Page 6A WORLD BRIEFLY East Oregonian Portland woman killed on Texas campus AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A ¿UVW\HDU8QLYHUVLW\RI7H[DV dance student whose body was IRXQGQHDUWKHKHDUWRIFDPSXV ZDVWKHYLFWLPRID³KRUULI\LQJDQG LQFRPSUHKHQVLEOH´NLOOLQJWKDWZDV WKH¿UVWRQVFKRROJURXQGVVLQFH WKHEHOOWRZHUPDVVVKRRWLQJQHDUO\ \HDUVDJRXQLYHUVLW\RI¿FLDOV said Thursday. 873UHVLGHQW*UHJ)HQYHV LGHQWL¿HGWKHYLFWLPDV\HDUROG +DUXND:HLVHURI3RUWODQGGXULQJ DVRPEHUQHZVFRQIHUHQFHDQG VDLGWKH³XQWKLQNDEOHEUXWDOLW\ DJDLQVW+DUXNDLVDQDWWDFNRQRXU HQWLUHIDPLO\´6WXGHQWVZKRVSRNH ODWHULQWKHGD\DWDYLJLOWKDWGUHZ KXQGUHGVRISHRSOHRQWKH$XVWLQ FDPSXVVDLGWKHNLOOLQJZLOOOHDYH WKHPXQVHWWOHGGXULQJWKHLUQLJKWO\ ZDONVKRPH :HLVHUZDVODVWVHHQDURXQG SP6XQGD\OHDYLQJ87¶V GUDPDEXLOGLQJ³6KHQHYHUPDGH LWWRKHUGRUPLWRU\WKDWQLJKW´ $VVLVWDQW$XVWLQ3ROLFH&KLHI7UR\ Gay said. +HUURRPPDWHVUHSRUWHGKHU PLVVLQJVKRUWO\EHIRUHQRRQWKH IROORZLQJGD\DQG:HLVHU¶VERG\ ZDVGLVFRYHUHG7XHVGD\LQDFUHHN QHDUWKHDOXPQLFHQWHUDQGIRRWEDOO VWDGLXPDQDUHDEXVWOLQJZLWK DFWLYLW\GD\DQGQLJKW 7KHURXWHWRKHUGRUPRIWHQ WRRNKHUDORQJWKHFUHHNZKHUHKHU ERG\ZDVUHFRYHUHGDQG*D\VDLG DXWKRULWLHV³NQHZWKHGLUHFWLRQWKDW VKHWUDYHOHG´EDVHGRQZKDWVKH WH[WHGWRRQHRIKHUIULHQGV Siege tactics complicate ¿JKWIRUNH\,6KHOG Iraqi town HIT, Iraq (AP) — As they DGYDQFHGRQWKH,VODPLF6WDWHKHOG WRZQRI+LW,UDTLFRXQWHUWHUURULVP troops had to decide how to press WKHDWWDFN,IWKH\VWRUPHGLQZLWK DUPRUDQGDLUVWULNHVWKH\ULVNHG KHDY\FDVXDOWLHVDQGPLJKWDOORZ WKHPLOLWDQWVWRÀHH *HQ$EGHO*KDQLDO$VDGL WKHFRPPDQGHURIWKHHOLWHWURRSV FKRVHDGLIIHUHQWDSSURDFK Surround the strategic western WRZQZLWKDVORZDQGPHWKRGLFDO FRUGRQWUDSSLQJWKHH[WUHPLVWV inside. ,W¶VDWDFWLFWKDW¶VEHHQXVHG Television > Today’s highlights HOVHZKHUHWRFODZEDFN,UDTL territory that was seized by the ,VODPLF6WDWHJURXSLQ :KLOHWKHGHFLVLRQPD\KDYH EHHQPRUHWLPHFRQVXPLQJ DOORZLQJWKHPLOLWDQWVLQ+LWWRGLJ LQOD\GHIHQVHVDQGODXQFKDWWDFNV WKDWLQLWLDOO\DOVRWUDSSHGWHQVRI WKRXVDQGVRIFLYLOLDQV,UDTLIRUFHV EHOLHYHWKHDSSURDFKLVDNH\WR PDNLQJWKHLUWHUULWRULDOJDLQVVWLFN and reduce their casualties. 6L[FRXQWHUWHUURULVPEDWWDOLRQV SXVKHGXSIURPWKHZHVWODVW ZHHNHQGWRFXWRII+LW¶VQRUWKHUQ HGJH]LJ]DJJLQJLQWKHVRIWGHVHUW WHUUDLQDQGWDNLQJPRUHWKDQ KRXUVWRDGYDQFHRQO\DIHZPLOHV EHHQIROORZLQJWKH=LNDVDJDDW OHDVWDOLWWOHPDQ\DUHQ¶WVXUH ZKHWKHUWKHUH¶VDYDFFLQHRU WUHDWPHQW²QRW\HW²RULIWKHUH¶V DQ\ZD\WKHYLUXVFDQVSUHDGRWKHU WKDQWKURXJKPRVTXLWRELWHV 6WLOOZLWKPRVTXLWRVHDVRQ IDVWDSSURDFKLQJPRUHWKDQ KDOIRIWKHSRSXODWLRQVXSSRUWV DYDULHW\RIHIIRUWVWRFRQWURO VXPPHUVZDUPV²IURPVSUD\LQJ pesticides to releasing genetically PRGL¿HGPRVTXLWRHVVD\VWKH poll conducted by The Associated 3UHVV125&&HQWHUIRU3XEOLF $IIDLUV5HVHDUFK 7KHJRYHUQPHQWLVFRQVLGHULQJ D¿HOGWULDOLQWKH)ORULGD.H\VRI PDOHPRVTXLWRHVZKLFKGRQ¶WELWH are genetically altered so that 3ROO6RPHNH\JDSVLQ that ZKHQWKH\PDWHZLWKZLOGIHPDOHV Americans’ knowledge WKHRIIVSULQJTXLFNO\GLH7KH SROOIRXQGSHUFHQWRISHRSOH about Zika virus would support introducing such :$6+,1*721$3² PRVTXLWRHVLQWRDUHDVDIIHFWHGE\ $PHULFDQVGRQ¶WNQRZDORWDERXW =LND WKH=LNDYLUXVWKDWLVOLQNHGWRELUWK ³,WKLQNLW¶VNLQGRIWKHZDYHRI GHIHFWVDQGFUHHSLQJVWHDGLO\FORVHU WKHIXWXUHWREHKRQHVW´VDLG-DQLV to the U.S., according to a new 0DQH\RI3HQVDFROD)ORULGD SROOWKDWIRXQGDERXWLQVD\ ZKRVHHVPRVTXLWRHVQHDUO\ WKH\¶YHKHDUGOLWWOHWRQRWKLQJDERXW \HDUURXQGLQKHUZDUPFOLPDWH WKHPRVTXLWRERUQHWKUHDW 6KH¶VRSHQWR³DQ\WKLQJWKDWZRXOG (YHQDPRQJSHRSOHZKR¶YH FRQWUROWKRVHOLWWOHEXJJHUV´ Friday Morning 6 STATION PBS ABC NBC CBS FOX Friday, April 8, 2016 AM Kids 6:30 AgDay Friends Good Day Oregon at 6 News News KOIN 6 News at 6 a.m. Wake Up Northwest KGW News at Sunrise Northwest Northwest KATU News Morning Stretch W.L.Yoga (31) KTNW Jet Go! (59) OPB 13 Stretch 11 KPTV 3 (19) KEPR 2 KOIN 19 (25) KNDU 6 KGW 8 (42) KVEW 4 KATU 5 (11) KFFX 7 AM 7:30 News Sports Movies 8 8:30 9 AM Pets.TV Paid The Office Paid Good Day Oregon CBS This Morning CBS This Morning Today Show Kerry Washington, Don Cheadle Today Show Kerry Washington, Don Cheadle Good Morning America (N) Good Morning America (N) Wild Kratts Jet Go! Nature Cat C.George Nature Cat C.George D.Tiger D.Tiger AM IS militants abduct 300 cement workers near 6\ULDQFDSLWDO %(,587$3²,QDEUD]HQ assault near the Syrian capital, ,VODPLF6WDWHPLOLWDQWVRQ7KXUVGD\ DEGXFWHGFHPHQWZRUNHUVDQG FRQWUDFWRUVLQDQDUHDQRUWKHDVWRI 'DPDVFXV6\ULDQVWDWH79UHSRUWHG DV¿JKWLQJHOVHZKHUHLQWKHFRXQWU\ also worsened. Meanwhile, the U.N. special HQYR\IRU6\ULDVDLGWKHQH[WURXQG RISHDFHWDONVLQ*HQHYDZDV H[SHFWHGWRVWDUWQH[WZHHNDURXQG $SULO6WDIIDQGH0LVWXUDVDLG WKHQHZURXQGVKRXOGIRFXVRQ a political process that he hoped ZRXOGOHDGWRD³FRQFUHWHRUUHDO EHJLQQLQJRIDSROLWLFDOWUDQVLWLRQ´ 6WDWH79VDLG7KXUVGD\¶VPDVV DEGXFWLRQRIZRUNHUVIURPWKH DO%DGLD&HPHQW&RPSDQ\WRRN SODFHLQ'XPHLUDQDUHDZKHUH PLOLWDQWVODXQFKHGDVXUSULVHDWWDFN DJDLQVWJRYHUQPHQWIRUFHVHDUOLHU WKLVZHHN6WDWHUXQQHZVDJHQF\ SANA quoted a source in the FRPSDQ\DVVD\LQJWKDWWKHUHKDV EHHQQRVXFFHVVLQHIIRUWVWRHVWDEOLVK FRQWDFWZLWKDQ\RIWKHZRUNHUV April 8, 2016 9:30 Mother Paid Good Day Meredith Vieira Let's Make a Deal Today Show II (N) Today Show II (N) Kelly and Michael (N) AM Northwest D.Tiger D.Tiger Sesame St. Peg + Cat 10 AM 10:30 Law & Order: C.I. The 700 Club The Price Is Right The Price Is Right Today Show III (N) Today Show III (N) The View The View Sesame St. Peg + Cat DinoTrain DinoTrain 11 AM 11:30 Crime Watch Daily E. Stanton Eco Co. Young & Restless Young & Restless Wendy Williams The Dr. Oz Show (N) Paid Middle Kelly and Michael (N) DinoTrain Sit and Fit SuperW! Thomas AFTERNOON 12 PM PBS ABC NBC CBS FOX STATION Mike and Amy in “What If We Get Married?” (11) FOX KFFX KPTV (19) CBS The race around the world heats up as the contestants tackle another leg of the journey in this new episode. Phil Keoghan hosts as teams of two face various challenges as they race from one destination to the next in the hopes of winning $1 million. Dr. Ken KEPR KOIN (25) NBC (19) KEPR KOIN 8:00 p.m. KNDU ABC PBS The competition intensifies as the remaining contestants face another fiery challenge and dinner service. Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay pre- sides over the competition as he pushes the participants to the limit and beyond. 5 PBS NewsHour (59) ANPL 9:00 p.m. AMC Pool expert Lucas travels to sunny Florida in this new episode. There, he meets a couple who wants him to create the ultimate space of tran- quility and relaxation. Cameras follow Lucas and his crew every step of the way. ANPL CMT CNBC CNN DISC DISN Amy and Mike have been close friends for a while, but they’ve decided to skip the dating phase and get married in this new episode. Cameras follow best friends Amanda and Christian as well, who have also de- cided to take the plunge. ESPN Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives CABLE FOOD 10:00 p.m. Guy Fieri travels to Oakland to visit a Mexican joint serving up pork belly tacos and carne adovada in this new episode. In Stockton, he pops by a New Orleans-inspired place that has a saucy twist on tradi- tional beignets. ESPN2 FNC FOOD FREE FX GOLF GSN HALL HGTV HIST Talk shows LIFE NICK WPIX The Steve Wilkos Show Pendleton East-Oregonian, OR: Talk Shows Apr 8, 2016 ROOT SPIKE SYFY TBS PREMIUM TCM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 Judge Mathis The Real Let's Make a Deal The Doctors Hot Bench Minute FABLife The Doctors Meredith Vieira C.George Thomas Nature Cat Bob Build 3 PM 3:30 The People's Court TMZ Live! Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Million? Million? Ellen DeGeneres (N) The Rachael Ray Show Steve Harvey Arthur Nature Cat Cat/ Hat Jet Go! 4 PM 4:30 The People's Court Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy KOIN 6 News at 4 p.m. Ellen DeGeneres (N) KGW News FABLife KATU News @ 4 Jet Go! Odd Squad Speaks WordGirl 5 PM 5:30 Mike&M. Mike&M. 5 O'Clock News News News News News News NBC News KGW News NBC News News News News News Wild Kratts Business Odd Squad Wild Kratts TLC TNT UNI USA WE WGN ENC HBO HBO2 HBO3 MAX SHOW STARZ 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 Sleepy Hollow Abbie Hell's Kitchen The FOX News :35 Law:CI A squad :35 Two and Crane discover an chefs must properly investigates high profile and a Half First at unlikely way to defeat execute Chef Ramsay's Ten cases while focusing on Men The Hidden One. (N) Branzino dish. (N) the criminals' motives. Family Family Sleepy Hollow 11 O'Clock Loves Ray Hell's Kitchen "6 Chefs 10 O'Clock News Compete" (N) Feud Feud "Ragnarok" (SF) (N) News "The Skit" Hawaii Five-0 A case The Big TheSimps- The Amazing Race :35 Masters Bl. Bloods Danny & Baez Action Bang from 15 years ago forces partner with Detective ons "Love, "Welcome to Bloody News at Highlights/- Grover to take his family Jimmy Mosley who broke 11:00 p.m. :50 Stephen Theory Springfiel- Fingers 101" (N) dian