Page 6A TV TIME East Oregonian Thursday, January 21, 2016 Last run for current SAT this week; new one debuts in March WASHINGTON (AP) — The current version of the SAT college entrance exam KDVLWV¿QDOUXQWKLVZHHNHQG ZKHQKXQGUHGVRIWKRXVDQGV RI VWXGHQWV QDWLRQZLGH ZLOO sit, squirm or stress through the nearly four-hour reading, ZULWLQJDQGPDWKWHVW$QHZ revamped version debuts in 0DUFK Sixteen-year-old Alex Cohen, a junior at the Miami Country Day School in )ORULGDWKLQNVKH¶VVROLGRQ PDWK EXW KH¶V EHHQ VWXGL- ously cramming on vocab- XODU\ZRUGVWRJHWUHDG\IRU WKHH[DP ³,GRQ¶WZDQWWRVWXG\IRU WKHQHZRQHVRKRSHIXOO\,¶OO GRZHOORQWKLVRQH´KHVDLG Alex said his college DGYLVHU ZDV ZRUULHG DERXW VWXGHQWVEHLQJ³JXLQHDSLJV´ IRU WKH QHZ 6$7 WKDW UROOV out March 5 and told him to IRFXV RQ 6DWXUGD\¶V H[DP ³7KHUH¶VDORWRIYRFDEXODU\ RQWKLVWHVWVR,¶YHEHHQWU\LQJ WRPHPRUL]HDVPDQ\ZRUGV DV,FDQSHUGD\´VDLG$OH[ ZKRZDQWVWRVWXG\EXVLQHVV DQG¿QDQFHLQFROOHJH The College Board, the QRQSUR¿W RUJDQL]DWLRQ WKDW RZQV WKH 6$7 VD\V PRUH than 351,000 students regis- WHUHGWRWDNHWKH-DQWHVW 7KDW¶V D QHDUO\ SHUFHQW increase over the number of students registered for last -DQXDU\¶VH[DP /RRNLQJDKHDGWR0DUFK College Board says the revamped exam is more UHSUHVHQWDWLYH RI ZKDW students study in high school DQG WKH VNLOOV WKH\ QHHG to succeed in college and DIWHUZDUG The test had last been UHYLVHGLQ 7KH QHZ PDNHRYHU focuses less on arcane YRFDEXODU\ZRUGVOLNH³ODFK- U\PRVH´ DQG PRUH RQ UHDO ZRUOG OHDUQLQJ DQG DQDO\VLV E\VWXGHQWV7KHUHDOVRLVQR longer a penalty for guessing Television > Today’s highlights AP Photo/Alex Brandon In this photo taken Jan. 17, a student looks at questions during a college test preparation class. on the redesigned exam, and WKH HVVD\ ZLOO EH RSWLRQDO 6WXGHQWV ZKR GHFLGH QRW WR ZULWH DQ HVVD\ ZRXOG VHH about 50 minutes shaved off WKHOHQJWKRIWKHWHVW 3KLO 3LQH ZKR UXQV WKH test preparation company, Capital Educators, in the :DVKLQJWRQ'&DUHDVD\V KH¶V GLVVXDGHG KLV VWXGHQWV IURP UXVKLQJ WR WDNH WKLV ZHHNHQG¶V VFKHGXOHG WHVW VLQFH WKDW YHUVLRQ ZLOO VRRQ GLVDSSHDU DQG WKH\ ZRQ¶W EHDEOHWRWDNHWKHVDPHWHVW DJDLQ LI WKH\ GRQ¶W VFRUH ZHOO %XWZLWKVRPXFKPDWHULDO available on the current test, LW¶V PRUH IDPLOLDU VR 3LQH said some students have told Thursday Morning Kids 6 PBS ABC NBC CBS FOX STATION AM 6:30 AgDay Friends Good Day Oregon at 6 News News KOIN 6 News at 6 a.m. Wake Up Northwest KGW News at Sunrise Northwest Northwest KATU News Morning Stretch W.L.Yoga (31) KTNW (59) OPB 13 Sit and Fit Wild Kratts 11 KPTV 3 (19) KEPR 2 KOIN 19 (25) KNDU 6 KGW 8 (42) KVEW 4 KATU 5 (11) KFFX 7 AM 7:30 KLP³WKLVIHHOVVDIHUWRPH´ His advice for juniors KDVEHHQWRZDLWIRUWKHQHZ 6$7 RU WDNH LWV FRPSHWLWRU WKH $&7 XQOHVV WKHUH¶V D FRPSHOOLQJUHDVRQWRWDNHWKH WHVWQRZ²VXFKDVVWXGHQWV ZKR QHHG HDUO\ VFRUHV IRU FRDFKHV VSHFL¿F DFDGHPLF SURJUDPV RU IRU WKRVH ZKR spent months studying and IHHOUHDG\ Testing tutor Ned Johnson VD\V KH¶V VHHLQJ VWXGHQWV sidestepping this SAT VZLWFKRYHUDOWRJHWKHUE\MXVW WDNLQJWKH$&7 ³7KH FKDOOHQJH ZLWK the change in test is that it basically just stresses SHRSOH RXW´ VD\V -RKQVRQ president of PrepMatters in %HWKHVGD 0DU\ODQG ³7KH idea that students might have to prepare for the current SAT and then again for the QHZ UHGHVLJQHG 6$7 LV QRW SDUWLFXODUO\DSSHDOLQJ´ 