NATION/WORLD Thursday, March 3, 2016 East Oregonian Page 7A RepubOiFans seeN a OastditFh strategy to stop Trump WASHINGTON (AP) — 6WDULQJGRZQWKHSURVSHFWRI nominating Donald Trump for president, Republicans spiraled into a chaotic, last- ditch search Wednesday IRU D ZD\ WR VDYH WKH *23 from hitching its fortunes to an unpredictable celebrity FDQGLGDWH ZLWKRXW DOLHQDWLQJ KLVWKURQJRIIROORZHUV 6HQVLQJDZLQGRZFORVLQJ fast, GOP leaders and elder statesmen toggled through a menu of scenarios but landed RQ QRQH 6RPH DPSOL¿HG calls to rally around a Trump alternative, even if that alter- QDWLYHLV7HG&UX]DSULFNO\ FRQVHUYDWLYHZLWKIHZIULHQGV LQWKHSDUW\ Others laid out still-hazy SODQVIRUDEURNHUHGQDWLRQDO FRQYHQWLRQ DQ RSWLRQ OLNHO\ WR VPDFN RI WKH EDFNURRP GHDOLQJ 7UXPS IDQV GHVSLVH 6RPH ÀRDWHG PRUH H[WUHPH PHDVXUHVWDONLQJRIEUHDNLQJ from the party and starting DQHZ “It’s all a play to stall it or try to deny him the nomina- WLRQ´ VDLG 1HLO 1HZKRXVH D *23 SROOVWHU ³$QG WKH SUREOHP ZLWK WKDW LV QR RQH KDVWKHEHVWVFHQDULRIRUKRZ WRGRWKDW´ The scrambling came as the billionaire candidate UDFNHGXSFRPPDQGLQJYLFWR- ries in seven of eleven Super AP Photo/Andrew Harnik Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, ac- companied by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, left, speaks during a news conference on Super Tuesday primary election night in the White and Gold Ballroom at The Mar-A-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Fla., Tuesday. Tuesday primary contests, and the path to victory for KLVULYDOVQDUURZHG7UXPS¶V VWUHQJWK ² ZKLFK VWUHWFKHG IURPWKH'HHS6RXWKWR1HZ England — exposed the GHSWKVRIWKHGLYLVLRQVZLWKLQ WKH SDUW\ QR PDWWHU ZKR becomes the nominee in this HOHFWLRQ As Republicans surveyed WKH ZUHFNDJH IURP 7UXPS¶V VXUJHVRPHDUJXHGWKHUHZDV VWLOODFKDQFHWRVWRSKLP+H ZDVQRW\HWRQWUDFNWRFODLP the nomination before the party’s national gathering in July, according to an Asso- FLDWHG 3UHVV GHOHJDWH FRXQW +HKDVZRQSHUFHQWRIWKH GHOHJDWHVDZDUGHGVRIDUDQG KH ZRXOG KDYH WR LQFUHDVH that to 51 percent in the UHPDLQLQJSULPDULHV “Trump had a good night, but he left the door RSHQ´VDLG'DYLG:LQVWRQD 5HSXEOLFDQSROOVWHU The GOP mayhem FRQWUDVWHG VKDUSO\ ZLWK D clearer picture on the Demo- FUDWLF VLGH ZKHUH +LOODU\ &OLQWRQ RQ 7XHVGD\ ORFNHG GRZQ VROLG YLFWRULHV LQ VHYHQ VWDWHV DQG ZDV RQ WKH path to regaining her status DV WKH LQHYLWDEOH QRPLQHH 5LYDO 6HQ %HUQLH 6DQGHUV YRZHG WR NHHS XS WKH ¿JKW campaigning in Maine on :HGQHVGD\ 6DQGHUVD¿HUFHRSSRQHQW of big money in politics, quoted director and screen- ZULWHU$GDP0F.D\ZLQQHU of this year’s Oscar for “The %LJ 6KRUW´ DGDSWHG VFUHHQ- SOD\ ZKR ZDUQHG DERXW FDQGLGDWHV ZKR WDNH PDMRU FRQWULEXWLRQV IURP ³ZHLUGR ELOOLRQDLUHV´ 5HSXEOLFDQV PHDQZKLOH ORRNHG IRU D ZLVH PDQ WR calm the jitters and point the ZD\ Mitt Romney, their nominee four years ago, VXJJHVWHGKHPLJKWWU\WR¿OO WKDWUROH7KHIRUPHU0DVVD- chusetts governor announced SODQV WR VSHDN RQ WKH ³VWDWH RIWKHSUHVLGHQWLDOUDFH´ 7KXUVGD\ LQ 8WDK 5RPQH\ has moved aggressively WR WDNH RQ 7UXPS LQ UHFHQW days, saying the billionaire’s unreleased tax returns might FRQWDLQ³ERPEVKHOOV´%XWKH ZDVQRWH[SHFWHGWRHQGRUVHD candidate or announce a late HQWU\LQWRWKHUDFHKLPVHOI 6RPH5HSXEOLFDQRI¿FLDOV KDYH VDLG WKH\ ZRXOG QRW support a Trump nomination, including Massachusetts *RY &KDUOLH %DNHU DQG 6RXWK &DUROLQD 5HS 0DUN Sanford, but neither offered DQRWKHUDOWHUQDWLYH 6eouO North .orea ¿res shortrange proMeFtiOes into sea SEOUL, South Korea $3 ² 1RUWK .RUHD ¿UHG six short-range projectiles into the sea off its east coast 7KXUVGD\ 6HRXO RI¿FLDOV VDLGMXVWKRXUVDIWHUWKH81 Security Council approved the toughest sanctions on 3\RQJ\DQJ LQ WZR GHFDGHV for its recent nuclear test and ORQJUDQJHURFNHWODXQFK The North’s launches also come shortly after Seoul’s SDUOLDPHQW SDVVHG LWV ¿UVW legislation on human rights LQ1RUWK.RUHD 'HIHQVH VSRNHVPDQ Moon Sang Gyun said the SURMHFWLOHV ZHUH ¿UHG IURP WKH HDVWHUQ FRDVWDO WRZQ RI Wonsan, adding authorities ZHUH WU\LQJ WR GHWHUPLQH ZKDW H[DFWO\ 1RUWK .RUHD ¿UHG 7KH SURMHFWLOHV FRXOG be missiles, artillery or URFNHWV DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH 'HIHQVH0LQLVWU\ $ 6RXWK .RUHDQ RI¿FLDO from the Joint Chiefs of 6WDII ZKR GLG QRW ZDQW WR EH QDPHG FLWLQJ RI¿FH rules, said that North Korea ¿UHGVL[SURMHFWLOHVWKDWÀHZ DERXWWRPLOHVEHIRUH ODQGLQJLQWKHVHD North Korea routinely WHVW¿UHV PLVVLOHV DQG URFNHWVEXWLWRIWHQFRQGXFWV PRUH ZHDSRQV ODXQFKHV ZKHQ DQJHUHG DW LQWHUQD- WLRQDOFRQGHPQDWLRQ AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon A man watches a TV news program showing a file foot- age of the missile launch conducted by North Korea, at Seoul Railway Station in Seoul, South Korea, Thursday. Thursday’s launch ZDV VHHQ DV D ³ORZOHYHO´ UHVSRQVH WR WKH 81 VDQFWLRQV ZLWK 3\RQJ\DQJ XQOLNHO\ WR ODXQFK DQ\ major provocation until a ODQGPDUN UXOLQJ :RUNHUV¶ Party convention in May, according to Yang Moo-jin, a professor at the University of North Korean Studies in 6HRXO 7KH 86 6WDWH 'HSDUW- ment said it had seen reports RI WKH ODXQFKHV DQG ZDV PRQLWRULQJWKHVLWXDWLRQ Pyongyang conducted its fourth nuclear test in -DQXDU\ PDNLQJ WKH ZLGHO\ disputed claim that it successfully detonated a K\GURJHQERPE/DVWPRQWK it put a satellite into orbit on D ORQJUDQJH URFNHW WKDW WKH United Nations and others see as a cover for a test of banned ballistic missile WHFKQRORJ\ 7KH QHZ 81 VDQFWLRQV include mandatory inspec- tions of cargo leaving and entering North Korea by land, sea or air; a ban on all sales or transfers