SPORTS East Oregonian Page 2B Wednesday, January 20, 2016 College Basketball Mountaineers sweep Yotes on hardwood East Oregonian LA GRANDE — The Eastern Oregon women shook off a slow start with 15 unanswered points and never looked back in a 73-47 route of College of Idaho on Tuesday. The Mountaineers (13-7, 9-2 CCC) found themselves trailing the Cascade Collegiate Conference basketball game 9-6 after an inside basket from the Yotes’ Ryleigh Swagerty, but Maloree Moss found Payton Parrish for an open three- pointer on the other end and EOU never trailed again. (DVWHUQ¿QLVKHGWKH¿UVWTXDUWHU on a 17-3 run and led by double digits the rest of the way. The lead reached its largest margin at the end of the third quarter when a layup by Mariah Swanson pushed it to 56-26. Eastern turned 25 CofI turnovers into 28 points and got 44 points from bench players to win their second straight. 3DUULVK ¿QLVKHG ZLWK D JDPH high 17 points and Swanson added nine as 11 Mounties scored in the game. Moss led all players with six assists and added six point and WHDPKLJK¿YHUHERXQGVDVZHOO No scorers reached double digits for the Yotes (4-13, 3-8), which lost their fourth straight. Eastern shot 50 percent (27-54) IRUWKHJDPHZKLOH&RI,¿QLVKHGDW 36 percent (18-50). Up next for Eastern is a home game against Northwest Christian RQ)ULGD\DWSP Men’s Basketball EASTERN OREGON 95, COLLEGE OF IDAHO 74 — At La Grande, freshman guard Caulin Bakalarski scored a career-high 25 points to lead the EOU Mountain- eers over the College of Idaho Yotes on Tuesday night. Bakalarski scored his 25 points RQ VKRRWLQJ IURP WKH ÀRRU DQG KLW ¿YH SRLQWHUV 2WKHU top performers included Kalvin Johanson with 19 points and nine rebounds, and Case Rada with 17 points. Also, guard Kentrell Washington neared a triple-double with 13 points, 10 assists, and eight rebounds. 7KH¿UVWKDOISOD\HGRXWPXFK closer than the second half in this one, as Eastern Oregon (10-11, 6-5 CCC) and CofI (12-8, 7-4) were tied at 38-38 at halftime. %XWWKH0RXQWDLQHHUVFDXJKW¿UH offensively behind Bakalarski and shut down the Yotes defensively — holding the team to 10-38 shooting (26 percent) — to run away with the win in the second half. Eastern Oregon next plays at home against Northwest Christian RQ)ULGD\DWSP VIKINGS: 8PDWLOODJLUOVFRPSOHWHFRPHEDFNWRWDNHGRZQ6WDQ¿HOG Continued from 1B numbers agree. The Vikings committed 11 turnovers and VKRWSHUFHQWIURPWKH¿HOG (22-48), 39 percent from 3-point range (7-18). Mean- while, the Vikings limited the HIIHFWLYHRIIHQVHRI6WDQ¿HOG Running a 1-3-1 zone in WKH¿UVWKDOIWKHGLPLQXWLYH Webb was matched up on the 6-foot-3 Grogan who was running the baseline. 