Style" Colbert on the run from the mob. Baez's heart years ago. Extra Ent. Hawaii Five-0 KOIN 6 :35 Masters Race "Welcome to Blue Bloods "Blast Tonight Bloody Fingers 101" (N) "Malama Ka Po'e" (N) From the Past" (N) News/ 11 / :50 SColbert Wheel of Jeopardy! Camera Take a look at Grimm The faithful are Dateline Featuring quality Local :35 The Fortune hijinks caught on camera targets as a minister investigative features, News Tonight Show by cellphones, dash cams uses his unique ability breaking news coverage & to increase his flock. (N) newsmaker profiles. & camcorders. Live at Inside Caught on Camera KGW News :35 Tonight Grimm "The Believer" Dateline NBC Edition (N) Seven "High Energy" at 11 Shark Tank Two former 20/20 A combination of :05 Kimmel This distinctive Entertai- The Insider Last Man Dr. Ken nment late-night talk show Standing "Dave's advertising guys try to interviews, feature Tonight "Tattoo" Sex Talk" sell the Sharks a cure stories and hard-hitting features celebrity guests, (N) (N) bands & comedy. for cell-phone addiction. investigative reports. Jeopardy! Wheel of Last Man Dr. Ken (N) Shark Tank (N) 20/20 KATU :35 Jimmy News Kimmel Fortune St (N) BBC World McLaugh Washingto Potus Jazz A blues craze is spearheaded by Bessie Jazz "The True Smith. Louis Armstrong teaches a city to swing. Welcome (1929-1935)" News (N) n Week (N) 2016 PBS NewsHour Washingto Oregon Art Scott & Bailey Luther "Episode 4" Luther "Episode 3" n Week (N) Beat "Mould" 2 Broke Girls 7 PM 2 Broke Girls 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 The First 48 "Caught in 60 Days In "Cell 60 Days In "Fight 60 Days In "Friends 60 Days In: Time Out The First 48 52 the Middle" Shock" Face" Without Benefits" "Full Inmate" (N) "Heartless" The Rock A former spy and an FBI agent must +++ The Rock ('96, Act) Nicolas Cage, Sean Connery. A former spy The Walking Dead 60 break into Alcatraz prison to foil a deadly plot. and an FBI agent must break into Alcatraz prison to foil a deadly plot. "Last Day on Earth" Tanked: Unfiltered Tanked: Unfiltered Insane Pools (N) Insane Pools (N) :05 Insane Pools 24 Tanked: Unfiltered Reba Reba Reba Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne 43 +++ The Help ('11, Dra) Viola Davis, Emma Stone. Boss "Twin Peaks" Billion Dollar Buyer Billion Dollar Buyer Billion Dollar Buyer Paid Paid 72 Undercover Boss Race for-White House Race for-White House The Wonder List Anthony "Las Vegas" Anthony Bourdain 68 CNN Tonight Yukon Men The Last Alaskans "A Year in the Wild" (N) Yukon Men (N) Deadliest Catch 51 Yukon Men Liv Maddie Mako Mer Bunk'd S.Middle Backstag Girl World Star Wars Rebels S.Middle Bunk'd 26 Girl World Underc. Golf Masters Tournament Round 2 Site: Augusta SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter 33 National Golf Club -- Augusta, Ga. J & J (N) 30Shorts NBA J & J NFL Live NBA 30 for 30 34 NBA Coast to Coast Hannity