NORTHWEST East Oregonian Page 2A Saturday, February 13, 2016 6HDVLGHRI¿FHUKRQRUHGDWPHPRULDO SEASIDE (AP) — 3HRSOH JDWKHUHG ZLWK ÀDJV DQG ÀRZHUV RQ )ULGD\ WR UHPHPEHU DQ RI¿FHU VODLQ ZKLOH RQ GXW\ ODVW ZHHN LQ Seaside, Oregon. 7KH PHPRULDO VHUYLFH ZDV KHOG LQ 6HDVLGH IRU \HDUROGSROLFH6JW-DVRQ *RRGGLQJ ZKR MRLQHG WKH UHVRUW WRZQ¶V SROLFH GHSDUW- ment in 2003. ³7KLV SURIHVVLRQ LV D EURWKHUKRRG DQG D IDPLO\ DQG ZH ZDQW WR JLYH KLP DQG WKH FRPPXQLW\ WKH EHVW VHQGRII ZH SRVVLEO\ FDQ´ %HQWRQ &RXQW\ 6KHULII¶V 2I¿FH 'HWHFWLYH 6JW 'DYLG Peterson said. $W WKH VHUYLFH 2UHJRQ *RY .DWH %URZQ SUHVHQWHG *RRGGLQJ¶VZLIH$P\ZLWK WKHVWDWH¶V0HGDORI8OWLPDWH 6DFUL¿FHDZDUGHGWR*RRG- GLQJSRVWKXPRXVO\ 7KH PHGDO PD\ EH DZDUGHG WR IDPLOLHV RI ODZ HQIRUFHPHQW RI¿FHUV ZKR GLHG ZKLOH SHUIRUPLQJ WKHLU GXWLHVRUZHUHNLOOHGEHFDXVH RI WKHLU HPSOR\PHQW DV ODZ HQIRUFHPHQW RI¿FHUV DFFRUGLQJWRVWDWHODZ *RRGGLQJ ZDV VKRW WR GHDWK DV KH ZDV VHUYLQJ D IHORQ\ DUUHVW ZDUUDQW RQ WKH QLJKW RI )HE 7KH \HDUROG VXVSHFW ZKR ZDV VKRW E\ DQRWKHU RI¿FHU DOVRGLHG :KHQWKHPDQLGHQWL¿HG DV 3KLOOLS )HUU\ RI 6HDVLGH ZRXOGQ¶WVKRZKLVKDQGVWKH RWKHURI¿FHUXVHGD7DVHURQ KLP&ODWVRS&RXQW\'LVWULFW $WWRUQH\-RVK0DUTXLVVDLG :KLOH WKH 7DVHU VHHPHG WR LQFDSDFLWDWH)HUU\³LWGLGQ¶W GRPXFKPRUH´KHVDLG 7KHVXVSHFWZHQWGRZQRQ WKHJURXQG:KHQ*RRGGLQJ WULHG WR VXEGXH KLP )HUU\ BRIEFLY +RXVHYRWHVWRDI¿UPZROIGHOLVWLQJ 6$/(0²7KH2UHJRQ+RXVHRI5HSUHVHQWDWLYHV DSSURYHGDELOORQ)ULGD\WRUDWLI\ODVW\HDU¶VGHFLVLRQWR UHPRYHJUD\ZROYHVIURPWKHVWDWHHQGDQJHUHGVSHFLHV OLVW 5HS*UHJ%DUUHWR5&RYHDQG6HQ%LOO+DQVHOO 5$WKHQDLQLWLDOO\SURSRVHGGLIIHUHQWYHUVLRQVRIWKHELOO LQERWKWKH+RXVHDQG6HQDWH+RXVH%LOOSDVVHG ZLWKDYRWHRIDQGZLOOQRZKHDGWRWKH6HQDWHIRU IXUWKHUFRQVLGHUDWLRQ :ROYHVZHUHOLVWHGXQGHUWKH2UHJRQ(QGDQJHUHG 6SHFLHV$FWXQWLO1RYZKHQWKH2UHJRQ)LVK DQG:LOGOLIH&RPPLVVLRQYRWHGWRKDYHWKHPGHOLVWHG 6HYHUDOHQYLURQPHQWDOJURXSVKDYHVLQFH¿OHGDODZVXLW DVNLQJIRUDMXGLFLDOUHYLHZRIWKHVWDWH¶VUXOLQJ7KH JURXSVGLGQRWDVNIRUDQLQMXQFWLRQZKLOHDUHYLHZLV XQGHUZD\ ³2UHJRQ¶VZROISRSXODWLRQLVJURZLQJIDVWHUWKDQ SHUFHQWSHU\HDUDQGLVDKHDGRIHDUOLHUSURMHFWLRQVRI JURZWK´%DUUHWRVDLG³,WLVWLPHIRU2UHJRQWRDOORZ WKH2UHJRQ'HSDUWPHQWRI)LVK:LOGOLIHWRLPSOHPHQW WKH:ROI&RQVHUYDWLRQDQG0DQDJHPHQW3ODQDVLWZDV LQWHQGHG´ 2UHJRQ¶VZROISODQ²ZKLFKZDVGHYHORSHGLQ DQGDPHQGHGWRLQFOXGHDFRPSURPLVHEHWZHHQ FDWWOHPHQDQGFRQVHUYDWLRQLVWVLQ²VWLSXODWHG