6WDQ¿HOG KDG VXFFHVV HDUO\ ZLWK ¿QGLQJ WKH ODQN\ junior down low for easy baskets. But Umatilla moved senior forward Aaron Simmons to that spot, and 6WDQ¿HOG KDG D WRXJK WLPH getting those easy looks. “They didn’t really adjust,” Lete said of his defensive adjustment to move Simmons to the post on Grogan. “Whatever we tried throwing at them seemed to work.” %XW 6WDQ¿HOG DOVR VWUXJ- gled, especially making shots. The Tigers never really shot the ball well Tuesday night, going 36 percent IURP WKH ÀRRU LQ WKH ¿UVW half and 27 percent in the VHFRQG 6WDQ¿HOG ZDV DW LWV worst in the fourth quarter, when it shot 3-18 and 0-10 from deep. Umatilla, mean- while, had its best offensive quarter, shooting 4-7 from WKH¿HOGIURPGHHSDQG 8-12 from the free throw line to put it away. 6WDQ¿HOGOHGE\IRXUDIWHU WKH ¿UVW TXDUWHU DQG E\ RQH at halftime. Its largest lead of the game was seven at 36-29 in the third quarter when Tony Flores made his VHFRQG DQG ¿QDO SRLQWHU RI WKH QLJKW ZLWK RQ the clock. Umatilla came roaring back with a 12-2 run to take a 41-38 on a Coria OD\XS ZLWK OHIW LQ WKH period. Umatilla made six of its seven shots on the run and never had an empty possession. *RLQJ LQWR WKH ¿QDO SHULRG XS 6WDQ¿HOG never got closer than three and Webb’s three-point play with 53 seconds left was in the midst of a game- closing 12-0 run to send the Vikings down Highway 395 happy. “I told them in the locker room, ‘Bar’s set high now, fellas. I expect that every time,’” Lete said. “I’m so tired of the inconsistency and stuff. Hopefully after a win like tonight — it was kinda fun — hopefully they enjoyed it and hopefully it’ll just continue.” 6WDQ¿HOG UHWXUQV WR Columbia Basin Conference play on Friday when it hosts :HVWRQ0F(ZHQ DW S. Garcia, J. Maret, S. Cranston, T. Durfey. STANFIELD — B. Woods 16, D. Grogan 15, T. Flores 8, R. Bailey 6, T. Monkus 3, J. Carrillo, A. Nunez, E. Angel, J. Garcia, N. Sanchez, J. Galarza. 3-pointers — UHS 7, SHS 6. Free throws — UHS 12-18, SHS 4-8. Fouls — UHS 15, SHS 18. Girls Basketball Staff photo by E.J. Harris Umatilla’s Taija Coffey shoots the ball guarded by Stan- field’s Yazzmin Chavez and Brittin Braithwaite in the Vi- kings’ 34-28 win against the Tigers in Stanfield. p.m. Umatilla returns to Eastern Oregon League play on Thursday when it plays host to Riverside at 7 p.m. ——— UHS (9-9, 1-2) 13 12 20 18 — 63 SHS (11-3, 3-1) 17 9 14 8 — 48 UMATILLA — J. Coria 24, K. Webb 18, A. Simmons 9, J. Ramirez 7, T. Sanguino 3, J. Tejada 2, S. Munoz, G. Armenta, D. Silverio, UMATILLA 34, STAN- FIELD 28 ²$W 6WDQ¿HOG the last time the Umatilla 9LNLQJV DQG 6WDQ¿HOG Tigers played a girls basket- ball game, the Vikings hammered the Tigers 77-21 in Umatilla exactly a year ago today. When they got together Tuesday night, the result couldn’t have been more different. Umatilla had a to mount a second-half comeback to overcome 12 ¿UVWTXDUWHU WXUQRYHUV WR GRZQ6WDQ¿HOG No player scored in GRXEOH ¿JXUHV $OHHVKD Watson and Taija Coffey of Umatilla (14-4), and Stan- ¿HOG¶V 1DWDOLD (VTXLYHO OHG all scorers with seven points each. 6WDQ¿HOG OHG PRVW RIWKH¿UVWKDOIDIWHU%ULWWLQ Braithwaite’s two-pointer SXW6WDQ¿HOGXSPLGZD\ WKURXJKWKH¿UVWTXDUWHUDQG the Tigers led by as many as 10 when Yazzmin Chavez’s layup when through late the quarter. Watson hit a 3-pointer with one