SPORTS Thursday, March 3, 2016 East Oregonian Page 3B Men’s Basketball Oregon beats UCLA to clinch share of Pac-12 title By BETH HARRIS AP Sports Writer LOS ANGELES — Tyler Dorsey scored 20 points and No. 9 Oregon rallied in the second half to beat UCLA 76-68 on Wednesday night, giving the Ducks at least a share of the Pac-12 title for WKH¿UVWWLPHVLQFH Dillon Brooks added 15 points, and Elgin Cook had SRLQWV PDNLQJ DOO VL[ of his free throws for the Ducks (24-6, 13-4 Pac-12), who won their fourth in a URZ DQG WK LQ JDPHV 'RUVH\ KDG D WHDPKLJK nine rebounds, helping the Ducks control the boards, 40-28. ,VDDF+DPLOWRQVFRUHG points, Tony Parker added 18, and Bryce Alford 16 points for the Bruins (15-15, 6-11). They have lost three VWUDLJKWDQGVL[RIHLJKWZLWK RQH JDPH UHPDLQLQJ LQ WKH regular season. After leading by 11 points LQ WKH ¿UVW KDOI WKH %UXLQV PDGHDODVWJDVSDWWHPSWWR win. Alford, who was 6 of 14 shooting, hit consecutive SRLQWHUV WKDW JRW WKHP WR 71-68 with 59 seconds left. $IWHU D WLPHRXW WKH Ducks passed the ball around before Brooks coolly sank a 3-pointer for a 74-68 OHDG +DPLOWRQ PLVVHG D layup and Alford snagged the offensive rebound before turning the ball over with 11 seconds left. Pac-12 Hoops Oregon UCLA 76 68 UCLA led by seven points early in the second half before the Ducks scored nine straight to take a 50-48 lead. The Bruins tied it IRXU PRUH WLPHV EXW QHYHU regained the lead. Alford’s 3-pointer put UCLA back in front 23-21 and launched an 18-12 run that ended the half with the Bruins leading 38-33. $OIRUG DQG +DPLOWRQ HDFK KDG VL[ SRLQWV LQ WKH VSXUW with three other players scoring, too. TIP-INS Oregon: The Ducks clinched the No. 1 seed for the Pac-12 tourney in Las Vegas. ... F Chris Boucher had three blocked shots to break the single-season school record with 96. ... The Ducks are 15-0 when holding opponents under 70 points. 8&/$ +DPLOWRQ KDV VFRUHGLQGRXEOH¿JXUHVIRU VWUDLJKW JDPHV +H¶V WKH only Pac-12 player in double ¿JXUHVLQHDFKRIKLVWHDP¶V OHDJXHJDPHVWKLVVHDVRQ UP NEXT Oregon: Concludes regular season at Southern California on Saturday. UCLA: Hosts Oregon State in regular-season UHDFKHGWKHZLQPDUNIRU WKH¿UVWVLQFH Gary Payton II had 19 points, seven rebounds and ¿YH DVVLVWV WR OHDG 2UHJRQ State (17-11, 8-9), which dropped to eighth place in conference with one OHDJXH JDPH OHIW 6WHSKHQ 7KRPSVRQ -U DGGHG IRU the Beavers, who fell to 1-7 LQFRQIHUHQFHURDGJDPHV The Trojans ran off a season-high 56 points in the ¿UVW KDOI PDNLQJ RI SHUFHQW IURP WKH ¿HOG LQFOXGLQJRIIURPSRLQW UDQJH 86& ¿QLVKHG RII WKH period with an 18-4 spurt for DKDOIWLPHOHDG TIP-INS Oregon State: Coach Wayne Tinkle is only the second coach in school KLVWRU\ WR ZLQ JDPHV LQ KLV¿UVWWZR\HDUVLQFKDUJH %RE +DJHU ZDV WKH ¿UVW back in 1923 (19-7) and 1924 (20-5). Gary Payton ,,FDPHLQWRWKHJDPHDVWKH only player in the country averaging 15.5 points, 7.5 rebounds, 5.0 assists and 2.5 assists. AP Photo/Kelvin Kuo Southern California: The Oregon guard Tyler Dorsey (5) reacts after he scores a goal during the second half of Trojans have won 10 of their Wednesday’s game against UCLA in Los Angeles. ODVWKRPHJDPHVDJDLQVW ¿QDOHRQ6DWXUGD\ 81-70 victory over Oregon standings with one regu- the Beavers. ... The