The O'Reilly Factor The Kelly File Hannity On the Record 66 The Kelly File Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners (N) Burgers (N) Diners Diners 61 Diners Shadowhunters The 700 Club 32 ++ Dark Shadows :15 ++ Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ('05, Adv) Johnny Depp. ++ The Internship ('13, Com) Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn. ++ The Internship 65 ++ The Heat ('13, Com) Sandra Bullock. Live From the Masters Highlights, player interviews and expert analysis from the Masters Tournament. 88 Masters ChainRe. ChainRe. Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Newlywed Newlywed Baggage Baggage 76 Fam. Feud Fam. Feud The Chase Middle Middle Middle G. Girls G. Girls 87 Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Home Imp Home Imp Middle Love It or List It Love It or List It H.Hunt House H.Hunt House 62 Love/List "Pricey Pad" Love It/ List It (N) Pawn Stars Pawn "On Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn "The Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars "The :05 Million Dollar 50 the Road" Enigma" Smoking Gun" "Grilling Genius" (N) Atlanta Plastic Atlanta Plastic (N) Atlanta Plastic (N) Mother Daughter (N) Atlanta Plastic 29 Atlanta Plastic H.Danger H.Danger H.Danger School HALO Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends 1/2 Friends 2/2 27 Nicky Mariners Pre-game (L) MLB Baseball Oakland Athletics at Seattle Mariners Site: Safeco Field -- Post-game Mariners Pre-game MLB 37 Seattle, Wash. (L) (L) Baseball Cops Jail Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Jail 42 +++ Blade ('98, Act) Stephen Dorff, Wesley Snipes. Wynonna Earp (N) The Magicians 67 +++ Blade: Trinity Seinf. "The Seinfeld Seinf. "The Seinf. "The Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Separation Anxiety 59 Soup Nazi" "Carolyn and Celina" Pool Guy" Sponge" Theory Theory Theory Theory Theory Theory ++++ The Wizard The Wonderful Strike Up the Band A man wants to win a Little Nellie Kelly The daughter of Irish immigrants 56 of Oz Judy Garland. Wizard of Oz: 50 Ye... high school band competition. tries to mend ties between her father & grandfather. Say Yes (N) What If Married (N) Yes Dress Yes Dress Married 49 What If Get Married Yes Dress Yes Dress To Be Announced Bones +++ Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Johnny Depp. Resident Evil: Ret... 57 Bones Noticiero Un camino hacia el Sueño de amor Pasion y poder El Hotel Secretos Impacto Noticie. 21 Incluido SVU "Scorched Earth" SVU "Personal Fouls" Law & Order: S.V.U. Motive (N) SVU "Blood Brothers" 58 SVU "Infiltrated" Kendra on Kendra on Driven to Love +++ Under the Tuscan Sun Diane Lane. 118 Kendra (N) Kendra (N) Driven to Love (N) P. of Interest "Super" P. of Interest "Legacy" ..Interest "Root Cause" ..Interest "Blue Code" Rules Rules Rules Rules :05 +++ Entrapment Sean Connery. Outlander :55 Outlander ++ Sex Tape 644 +++ Blow :15 Legacy :45 Lights Max ('15, Fam) Josh Wiggins, Robbie Amell. Bill Maher (N) Vice (N) Animals. 