second left in the half to put Stan- ¿HOGXSJRLQJLQWRWKH locker room. ,QDGGLWLRQWRWKH¿UVW half turnovers, Umatilla shot just 17 percent (4-23) LQWKH¿UVWKDOIDQGKDGKDOI DVPDQ\PDGH¿HOGJRDOVDV 6WDQ¿HOG The half break proved useful for the Vikings, as they started the second half on an 8-2 run to cut Stan- ¿HOG¶VOHDGWRRQHDW A Courtney Dohman laup with 12 seconds left sent the game to the fourth quarter tied at 23. And from there, it was all Umatilla. The Vikings started the quarter on another 8-2 run to go up DQGOHGE\¿YHZLWK D PLQXWH OHIW 6WDQ¿HOG started fouling, and though Umatilla missed half its free WKURZV 6WDQ¿HOG FRXOGQ¶W make up the difference. Both teams return to their respective leagues this week. Umatilla gets River- side at home on Thursday DW SP DQG 6WDQ¿HOG welcomes Weston-McEwen on Friday at 6 p.m. ——— UHS (14-4, 3-0) 4 7 12 11 — 34 SHS (6-8, 2-2) 9 9 5 7 — 28 UMATILLA — A. Watson 7, T. Coffey 7 C. Dohman 6, S. Webb 6, M. Paz 5, B. Campos 2, G. Contreras 1, L. Journot, G. Lemus. STANFIELD — N. Esquivel 7, G. Chavez 5, B. Braithwaite 4, C. Curiel 4, B. Manderas 2, C. Connell 2, C. Hopper 2, M. Griffin, A. Lemmon, A. Carrillo. 3-pointers — UHS 1, SHS 1. Free throws — UHS 13-27, SHS 5-14. Fouls — UHS 13, SHS 18. PREPS: &RQGRQ:KHHOHUJLUOVKDQG$UOLQJWRQ¿UVWORVVLQ%LJ6N\/HDJXH Continued from 1B The TigerScots trailed Dayton by 20 points early in the third quarter before staging a comeback to cut it WR D QLQH SRLQW GH¿FLW DW WKH end of the quarter. The Tiger- Scots got within three points late in the fourth quarter and had several possessions to get closer or tie, but just were not able to come through. “We started off with not much intensity,” said Weston-McEwen coach Brian Pickard. “Playing our IRXUWKJDPHLQ¿YHQLJKWV the guys were tired. But I’m proud of the way they hung in there tonight.” Shaw Broncheau led Weston-McEwen offensively with 14 points, while Brett Speed had 13 points and Jimmy Patrick added 12 points. Patrick also led the team with seven rebounds. Weston-McEwen will have a few days to rest before hitting the court on Friday at 6WDQ¿HOGDWSP ——— DHS (1-7) 16 21 18 10 — 65 W-M (6-8) 15 13 18 16 — 62 DAYTON — Z. Wagner 25, B. Kleck 15, T. Bren 12, Z. Bryan 8, C. Martin 3, Z. Waggoner 2. WESTON-MCEWEN — S. Broncheau 14, B. Speed 13, J. Patrick 12, K. Scott 9, S. Mikesell 7, A. Finifrock 5, E. Reger 2, X. Bailey. 3-pointers — DHS 5, W-M 7. Free throws — DHS 12-24, W-M 7-16. Fouls — DHS 18, W-M 21. Technicals — S. Mikesell (W-M). Fouled out — S. Mikesell (W-M), S. Broncheau (W-M), C. Martin (DHS). MITCHELL/SPRAY 51, IONE 49 — At Ione, the Cardinals fell just short of their second league win of the season, falling to Mitchell/ Spray on Tuesday night. No details were reported. Ione (2-11, 1-4 BSL) next travels to South Wasco on )ULGD\DWSP Girls Basketball DAYTON (WA) 31, WESTON-MCEWEN 19²$W$WKHQDDVORZ¿UVW half proved to be too big of a hole for Weston-McEwen to climb out of, falling to Dayton (WA) on Tuesday night in