LIFESTYLES WEEKEND, JANUARY 7-8, 2017 By KATHY ANEY East Oregonian B atman has the reputation of a brooding, high-tech crime fighter who swoops down and powerfully saves the day. But the Dark Knight has a softer, more emotional side too — and he can carry a tune. So can the Joker, for that matter. As a middle school student in Hermiston, Riley Mulvihill began crafting a musical starring the caped crusader and his nemesis, Joker, that clown prince of crime. Songs took shape in the boy’s mind over months and years, eventually enough for an entire production. Mulvihill’s play, “Dark Knight: The Musical,” finally made it to the stage in November at the University of Oregon’s Pocket Playhouse. The UO senior acted as playwright, financier and director, not to mention scenery painter and costume designer. Mulvihill calls his creation “a loving parody.” The original movie plot of “Dark Knight” is “ridiculous,” he said, featuring “a billionaire who dresses up as a bat that goes out at night and beats up criminals.” The musical ratchets up the crazy factor even farther, he said. For years, the tunes inside Mulvilhill’s mind both morphed and crystallized. He didn’t put them on paper, unskilled as he was at transferring music from brain to sheet music. One day, the teenager told Hermiston High School choir director Joshua Rist about his mental collection of original songs. “Show me what you got,” Mulvihill recalled Rist saying. “I sang him one of my songs. He sat down and started playing it.” That was the beginning of a collaboration that lasted the rest of Mulvihill’s senior year and beyond. The pair met after school a few times a week to hone the songs. Eventually, they recorded some of them. “I was Joker and Joshua was Batman,” said Mulvihill, who is now a senior at the University of Oregon. “We got kids from choir to come in and sing other parts.” Mulvihill and a couple of other singers performed “Kill the Bat,” the musical’s showstopping number, during the high school’s final concert of the year. “It brought the house down,” Rist said. “I think he realized then that this was a show people would love.” Mulvihill, 21, is no stranger to the theatre. He started acting in middle school when his mother, a teacher at the high school, persuaded him to try out for “Romeo and Juliet.” He prefers the offbeat roles. At University of Oregon, Mulvihill performed various roles, but his favorite was playing the part of Joe in the Edward Scissorhands-esque production of “Steelhand Joe,” a western featuring a cowboy born with guns for hands. The show, as outlandish as it was, had heart and a good message. “Everyone was afraid of him because he had firearms for hands,” Mulvihill said. “But he was really sensitive and misunderstood.” He said “Dark Knight” has that same mix of ridiculousness and heart. The show also uses a Shakespeare-like strategy of two plots (one of the lower class and one of the upper crust) coming together. The “Dark Knight” plot provides a backdrop of a second story about a street criminal named Rob who chooses good in the end. Earlier this year, Rist and Mulvihill got back together to flesh out the show so Mulvihill could submit it for consideration at the Pocket Playhouse. Just before the deadline, Mulvihill spent about 10 straight hours writing dialogue to tie the songs together. “I didn’t leave my room,” he BATMAN THE MUSICAL Production fluttered to life in Hermiston middle schooler’s mind Photo by Ben Jones Batman (Cameron Engle) and the Joker (Andrew Tesoriero) trade lines during “Dark Knight: The Musical” at the Pocket Playhouse in November at the University of Oregon. Photo by Ben Jones Photo by Ben Jones Riley Mulvihill started dreaming up songs for “Dark Knight: The Musical” as a middle school student in Hermiston. The cast and crew of “Dark Knight: The Musical” pose for a photo at the University of Oregon’s Pocket Playhouse. said. “I wrote the entire script.” When the playhouse board chose Mulvihill to direct his play, he began his journey into theater dressed up like a bat,” Alfred sings to the crime-fighting millionaire. “Remember that poor gangster you stopped last week. You kicked in his face and knocked out all his teeth. He slipped into a coma and he’s drinking through a tube, yet that man ain’t whining half as much as you.” “Of course he wasn’t,” Batman sings in reply. “He was in a coma.” During performances, Mulvihill sat in the audience and soaked in the reaction. When one scene went awry, he chewed his fingernails as his actors improvised and recovered. Actor Stephen Radke, who played Rob, said Mulvihill excelled in his first production role. “He was the chillest director I’ve ever had,” Radke said. “He had an image of what he wanted. He had good energy. It just felt right.” The audiences in the small theater gave the actors a warm reception and many returned during the two-week run. But the audience member that made Photo by Ben Jones Batman/Bruce Wayne (Cameron Engle) listens with annoyance as his butler Alfred (Bryton Dorland) sings a song chiding him for his bad attitude called “Cheer the F**k Up” during a performance of “Dark Knight: The Musical” in November at the University of Oregon’s Pocket Playhouse. production. “There was a surprise around every corner,” he said. “It was stressful, but in all the good ways. I didn’t doubt my team for a second.” Mulvihill said he didn’t have to worry about getting permission to use the “Dark Knight” characters since the show was a parody and also created in an educational setting. The show included an elaborate fight scene and 11 original songs. The dialogue evolved during rehearsals. “The best plays are alive,” Mulvihill said. “They grow with the production.” The songs he had dreamed up as a middle-schooler came alive on the stage. Along with “Kill the Bat,” there is a duet between Joker and Batman and another in which Bruce Wayne’s butler, Alfred, chides Batman for his melancholy mood after a romantic breakup. “People hurt and people cry, there’s a place for that, but it is pathetic coming from a grown man Mulvihill smile the broadest was Rist. The choir director, who now teaches at McNary High School in Keizer, drove to Eugene to see the production. As Rist watched, he realized the boy who had performed impromptu rap songs on the bus during high school choir trips had become a seasoned professional. “I was so proud of him,” Rist said. “He has a phenomenal work ethic and a lot of drive. He stuck with something so long that it came to fruition.” Mulvihill said he feels nothing but gratitude to his former choir director. “There wouldn’t have been a show without him,” Mulvihill said. Mulvihill said he would love to direct the show again in the future. Though he seems destined for a life in theater, he said he is actually headed for a career in computer science. ——— Contact Kathy Aney at kaney@ or call 541-966-0810.