ZROYHVFRXOGEHUHPRYHGIURPWKHHQGDQJHUHGVSHFLHV OLVWDIWHUPDLQWDLQLQJDWOHDVWIRXUEUHHGLQJSDLUVIRUWKUHH FRQVHFXWLYH\HDUV7KDWEHQFKPDUNZDVUHDFKHGIRUWKH ¿UVWWLPHLQ 7KHZROISODQVWLOOSURKLELWVNLOOLQJZROYHVH[FHSW XQGHUYHU\VSHFL¿FFLUFXPVWDQFHVLQYROYLQJUDQFKHUV DQGOLYHVWRFN:ROYHVDOVRUHPDLQIHGHUDOO\OLVWHGDV HQGDQJHUHGLQZHVWHUQ2UHJRQ Joshua Bessex/The Daily Astorian Gov. Kate Brown presents the Medal of Ultimate Sacrifice to Sgt. Jason Goodding’s wife at his memorial Friday at the Seaside Civic and Convention Center. “This profession is a brotherhood and a family, and we want to give him and the community the best send-off we possibly can.” +LJKZD\ZRUNWREHJLQQH[WZHHN +(50,6721²7KH2UHJRQ'HSDUWPHQWRI 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQZLOOEHZRUNLQJRQSRUWLRQVRI+LJKZD\ LQ+HUPLVWRQQH[WZHHNDVWKHPLOOLRQKLJKZD\ LPSURYHPHQWSURMHFWEHJLQV :RUNRQWKHVLGHZDONUDPSVDW)RXUWK-XQHDQG 5LGJHZD\VWUHHWVZLOOEHJLQDWSP0RQGD\DQG FRQFOXGHDWDP7XHVGD\ZLWKVKRUWODQHFORVXUHV H[SHFWHGZKLOHQHZFRQFUHWHLVSRXUHG7KHQRQ7XHVGD\ DQGFRQWLQXLQJWKHUHVWRIWKHZHHNODUJHHTXLSPHQWZLOO EHXVHGWRH[FDYDWHDQGEXLOGIRRWLQJVIRUQHZWUDI¿F VLJQDOVDWWKHLQWHUVHFWLRQRI-HQQLH$YHDQGFDXVLQJ PLQRUGHOD\V ,QERWKFDVHVDFFRPPRGDWLRQVIRUSHGHVWULDQVZLOOEH made. 7KHFRQVWUXFWLRQSURMHFWLQFOXGHVUHEXLOGLQJGR]HQV RI$'$VLGHZDONUDPSVXSGDWLQJWUDI¿FVLJQDOFRQWUROV DWVHYHUDOLQWHUVHFWLRQVLQVWDOOLQJQHZWUDI¿FVLJQDOVDW WKH-HQQLH$YHQXHLQWHUVHFWLRQLQVWDOOLQJPHGLDQFXUEVWR FRQWUROWXUQLQJPRYHPHQWVDWWKH(OP6WUHHWLQWHUVHFWLRQ DQGUHSDYLQJWKHVL[PLOHORQJVHFWLRQRIKLJKZD\ EHWZHHQ6()RXUWK6WUHHWDQG863DYLQJZRUNLV QRWH[SHFWHGWREHJLQXQWLOWKH0D\WLPHIUDPH$OOZRUN LVVFKHGXOHGWREHFRPSOHWHGE\-XO\ )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQLQFOXGLQJFRQVWUXFWLRQXSGDWHV DQGDSURMHFWLQIRUPDWLRQSDSHUYLVLWWKH2'275HJLRQ (DVWHUQ2UHJRQZHEVLWH ——— Briefs are compiled from staff and wire reports, and press releases. Email press releases to news@ — Sgt. David Peterson, Benton County Sheriff’s Office Detective Goodding SXOOHG RXW JXQ DQG ¿UHG RQH VKRW 7KH RWKHU RI¿FHU UHWXUQHG ¿UH VKRRWLQJ WKH VXVSHFW ZKR ODWHU GLHG DW D ORFDO KRVSLWDO 7KH VHFRQG RI¿FHUZDVQRWKXUW 0DUTXLV VDLG LW DSSHDUV WKDW WKH IDWDO VKRRWLQJ RI )HUU\LVMXVWL¿HG &ODWVRS &RXQW\ 6KHULII Tom Bergin said Goodding ZDVIDPLOLDUZLWK)HUU\DQG WKDW)HUU\KDG³DYDVWUHFRUG´ DQG KDG EHHQ LQDQGRXW RI MDLO +H GHVFULEHG *RRGGLQJ DV DQ H[WUDRUGLQDULO\ JRRG