7KH QHZ 6$7 ZLOO continue to test reading, News Sports Movies 8 8:30 9 AM Animals Paid The Office Paid Good Day Oregon CBS This Morning CBS This Morning Today Show (N) Today Show (N) Good Morning America (N) Good Morning America (N) Wild Kratts Wild Kratts Nature Cat Thomas Cat (N) C.George D.Tiger D.Tiger AM ZULWLQJ DQG PDWK ZLWK DQ HPSKDVLV RQ DQDO\VLV Some of the obscure vocab- XODU\ ZRUGV WKDW OHIW NLGV PHPRUL]LQJ ÀDVK FDUGV IRU HQGOHVV KRXUV ZLOO YDQLVK ,QVWHDGPRUHZLGHO\NQRZQ ZRUGV XVHG LQ FODVVURRP OHDUQLQJ ZLOO DSSHDU RQ WKH WHVW DQG VWXGHQWV ZLOO KDYH to demonstrate their ability to determine meaning in GLIIHUHQWFRQWH[WV 2WKHUVLJQL¿FDQWFKDQJHV ,QPDWKVWXGHQWVZLOOVHH more algebra and problem solving, instead of testing a ZLGHUDQJHRIPDWKFRQFHSWV 8VH RI FDOFXODWRUV ZLOO EH OLPLWHG 7KH\ ZLOO EH DOORZHGRQO\RQFHUWDLQPDWK questions, instead of on the HQWLUHPDWKSRUWLRQ (VVD\ SRUWLRQ ZLOO EH RSWLRQDO 7RS VFRUH JRHV EDFN WR ZLWK D VHSDUDWH VFRUH IRUWKHHVVD\FRPSDUHGZLWK 6DWXUGD\¶V SRVVLEOH WRWDO RI January 21, 2016 9:30 Mother Paid Good Day Meredith Vieira Let's Make a Deal Today Show II (N) Today Show II (N) Kelly and Michael (N) AM Northwest D.Tiger D.Tiger Sesame St. Peg + Cat 10 AM 10:30 Law & Order: C.I. The 700 Club The Price Is Right The Price Is Right Today Show III (N) Today Show III (N) The View The View Sesame St. Peg + Cat DinoTrain DinoTrain 11 AM 11:30 Crime Watch Daily Paid Paid Young & Restless Young & Restless Wendy Williams The Dr. Oz Show Paid Middle Kelly and Michael (N) DinoTrain Sit and Fit SuperW! Thomas AFTERNOON 12 PM PBS ABC NBC CBS FOX STATION 12:30 Pat. Court Pat. Court The Rachael Ray Show NameG. Bold & B. News Bold & B. TMZ Paid KGW New Paid The Chew The Chew Charlie Rose (31) KTNW (59) OPB 13 Art Studio J. Pepin 11 KPTV 3 (19) KEPR 2 KOIN 19 (25) KNDU 6 KGW 8 (42) KVEW 4 KATU 5 (11) KFFX 1 PM 1:30 Divorce Divorce Wendy Williams The Talk The Talk Days of Our Lives Days of Our Lives General Hospital General Hospital C.Cooks Painting Charlie Rose (N) 2 PM 2:30 Judge Mathis The Real Let's Make a Deal The Doctors Hot Bench Minute FABLife The Doctors Meredith Vieira C.George Thomas Sesame St. Bob Build 3 PM 3:30 The People's Court TMZ Live! Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Million? Million? Ellen DeGeneres (N) The Rachael Ray Show Steve Harvey Speaks WordGirl Cat/ Hat Arthur 4 PM 4:30 The People's Court Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy KOIN 6 News at 4 p.m. Ellen DeGeneres (N) KGW News FABLife KATU News @ 4 Arthur Odd Squad Speaks WordGirl 5 PM 5:30 Mike&M. Mike&M. 5 O'Clock News News News News News News NBC News KGW News NBC News News News News News Wild Kratts Business Odd Squad Wild Kratts EVENING Anna Kaiser and Shaun T from “My Diet Is Better Than Yours” American Idol (19) (25) KNDU KGW 8:00 p.m. The thrilling first season of this reboot wraps up with this finale. Draw- ing from the critically acclaimed 2006 series “Heroes,” this drama once again chronicles the lives of people who discover they have su- perhuman abilities. KEPR KOIN (25) NBC Heroes Reborn KFFX KPTV CBS The excitement continues as the judges hear some spectacular, and some not-so-spectacular voices in this new episode. Host Ryan Seacrest brings viewers the stories of