger, 211 S.E. Byers Ave. Pendleton, OR 97801 or email