non-league play. The TigerScots (7-8) shot 11.7 percent (7 of 60) from WKHÀRRUDQGKDGQRSOD\HUV score in double digits. Ashley Hill led them with eight points and had a team-high nine rebounds. Sidney Andrews led Dayton (7-1) with 10 points, and the Bulldogs led 19-5 at halftime. Weston-McEwen returns to league play Friday at 6WDQ¿HOGDWSP ——— DHS (7-1) 11 8 10 2 — 31 W-M (7-8) 3 2 7 7 — 19 DAYTON — S. Andrews 10, J. Phillips 7, S. Currin 6, M. Becker 4, M. Mings 4, J. Fullerton, A. Wanlarbkam, K. Moore, K. Price. (15-39) WESTON-MCEWEN — A. Hill 8, S. von Borstel 5, C. Quaempts 2, A. Broncheau 2, S. Finifrock 1, A. Finifrock 1, B. Hillmick, A. Schroeder, J. Lambert, M. Muilenburg. (7-60) 3-pointers — DHS 0-3, W-M 1-14. Free throws — DHS 1-2, W-M 4-17. Fouls — DHS 15, W-M 9. held Riverside (3-12) the rest of the way. Pioneers coach Brooke Garton said Riverside’s post defense gave her team trouble all night, and the team will be working to remedy that issue prior to their next league game on Saturday. Sydney Richwine led Mac-Hi with 15 points and the Pioneers out-rebounded the Pirates 24-16. Riverside had 29 turnovers to Mac-Hi’s 11 and no Pirates reached double digits in points. Mac-Hi hosts Baker on Saturday at 3 p.m. River- side plays at Umatilla on Thursday at 6 p.m. ——— M-H (11-5) 8 5 7 12 — 32 RHS (3-12) 5 11 6 8 — 30 MAC-HI — S. Richwine 15, S. Tveidt 6, S. Carter 5, A. Biggs 4, B. Smiley 2, K. Cris- man, R. Jones, B. Hernandez, M. Yensen. RIVERSIDE — L. Mashos 7, A. Hernandez 7, S. Hasbell 4, J. Shimer 4, S. Wightman 4, A. Caldera 2, B. Avalos 2, F. Mabilla, E. Daltoso, S. Andrande. 3-pointers — M-H 0, RHS 1. Free throws — M-H 8-14, RHS 9-17. Fouls — M-H 16, RHS 18. Fouled out — J. Shimer (RHS). MAC-HI 32, RIVER- SIDE 30 — At Boardman, the Mac-Hi Pioneers squeezed by the Riverside Pirates in some non-league action on Tuesday night. Mac-Hi (11-5) grabbed WKH ¿QDO OHDG FKDQJH ZLWK ECHO 50, HERM- about tow minutes left and ISTON JV 45 — At Echo, the Cougars came out of halftime on a 17-8 run and held on to beat Hermiston’s junior varsity in a non-league game on Tuesday. Hannah McCarty scored a game-high 21 points and Kelsey Ranger added 12 points to go with a team-high eight rebounds. Sydney Stefani led Herm- iston with 11 points. Echo’s next game is Saturday when it hosts Helix at 4 p.m. ——— HHS JV 10 12 8 15 — 45 EHS 9 11 17 13 — 50 HERMISTON — S. Stefani 11, K. Smith 8, R. Meyers 7, H. Thompson 7, M. Wilson 2, C. Wheeler 2, K. Gree 2, M. Huff 2, J. Thomas 2, S. Mires 2. (15-51) ECHO — H. McCarty 21, K. Ranger 12, T. Swaggart 8, E. Parks 5, L. Cox 3, D. Tarvin 1. (22-53) 3-pointers — HHS 3-16, EHS 1-7. Free throws — HHS 12-19, EHS 5-19. Fouls — HHS 19, EHS 20. Fouled out — D. Tarvin (EHS). Jessie Flynn led Ione with 22 points, while Morgan Orem added eight points. The win also moves Ione (7-6, 4-1 BSL) into a three-way tie atop the Big Sky League standings with Arlington and Condon/ Wheeler. Ione next plays at South Wasco on Friday at 6 p.m. ——— M/S (3-11, 0-5) 2 6 6 7 — 21 IHS (7-6, 4-1) 25 17 6 6 — 54 MITCHELL/SPRAY — K. Myers 12, L. Domenigini 7, T. Hudson 2. IONE — J. Flynn 22, M. Orem 8, K. Gil- bert 7, S. Qualls 6, S. Teeman 5, I. Sandford 4, R. Holland 2. 