contestants hoping to earn a golden ticket and a shot at superstardom. FOX (11) (11) KFFX KPTV 8:00 p.m. My 600-lb Life: Supersized KNDU Fitness expert Shaun T hosts as the contestants tackle the daunting 5K challenge in this new episode. The trainers design wildly different diet and exercise regimes in the hopes of helping their clients get healthy. (59) ABC AMC ANPL CMT CNBC CNN DISC DISN (19) KEPR KOIN 9:00 p.m. Candace (Sara Rue) struggles as Christy (Anna Faris) continues to date her father, Fred (Harry Hamlin), in this new episode. Bonnie (Allison Janney), however, has been enjoying the perks that come with her daughter dating a wealthy man. ESPN Baskets CABLE FX 10:00 p.m. ESPN2 FNC FOOD FREE FX GOLF GSN HALL HGTV HIST Talk shows LIFE NICK (19) KEPR KOIN The Talk (59) OPB Charlie Rose WPIX Maury 2:00 p.m. KPTV The Real KOIN (42) KVEW The Doctors KGW FABLife KATU The Meredith Vieira Show 3:00 p.m. (19) KEPR KOIN Dr. Phil KGW The Ellen DeGeneres Show ROOT SPIKE SYFY TBS Guests include Chelsea Handler. TCM TLC TNT UNI USA WE WGN ENC HBO HBO2 HBO3 MAX SHOW STARZ 6 PM Business (N) 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 American Idol "Auditions #6" Auditions come to FOX News Law:CI Nichols & Wheeler :35 Two a close in this final round. (N) First at investigate the murder of and a Half Ten two people, including an Men Olympic athlete. American Idol "Auditions #6" Auditions come to 10 O'Clock News 11 O'Clock Everybody a close in this final round. (N) Loves Ray News The Big Life Pieces Mom (N) Angel Hell Element. Holmes & Action :35 "Spa Trash "Go With Watson search for a News at Stephen Bang Theory Will Book" Your Gut" hacker responsible for a 11:00 p.m. Colbert (N) (N) Russian's murder. Big Bang Life in Mom (N) Angel Hell Elementary "Murder Ex KOIN 6 Extra Ent. :35 Tonight Theory Pieces (N) Machina" (N) (N) News/ 11 S.Colbert Wheel of Jeopardy! Heroes The clock counts The Blacklist When her Shades of Blue Harlee Local :35 The News Tonight Fortune down to the end of the name is finally cleared, refuses to give Stahl Show world and Erica wants Liz attempts to reclaim incriminating evidence against Wozniak. (N) to see her plan succeed. her former life. (N) Live at Inside Heroes Reborn "Project The Blacklist "Mr. Shades of Blue "False KGW News :35 Tonight Seven Edition Reborn" (SF) (N) Gregory Devry" (N) Face, False Heart" (N) at 11 Entertai- The Insider Beyond Tank Follow up My Diet Is Better Than Yours "The Dreaded 5k/ :05 Kimmel This with Barbara Corcoran Fight for Your Life" Tensions run high as the nment distinctive late-night talk show features celebrity Tonight who invested in Cousins contestants prepare for the upcoming 5K half- Maine Lobster. (N) marathon. (N) guests, bands & comedy. Jeopardy! Wheel of Beyond the Tank (N) My Diet Tensions run high as the contestants KATU :35 Jimmy Kimmel Fortune prepare for the upcoming 5K half-marathon. (N) News Moments to Remember: My Music Enjoy the music of many Doc Martin "It's Good Red Green Charlie Rose (N) great legends from the late '50s and early '60s pop era. to Talk" Show PBS NewsHour Oregon Art Oregon Midsomer :45 Midsomer Murders :35 Mercy Street "The Film Guide School Beat Murders "Midsomer Rhapsody" New Nurse" 2 Broke G. "And the