of small DUPV DQG OLJKW ZHDSRQV WR Pyongyang; and expulsion of diplomats from the North ZKRHQJDJHLQ³LOOLFLWDFWLY- LWLHV´ South Korea’s National Assembly passed the human rights bill shortly before WKH 81 VDQFWLRQV ZHUH XQDQLPRXVO\ DSSURYHG 7KH Cabinet Council endorsed WKH ELOO RQ7KXUVGD\ ,W ZLOO EHFRPHODZDIWHULWLVVLJQHG E\3UHVLGHQW3DUN*HXQK\H 1RUWK .RUHD KDV ZDUQHG WKDW HQDFWPHQW RI WKH ODZ ZRXOG UHVXOW LQ ³PLVHUDEOH UXLQ´,WYLHZVDQ\FULWLFLVP of its rights situation as SDUW RI D 86OHG SORW WR RYHUWKURZ LWV JRYHUQPHQW DUHDVRQZK\LWVD\VLWQHHGV QXFOHDUZHDSRQV 7KH ELOO ZRXOG HVWDEOLVK a center in South Korea’s 8QL¿FDWLRQ 0LQLVWU\ WDVNHG ZLWK FROOHFWLQJ DUFKLYLQJ and publishing information about human rights in North .RUHD ,W LV UHTXLUHG WR transfer that information to the Justice Ministry, a step SDUOLDPHQWDU\ RI¿FLDOV VD\ ZRXOGSURYLGHOHJDOJURXQGV to punish rights violators in 1RUWK .RUHD ZKHQ WKH WZR .RUHDVHYHQWXDOO\UHXQLI\ ,QD81FRPPLV- sion of inquiry on North Korea published a report laying out abuses such as a harsh system of political prison camps holding up WR SHRSOH 7KH commission urged the Secu- rity Council to refer North Korea to the International Criminal Court over its KXPDQULJKWVUHFRUG AP Photo/Susan Walsh Pro-abortion rights protesters rally outside the Supreme Court in Washington on Wednesday. Split Supreme &RXUWZUHVWOHV ZLWKDERUWLRQFDVH WA S H I N G T O N (AP) — A Supreme Court deeply split over abortion ZUHVWOHG :HGQHVGD\ ZLWK ZLGHO\ UHSOLFDWHG 7H[DV regulations that could dras- tically cut the number of DERUWLRQFOLQLFVLQWKHVWDWH As ever, Justice Anthony Kennedy appeared to hold the outcome in his hands on DFRXUWRSHUDWLQJZLWKHLJKW justices since the death of -XVWLFH$QWRQLQ6FDOLD 7KHFRXUW¶VPRVWVLJQL¿- cant abortion case since the HDUO\ V FUDFNOHG ZLWK intensity during 85 minutes of pointed questions from liberal and conservative justices that suggested little common ground in resolving the clinics’ claim that the regulations are medically unnecessary and unconstitutionally limit a ZRPDQ¶V ULJKW WR DQ DERU- WLRQ Texas says it is trying to SURWHFW ZRPHQ¶V KHDOWK LQ rules that require doctors ZKR SHUIRUP DERUWLRQV WR have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals and force FOLQLFVWRPHHWKRVSLWDOOLNH standards for outpatient VXUJHU\ 7KH UXOHV ZRXOG cut the number of abortion clinics in the state by three- fourths, abortion providers VD\ 7KH WKUHH ZRPHQ justices and Justice Stephen Breyer repeatedly ques- WLRQHG ZK\ 7H[DV QHHGHG WR HQDFW WKH ODZ ³%XWZKDWLVWKHOHJLWLPDWH interest in protecting their health? What evidence is there that under the prior ODZ WKH SULRU ODZ ZDV QRW VXI¿FLHQWO\ SURWHFWLYH RI WKHZRPHQ¶VKHDOWK"´5XWK %DGHU *LQVEXUJ DVNHG Texas Solicitor General 6FRWW.HOOHU 0RUH WKDQ ZRPHQ are hospitalized annually as a result of complications from abortions, Keller VDLG 3UHVVHG E\ *LQVEXUJ .HOOHU DFNQRZOHGJHG WKDW ZDV D UHODWLYHO\ VPDOO complication rate but said the state still could act to PDNH DERUWLRQ VDIHU :LWK about 70,000 abortions a \HDU LQ 7H[DV WKDW ZRUNV out to a rate of less than RQHKDOIRISHUFHQW Justices Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor and Breyer all pointed out that other procedures, including liposuctions, colonoscopies and dental surgeries, have higher complication rates and yet can be performed in facilities that do not meet WKHVWULQJHQWVWDQGDUGV 7KH FOLQLFV EDFNHG E\ the Obama administration, argue that the regulations already have closed half the roughly 40 clinics that H[LVWHGEHIRUHWKHODZZDV enacted and that only about FOLQLFV ZRXOG UHPDLQ LI LW LV DOORZHG WR WDNH IXOO HIIHFW The high court, again GLYLGHG EHWZHHQ OLEHUDOV and conservatives, has EORFNHG WKH VXUJLFDO FHQWHU UHTXLUHPHQW IURP WDNLQJ HIIHFW Solicitor General 'RQDOG 9HUULOOL -U XUJHG WKH FRXUW WR RIIHU D QHZ endorsement of the abor- WLRQ ULJKW LW ODVW DI¿UPHG LQ ³,I WKDW ULJKW VWLOO does retain real substance, WKHQWKLVODZFDQQRWVWDQG The burdens it imposes, the obstacles, are far beyond anything that this Court KDV FRXQWHQDQFHG $QG WKH MXVWL¿FDWLRQ IRU LW LV IDU ZHDNHU WKDQ DQ\WKLQJ that this Court has counte- QDQFHG´9HUULOOLVDLG Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel $OLWRSUHVVHGWKHODZ\HUIRU the clinics, Stephanie Toti, WR FLWH HYLGHQFH VKRZLQJ that the regulations have had the drastic effect she FODLPHG %RWK $OLWR DQG 5REHUWVTXHVWLRQHGZKHWKHU some clinics closed for reasons independent of the UHJXODWLRQV “What evidence is there that ties the closures to the UHTXLUHPHQWV"´ 5REHUWV DVNHG 2QO\ -XVWLFH &ODU- HQFH 7KRPDV ZKR EURNH 10 years of silence at arguments on Monday, did QRWDVNDQ\TXHVWLRQV BRIEFLY Ben Carson ends 86 of¿FiaO Debris LaZyer 0e[iFan bid for White House from same type of drug Oord Zants WASHINGTON (AP) — pOane as 0H7 e[tradition Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson said he is effectively ending his bid for the White House Wednesday, concluding a roller-coaster FDPSDLJQWKDWEULHÀ\WRRN him to the top of a chaotic *23¿HOGEXWHQGHGZLWKD 6XSHU7XHVGD\ZKLPSHU “I do not see a political SDWKIRUZDUG´&DUVRQ said in a statement posted RQKLVFDPSDLJQZHEVLWH though he added, “I remain deeply committed to my KRPHQDWLRQ$PHULFD´DQG promised to offer details of KLVIXWXUHZKHQKHVSHDNV Friday at a conservative FRQIHUHQFHLQ:DVKLQJWRQ He did not explicitly say that he’s ending his campaign, only noting that he does not plan to WDNHSDUWLQ7KXUVGD\¶V )R[1HZVGHEDWH%XWKLV longtime businessman and friend, Armstrong Williams, FRQ¿UPHGWKDWWKHVRIW VSRNHQFDQGLGDWHZRXOGQR