518 +++ Blended Vinyl "The King and I" Vinyl "E.A.B." Entourage Adrian Grenier. :45 Legacy 520 +++ Pitch Perfect 2 Anna Kendrick. True Story 521 :20 ++ Ali ('01, Biography) Mario Van Peebles, Jamie Foxx, Will Smith. +++ Magic Mike XXL Channing Tatum. +++ The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies Banshee (N) Banshee 549 Seventh Son Jeff Bridges. +++ The DUFF ('15, Com) Mae Whitman. All Things Must Pass: The Rise... BlueShow 578 Big Eyes ('14, Bio) Amy Adams. :35 ++ Avengers: Age of Ultron Robert Downey Jr.. Ricki and the Flash Meryl Streep. :45 +++ Never Been Kissed 621 Movie NIGHT OWL STATION PBS ABC NBC CBS FOX Newlyweds Lorrie and Shon are already dealing with cheating accusations. 1:00 p.m. (19) KEPR KOIN The Talk (59) OPB Charlie Rose WPIX Maury A woman claims to have found explicit photos of her husband on his phone. 2:00 p.m. KPTV The Real KOIN (42) KVEW The Doctors KGW FABLife KATU The Meredith Vieira Show Tom Bergeron dishes on the new cast of ‘Dancing With the Stars,’ and behind the scenes. 3:00 p.m. (19) KEPR KOIN Dr. Phil KGW The Ellen DeGeneres Show Guests include Melissa McCarthy; Bob Odenkirk; Iggy Azalea. (42) KVEW The Rachael Ray Show KATU Steve Harvey 4:00 p.m. (25) KNDU The Ellen DeGeneres Show Guests include Melissa McCarthy; Bob Odenkirk; Iggy Azalea. (42) KVEW FABLife 5:30 p.m. HBO2 Last Week Tonight With John Oliver 11:00 p.m. ALN The Jet Set 11:05 p.m. (42) KVEW Jimmy Kimmel Live 11:35 p.m. (25) KNDU KGW The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon KATU Jimmy Kimmel Live 11:50 p.m. (19) KEPR KOIN The Late Show With Stephen Colbert Midnight HBO Real Time With Bill Maher 1:35 a.m. (25) KNDU KGW Last Call With Carson Daly AMC Talking Dead Guests discuss ‘The Walking Dead’ episode, ‘Last Day on Earth’. 5:30 a.m. (25) KNDU Saturday Today The Travel Business 13 Detective (N) STATION PEN TLC 9:30 p.m. KATU News at 6 KTNW A&E What If We Get Married? Evening News Family Feud KATU OPB Insane Pools: Off the Deep End 7:00 a.m. (19) KEPR KOIN CBS This Morning (25) KNDU KGW Today Show Kerry Washington, Don Cheadle and Bob Harper visit. WPIX Maury When La’Nell’s sister-in- law Savanna got divorced, she allowed Savanna to move in. 7:30 a.m. LIFE The Balancing Act A great way to capture those special moments; helping those overcome addiction. 8:00 a.m. WPIX The Jerry Springer Show 9:00 a.m. (19) KEPR The Meredith Vieira Show Tom Bergeron dishes on the new cast of ‘Dancing With the Stars,’ and behind the scenes. (25) KNDU KGW Today Show II Kerry Washington, Greg Kinnear, Wendall Pierce and Kevin Pollak visit. (42) KVEW Live! With Kelly and Michael Fred Savage guest hosts with guests Kerry Washington, Sam Heughan and Charlie Puth. ALN The Balancing Act WPIX The Jerry Springer Show 10:00 a.m. (25) KNDU KGW Today Show III Ella Anderson visits today. (42) KVEW KATU The View HALL Home and Family WPIX The Bill Cunningham Show Guests who are supposedly selling sex for money are confronted. 