Rich People Problems" Family Feud The Big Bang Theory 7 PM Girls "And the Kitty Kitty Spank Spank" Family Feud The Simpsons 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 The First 48 "Dead End The First 48 "Last Stop: The First 48 "Dark The First 48 (N) Nightwatch "Dreams The First 48 "Bad 52 Drive/ The Fixer" and Nightmares" (N) Paradise/ Bad Blood" Waters" Medicine" The Patriot A pacifist is drawn into the American ++ Gone in 60 Seconds A retired car thief re-enters the +++ Top Gun ('86, Action) Kelly 60 War of Independence in order to protect his son. business to steal 50 cars with his crew in one night. McGillis, Val Kilmer, Tom Cruise. Wild West Alaska Alaska "Pony Express" Al.Proof Al.Proof Bush "Shots Fired" Alaska "Pony Express" 24 Monsters Inside Me Pickler (N) Pickler (N) K. Pickler K. Pickler Cops Cops Cops Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx 43 Pretty Woman Profit "Inkkas Shoes" Restaurant Startup Restaurant Startup Restaurant Startup Paid Paid 72 Shark Tank CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom 68 Anderson Cooper 360 A. Bourdain "Korea" Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Newsroom Fast N' Loud Fast N' Loud Diesel Brothers Diesel "Hell Camino" Fast N' Loud 51 Fast N' Loud Mako Mer Mako Mer +++ High School Musical 2 Zac Efron. Austin/Ally Friends Girl World Austin/Ally 26 Austin/Ally Bunk'd NCAA Basketball Ohio State vs. Purdue Site: SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter 33 Mackey Arena -- West Lafayette, Ind. (L) ITF Tennis Australian Open Third Round Site: Melbourne Park -- Melbourne, Australia (L) 34 30 for 30 "Four Falls of Buffalo" Hannity The O'Reilly Factor The Kelly File Hannity On the Record 66 The Kelly File Chopped Chopped Kids Baking Champion BeatFlay Beat Flay Beat Flay Beat Flay 61 Chopped 32 ++ The Parent Trap :15 Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince Harry & Dumbledore embark on tasks to defeat an evil enemy. The 700 Club ++ The Heat ('13, Com) Sandra Bullock. Baskets Baskets +++ The Watch 65 +++ Iron Man 3 Golf Cent. PGA Golf CareerBuilder Challenge Site: PGA West Stadium Course -- La Quinta, Calif. EPGA Golf 88 CHAMPS Golf 76 Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud ChainRe. ChainRe. Newlywed Newlywed Baggage Baggage Middle Middle Middle G. Girls G. Girls 87 Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Middle FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop H.Hunt House H.Hunt House 62 FlipFlop American Pickers "The American Pickers "Big Amer. Pickers "Escape American Pickers "The A. Pickers "Who's the :05 Live to Tell "Red 50 Doctor Is In" Boy Toys" to Motor Mountain" Bundle Brothers" Rarest of Them All?" Wings Recovery" Child Genius (N) Project Runway (N) Child Genius Project Runway Junior 29 Project Runway Junior Runway "#OOTD" 27 H.Danger Thunder MakePop Thunder ++ Scooby-Doo ('02, Fam) Freddie Prinze Jr. Full House Full House Friends 1/2 Friends 2/2 NCAA Basketball San Diego at Pepperdine Site: NCAA Basketball BYU vs. Loyola Marymount (L) NCAA Basketball San Francisco at Santa Clara 37 Firestone Fieldhouse -- Malibu, Calif. (L) Site: Leavey Center -- Santa Clara, Calif. ++ +++ Coming to America An African prince travels to Lip Sync Battle