Page 6B East Oregonian PEANUTS COFFEE BREAK Friday, April 8, 2016 DEAR ABBY BY CHARLES M . SCHULZ Smoker who’s tried everything is desperate to become a quitter FOR BETTER OR WORSE BY LYNN JOHNSTON B.C. BY JOHNNY HART PICKLES BY BRIAN CRANE BEETLE BAILEY GARFIELD BLONDIE DILBERT THE WIZARD OF ID LUANN ZITS BY MORT WALKER Dear Abby: I need some advice or eat a crunchy vegetable (carrot about quitting smoking. I am the sticks, celery). If you can manage to father of an only child and husband GRWKLVIRUMXVW21('$<\RXFDQGR to a wonderful wife. But for some it for another one. And then another, UHDVRQ,KDYHQRWEHHQDEOHWR¿QGWKH etc. motivation to quit. I know smoking is Accept that you are an addict and bad for my health, and I don’t want to that your “sobriety” is something you endanger my child’s health any longer. will have to cling to with determina- I have tried the gum, the patch tion. Eventually the impulse to grab a Jeanne and even prescription meds. My will- Phillips cigarette will fade, but every now and power just isn’t strong and I can’t quit, then you may have an urge to smoke Advice no matter what I try. I need the right WKDWFRPHVRXWRIOHIW¿HOG:KHQWKDW inspiration. Can you help me stop this happens, get up and walk out of the nasty habit? — Sick Of It In Missouri room. By the time you return, the urge will Dear Sick Of It: I’ll try. As a former have subsided. Mine did. smoker, I’ll share what worked for me. Cold And one more thing — if you fall off the turkey. First, clean house. Get rid of all the wagon (and you may), think about watching cigarettes you have stashed at home, in your your child graduate from high school or car and at your workplace. Yes, even the pack college, getting married and playing with your you “forgot” in your jacket pocket. grandchildren. Your chances of doing those Realize that your body is saturated with things will be better if you’re not a smoker. QLFRWLQHDQGLWPXVWEHÀXVKHGRXW'ULQNLQJ Then get back on that wagon and start over /276RIZDWHUIRUWKH¿UVWPRQWKZLOOKHOS again. you accomplish that. That’s how I quit, and the third time I did Then, choose one day when you will go it, it worked. (Clearly, I do not have willpower entirely smoke-free. Understand going in that of cast iron.) If I can do it, believe me, so can \RXZLOOFUDYH\RXU³¿[´:KHQWKDWFUDYLQJ \RX 3OHDVH ZULWH DJDLQ LQ VL[ PRQWKV DQG hits, if you must put something in your mouth, let me know you’re tobacco-free, too. I’m chew (non-nicotine) gum, go brush your teeth rooting for you. DAYS GONE BY 100 Years Ago From the East Oregonian April 8, 1916 'XULQJ WKH YLVLWV RI WKH RI¿FLDOV RI WKH railroad this week in Pilot Rock the question of leasing building lots to employees was discussed more or less and under the condi- tions offered by the company it is highly probable that few if any employees will care to buy lots on the outside even if such a thing were possible. Many that have wanted to buy lots in the past have decided to lease from the company. 50 Years Ago From the East Oregonian April 8, 1966 Plans to irrigate 15,000 acres of dry land in Morrow and Umatilla counties were DQQRXQFHG E\ (G 7XFNHU RI :DOOD :DOOD today. The land is owned by Tucker-Ottmar Farms, Inc. The corporation, Tucker said, was formed Monday. Land involved is that of the former Tucker-Echo Ranches. It lies mostly BY JIM DAVIS BY DEAN YOUNG AND STAN DRAKE BY SCOTT ADAMS BY BRANT PARKER AND JOHNNY HART BY GREG EVANS BY JERRY SCOTT AND JIM BORGMAN in the northeast part of Morrow County, ZLWKDVPDOOSRUWLRQH[WHQGLQJLQWR8PDWLOOD County. Other owners of private land in the area are being asked to join in forming an irrigation district to bring water via large open ditch from the Columbia River. 