Trojans’ State on Wednesday night. ODUVHDVRQJDPHUHPDLQLQJ ODVW ¿YH ORVVHV ZHUH E\ DQ USC 81, OREGON Katin Reinhardt scored Nikola Jovanovic had 10 average of 13.0 points per STATE 70 — At 15 points and Bennie points and eight rebounds JDPH ZLWK WKH ODVW WZR E\ Los Angeles, Jordan Boatwright added 13 for the for USC, which won for 20 (at Stanford) and 22 (at McLaughlin had 17 Trojans (20-10, 9-8 Pac-12), RQO\ WKH VHFRQG WLPH LQ California) last weekend. points and nine assists as ZKR VQDSSHG D WKUHHJDPH VHYHQ JDPHV DQG LPSURYHG NEXT UP Southern California rode a ORVLQJVWUHDNDQGPRYHGLQWR WRDWKRPH Oregon State: At UCLA KRWVKRRWLQJ ¿UVW KDOI WR DQ VL[WKSODFHLQWKHFRQIHUHQFH Southern California on Saturday. HERMISTON: -DPHVVFRUHV Continued from 1B La Salle grabbed its only lead in the second quarter when Burns scored halfway through the period to push the Falcons ahead 9-8. But Chance Flores hit his only SRLQWHU RI WKH JDPQH WKH QH[WWLPHGRZQWKHÀRRUDQG +HUPLVWRQMXPSHGULJKWEDFN in front 11-9. The Bulldogs led the rest of the way. Flores struggled Wednesday night, scoring just seven points, but Andrew -DPHV VWHSSHG LQ DQG OHG all scorers with 17 points and Austin Naillon added 14. That type of offensive balance had Ego pleased. +HUPLVWRQ ¿QLVKHG WKH second quarter on a 13-1 run and never looked back. The OHDGJUHZWRDVPDQ\DVLQ the third quarter on Preston Peterson’s free throws, sending the Bulldogs into the ¿QDO SHULRG ZLWK LWV ELJJHVW lead of the night. %XW /D 6DOOH FDPH EDFN furiously in the fourth TXDUWHUWRPDNHWKLQJVUDWKHU interesting. The Falcons scored 23 SRLQWV WKDW TXDUWHU PRUH WKDQWKHLUSRLQWWRWDOIURPWKH ¿UVWWKUHHTXDUWHUV7KH Falcons’ shooters — which ZDWFKHG PDQ\ EDOOV JR in and out — got hot in the fourth. Three different Falcons — Robertson (2), Matt Niebergall and Joe Boyd — each hit 3-pointers to grab a slice of the PRPHQWXP EXW +HUPLVWRQ NHSW WKH )DOFRQV DW DUP¶V length with aggressive drives DQGPDGHIUHHWKURZV La Salle got as close as VHYHQ LQ WKH ¿QDO VWDQ]D RQ $QGUHZ/DP¶VEDVNHWEXWWKH lead was quickly back to 12. GOLDEN EAGLES: Condon/Wheeler EXPSHGLQWRFRQVRODWLRQEUDFNHW Continued from 1B Staff photo by E.J. Harris Hermiston’s Andrew James looks to pass the ball guarded by LaSalle’s Ange Toku in the Bulldogs’ 55-42 win against the Falcons on Wednesday in Hermiston. The Bulldogs now advance into the 5A bracket where they slot in as the No. VHHG DQG ZLOO QH[W IDFH off against the No. 1 seed Wilsonville on Saturday DIWHUQRRQ 7KH WLSRII WLPH has yet to be announced, Despite the low ranking DQG WRXJK SDWK WR WKH ¿QDO 1HDODQG%XOOGRJVDUHFRQ¿- dent. “I think we can pull it off,” 1HDO VDLG ³&RPLQJ IURP Ione, I grew up an underdog. 7KDW WHDP JRW WKLUG LQ VWDWH 7KLV WHDP , WKLQN ZH FDQ WDNH¿UVW´ ——— LSP (9-15) 4 6 9 23 — 42 HHS (13-12) 6 15 14 20 — 55 LA SALLE PREP — J. Barns 10, S. Rob- ertson 8, A. Toku 6, J. B Boyd 6, A. Lam 5, M. Niebergall 5, M. Berger 2, J. Norton, N. Grogan, J. Lyver, N. Parise. HERMISTON — A. James 17, A. Naillon 14, C. Flores 7, T. Neal 7, D. Neal 5, P. Peter- son 5, H. Walls. 3-pointers — LSP 6, HHS 4. Free throws — LSP 4-6, HHS 17-26. Fouls — LSP 21, HHS 12. OHWWKHPJHWDWWKHRIIHQVLYH rebounding and I think that UHDOO\ KXUW XV LQ WKH ¿UVW quarter.” 