ORQJHUEHDVNLQJIRUYRWHV “There’s only one candidate in this 2016 election on the GOP side, DQGKLVQDPHLV7UXPS 7KDW¶VWKHUHDOLW\´:LOOLDPV VDLGDGGLQJWKDW6HQV Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz also should drop out, as they ³DOVRKDYHQRSDWK´WRWKH QRPLQDWLRQ WASHINGTON (AP) ²'HEULVWKDWZDVKHGXS in Mozambique has been WHQWDWLYHO\LGHQWL¿HGDVDSDUW from the same type of aircraft as the missing Malaysia $LUOLQHV)OLJKWD86 RI¿FLDOVDLG:HGQHVGD\ Photos of the debris GLVFRYHUHGRYHUWKHZHHNHQG DSSHDUWRVKRZWKH¿[HG leading edge of the right-hand tail section of a Boeing VDLGWKHRI¿FLDOZKR VSRNHRQFRQGLWLRQRI DQRQ\PLW\)OLJKWZKLFK GLVDSSHDUHGWZR\HDUVDJR ZLWKSHRSOHDERDUGLVWKH RQO\NQRZQPLVVLQJ 3HRSOHZKRKDYHKDQGOHG the part, called a horizontal stabilizer, say it appears to be PDGHRI¿EHUJODVVFRPSRVLWH RQWKHRXWVLGHZLWK aluminum honeycombing on WKHLQVLGHWKHRI¿FLDOVDLG The Australian Transport 6DIHW\%XUHDXZKLFKLV running the search for the SODQHLQUHPRWHZDWHUVRII $XVWUDOLD¶VZHVWFRDVWVDLG WKHSDUWZDVH[SHFWHGWREH transported to Australia for H[DPLQDWLRQ Malaysian transport PLQLVWHU/LRZ7LRQJ/DLDOVR FRQ¿UPHGLQWZHHWVDERXWWKH discovery that it appears the debris may have come from WKHPLVVLQJSODQH MEXICO CITY (AP) — Drug lord Joaquin “El &KDSR´*X]PDQLVZLOOLQJ to plead guilty to any charges LQWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVLI86 authorities promise him a short sentence in a medium- security prison, one of his ODZ\HUVVDLG:HGQHVGD\ *X]PDQZDQWVWR accelerate the extradition process so he can escape harsh conditions in a Mexican maximum-security SULVRQZKHUHJXDUGVZLOOQRW OHWKLVFOLHQWVOHHSODZ\HU -RVH5HIXJLR5RGULJXH]VDLG Rodriguez said that he and Guzman’s family are UHYLHZLQJRSWLRQVIRUD86 GHIHQVHDWWRUQH\ ³:HKDYHWDONHGDERXW DSURSRVDOWRSOHDG guilty to the charges in WKH8QLWHG6WDWHVZLWKRXW TXHVWLRQLQJWKHLUYHUDFLW\´ VDLG5RGULJXH]ZKRKHDGV *X]PDQ¶VOHJDOWHDP “That in exchange for a reduction in the applicable VHQWHQFHOLNHRWKHUVKDYH done in these situations, but DOVRORRNIRUDPHGLXP security prison so that he’s not in the conditions WKDWKHKDVKHUH´KHVDLG calling the decision “an act RIGHVSHUDWLRQ´EHFDXVH Guzman had “reached his OLPLW´ Jacob Tyler Jones A RLINGTON H IGH S CHOOL Congratulations! We are so very proud of you. Love Mom & Dad 25 . $ 00 Private Party Only Your Name: Phone Number: Graduate's Name: Graduate's School: Message to Graduate: Tell your favorite graduate how proud you are in our Graduation 2016 special section in the East Oregonian and Hermiston Herald & share their "Then" & "Now" Photos! Publishes: May 28 th in the EO & June 1 st in the HH Send in your text and photos to or bring to Chris at the East Oregonian office by May 18 th . Mailing address: Attn: Chris McClellan 211 SE Byers Ave., Pendleton, OR 97801