NORTHWEST East Oregonian Page 2A Friday, April 8, 2016 Closed primaries, candidates spur party changes SALEM — Oregon’s closed primary elections and a pair of provocative presidential candi- dates have fueled a striking uptick in political party changes, mostly DPRQJQRQDI¿OLDWHGYRWHUV -RLQLQJ RU VZLWFKLQJ DI¿OLDWLRQ is common before an open pres- idential election, but the number of changes so far this year is more than double what it was during the same period in 2008 — the last time voters got to choose a nominee IURPWKHPDLQWZRSDUWLHV The vast majority of voters — about 65 percent — are switching to the Democratic Party, a trend that suggests momentum in the state for social Democrat Bernie Sanders, according to some polit- LFDODQDO\VWV “It’s pretty clear voters are switching to Democrat, and I would guess it’s because they’re excited about Bernie Sanders,” said Jim Moore, a political science professor and director of the Tom McCall Center for Policy Inno- YDWLRQ DW 3DFL¿F 8QLYHUVLW\ ³7KH evidence for that is 2008 when 150,000 new voters were regis- WHUHG IRU WKDW SULPDU\ 0RVW ZHUH 'HPRFUDWV7KHYDVWPDMRULW\ZDV IRU%DUDFN2EDPD´ Jonathan House/Pamplin Media Group Sauvie Island resident Monica Fetzer changed her party from Republican to Democrat because she feels the Republican Party, and particularly Donald Trump, no longer reflect her values. a party to participate in the state’s 0D\ SULPDU\ 7KH\ KDYH XQWLO $SULOWRUHJLVWHUDFKDQJH About 15,000 voters were registered to vote in January and February through the new “motor YRWHU´ ODZ +RZHYHU SROLWLFDO party changes overwhelmingly are coming from longtime registered YRWHUV Just 962 out of the 33,500 SDUW\FKDQJHVEHWZHHQ-DQDQG March 15 were newly registered voters, according to the Secretary of State, meaning something else is SURPSWLQJWKHVXUJH “In this case, the spike is greater than usual,” said Oregon 6HFUHWDU\ RI 6WDWH -HDQQH $WNLQV “This election has been very high SUR¿OH 3HRSOH VHH LW RQ WKHLU 79 DQGFRPSXWHUVGDLO\,WKLQNWKHUH LVDORWRILQWHUHVW´ About 33,500 voters changed WKHLU DI¿OLDWLRQ EHWZHHQ -DQ and March 15, according to the 6HFUHWDU\ RI 6WDWH¶V 2I¿FH$ERXW 15,850 switched during the same period in 2008 (and 12,500 in 0HDQZKLOH WKH QXPEHU of registered voters grew by less WKDQSHUFHQWIURPPLOOLRQ registered voters in February 2008 WRPLOOLRQLQ)HEUXDU\ “Motor voter” a small factor in changes $W¿UVWJODQFHLWPLJKWDSSHDU that the state’s new automatic registration law, which took effect in January, is driving the changes, EXW ¿JXUHV IURP WKH 6HFUHWDU\ RI 6WDWH¶V 2I¿FH VKRZ WKDW LVQ¶W WKH FDVH$Q LQÀX[ RI QHZ QRQDI¿OL- ated voters were registered auto- matically when getting their state driver license but accounted for only a tiny fraction of the changes in party registration through PLG0DUFK That could change, as the 6HFUHWDU\RI6WDWH¶V2I¿FHVHQWRXW QRWLFHV ODVW PRQWK WKDW QRQDI¿OL- ated voters must be registered with VDLGVKHYRWHGIRU2EDPDLQ “I plan to vote for Bernie,” 'DZOH\VDLG³,I+LOODU\ZLQV,ZLOO YRWHIRUKHU´ In the scheme of things, party FKDQJHV DPRQJ QRQDI¿OLDWHG YRWHUVDUHVPDOO/HVVWKDQSHUFHQW RIWKHVWDWH¶VQRQDI¿OLDWHG YRWHUVFKDQJHGSDUWLHV “They make a difference in a close election, but they are not going to change the nature of the 'HPRFUDWLFSULPDU\´0RRUHVDLG Even the 150,000 new regis- trations in 2008 ultimately had no impact on the outcome of the Democratic primary between 2EDPDDQG+LOODU\&OLQWRQ0RRUH VDLG In fact, it is common for some QRQDI¿OLDWHG YRWHUV WR FKDQJH their registration for every election and then change back when voting ZUDSV XS &ODWVRS &RXQW\ &OHUN 9DOHULH &UDIDUG VDLG VRPH YRWHUV PDNHWKHSHUSHWXDOVKLIWVLQDI¿OLD- tion simply to avoid political party mailings and phone calls between HOHFWLRQV Portland resident David Lippoff, 67, said over the years, he has switched back and forth from unaf- ¿OLDWHGWR'HPRFUDW7KLV\HDUKH joined the Democratic Party to vote IRU&OLQWRQLQWKHSULPDU\+HVDLG he generally prefers to assess candi- dates on their positions, instead of