3-pointers — M/S 1, IHS 0. Free throws — M/S 4-12, IHS 10-23. Fouls — M/S 15, IHS 17. CONDON/WHEELER 53, ARLINGTON 41 — At Arlington, the Condon/ Wheeler Knights handed the $UOLQJWRQ +RQNHUV WKHLU ¿UVW league loss of the season with a IONE 54, MITCHELL/ 12-point win on Tuesday night. SPRAY 21 — At Ione, the No details were reported. Cardinals broke above the Condon/Wheeler (13-2, PDUN IRU WKH ¿UVW WLPH 4-1 BSL) next hosts Dufur this season with a win over at 6 p.m. Arlington (11-5, Mitchell/Spray on Tuesday 4-1) next hosts Sherman on night. Friday at 6 p.m. SCOREBOARD Local slate PREP BOYS BASKETBALL Thursday Riverside at Umatilla, 7:30 p.m. Friday Irrigon at Culver, 4:30 p.m. Weston-McEwen at Stanfield, 4:30 p.m. Heppner at Pilot Rock, 6 p.m. Nixyaawii at Joseph, 6:30 p.m. Pendleton at Hood River, 7 p.m. The Dalles at Hermiston, 7 p.m. Ione at South Wasco, 7:30 p.m. Sherman at Arlington, 7:30 p.m. Dufur at Condon/Wheeler, 7:30 p.m. Pine Eagle at Helix, 7:30 p.m. Saturday Condon/Wheeler at Sherman, 3:30 p.m. Baker at Mac-Hi, 4:30 p.m. Nixyaawii at Wallowa, 5:30 p.m. Helix at Echo, 5:30 p.m. Arlington at Dufur, 5:30 p.m. Horizon Christian at Ione, 5:30 p.m. PREP GIRLS BASKETBALL Today Pendleton at Baker, 7 p.m. Thursday Riverside at Umatilla, 6 p.m. Friday Nixyaawii at Joseph, 5 p.m. Irrigon at Culver, 6 p.m. Pine Eagle at Helix, 6 p.m. Ione at South Wasco, 6 p.m. Dufur at Condon/Wheeler (Condon), 6 p.m. Sherman at Arlington, 6 p.m. Hood River at Pendleton, 7 p.m. Hermiston at The Dalles, 7 p.m. Heppner at Pilot Rock, 7:30 p.m. Weston-McEwen at Stanfield, 7:30 p.m. Saturday Condon/Wheeler at Sherman, 2 p.m. Baker at Mac-Hi, 3 p.m. Horizon Christian at Ione, 4 p.m. Arlington at Dufur, 4 p.m. Nixyaawii at Wallowa, 4 p.m. Helix at Echo, 4 p.m. PREP WRESTLING Thursday Pendleton at Hood River, 6 p.m. Friday Hermiston at Reser’s TOC (Corvallis), 9 a.m. Heppner at Grant Union Invite, 10 a.m. Echo at Parma Meet, TBD Irrigon at Grant Union, 8 a.m. Saturday Hermiston at Reser’s TOC (Corvallis), 9 a.m. Mac-Hi, Echo at Parma Tournament, 5 p.m. PREP SWIMMING Saturday Pendleton, Hermiston at Hood River, 10 a.m. COLLEGE MEN’S BASKETBALL Friday Northwest Christian at Eastern Oregon, 7:30 p.m. Blue Mountain at Yakima Valley, 8 p.m. Saturday Blue Mountain at Wenatchee Valley, 4 p.m. Corban at Eastern Oregon, 7:30 p.m. COLLEGE WOMEN’S BASKETBALL Friday Northwest Christian at Eastern Oregon, 5:30 p.m. Blue Mountain at Yakima Valley, 6 p.m. Saturday Corban at Eastern Oregon, 5:30 p.m. Blue Mountain at Wenatchee Valley, 2 p.m. Football NFL Divisional Playoffs Saturday, Jan. 16 New England 27, Kansas City 20 Arizona 26, Green Bay 20, OT Sunday, Jan. 17 Carolina 31, Seattle 24 Denver 23, Pittsburgh 16 Conference