SROLFHRI¿FHU *RRGGLQJ LV VXUYLYHG E\ KLV ZLIH DQG WZR \RXQJ GDXJKWHUV +H JUDGXDWHG IURP6KHUZRRG+LJK6FKRRO DQGJUDGXDWHGIURP3RUWODQG 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ 'XULQJ KLV WLPHZLWKWKHGHSDUWPHQWKH UDQWKHGUXJWHDPZRUNHGDV DGHWHFWLYHVHUJHDQWDQGDVD SDWUROVHUJHDQW 6HDVLGHLVDWRZQRIDERXW SHRSOHRQWKHQRUWKHUQ 2UHJRQFRDVW,WLVDERXW PLOHVZHVWRI3RUWODQG FBI: No rigged explosives found at site of standoff 7KH DUPHG SURWHVWHUV KDG EORFNDGHG WKH URDG QHDU WKH UHIXJH XVLQJ D JRYHUQPHQWRZQHG KHDY\ IURQWHQG ORDGHU DQG WZR SLFNXS WUXFNV $ JURXS RI WHQWVDQGSLFNXSWUXFNVZDV FOXVWHUHG RQ D VPDOO ULVH IDU EH\RQG WKH URDG EDUULHU /DUU\ .DUO WKH DVVLVWDQW VSHFLDODJHQWLQFKDUJHRIWKH 3RUWODQG )%, VDLG WKH WHQWV PDGH XS WKH ³VKDQW\WRZQ´ ZKHUHWKHODVWIRXUKROGRXWV DW WKH UHIXJH VSHQW PRVW RI BURNS (AP) — FBI RI¿FLDOV VDLG )ULGD\ WKH\ KDYHQ¶W IRXQG DQ\ ULJJHG H[SORVLYHVRUERRE\WUDSVDW WKH QDWLRQDO ZLOGOLIH UHIXJH LQ 2UHJRQ WKDW KDG EHHQ seized by an armed group. $XWKRULWLHV DOORZHG a group of reporters to JHW FORVHU WR WKH 0DOKHXU 1DWLRQDO :LOGOLIH 5HIXJH ZKHUH WKH ODVW IRXU RFFX- SLHUV VXUUHQGHUHG7KXUVGD\ 7KHWRXUVWRSSHGVKRUWRIWKH UHIXJHLWVHOI WKHLUWLPH *UHJ %UHW]LQJ WKH VSHFLDO DJHQW LQ FKDUJH RI WKH 3RUWODQG )%, VDLG LQYHVWLJDWRUV KDYH EHJXQ WKHLUVZHHSRIWKHSURSHUW\ .DUOVDLGWKDWSURFHVVLVVWLOO RQJRLQJ KRZHYHU EXW WKH\ KRSHG WR ¿QLVK WKH VDIHW\ VZHHS RI WKH EXLOGLQJV DQG EHJLQ SURFHVVLQJ HYLGHQFH sometime Friday afternoon. 7KHUH ZDV ÀDPPDEOH OLTXLG DQG KD]DUGRXV PDWHULDOV VWRUHG DW WKH VLWH EHIRUH WKH DUPHG WDNHRYHU .DUO VDLG DQG WKH )%, KDG LQIRUPDWLRQ WKDW ³FHUWDLQ PDWHULDOV´ PLJKW KDYH EHHQ EURXJKWWRWKHUHIXJHE\WKH protesters. ³6R XQWLO ZH DUH DEOH WR JR WKURXJK WKH UHIXJH DQG VHH ZKDW FRQGLWLRQV WKRVH LWHPV DUH LQ WKDW WKH\¶UH SURSHUO\VHFXUHGDQGVWRUHG RUZKDWKDVEHHQEURXJKWRQ WKDW ZH GRQ¶W NQRZ DERXW´ WKH HYLGHQFH FROOHFWLRQ ZLOO KDYHWRZDLW.DUOVDLG Subscriber services: For home delivery, vacation stops or delivery concerns: 1-800-522-0255 Didn’t receive your paper? &all 1--522-255 EeIore noon 7Xesday tKroXJK )riday or EeIore 1 a.m. SatXrday for same-day redelivery — Founded Oct. 16, 1875 — 211 S.E. 