Page 6B East Oregonian PEANUTS COFFEE BREAK Wednesday, January 11, 2017 DEAR ABBY BY CHARLES M . SCHULZ Wife who escaped abusive marriage must not go back FOR BETTER OR WORSE BY LYNN JOHNSTON B.C. BY JOHNNY HART PICKLES BY BRIAN CRANE BEETLE BAILEY BY MORT WALKER Dear Abby: In the beginning with her. (She would never have told of our marriage there was physical me on her own.) abuse and marital rape. I stayed Our sex life has decreased more anyway. Over the years we had two and more over the last few months. children. My husband, “Seth,” and I She barely speaks to me now and don’t communicate because he has spends most of her time on Face- refused to talk about any issues we book. She refuses to discuss our have. During the last few years, my relationship, and I suspect she may youngest son has also become physi- be looking for someone new or has Jeanne cally abusive to me. Phillips already found him. I tried to leave many times but I just don’t get it. I love her. We Advice failed until last December when, have been married for nine years. because I had a heart attack, I finally Please help me to understand. — moved in with family. I did it for the sake of Feeling Lonely my health and my sanity. Dear Feeling Lonely: Your wife may Seth now wants to talk about our issues. not want to discuss your relationship, but He suggested that I come back home. He has sometimes it’s the things people least want to several medical problems, so I was taking talk about that most need to be. If you haven’t care of all the household chores and working already, tell your wife you have noticed the two jobs. My children will not help with the changes in her behavior and in your level of chores unless I scream and yell for hours. intimacy, and you miss it. Tell her you love I no longer love my husband. He wants her and feel your marriage is threatened. to romance me and try to make me love him If she still doesn’t want to discuss your again. He is also very controlling. He feels I relationship, tell her it’s time the two of “owe” him a chance to prove that he loves me you go see a marriage and family therapist and can change. Am I wrong for leaving and together. What you were told may be no more letting go? I’m very confused. — Letting Go than a flirtation, but if it’s more than that, it’s In Florida better you know sooner rather than later. I Dear Letting Go: You owe this man abso- hope your wife will agree, but if she doesn’t, lutely nothing! If you allow Seth the chance then for your own sake, get some counseling to romance you into coming back to take care without her. of him, you will wind up exactly where you Dear Abby: Do you field more questions started. from unmarried couples living together than Your son abuses you because that is what from married couples? I can only judge from he saw his father doing — and you allowed what is printed. — Inquisitive In Virginia it. If you stand your ground now, it will show Dear Inquisitive: That’s an interesting your son that abuse is not to be tolerated. I question. Frankly, I have never broken down hope you will teach him that lesson because it the letters into categories like “married” or is an important one for him to learn. “cohabiting.” Many people live together Dear Abby: Four months ago my wife before marriage today, but eventually prog- started wearing more makeup, perfume and ress to formalizing their relationship. Others trying new things with her hair. It began after do not. Married or not, their relationship she was promoted to store manager. Recently, questions interest me, or I wouldn’t print I found out that someone has been flirting them. DAYS GONE BY GARFIELD BLONDIE BY JIM DAVIS BY DEAN YOUNG AND STAN DRAKE 100 Years Ago From the East Oregonian Jan. 11, 1917 After investigating the heavy losses of horses in the Cold Springs country north of Pendleton, Dr. W.H. Lytle, state veterinarian who was here yesterday, pronounced the causes for the losses as two, a mould or fungus poisoning and poisoning by lupine. The latter weed is ascribed as the reason for most of the horses dying and Dr. Lytle has left with the farmers directions for combatting the action of the poison. More than 25 head of valuable horses have been lost within the past few weeks. George Hess alone has lost 11, Jack Wickman has lost eight head and has two others sick and Joe Snyder has lost five head and has two others sick. Dr. Lyle discovered the weed lupine in the pastures of practically all the places where horses have been lost and also ascertained that all of the animals had been allowed to forage. 50 Years Ago From the East Oregonian Jan. 11, 1967 Pendleton firemen were plenty burned up last night, but it wasn’t because they got too close to a fire, it was because someone is tripping the alarm box on NW 15th in Sergeant City near the high school. This was the second run on a false alarm to that area in three days. Not knowing what type of call it was and not wanting to take any chances, the fire department dispatched two trucks and 18 men to the scene. Fire Chief William (Blackie) Batchelor said that malicious false alarms can tie up men and equipment who might be needed elsewhere and could possible be needed at the home of the party who turned in the alarm. Tripping alarm boxes for this purpose is punishable by 180 days in jail and a $500 fine if convicted. 25 Years Ago From the East Oregonian Jan. 11, 1992 A Port of Umatilla committee is refining plans for a regional water system that would use a large well along the Columbia River and 2-million-gallon tank on Umatilla Butte. As proposed, the first phase of the Northwest Umatilla County Regional Water System would cost an estimated $3.5 million, Byron Grow of the Port of Umatilla said. In the system, water would run from the well to a chlorination plant and then be moved several miles to Umatilla Butte, a high point between Hermiston and Umatilla in the vicinity of Cooney Lane. The idea appears to be the cheapest way to add industrial and municipal capacity to the Hermiston area, he said. THIS DAY IN HISTORY DILBERT THE WIZARD OF ID LUANN ZITS BY SCOTT ADAMS BY BRANT PARKER AND JOHNNY HART BY GREG EVANS BY JERRY SCOTT AND JIM BORGMAN Today is the 11th day of 2017. There are 354 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On Jan. 11, 1927, the creation of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences was proposed during a dinner of Holly- wood luminaries at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. On this date: In 1861, Alabama became the fourth state to withdraw from the Union. In 1908, President Theo- dore Roosevelt proclaimed the Grand Canyon National Monument (it became a national park in 1919). In 1935, aviator Amelia Earhart began an 18-hour trip from Honolulu to Oakland, California, that made her the first person to fly solo across any part of the Pacific Ocean. In 1964, U.S. Surgeon General Luther Terry issued “Smoking and Health,” a report which concluded that “cigarette smoking contributes substantially to mortality from certain specific diseases and to the overall death rate.” In 1966, Swiss artist Alberto Giacometti, 64, died in Chur. In 2003, calling the death penalty process “arbitrary and capricious, and there- fore immoral,” Illinois Gov. George Ryan commuted the sentences of 167 condemned inmates, clearing his state’s death row two days before leaving office. Today’s Birthdays: The former prime minister of Canada, Jean Chretien, is 83. Actor Mitchell Ryan is 83. Actor Felix Silla is 80. Movie director Joel Zwick is 75. Country singer Naomi Judd is 71. World Golf Hall of Famer Ben Crenshaw is 65. Singer Robert Earl Keen is 61. Actress Phyllis Logan is 61. Musician Vicki Peterson (The Bangles) is 59. Rock musician Tom Dumont (No Doubt) is 49. Musician Tom Rowlands (The Chemical Brothers) is 46. Actor Marc Blucas is 45. Actress Amanda Peet is 45. Thought for Today: “Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson, American essayist, poet and philoso- pher (1803-1882). PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN BY DANA SIMPSON BIG NATE BY LINCOLN PEIRCE