Championships Sunday, Jan. 24 AFC: New England at Denver, 12:05 p.m. (CBS) NFC: Arizona at Carolina, 3:40 p.m. (FOX) Basketball NBA EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division W L Toronto 26 15 Boston 22 20 New York 21 22 Pct .634 .524 .488 GB — 4½ 6 Brooklyn 11 31 .262 Philadelphia 5 38 .116 Southeast Division W L Pct Atlanta 25 17 .595 Miami 23 19 .548 Orlando 20 20 .500 Washington 19 21 .475 Charlotte 19 22 .463 Central Division W L Pct Cleveland 28 11 .718 Chicago 24 16 .600 Indiana 23 19 .548 Detroit 22 19 .537 Milwaukee 19 25 .432 WESTERN CONFERENCE Southwest Division W L Pct San Antonio 36 6 .857 Memphis 24 19 .558 Dallas 24 19 .558 Houston 22 21 .512 New Orleans 14 27 .341 Northwest Division W L Pct Oklahoma City 31 12 .721 Utah 18 23 .439 Portland 19 25 .432 Denver 16 26 .381 Minnesota 13 30 .302 Pacific Division W L Pct Golden State 38 4 .905 L.A. Clippers 27 14 .659 Sacramento 17 23 .425 Phoenix 13 30 .302 L.A. Lakers 9 34 .209 ——— Monday’s Games New York 119, Philadelphia 113,2OT Portland 108, Washington 98 Charlotte 124, Utah 119,2OT Memphis 101, New Orleans 99 Chicago 111, Detroit 101 Atlanta 98, Orlando 81 Toronto 112, Brooklyn 100 Golden State 132, Cleveland 98 Dallas 118, Boston 113, OT L.A. Clippers 140, Houston 132, OT Tuesday’s Games Milwaukee 91, Miami 79 New Orleans 114, Minnesota 99 Oklahoma City 110, Denver 104 15½ 22 GB — 2 4 5 5½ GB — 4½ 6½ 7 11½ GB — 12½ 12½ 14½ 21½ GB — 12 12½ 14½ 18 GB — 10½ 20 25½ 29½ Indiana 97, Phoenix 94 Today’s Games Philadelphia at Orlando, 4 p.m. Miami at Washington, 4 p.m. Boston at Toronto, 4:30 p.m. Cleveland at Brooklyn, 4:30 p.m. Utah at New York, 4:30 p.m. Golden State at Chicago, 5 p.m. Detroit at Houston, 5 p.m. Charlotte at Oklahoma City, 5 p.m. Minnesota at Dallas, 5:30 p.m. Sacramento at L.A. Lakers, 7:30 p.m. Atlanta at Portland, 7:30 p.m. CCC S. Oregon Oregon Tech NW Christian E. Oregon Warner Pacific Corban Northwest C of Idaho Evergreen Multnomah Walla Walla NCAA Men’s Top 25 Tuesday Oklahoma State 86, No. 3 Kansas 67 Georgetown 81, No. 5 Xavier 72 No. 7 Maryland 62, Northwestern 56 (OT) No. 8 SMU 77, Houston 73 No. 10 Texas A&M 71, LSU 57 No. 13 Virginia 69, Clemson 62 No. 16 Providence 71, No. 18 Butler 68 No. 24 South Carolina 77, Mississippi 74 No. 25 Indiana 103, Illinois 69 Women’s Top 25 Tuesday No. 21 Michigan State 59, Rutgers 48 Standings Pac-12 Arizona St. Oregon St. Washington Stanford Utah UCLA Washington St. USC Arizona Oregon California Colorado Conf 6-0 5-1 5-2 4-2 4-2 4-2 3-4 2-4 2-4 1-5 1-5 0-6 Ovr 15-3 14-3 14-4 14-4 12-5 12-5 12-6 14-4 11-7 12-5 10-7 5-12 Str W12 W4 W3 L1 L1 W1 L1 L2 W1 W1 L3 L7 NWAC East Wenatchee Valley W4 Walla Walla Treasure Valley Columbia Basin Spokane Blue Mountain Big Bend Yakima Valley Conf 3-0 2-1 2-1 2-1 1-2 1-2 1-2 0-3 Ovr 15-3 13-3 11-6 10-8 12-6 7-10 7-12 3-14 Str L1 W2 W1 W1 L1 L2 L10 Conf 9-1 8-2 8-2 9-2 6-4 5-5 4-6 3-8 3-8 1-9 0-9 Ovr 16-1 14-5 12-6 13-7 11-5 10-9 10-11 4-13 3-13 