1L[\DDZLL ZDV DOVR VWUXJJOLQJWR¿QGLWVVKRWDV LWZHQWMXVWRIIURPWKH ¿HOG WR WUDLO DIWHU RQH quarter. The key to turning it all around was defensive pressure, Maddern said. ³:H H[WHQGHG RXU SUHVV a little bit and I think those last three quarters were indicative of how our girls played defense.” 1L[\DDZLL ¿QLVKHG WKH JDPH ZLWK SRLQWV RII turnovers and outscored Adrian in the paint 20-8. The Antelopes had just eight points off turnovers. ³:HNLQGRIEHDWWKHPDW WKHLURZQJDPHDOLWWOHELW´ Maddern said. 1L[\DDZLL VKRW SHUFHQW IURP WKH second quarter on and held Adrian to 6-40 (15 percent) RYHUWKHVDPHVSDQ The Golden Eagles now JHWWKHLUFKDQFHDWUHGHPS- tion against a Country &KULVWLDQ WHDP WKDW EHDW WKHPLQWKH¿UVWJDPH of the season. The Cougars SXQFKHG WKHLU VHPL¿QDO ticket with a 56-32 win over Crane. “It’ll take another great defensive effort (to beat Country Christian),” Maddern said. “They’ve got PXOWLSOHNLGVWKDWFDQVFRUH and so everybody’s going to have to be up.” 7KH JDPH WLSV RII RQ )ULGD\ DW SP DQG 2A STATE: )RXUVFKRROVEULQJERWKWHDPVWR3HQGOHWRQ Continued from 1B Boys Bracket No. 4 Western Menno- nite Pioneers vs. No. 5 Imbler Panthers, 1:30 p.m. at PCC 7KH 3LRQHHUV FRPH LQWR WKHJDPHZLWKDRYHUDOO record and average 57.6 SRLQWVSHUJDPHDQGDOORZHG SHUJDPH7KH3DQWKHUV roll in with a 20-3 record, scoring an average of 52.0 SRLQWV SHU JDPH DQG ERDVW one of the best defenses in the state, allowing just 34.6 SRLQWVSHUJDPH No. 1 Regis Rams vs. No. 9 Kennedy Trojans, 3:15 p.m. at PCC 5HJLVFRPHVLQWRWKHWRXU- QDPHQW ZLWK D RYHUDOO UHFRUG²WKHLUODVWORVVFDPH to Western Mennonite on Jan. 8 — and average 58.4 points SHUJDPHRQRIIHQVHDQG points on defense. Kennedy SRLQWV SHU JDPH DQG allowing 37.4 points per JDPH%RQDQ]DFRPHV in off of a 60-58 win over 9HUQRQLD LQ WKH ¿UVW URXQG and average 46.0 points per JDPH DQG DOORZ SRLQWV SHUJDPH No. 4 Western Menno- nite vs. No. 12 Imbler Panthers, 3:15 p.m. at PHS Western Mennonite sits at 20-7 overall, and averages SRLQWV SHU JDPH DQG DOORZVSHUJDPH,PEOHU LVFRPLQJRIID XSVHW RI 5HJLV LQ WKH ¿UVW round, and average 40.1 SRLQWV SHU JDPH DQG DOORZ SHUJDPH No. 3 Burns Hilanders vs. No. 6 Grant Union Pros- pectors, 6:30 p.m. at PHS These two Wapiti League Girls Bracket No. 1 Kennedy Trojans RSSRQHQWV DUH YHU\ IDPLOLDU vs. No. 9 Bonanza Antlers, with each other, facing off WKUHH WLPHV LQ WKH UHJXODU 1:30 p.m. at PHS .HQQHG\ FRPHV LQ ZLWK season with Burns winning a 22-4 record averaging all three by an average of boasts a 15-10 overall record, scoring an average of 50.6 points and allowing an average of 49.2 points. The 5DPVDQG7URMDQVPHWWZLFH WKLV VHDVRQ ZLWK WKH 5DPV ZLQQLQJ ERWK JDPHV E\ DQ average of 11 points. No. 2 Vernonia Loggers vs. No. 7 Burns Hilanders, 8:15 p.m. at PCC Vernonia stands with a 25-1 record — with its only ORVVRIWKHVHDVRQFRPLQJLQ the season opener on Dec. 2. The Loggers boast one of 2A’s best offenses, averaging 72.9 points while allowing SHUJDPH%XUQVFRPHV in at 21-5 overall averaging 53.8 points and allowing SRLQWVSHUJDPH eight points. Burns (25-2) FRPHVLQWRWKHJDPHZLQQHUV RIRIWKHLUODVWJDPHV and average 59.1 points per JDPH DQG DOORZ MXVW SRLQWV SHU JDPH *UDQW Union (19-6) averages 53.6 SRLQWV SHU JDPH DQG DOORZV SHUJDPH No. 2 Monroe Dragons vs. No. 7 Lost River