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Clouds breaking for some sun Cloudy, a shower or two; mild 53° 44° 56° 49° TUESDAY Sun through high clouds Chance for a couple of showers 64° 46° 63° 44° 61° 47° HERMISTON TEMPERATURE FORECAST 59° 51° PENDLETON through 3 p.m. yesterday TEMPERATURE HIGH Yesterday Normals Records LOW 53° 39° 46° 29° 68° (1977) -10° (1929) PRECIPITATION 24 hours ending 3 p.m. Month to date Normal month to date Year to date Last year to date Normal year to date 0.01" 0.25" 0.52" 1.76" 1.48" 1.90" HERMISTON through 3 p.m. yesterday TEMPERATURE HIGH Yesterday Normals Records LOW 56° 41° 47° 29° 68° (2011) -15° (1929) PRECIPITATION 24 hours ending 3 p.m. Month to date Normal month to date Year to date Last year to date Normal year to date 0.02" 0.07" 0.42" 1.17" 1.05" 1.70" SUN AND MOON Sunrise today Sunset tonight Moonrise today Moonset today First Full Feb 14 Feb 22 7:01 a.m. 5:18 p.m. 9:55 a.m. 11:52 p.m. Last New Mar 1 66° 41° 63° 44° 60° 45° Seattle 51/47 ALMANAC Mar 8 To submit community events, calendar items and Your EO News: email FommXnity#eastoreJonian.Fom or Fall 7ammy MalJesini in Hermiston at 541-564-453 or 5enee StrXtKers in Pendleton at 541-66-1. To submit engagements, weddings and anniversaries: email rstrXtKers#eastoreJonian.Fom or visit ZZZ.eastoreJonian. FomFommXnityannoXnFements To submit a Letter to the Editor: mail to ManaJinJ Editor 'aniel :attenEXrJer, 211 S.E. Byers Ave. Pendleton, 25 71 or email editor#eastoreJonian.Fom. To submit sports or outdoors information or tips: 541-66-3 ‡ sSorts#eastoreJonian.Fom COMMERCIAL PRINTING Production Manager: Steve .noEEe 541-66-25 ‡ sknoEEe#eastoreJonian.Fom REGIONAL CITIES Today WEDNESDAY PENDLETON TEMPERATURE FORECAST 55° 43° Multimedia consultants ‡ 7erri BriJJs 541-215-447 ‡ tEriJJs#eastoreJonian.Fom ‡ Jeanne JeZett 541-364-4531 ‡ MMeZett#eastoreJonian.Fom ‡ SteSKanie 1eZsom 541-27-267 ‡ sneZsom#eastoreJonian.Fom ‡ 'ayle Stinson 541-66-6 ‡ dstinson#eastoreJonian.Fom Real Estate Advertising: Jodi Snook 541-27-267 ‡ Msnook#eastoreJonian.Fom MONDAY Warmer NEWS To submit news tips and press releases: ‡ Fall 541-66-1 ‡ fa[ 541-276-314 ‡ email neZs#eastoreJonian.Fom Legal Advertising: Amanda JaFoEs 541-27-263 ‡ aMaFoEs#eastoreJonian.Fom Single copy price: 1 7Xesday tKroXJK )riday, 1.5 SatXrday Forecast SUNDAY ADVERTISING Advertising Director: Jennine Perkinson 541-27-263 ‡ MSerkinson#eastoreJonian.Fom &ODVVLÀHG$GYHUWLVLQJ 1--62-21 ‡ Flassi¿eds#eastoreJonian.Fom Copyright © 2016, EO Media Group TODAY Corrections 7KHEast OregonianZRUNVKDUGWREHDFFXUDWHDQG VLQFHUHO\UHJUHWVDQ\HUURUV,I\RXQRWLFHDPLVWDNHLQ WKHSDSHUSOHDVHFDOO Spokane Wenatchee 44/37 46/33 Tacoma Moses 51/44 Lake Pullman Aberdeen Olympia Yakima 50/37 47/40 51/48 50/44 52/36 Longview Kennewick Walla Walla 51/48 53/46 Lewiston 56/44 Astoria 54/44 53/49 Portland Enterprise Hermiston 52/48 Pendleton 44/32 The Dalles 55/43 53/44 53/42 La Grande Salem 49/38 54/49 Albany Corvallis 52/47 52/48 John Day 49/42 Ontario Eugene Bend 50/37 54/48 50/40 Caldwell Burns 52/38 42/30 Astoria Baker City Bend Brookings Burns Enterprise Eugene Heppner Hermiston John Day Klamath Falls La Grande Meacham Medford Newport North Bend Ontario Pasco Pendleton Portland Redmond Salem Spokane Ukiah Vancouver Walla Walla Yakima Hi 53 44 50 55 42 44 54 51 55 49 51 49 44 57 53 57 50 56 53 52 54 54 44 46 50 53 52 Lo 49 34 40 48 30 32 48 40 43 42 36 38 37 44 48 51 37 42 44 48 42 49 37 37 47 46 36 W r c pc c pc c c pc pc pc pc c c c c c pc pc pc sh pc sh c pc sh c c NATIONAL WEATHER TODAY Sun. Hi 56 44 53 59 47 43 56 53 59 51 52 49 48 60 56 59 48 59 56 57 57 58 47 48 56 57 59 Lo 50 34 41 48 29 39 49 44 51 44 34 42 43 42 50 50 36 50 49 51 40 50 42 40 50 52 44 Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. W r sh sh r sh sh r sh sh sh r sh sh pc r r pc c sh r sh r sh sh r sh c WORLD CITIES Today Beijing Hong Kong Jerusalem London Mexico City Moscow Paris Rome Seoul Sydney Tokyo Hi 39 71 63 44 71 34 47 60 60 84 65 Lo 18 64 50 37 34 26 39 52 25 70 59 W c c s r pc c r sh r s pc Sun. Hi 32 67 65 44 76 33 46 61 33 89 71 Lo 20 51 51 33 39 32 34 49 14 72 50 W s sh s sh pc sn sh r pc t sh WINDS Medford 57/44 (in mph) Klamath Falls 51/36 Boardman Pendleton REGIONAL FORECAST Eastern Washington: A shower in spots today, except a bit of ice in the mountains. Eastern and Central Oregon: Clouds and sunshine today; a shower in spots across the north during the afternoon. Western Washington: A morning shower or two, then afternoon rain today. Periods of rain tonight. Cascades: Cloudy today. Showers around across the north; rain and drizzle in central parts. Northern California: Partly sunny today. Rather cloudy tonight. Partly sunny tomor- row. Sunday SW 8-16 WSW 8-16 UV INDEX TODAY Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows. Coastal