3-15 0-17 Str L1 W3 W4 W2 L2 W3 W3 L4 W1 L6 L17 Tennis Australian Open How the seeds fared Tuesday At Melbourne Park Melbourne, Australia Men First Round Andy Murray (2), Britain, def. Alexander Zverev, Germany, 6-1, 6-2, 6-3. Stan Wawrinka (4), Switzerland, def. Dmit- ry Tursunov, Russia, 7-6 (2), 6-3, retired. Rafael Nadal (5), Spain, lost to Fernando Verdasco, Spain, 7-6 (6), 4-6, 3-6, 7-6 (4), 6-2. David Ferrer (8), Spain, def. Peter Gojow- czyk, Germany, 6-4, 6-4, 6-2. John Isner (10), United States, def. Jerzy Janowicz, Poland, 6-3, 7-6 (7), 6-3. Kevin Andeson (11), South Africa, lost to Rajeev Ram, United States, 7-6 (4), 6-7 (4), 6-3, 3-0, retired. Milos Raonic (13), Canada, def. Lucas Pouille, France, 6-1, 6-4, 6-4. Bernard Tomic (16), Australia, def. Denis Istomin, Uzbekistan, 6-7 (4), 6-4, 6-4, 6-4. Feliciano Lopez (18), Spain, def. Daniel Evans, Britain, 6-1, 6-0, 6-4. Fabio Fognini (20), Italy, lost to Gilles Muller, Luxembourg, 7-6 (6), 7-6 (7), 6-7 (5), 7-6 (1). Viktor Troicki (21), Serbia, def. Daniel Munoz de la Nava, Spain, 4-6, 4-6, 6-1, 7-6 (4), 6-3. Gael Monfils (23), France, def. Yuichi Sugita, Japan, 6-1, 6-3, 6-2. Jack Sock (25), United States, def. Taylor Fritz, United States, 6-4, 3-6, 0-6, 6-3, 6-4. Jeremy Chardy (30), France, def. Ernests Gulbis, Latvia, 7-5, 2-6, 6-7 (5), 6-3, 13-11. Steve Johnson (31), United States, def. Aljaz Bedene, Britain, 6-3, 6-4, 7-6 (3). Joao Sousa (32), Portugal, def. Mikhail Kukushkin, Kazakhstan, 6-3, 6-4, 6-3. Women First Round Simona Halep (2), Romania, lost to Zhang Shuai, China, 6-4, 6-3. Garbine Muguruza (3), Spain, def. Anett Kontaveit, Estonia, 6-0, 6-4. Angelique Kerber (7), Germany, def. Misa- ki Doi, Japan, 6-7 (4), 7-6 (6), 6-3. Venus Williams (8), United States, lost to Johanna Konta, Britain, 6-4, 6-2. Karolina Pliskova (9), Czech Republic, def. Kimberly Birrell, Australia, 6-4, 6-4. Timea Bacsinszky (11), Switzerland, def. Katerina Siniakova, Czech Republic, 6-3, 7-5. Victoria Azarenka (14), Belarus, def. Alison Van Uytvanck, Belgium, 6-0, 6-0. Madison Keys (15), United States, def. Zarina Diyas, Kazakhstan, 7-6 (5), 6-1. Elina Svitolina (18), Ukraine, def. Victoria Duval, United States, 6-2, 6-3. Jelena Jankovic (19), Serbia, def. Polona Hercog, Slovenia, 6-3, 6-3. Ana Ivanovic (20), Serbia, def. Tammi Patterson, Australia, 6-2, 6-3. Ekaterina Makarova (21), Russia, def. Maddison Inglis, Australia, 6-3, 6-0. Irina-Camelia Begu (29), Romania, lost to Johanna Larsson, Sweden, 6-3, 6-2. Sabine Lisicki (30), Germany, def. Petra Cetkovska, Czech Republic, 6-4, 6-4. Lesia Tsurenko (31), Ukraine, lost to Varvara Lepchenko, United States, 6-7 (5), 6-2, 6-3. Caroline Garcia (32), France, lost to Barbo- ra Strycova, Czech Republic, 6-2, 6-4. Hockey NHL Tuesday’s Games New Jersey 4, Calgary 2 N.Y. Rangers 3, Vancouver 2, OT Toronto 3, Philadelphia 2 Washington 6, Columbus 3 Boston 4, Montreal 1 Tampa Bay 6, Edmonton 4 Chicago 4, Nashville 1 Los Angeles 3, Dallas 2