11:00 a.m. (25) KNDU The Wendy Williams Show KGW The Dr. Oz Show Cameron Diaz shares her secret to living longer, being stronger and aging gracefully. KATU Live! With Kelly and Michael Fred Savage guest hosts with guests Kerry Washington, Sam Heughan and Charlie Puth. Noon (31) KTNW Charlie Rose (42) KVEW KATU The Chew HALL Home and Family KOIN 6 19 News at 6 Local News 6 (31) (11) KFFX KPTV 9:00 p.m. 6:30 KVEW (42) Hell’s Kitchen PM Modern Modern Family "Go Family 11 Bullfrogs!" "Treehou- se" 6 O'Clock Timbers in 3 News 30 Action Inside News at 6 Edition 2 p.m. KGW News at 6:00 8 p.m. Extra Local News at 4 6:30 KGW (42) KVEW KATU 8:30 p.m. Ken (Ken Jeong) tries to avoid having “the talk” with Dave (Albert Tsai) in this new episode. After Julie (Kate Simses) inadvertently does it, Ken takes credit for it. Unfortunately for him, Allison (Suzy Nakaura) discovers he lied. 6 STATION WPIX 6:00 p.m. The Amazing Race 1 PM Divorce Divorce Am Athlete Missing The Talk The Talk Days of Our Lives Days of Our Lives General Hospital General Hospital Ming Sew Easy Charlie Rose EVENING The Originals Elijah (Daniel Gillies) and Finn (Casper Zafer) put aside their differenc- es and follow a lead to Mystic Falls in their quest to save Freya (Riley Voelkel) in this new episode. Also, Klaus (Joseph Morgan) and Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin) join forces. 12:30 Pat. Court Pat. Court OutSpace Y. Icons NameG. Bold & B. News Bold & B. TMZ Paid KGW New Paid The Chew The Chew Charlie Rose (31) KTNW (59) OPB 13 Paint This Joanne (N) 11 KPTV 3 (19) KEPR 2 KOIN 19 (25) KNDU 6 KGW 8 (42) KVEW 4 KATU 5 (11) KFFX 12 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 2 AM 2:30 3 AM 3:30 4 AM 4:30 5 AM 5:30 AngerM. :35 Hot In :05 CR TV Featuring a selection of products and services. CRTV Loves Ray TMZ Dish Queens Raising Commun. Cougar T Paid Crazy Talk Paid Paid Paid S.Colbert :50 James Corden :50 Paid :20 Paid :50 Paid :20 Spaces J. Hanna Traveler Paid Morning Saturday S.Colbert :50 James Corden :50 The Insider Paid Paid Paid CBS This Morning Saturday Tonight :35 Seth Meyers :35 C. Daly :05 Today Show Mad Money 1st Look Fam. Feud Paid Today (N) Tonight :35 Seth Meyers :35 C. Daly :05 News Backroads Mad Money 1st Look Paid Paid Paid :05 Nightl. :35 Paid :05 Paid :35 Paid Paid Paid McMillan "Night of the Wizard" N. Gallery F Troop F Troop J. Kimmel :35 Nightl. :05 Paid :35 Paid :05 Paid :35 Paid :05 Paid :35 Paid DestinTV Paid Paid Paid Jazz Creative Abundance CharlieR Jazz "Our Language (1924-1928)" Triptych Old House Ask House (31) KTNW W.Week Art Beat Time for Three Tales Ode to Joy Business BBC News (59) OPB 13 PBS NewsHour 11 KPTV 3 (19) KEPR 2 KOIN 19 (25) KNDU 6 KGW 8 (42) KVEW 4 KATU 5 (11) KFFX