Lip Sync Lip Sync ++ Happy Gilmore 42 Space Jam America to avoid an arranged marriage and find a new bride. Adam Sandler. Battle Battle +++ The Faculty Jordana Brewster. ++ The Order ('03, Thril) Heath Ledger. Movie 67 ++ The Crazies Seinf. "The Seinf. "The Seinf. "The Seinf. "The 2 Broke 2 Broke Big Bang Big Bang 2 Broke 2 Broke Conan Eva Longoria, 59 Pitch" 1/2 Ticket" 2/2 Wallet" 1/2 Watch" 2/2 Girls Girls Theory Theory Girls Girls Jose Andres ++++ Foreign :15 The Pride of the Yankees Baseball legend Lou Gehrig ++++ For Whom the Bell Tolls An American fighting 56 Correspondent faces a crippling disease at the height of his success. with a guerilla band is assigned to blow up a crucial bridge. Extreme Weight Loss "Ashley" Skin "Melissa and Jeff" 49 600-lb "Olivia's Story" 600-lb "Marla's Story" 600 Life: Supersized NBA Basketball San Antonio Spurs at Phoenix Suns (L) Inside the NBA NBA Basketball 57 NBA Basketball L.A. C./Cle. (L) Noticiero Muchacha italiana Antes muerta Pasion y poder Impacto Noticie. 21 Incluido Law & Order: S.V.U. WWE Smackdown! Colony (N) Law & Order: S.V.U. 58 Law & Order: S.V.U. Growing Up Hip Hop Tamar/Vince "Catfish" Tamar and Vince 118 Tamar and Vince (N) Growing Up Hip H (N) Tamar and Vince Elementary Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Parks/Rec Parks/Rec Parks/Rec Rules Rules War of the Damned War of the Damned 644 The Wedding Ringer :10 ++ Behind Enemy Lines Owen Wilson. Black Sails "XVII" :45 Making ++ Fifty Shades of Grey Dakota Johnson. :10 ++ Final Destination 3 Movie 518 :15 ++ The Waterboy :45 American Sniper ('14, War) Bradley Cooper. Real Sex :45 J. Cole 520 :15 Gone Girl ('14, Myst) Rosamund Pike, Ben Affleck. Wild ('14, Bio) Reese Witherspoon. ++ RoboCop Kurtwood Smith. :45 +++ Robocop 2 521 +++ Unbroken ++ Snakes on a Plane :50 SinCity 549 :10 Good Night and Good Luck :45 Blackhat ('14, Act) Viola Davis, Chris Hemsworth. Billions "Pilot" Shameless Dark Net Gigolos 578 The Hundred-Foot... ++++ The Imitation Game ++ Tin Cup ('96, Com/Dra) Kevin Costner. :20 +++ Superbad 621 All About the Ben... :10 Think Like a Man Too Regina Hall. NIGHT OWL STATION PBS ABC NBC CBS FOX Pendleton East-Oregonian, OR: Talk Shows Jan 21, 2016 PREMIUM (42) KVEW The Rachael Ray Show KATU Steve Harvey 4:00 p.m. (25) KNDU The Ellen DeGeneres Show Guests include Chelsea Handler. (42) KVEW FABLife 11:00 p.m. (31) KTNW Charlie Rose TBS Conan Guests include Eva Longoria, Chef Jose Andres and Marques Ray. 11:05 p.m. (42) KVEW Jimmy Kimmel Live 11:35 p.m. (19) KEPR KOIN The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (25) KNDU KGW The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon KATU Jimmy Kimmel Live 12:30 a.m. TBS Conan Guests include Eva Longoria, Chef Jose Andres and Marques Ray. 12:35 a.m. (25) KNDU KGW Late Night With Seth Meyers (19) KEPR KOIN The Late Late Show With James Corden Lily James, Sean Hayes and BOrns visit tonight. 