WKHLUSDUW\EXWKHDOVR¿QGVSHUNV LQVWD\LQJQRQDI¿OLDWHG “One of the reasons I changed WRXQDI¿OLDWHGLQWKH¿UVWSODFHLV, wasn’t interested in being contacted about everything the Democratic Party was contacting me about,” /LSSRII VDLG ³,W¶V QLFH QRW JHWWLQJ MXQN PDLO DQG SKRQH FDOOV ,Q DOO likelihood, I will go back to what I ZDVDIWHUWKHHOHFWLRQ´ EHDI¿OLDWHGZLWKLW´ She chose to register as a Demo- FUDW UDWKHU WKDQ QRQDI¿OLDWHG because she wanted to have a vote in the primary, and plans to vote for 6DQGHUV For the most part, voters such as Fetzer make almost no imprint on the elections because the number of voters who switch between the Republican and Democrat parties is QHDUO\HTXDO Democrats had a net gain of 17,419 voters since the beginning of the year, while the Republican Party added 3,643 voters to its URVWHU7KLUGSDUWLHVVXVWDLQHGPRVW of the losses in the political party VKLIWV 7KH ,QGHSHQGHQW 3DUW\ IRU example, lost a net 2,482 voters GXULQJSDUW\FKDQJHVVLQFH-DQXDU\ The changes also caused an exodus from some of the state’s more left-leaning parties, including Working Families Party of Oregon, 3DFL¿F*UHHQVDQG3URJUHVVLYHV,Q 2012, when Obama was seeking re-election against Republican nominee Mitt Romney, just 92 members of those three parties GHIHFWHG WR WKH 'HPRFUDWLF VLGH This year, that number jumped IROGWR By PARIS ACHEN Capital Bureau Trump, Sanders voters Candidates such as Republican frontrunner Donald Trump and self-described socialist Democrat Sanders have sparked strong feel- ings among voters, which might be spurring some of the changes, said Bill Currier, chairman of the 2UHJRQ5HSXEOLFDQ3DUW\ “Oftentimes, when people change their registration before a primary they are sending a message to their party about the types of candidates who are running,” &XUULHUVDLG³,W¶VDWUHQGZHKDYH VHHQLQRWKHUSUHVLGHQWLDOHOHFWLRQV´ Sauvie Island resident Monica Fetzer, 54, recently ended her life- ORQJDI¿OLDWLRQZLWKWKH5HSXEOLFDQ 3DUW\DQGUHJLVWHUHGDVD'HPRFUDW She said she dislikes the name- calling and insults she has seen during Republican presidential SULPDU\GHEDWHV6KHVDLGVKHDOVR disagrees with some Republicans’ denials about global warming and the party’s refusal to consider Presi- GHQW2EDPD¶VQRPLQHHIRUWKH86 6XSUHPH&RXUW “It’s not that I identify as a OLEHUDO´ )HW]HU VDLG ³,W¶V WKDW WKH behavior of the Republican Party has been so despicable that I can’t 1RQDI¿OLDWHGYRWHUV switch the most 1RQDI¿OLDWHG YRWHUV DFFRXQW for more than half of political party FKDQJHV $ERXW QRQDI¿OL- ated voters joined a party between -DQDQG0DUFKDQGSHUFHQW of those picked the Democratic 3DUW\ ³:KDW LW SULPDULO\ UHÀHFWV LV something we have known forever, and that is there are not really XQDI¿OLDWHG YRWHUV´ VDLG 3DFL¿F 8QLYHUVLW\¶V 0RRUH ³7KH\ GRQ¶W register with a party because they’re angry or don’t want a label, but they tend to vote just like the rest of the VWDWH´ Portland resident Ella Ann 'DZOH\VDLGVKHLGHQWL¿HVDVDQ independent but has twice changed KHUDI¿OLDWLRQWRYRWHIRUD'HPR- FUDW LQ WKH SULPDU\ HOHFWLRQ 6KH Corrections Thursday’s story “City raises wages and utility rates” stated VRPH 8PDWLOOD HPSOR\HHV ZLOO JHWDSHUFHQWUDLVH:KLOHVWHS 1 of the payscale will increase 42 percent, the employees in question are at the top of their payscale and will be moved to WKHPLGGOHRIWKHQHZSD\VFDOH The city council’s actions on Tuesday night will result in city employees receiving raises ranging 3 to 15 percent in 2016- 2017 with the ability to receive PRUHUDLVHVLQWKHIXWXUH The East Oregonian works hard to be accurate and sin- FHUHO\UHJUHWVDQ\HUURUV,I\RX notice a mistake in the paper, SOHDVHFDOO Refuge standoff defendant Jake Ryan detained until trial UHWXUQHGDQLQGLFWPHQWDJDLQVWKLP Instead, Ryan became a fugitive until his arrest Tuesday in Clark &RXQW\:DVKLQJWRQ “The fact that you went into hiding — into hiding armed — causes me great concern,” Papak VDLG Ryan, 27, of Plains, Montana, was one of more than two dozen people charged because of their PORTLAND (AP) — Refuge occupier Jake