Oregon: Cloudy today; periods of rain across the north. Today WSW 7-14 WSW 7-14 0 1 2 1 0 0 8 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m. 0-2, Low 3-5, Moderate 6-7, High; 8-10, Very High; 11+, Extreme The higher the UV Index™ num- ber, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2016 -10s -0s showers t-storms 0s 10s rain 20s flurries 30s 40s snow ice 50s 60s cold front 70s 80s 90s 100s warm front stationary front 110s high low National Summary: The Midwest and Northeast will have the coldest day of the season today with lake-effect snow downwind of the Great Lakes. The Southern states will be dry. Rain will dot the Northwest. Yesterday’s National Extremes: (for the 48 contiguous states) High 88° in McAllen, Texas Low -23° in Saranac Lake, N.Y. NATIONAL CITIES Today Albuquerque Atlanta Atlantic City Baltimore Billings Birmingham Boise Boston Charleston, SC Charleston, WV Chicago Cleveland Dallas Denver Detroit El Paso Fairbanks Fargo Honolulu Houston Indianapolis Jacksonville Kansas City Las Vegas Little Rock Los Angeles Hi 69 41 24 22 50 42 50 22 49 18 15 14 63 61 17 78 20 11 83 64 17 58 25 75 42 82 Lo 36 24 10 5 33 24 38 -3 24 5 5 4 51 30 3 45 5 8 69 53 6 35 19 48 28 56 W s s sf c c s pc sn s c s sf s s sf s s sn pc pc pc s s pc s pc Sun. Hi 64 47 20 20 49 52 52 14 44 26 21 22 69 50 20 75 24 24 83 74 24 59 52 75 48 87 Lo 35 35 13 12 39 42 41 -2 35 22 20 16 49 32 17 45 3 15 70 60 21 45 28 52 36 60 Today W s s s s sh s c s s s sn c sh s pc s pc sn pc c sn c sf s sh s Louisville Memphis Miami Milwaukee Minneapolis Nashville New Orleans New York City Oklahoma City Omaha Philadelphia Phoenix Portland, ME Providence Raleigh Rapid City Reno Sacramento St. Louis Salt Lake City San Diego San Francisco Seattle Tucson Washington, DC Wichita Hi 25 37 76 12 11 31 60 18 53 21 20 86 21 20 31 47 65 72 22 39 78 64 51 86 25 43 Lo 15 26 57 5 6 20 46 3 44 18 7 53 -4 -6 15 31 34 46 18 31 55 50 47 45 14 32 W pc s s s s pc pc c s c c s sn sn s i s s s c pc s r s c s Sun. Hi 33 47 72 23 22 38 69 17 64 40 16 84 9 14 34 48 63 75 34 46 83 69 55 84 25 59 Lo 29 37 65 22 13 33 58 12 39 23 11 55 -6 -2 25 30 34 51 28 38 57 54 51 45 18 34 Weather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice. W sn r pc sn sn sn pc s c sn s s s s s c s s sn pc s s r pc s c