Page 6B East Oregonian PEANUTS COFFEE BREAK Friday, July 15, 2016 DEAR ABBY BY CHARLES M . SCHULZ ‘Love child’ plans approach to half-brother he never met FOR BETTER OR WORSE BY LYNN JOHNSTON B.C. BY JOHNNY HART PICKLES BY BRIAN CRANE BEETLE BAILEY BY MORT WALKER GARFIELD BLONDIE BY JIM DAVIS BY DEAN YOUNG AND STAN DRAKE Dear Abby: My husband, “Pete,” discussion of love interests, family, etc. is an only child. His mom, who was married, had an affair with a married Eight years ago, I met a wonderful man, which resulted in his birth. His man who accepts me for who I am. mother’s husband put his name on He also understands and supports the the birth certiicate, but as a kid, Pete type of contact I have with my ex. had contact from time to time with My beau and I have inally decided to his biological father. Both dads have take the plunge and be married. What since passed away. is the etiquette for letting my ex-hus- Jeanne Pete has known for years that his Phillips band know that I am remarrying? I biological father had an older son, but know there will be photos posted to Advice he doesn’t know if the son knows he Facebook by friends in common. — exists. Pete now thinks he may have Second Time Around In Utah found his half-brother online and wants to Dear Second: Convey that information reach out to see if he wants a relationship. personally. Because you are on speaking How do we even begin to broach this with terms, call him and share the happy news. the half-brother? Is it worth it? Could it cause I think he will appreciate hearing it straight more damage than good? If you were my from you, just as you would if the situation husband or his half-brother, would you want were reversed. to pursue this? — Family Matters In Texas Dear Abby: There’s an ongoing debate Dear F.M.: The decision about whether to among my group of friends about using contact a long-lost relative is a very personal the word “texted.” When I used it, I was one. For some people, the experience is a corrected, chastised and told that it is NOT a happy one, but not for others. word. Five years ago, when my daughter was Because your husband and his (possible) a teenager, I started hearing it used frequently. half-brother are both adults, I can’t see how I realize that “text” is not a verb, however, reaching out would be harmful to the man. A times have certainly changed, and many new way to do it would be for Pete to send him an words and expressions have been added to email or a letter, explain who his biological our vocabulary. Would it only be correct to father was and ask if there is any interest in say, “I sent a text”? Please settle this for us. further contact. — Busted By The Grammar Police Dear Abby: My husband and I divorced 10 Dear Busted: The English language years ago. There were no children involved. is constantly evolving, and with the rapid After the divorce, we would occasionally get advances in technology, words are added to together for a meal. It was during those times the lexicon every year. According to Dictio- that we managed to work through our issues, “texted” is, indeed, a word and and move forward with our separate lives. you have been using it correctly. However, Since then, we have remained in contact because a picture is worth a thousand words, occasionally to say happy birthday or update rather than tell your friends you got the the other on work. We are also friends on information from me, consider sending them Facebook, but our contact does not involve a descriptive emoji from the both of us. DAYS GONE BY 100 Years Ago From the East Oregonian July 15, 1916 Refusing to accept the “buck” passed to them by the druggists and council through the ordinance adopted Wednesday evening, the physicians of Pendleton last evening met and formally adopted a resolution agreeing not to prescribe alcohol for any purpose whatever. Every doctor of medicine in the city has signed the resolution. The council, upon the petition of the druggists, at the last meeting passed an ordinance providing that no druggist of the city can sell alcohol except upon the prescription of a physician. Realizing that this ordinance will result in many demands being made upon them to prescribe alcohol the physicians, to protect themselves professionally, decided that they would refuse to prescribe alcohol for any purpose. The law did not intend that they should be “substitutes for bartenders,” they point out, and they refuse to lend themselves to violations of the prohibition amendment, even though within the law themselves. 50 Years Ago From the East Oregonian July 15, 1966 A 14-hour course in light rescue techniques was conducted last week at Umatilla Army Depot. Harrison Hadley of Pendleton was engaged by the Umatilla County civil defense ofice as instructor of the course, which, he said, has produced the only fully-manned light rescue unit in the civil defense system in eastern Oregon. Members of the 26-man squad are employes of the depot, and the course was arranged at the request of UAD oficials as a preparation measure for emergencies that might occur there. Civil defense oficials also can enlist the unit to perform rescue work in disaster situations in any part of the state. 25 Years Ago From the East Oregonian July 15, 1991 When Oscar Albers started losing sight in his right eye, the possibility of going blind became very real. The thought of not being able to drive, of being housebound and unable to read, prompted the 83-year-old to search for a way to save his sight. He found an advertisement for “corneal transplants” placed by a new Pendleton ophthalmologist. Albers was on the path to becoming the irst recipient of a cornea transplant in Eastern Oregon. Dr. Dan Stingle performed the 45-minute surgery at St. Anthony Hospital on May 16, and now Albers can see through the eye he had written off. THIS DAY IN HISTORY DILBERT THE WIZARD OF ID LUANN ZITS BY SCOTT ADAMS BY BRANT PARKER AND JOHNNY HART BY GREG EVANS BY JERRY SCOTT AND JIM BORGMAN Today is the 197th day of 2016. There are 169 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On July 15, 1976, a 36-hour kidnap ordeal began for 26 schoolchildren and their bus driver as they were abducted near Chowchilla, California, by three gunmen and imprisoned in an under- ground cell. (The captives escaped unharmed; the kidnappers were caught.) On this date: In 1799, French soldiers in Egypt discovered the Rosetta Stone, which proved instru- mental in deciphering ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. In 1870, Georgia became the last Confederate state to be readmitted to the Union. Manitoba entered confeder- ation as the ifth Canadian province. In 1916, Boeing Co., orig- inally known as Paciic Aero Products Co., was founded in Seattle. In 1932, President Herbert Hoover announced he was slashing his own salary by 20 percent, from $75,000 to $60,000 a year; he also cut Cabinet members’ salaries by 15 percent, from $15,000 to $12,750 a year. In 1948, President Harry S. Truman was nominated for another term of ofice by the Democratic national convention in Philadelphia. In 1954, a prototype of the Boeing 707, the model 367-80, made its maiden light from Renton Field south of Seattle. In 1964, Sen. Barry M. Goldwater of Arizona was nominated for president by the Republican national convention in San Francisco. In 1996, MSNBC, a 24-hour all-news network, made its debut on cable and the internet. Today’s Birthdays: Author Clive Cussler is 85. Actor Ken Kercheval is 81. Actor Patrick Wayne is 77. Actor Jan-Michael Vincent is 72. Rhythm-and-blues singer Millie Jackson is 72. Rock singer-musician Peter Lewis (Moby Grape) is 71. Singer Linda Ronstadt is 70. Rock musician Artimus Pyle is 68. Arianna Hufington, co-founder of The Huff- ington Post news website, is 66. Actress Celia Imrie is 64. Rock musician Joe Satriani is 60. Actor-director Forest Whitaker is 55. Actress Brigitte Nielsen is 53. Actor-screenwriter Jim Rash is 45. Rock musician Ray Toro (My Chemical Romance) is 39. Thought for Today: “If you have knowledge, let others light their candles with it.” — Margaret Fuller, American journalist and social critic (1810-1850). PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN BY DANA SIMPSON BIG NATE BY LINCOLN PEIRCE