SPORTS THURSDAY, JULY 14, 2016 1B FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @EOSPORTS PENDLETON Pendleton rallies to capture state championship with the upper hand after beating 3RUWODQG LQ WKH VHPL¿QDOV and had to lose twice in order to EHHOLPLQDWHG Portland came out playing like a team with its back against the wall, and went up early while Pendleton was retired in order in East Oregonian LWV¿UVWWZRDWEDWV A Pendleton error gave REDMOND — The Pend- Portland a runner in the second OHWRQDOOVWDUVUDOOLHGIRUVL[UXQV inning, and after pitcher Mack- LQWKH¿IWKLQQLQJDQGKHOGRQWR HQ]LH %XUNH JRW D À\ RXW DQG D beat Southeast Portland 8-4 for VWULNHRXWDVLQJOHPDGHLW the Little League Softball state Portland tacked on three more FKDPSLRQVKLSRQ:HGQHVGD\ runs in the second to make it 4-0, Pendleton entered the game but Burke would shut them out Softball All- stars earn spot in West Regionals WKHUHVWRIWKHZD\6KHVWUDQGHG WZR UXQQHUV LQ HDFK RI WKH ¿QDO WKUHH LQQLQJV DQG ¿QLVKHG ZLWK WKUHHVWULNHRXWVDQGRQHZDON Pendleton started its come- back in the top of the fourth when Josie Wilson (1 for 2) walked and VFRUHG RQ 3HQGOHWRQ¶V ¿UVW KLW in the game, a triple by Delaney 'XFKHNIRU Portland minimized the damage, and tagged Duchek out at home when she tried to score on a single by Daisy Jenness (2 IRU$JURXQGRXWDQGVWULNHRXW The Pendleton 11/12-year-old softball all-stars pose with their state-champi- onship medals, trophy and ban- ner after beating Southeast Port- land 8-4 in the fi - nal of the Oregon Little Leauge State Tournament on Wednesday in Redmond. Contributed photo courtesy of Justin Samp See PENDLETON/2B PILOT ROCK 5RHQDPHG$$¶VWRSSOD\HU In this May 25, 2016 fi le photo, Pilot Rock’s Bekah Roe gets ready to con- nect with the ball for a base hit during the Rock- ets game against Gas- ton. Youth Golf Lerten repeats at Hermiston Junior Adams also wins his age group at Echo Hills East Oregonian Staff photo by Kathy Aney Pilot Rock junior one of seven Rockets on all-state roster WRFDSDGRPLQDQWVHDVRQ And throughout that domi- 3,/27 52&. ² 7KH 3LORW nant showing, Pilot Rock junior Rock Rockets showed the state LQ¿HOGHU %HNDK 5RH VKRZHG ZK\ of Oregon that they were the best she was the best all-around player WHDP LQ &ODVV $$ DJDLQ WKLV on the best team by leading the season by bringing home their Rockets in most offensive statis- second-straight state championship WLFDOFDWHJRULHV$QGZLWKDGLVWULFW East Oregonian player of the year award already in her back pocket, she was awarded yet again on Wednesday by being QDPHG WKH &ODVV $$ 3OD\HU RI WKH