Raiders, 8:15 p.m. at PHS Monroe (25-1) lone loss RI WKH VHDVRQ FDPH DOO WKH way back on Dec. 12, and ZRQ VWUDLJKW WR ¿QLVK the season. The Dragons average 56.1 points per JDPHDQGDOORZSRLQWV /RVW 5LYHU FRPHV LQ DW 23-5 overall and averages SRLQWV SHU JDPH DQG DOORZV SHU JDPH 7KH WZRWHDPVIDFHGHDFKRWKHU WKUHH WLPHV WKLV VHDVRQ during Mountain View Conference play, with the Dragons taking all three by DFRPELQHGSRLQWV 0DGGHUQVDLGKLVWHDPSODQV to take advantage of its rest day. “It was a great physical JDPH DJDLQVW $GULDQ DQG I think Country Christian’s JRQQD EULQJ PRUH RI WKH VDPH´KHVDLG³VRWKDWGD\ off is going to be huge.” ——— AHS (20-6) 14 4 7 5 — 30 NCS (25-2) 4 12 17 17 — 50 ADRIAN — C. Morton 20, A. Hutchings 3, L. Barraza 2, S. Villarreal 2, K. Skerjanec 2, M. Bayes 1, E. Nielson, S. Speelmon. (12-52) NIXYAAWII — M. Stewart 22, D. Maddern 15, K. Melton 5, T. Oatman 4, E. Looney 4, S. Fuentes, A. Farrow, A. Tanasket, S. Fitzpatrick. (16-45) 3-pointers — AHS 4, NCS 3. Free throws — AHS 3-9, NCS 15-23. Fouls — AHS 15, NCS 12. NORTH DOUGLAS 49, CONDON/ WHEELER 29 — At Baker City, the Warriors owned the paint to knock the Knights into the conso- lation side of the bracket on Wednesday. North Douglas scored 30 points in the paint led by forward Dani Baker and Kalli Frieze to give Condon/Wheeler just its third loss of the season. %DNHU VFRUHG D JDPH high 20 points and Frieze added 17 and the Warriors (25-4) went on a 15-0 run WRHQGWKH¿UVWTXDUWHUDQG never looked back. Knights coach Kevin *UDPVRQ VDLG %DNHU ZDV the thorn in their side, WKRXJK DQG VHHPHG WR EH DEOH WR VFRUH DW ZLOO IURP her post position. ³:H KDG ¿YH RU VL[ kids take a shot at her, we tried to double her, we just had no answer for her,” *UDPVRQVDLG The Knights (25-3) VFRUHGWKH¿UVWWZREXFNHWV RIWKHJDPHWRJRXSRQ VKRWVE\$QQLND5LHWPDQQ DQG -XVWLQH +RPHU EXW shot just 11 for 43 (25.6 SHUFHQW LQ WKH JDPH DQG trailed by double digits for WKH ODVW PLQXWHV RI WKH JDPH7KHVFRUHZDV DWKDOIWLPH “They were just big and athletic. They challenged every shot and it’s just VRPHWKLQJ WKDW ZH KDYHQ¶W UXQ LQWR EHIRUH´ *UDPVRQ said. “We haven’t seen anyone near that big. “I wasn’t unhappy with how we played, we just UDQ LQWR D JRRG WHDP WKDW played well.” (PPD /RJDQ OHG Condon/Wheeler with 12 points and nine rebounds, DQG 5LHWPDQQ ¿QLVKHG with seven points and four rebounds. Condon/Wheeler will QHHG WR PRYH RQ TXLFNO\ IURP WKH ORVV DQG SOD\V Rogue Valley Adventist WRGD\ DW DP LQ DQ HOLPLQDWLRQJDPH *UDPVRQ VDLG KH WKLQN the Knights will be ready to go. ³,Q WKH ORFNHU URRP , wasn’t so sure, but by the WLPHZHZHQWWRGLQQHUDQG got back to the hotel I think WKH\¶UH IHHOLQJ FRQ¿GHQW´ he said. ——— C/W (25-3) 4 7 9 9 — 29 ND (25-4) 15 11 14 9 — 49 CONDON/WHEELER — E. Logan 12, A. Rietmann 7, B. Dyer 6, J. Homer 2, B. Jae- ger 2, A. Carnine, L. Aamodt, A. Terland, A. Ramsey, K. Reser. (11-43) NORTH DOUGLAS — D. Baker 20, K. Frieze 17, R. Black 4, J. Lane 4, S. Mac- Dowell 2, P. Black 2, L. Downie. (18-47) 3-pointers — C/W 3-17, ND 2-7. Free throws — C/W 4-11, ND 11-15. Fouls — C/W 13, ND 11. In this Jan. 13, 2016 file photo, Grant Union’s Kori Pentzer lays up a shot for the Pros- pectors in the game against Burns. The Eagle file photo/Angel Carpenter