Ryan will remain in a Portland jail pending trial despite assurances from a Montana sheriff that he would keep an eye on him LIUHWXUQHGWRWKDWVWDWH 86 0DJLVWUDWH -XGJH 3DXO Papak said Thursday he might have granted pre-trial release had Ryan surrendered last month after learning that a grand jury had involvement in the 41-day take- over of the Malheur National :LOGOLIH 5HIXJH LQ 2UHJRQ 7KH men and women were protesting 86 ODQG UHVWULFWLRQV DQG WKH imprisonment of two ranchers ZKRVWDUWHG¿UHV Ryan traveled to Oregon in -DQXDU\ ZLWK IRXU ¿UHDUPV DQG VHUYHGDVDJXDUG +LV DWWRUQH\ -HVVH 0HUULWKHZ Didn’t receive your paper?&DOO EHIRUHQRRQ7XHVGD\WKURXJK)ULGD\ RUEHIRUHDP6DWXUGD\ for same-day redelivery 211 S.E. 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Temperature bands are highs for the day. W c pc pc r pc pc pc s s pc sh pc pc c c c pc s s pc pc pc s pc pc s s Sat. Hi 80 82 80 52 81 69 53 63 67 77 68 Lo 43 72 62 36 54 52 37 46 46 62 55 W s sh pc r pc pc sh t pc pc s WINDS Medford 82/54 (in mph) Klamath Falls 77/47 Boardman Pendleton REGIONAL FORECAST Coastal Oregon: Cooler today; partly sunny, but more clouds in the south. Eastern Washington: Mostly sunny today. Clear to partly cloudy tonight. Eastern and Central Oregon: Mostly sunny and very warm today; however, some clouds near the Cascades. Western Washington: Mostly sunny today. Partly cloudy tonight. Sun and some clouds tomorrow. Cascades: Very warm today with sunshine and patchy clouds. Patchy clouds tonight. Northern California: Rather cloudy, a shower this afternoon; cooler in central parts. Today Saturday NNE 3-6 NNW 4-8 W 4-8 W 7-14 UV INDEX TODAY Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows. 1 3 5 5 3 COMMERCIA/ PRINTING Production Manager: Mike Jensen ‡PMHQVHQ#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP NATIONAL WEATHER TODAY Sat. 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Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2016 -10s -0s showers t-storms 0s 10s rain 20s flurries 30s 40s snow ice 50s 60s cold front 70s 80s 90s 100s warm front stationary front 110s high low National Summary: As more cold air lunges eastward, showers of snow, ice and rain will extend from the Midwest to the interior Northeast today. Showers and storms will dampen the Southwest, while the Northwest stays sunny. Yesterday’s National Extremes: (for the 48 contiguous states) High 91° in Redding, Calif. Low 15° in Angel Fire, N.M. NATIONAL CITIES Today Albuquerque Atlanta Atlantic City Baltimore Billings Birmingham Boise Boston Charleston, SC Charleston, WV Chicago Cleveland Dallas Denver Detroit El Paso Fairbanks Fargo Honolulu Houston Indianapolis Jacksonville Kansas City Las Vegas Little Rock Los Angeles Hi 68 65 52 55 74 67 81 55 74 52 42 45 77 67 45 75 41 35 83 79 48 81 63 73 72 69 Lo 46 45 39 34 47 43 51 33 47 29 24 26 56 42 26 54 27 16 70 53 26 49 32 58 46 59 W c pc pc pc s s s c s c sn sn pc pc sn pc sf pc pc pc c s s sh s sh Sat. Hi 74 61 47 46 78 63 79 45 69 44 40 32 76 71 36 80 53 47 84 76 43 74 61 71 66 66 Lo 46 40 28 25 44 43 53 29 39 23 29 21 61 46 22 54 32 32 70 60 28 44 52 55 55 58 Today W s s sh sh pc s pc c s sf pc sf pc pc sf s pc pc pc pc sf s s c pc r Louisville Memphis Miami Milwaukee Minneapolis Nashville New Orleans New York City Oklahoma City Omaha Philadelphia Phoenix Portland, ME Providence Raleigh Rapid City Reno Sacramento St. Louis Salt Lake City San Diego San Francisco Seattle Tucson Washington, DC Wichita Hi 54 66 85 43 37 62 77 52 74 57 54 80 52 54 63 60 74 70 55 74 70 68 74 77 57 72 Lo 32 42 66 23 21 36 58 38 51 27 38 64 31 32 41 34 48 56 32 53 61 56 48 54 38 45 W sh s pc c pc pc pc c pc s pc t c pc pc s c sh pc pc sh sh s t pc s Sat. Hi 50 62 82 37 43 56 75 41 73 59 45 83 47 44 53 78 63 66 53 69 68 66 66 82 48 73 Lo 35 49 65 29 36 37 61 30 57 48 29 61 24 28 31 40 44 52 45 50 59 54 46 53 30 56 Weather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice. W pc s s pc pc s s sn pc s sn s c sn pc s sh r s sh r sh pc s sn pc