© 2016 by Vicki Whiting, Editor Jeff Schinkel, Graphics Vol. 32, No. 33 While the 2016 Olympics are called the Summer Games, s, nter in it is actually winter Brazil where the e games are being held. Most of Brazil is located south of the equator. Because the earth rotates around the he sun on a small tilt, seasons are different north and d south th of f the equator. Brazilian Winter: Tilted away from the sun the sun, but because be where it is summer, the planet p is tilted towards the sun. th Macaws, a kind of parrot, live in the Amazonian rainforest. Their big, strong beaks can crack open the hard Brazil nut. Brazilian Summer: Tilted toward the sun In Brazil, June, July and August are the winter months, while summer is in December, January and February. Can you find the answer to all of these questions? (Hint–they can all be found on today’s Kid Scoop page!) Have a parent check your answers. 1. It is summer in Brazil during the 2016 Olympics. Summer is the warmest time of the year. Not because the planet is closer to TRUE FALSE 2. Most of Brazil is located south of the _________________ . The land around the Amazon and its tributaries make up the largest rainforest in the world. Like its name says, it rains a lot there. 3. The largest rainforest in the world is found along the _____________ River. The western Amazon region gets about 160 inches (400 cm) per year. Add up the numbers on this tree to find out how much New York City gets on average. 4. New York City gets an average of _____ inches of rain a year. inches (107 cm) 5. T The Amazon Rainforest Amazonian Indians were the first people to make rubber. They found a tree in the rainforest with a white sap that could be used as an insect repellent and they made their feather robes waterproof. The Indians learned that when heated over a fire, the sap thickened to make rubber. They used this rubber to make shoes and balls. 25% of the world’s medicine comes from the rainforest! gets an average of ____ ge cm of rain in a year. 6. A As the earth rotates around the sun, it _________ th towards and away from to the h sun. 7. Amazonian Indians were the first people to make ____________. Brazil’s forests have millions of insects. The leaf-cutter ants cut leaves into tiny pieces and carry them back to their underground colonies. There they chew the leaves into a mush that they feed to a fungus that they then eat. Look through the n newspaper for signs of summer. Cut them out and make a “Summer Where I Live” poster. Unscramble the letters on the leaves to discover the name of a rainforest snake that can grow up to 40 feet (12m) long. The green on Brazil’s flag stands for its forests and fields. Yellow is for the country’s rich deposits of gold. The blue circle represents the night sky and its twenty-seven stars are for Brazil’s 26 states. The stars are arranged in the constellations that were visible the day Brazil became independent from Portugal. The phrase ORDEM E PROGRESSO is also on the Brazilian flag. TODRBDNEKRLATNVDQPTRJOWGHRLERSMS Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Follow simple written directions. Standards Link: Research: Use the newspaper to locate information. WATERPROOF OLYMPICS EQUATOR WINTER PLANET BRAZIL TILTED FUNGUS RUBBER AMAZON LEAVES SHOES RAINS FIRE SAP 8. The yellow on the Brazilian flag represents this metal which can be found there. ______ 9. How many states are in the country of Brazil? ____ 10. Rubber is made from the ______ of a ______. Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Identify answers from text. E W A D E T L I T R M Q W P I I N W S T A R U L Z E I R C F M U R A I N S S I S This week’s word: A B R N T A E R P U TRIBUTARY Z B G E P O E A M G The noun tributary means a stream flowing into a larger river. O E R T H M R E Y N N R S S E V A E L U W A T E R P R O O F The Amazon River basin has about 15,000 tributaries. Try to use the word tributary in a sentence today when talking with your friends and family members. Describe Brazil After reading today’s Kid Scoop page, look through the newspaper for five or more adjectives that describe Brazil. Cut them out, paste them on a piece of construction paper you have cut into the shape of Brazil. Standards Link: Language Arts: Identify adjectives. Tell about a time you did something really great— something you didn’t think you could do, but you tried it anyway and succeeded.