1:35 a.m. (25) KNDU KGW Last Call With Carson Daly Guests include Priyanka Chopra with musical guest Wavves with guest Aja Naomi King. 2:05 a.m. (25) KNDU Today Show 5:30 a.m. (42) KVEW Good Morning Northwest Curious 13 Traveler STATION PEN A&E Mom KATU News at 6 KTNW OPB Toby hopes to make a spicy line of vodka with the safe, ginger-like root of poisonous Devil’s Club in this new episode. He, Shane and Chrissy kayak across Eklutna Lake to gather some of the plant. Scott experi- ments to set the flavor on fire. Evening News Family Feud PBS NewsHour (31) ANPL 9:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. (19) KEPR KOIN CBS This Morning (25) KNDU KGW Today Show A look at the major changes happening to the SAT. (42) KVEW KATU Good Morning America WPIX Maury 7:30 a.m. LIFE The Balancing Act Learn how to create healthy and fun recipe ideas- with croutons. 8:00 a.m. WPIX The Jerry Springer Show 9:00 a.m. (19) KEPR The Meredith Vieira Show (25) KNDU KGW Today Show II Aubrey Plaza on ‘Dirty Grandpa.’ (42) KVEW Live! With Kelly and Michael Guests include Kelsey Grammar and Grace. ALN The Balancing Act WPIX The Jerry Springer Show David has realized it’s time to call it quits and end his marriage. 10:00 a.m. (25) KNDU KGW Today Show III Whitney Cummings on ‘Whitney Cummings: I’m Your Girlfriend.’ (42) KVEW KATU The View HALL Home and Family WPIX The Bill Cunningham Show DNA and lie detector test results give closure to a woman. 11:00 a.m. (25) KNDU The Wendy Williams Show KGW The Dr. Oz Show KATU Live! With Kelly and Michael Guests include Kelsey Grammar and Grace. Noon KPTV The Rachael Ray Show (31) KTNW Charlie Rose (42) KVEW KATU The Chew HALL Home and Family WPIX The Steve Wilkos Show 1:00 p.m. KPTV The Wendy Williams Show KOIN 6 19 News at 6 Local News 6 5 Alaska Proof Zach Galifianakis stars as Chip Baskets, a man whose dream of be- coming a French clown is dashed in the premiere of this comedy. After returning home to California, he works as a rodeo clown and confronts his past. Action Inside News at 6 Edition 2 p.m. KATU (42) PBS (42) KVEW KATU 9:00 p.m. 6:30 KVEW TLC 8:00 p.m. My Diet Is Better Than Yours PM Modern Modern Family "A Family 11 Slight at "Heart the Opera" Broken" 6 O'Clock News 3 KGW News at 6:00 8 p.m. Extra Local News at 4 6:30 KGW Brittani’s husband loves large women, but at 600 pounds, she feels she can’t contribute to their marriage. In this new episode, cameras document her journey as she gets weight loss surgery in the hopes of having a normal relationship. 6 STATION 12 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 2 AM 2:30 3 AM 3:30 AngerM. :35 Hot In :05 CR TV Featuring a selection of products and services. Loves Ray TMZ Dish Queens Raising Commun. Cougar T Paid S.Colbert :35 James Corden (N) :35 Paid :05 CBS Overnight News S.Colbert :35 James Corden (N) :35 Insider :05 CBS Overnight News Tonight :35 Seth Meyers :35 C. Daly :05 Today Show Mad Money Tonight :35 Seth Meyers :35 C. Daly :05 News Backroads Mad Money :05 Nightl. :35 Paid :05 ABC World News Now J. Kimmel :35 Nightl. :05 Paid :35 Paid :05 ABC World News Now Doc Martin Old House Ask House American Experience Finding Your Roots (31) KTNW Nature Nova Nature (59) OPB 13 PBS NewsHour 11 KPTV 3 (19) KEPR 2 KOIN 19 (25) KNDU 6 KGW 8 (42) KVEW 4 KATU 5 (11) KFFX 4 AM 4:30 5 AM 5:30 CR TV Minute News Good Day Oregon at 5 News News News News News KOIN 6 News at 5 a.m. News Wake Up Northwest News KGW News KGW News at Sunrise ABC News America This Morning Northwest News KATU News This Morning Nature Nova The Last Ridge Business BBC News