25 Years Ago From the East Oregonian April 8, 1991 Even after all he’s been through, 3-month-old Christopher Gillpatrick is described as a happy baby. But a hospital is the only home he’s known since his prema- ture birth in Pendleton on Jan. 3, when he weighed about 4 pounds. Christopher, the son of Chad and Brenda Gillpatrick of Pendleton, suffered from multiple birth defects. There was a hole in his heart the size of a quarter and part of the pulmonary artery, pulmonary valve and the aorta were missing. In addition, his esophagus hadn’t fully formed. But thanks to medical advances, his future looks promising. THIS DAY IN HISTORY Today is the 99th day of 2016. There are 267 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On April 8, 1974, Hank Aaron of the Atlanta Braves hit his 715th career home run in a game against the Los $QJHOHV 'RGJHUV EUHDNLQJ Babe Ruth’s record. On this date: In 1820, the Venus de Milo statue was discovered by a farmer on the Greek island of Milos. In 1864, the United States Senate passed, 38-6, the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution abolishing slavery. (The House of Representatives passed it in Jan. 1865; the amendment ZDV UDWL¿HG DQG DGRSWHG LQ 'HF In 1904, Longacre Square in Manhattan was renamed Times Square after The New York Times. In 1913, the 17th Amend- ment to the Constitution, providing for popular elec- tion of United States senators (as opposed to appointment by state legislatures), was UDWL¿HG 3UHVLGHQW :RRGURZ :LOVRQEHFDPHWKH¿UVWFKLHI H[HFXWLYH VLQFH -RKQ$GDPV to address Congress in person as he asked lawmakers to enact tariff reform. In 1935, President )UDQNOLQ'5RRVHYHOWVLJQHG the Emergency Relief Appro- priations Act, which provided money for programs such as WKH:RUNV3URJUHVV$GPLQLV- tration. In 1946, the League of Nations assembled in Geneva IRULWV¿QDOVHVVLRQ In 1952, President Harry S. Truman seized the Amer- ican steel industry to avert a nationwide strike. (The Supreme Court later ruled that Truman had overstepped his authority, opening the way for a seven-week strike by steelworkers.) In 1961, a suspected ERPE H[SORGHG DERDUG WKH SDVVHQJHU OLQHU 09 'DUD LQ the Persian Gulf, causing it to sink; 238 of the 819 people aboard were killed. In 1973, artist Pablo Picasso died in Mougins, France, at age 91. In 1981, General of the Army Omar N. Bradley died in New York at age 88. In 19905\DQ:KLWHWKH WHHQDJH$,'6 SDWLHQW ZKRVH battle for acceptance had gained national attention, died in Indianapolis at age 18. The cult TV series “Twin Peaks” premiered on ABC. In 1994, Kurt Cobain, singer and guitarist for the grunge band Nirvana, was found dead in Seattle from DQ DSSDUHQWO\ VHOILQÀLFWHG gunshot wound; he was 27. Ten years ago: The Rolling Stones made their debut in mainland China with a censored — but still raucous — concert in Shanghai. Eight members of the Toronto chapter of the Bandidos biker gang were found dead in a remote wooded area of a farmer’s property in Shedden, Ontario, Canada. Today’s Birthdays: Comedian Shecky Greene is 90. Actor-turned-diplomat John Gavin is 85. Author and Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Seymour Hersh is 79. Former U.N. Secre- WDU\*HQHUDO .R¿ $QQDQ is 78. Basketball Hall-of- Famer John Havlicek is 76. ³0RXVHNHWHHU´ 'DUOHQH Gillespie is 75. Rhythm-and- blues singer J.J. Jackson is 75. Singer Peggy Lennon (The Lennon Sisters) is 75. Songwriter-producer Leon Huff is 74. Actor Hywel Bennett is 72. Actor Stuart Pankin is 70. Rock musician Steve Howe is 69. Former House Republican Leader 7RP 'H/D\ LV 0RYLH director John Madden is 67. Rock musician Mel Schacher (Grand Funk Railroad) is 65. Actor John Schneider is 56. “Survivor” winner Richard Hatch is 55. Rock musician Izzy Stradlin is 54. Singer Julian Lennon is $FWRU'HDQ1RUULVLV 5RFNVLQJHUPXVLFLDQ'RQLWD Sparks is 53. Rapper Biz Markie is 52. Actress Robin :ULJKWLV$FWUHVV3DWULFLD Arquette is 48. Rock singer Craig Honeycutt (Every- thing) is 46. Rock musician 'DUUHQ -HVVHH LV $FWUHVV (PPD&DXO¿HOGLV5RFN singer-musician Ezra Koenig 9DPSLUH:HHNHQGLV Thought for Today: “The world has achieved brilliance without conscience. Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants.” — Gen. Omar N. Bradley (1893-1981). PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN BY DANA SIMPSON BIG NATE BY LINCOLN PEIRCE