REGION Tuesday, January 19, 2016 East Oregonian Page 3A Walla Walla, Columbia County grain co-ops merge 1HZFRPSDQ\ZLOOKDQGOHRYHUPLOOLRQEXVKHOVDQQXDOO\DWORFDWLRQV :DOOD DQG 'D\WRQ )RUW\HLJKW percent of the ballots sent out to 1:** PHPEHUV D WRWDO RI Members of two Walla Walla- were returned and of that number area grain cooperatives have 654 voted for the merger, said Chris approved a merger of their opera- 3HKD 1:** JHQHUDO PDQDJHU Less than 2 percent of ballots WLRQV The merger, to go into effect returned, a total of 12, voted against 0D\ZLOOXQLWH1RUWKZHVW*UDLQ WKHPHUJHU $WRWDORIEDOORWVSHUFHQW Growers, based in Walla Walla, and Dayton-based Columbia of those sent out, were returned by County Grain Growers into a single Columbia County Grain Growers FRPSDQ\XQGHUWKHQDPHRI1RUWK- members with 192 members, or 90 percent, voting in favor of the ZHVW*UDLQ*URZHUV %DOORWV ZHUH FRXQWHG RQ -DQ merger, said Mitch Payne, CCGG during special meetings of boards JHQHUDOPDQDJHU According to both companies, for both cooperatives held in Walla By ANDY PORTER Union-Bulletin SHUFHQW RI HDFK FRRSHUDWLYH¶V members had to vote on the proposal and two-thirds of those voted had to approve the plan of merger for it to SDVV In a joint release, company RI¿FLDOV VDLG WKH PHUJHG FRRS- HUDWLYHV ZLOO VHUYH DERXW PHPEHUV 3HKD ZLOO PDQDJH WKH combined operations and Payne ZLOOEHFRPHFKLHIRSHUDWLQJRI¿FHU The company headquarters will be in Walla Walla, but the Dayton RI¿FH ZLOO UHPDLQ RSHQ WR VHUYLFH customers in the Dayton and Waits- EXUJDUHDV 2I¿FLDOVVDLGWKHQHZFRPSDQ\ will generate more than $2 million in gross sales and handle a combined YROXPH RI PLOOLRQ EXVKHOV DQQXDOO\DWORFDWLRQVLQFOXGLQJ four barge loading terminals on the &ROXPELDDQG6QDNHULYHUV Board members with both companies began discussing the PHUJHU ODVW )HEUXDU\ 2QH RI WKH VSHFL¿F UHDVRQV IRU XQL¿FD- tion included the possibility of LPSURYLQJ PHPEHUV¶ PDUNHWLQJ SRZHU 2I¿FLDOV VDLG ODWH ODVW \HDU consolidation of grain cooperatives through mergers or marketing agreements have altered the sourcing of grain delivered to terminals in Portland, where it is VKLSSHGWRRYHUVHDVPDUNHWV HERMISTON “In short, the size of your marketing deck impacts the prices quoted for your grain by 3RUWODQG H[SRUWHUV´ RI¿FLDOV VDLG in December in an online posting explaining the reasons for the PHUJHU Other reasons are the enhancing of the merged companies ability to provide additional grain marketing information and adding depth at key positions in the organization, as well as reducing voids created through retirements that will occur over the QH[WIHZ\HDUVRI¿FLDOVVDLG ——— Andy Porter can be reached at or 526-8318. UMATILLA Relay gets ready to paint town purple Fire chief would be desk bound if he returns to post Hermiston kick-off event is Thursday By TAMMY MALGESINI East Oregonian Uniting communities across the globe, Relay for Life celebrates those who have battled cancer, remem- bers loved ones lost to the GLVHDVH DQG ¿JKWV EDFN E\ raising money to support research and help those DIÀLFWHGE\WKHLOOQHVV The signature fundraiser for the American Cancer Society, the event is often an overnight activity — signi- fying that cancer never sleeps — held in communities DFURVV WKH ZRUOG$ NLFNRII event for Hermiston Relay for Life is Thursday from SPDWWKH+HUPLVWRQ &KXUFK RI WKH 1D]DUHQH : 2UFKDUG $YH 7KH summer fundraiser begins June 25 at the Umatilla &RXQW\)DLUJURXQGV The kick-off rally will feature information tables — including how to start a team, fundraising ideas and general LQIRUPDWLRQ DERXW FDQFHU Also, food will be available for purchase and there will EH D VLOHQW DXFWLRQ 7KHUH LV no fee to register a Relay for /LIHWHDP Having the kick-off event helps in spreading the word about the summer fundraising effort, said Miranda Hunt, publicity chairwoman for WKH+HUPLVWRQHYHQW0RQH\ raised, Hunt said, not only helps with cancer research, but also provides resources By PHIL WRIGHT East Oregonian EO Media Group ile photo The Cancer Commandos, a Hermiston Relay for Life team, cheer during their in- troduction at a past American Cancer Society fundraiser in Hermiston. The kick-off event for the 2016 Hermiston Relay for Life is Thursday at the Hermiston Church of the Nazarene. IRUWKRVH¿JKWLQJWKHGLVHDVH Those with cancer can receive assistance with travel expenses for treatment, wigs and other programs that help with their overall well-being DQGVSLULWVZKLOH¿JKWLQJWKH GLVHDVH Initially involved through community service hours while in high school, Hunt has continued to support Relay for Life for more WKDQDGHFDGH,QDGGLWLRQWR SDUWLFLSDWLQJ LQ +HUPLVWRQ¶V event, she was involved in Polk County while attending :HVWHUQ2UHJRQ8QLYHUVLW\ “Volunteering and giving back is why I got involved LQ WKH ¿UVW SODFH´ +XQW VDLG ³6RPH JRRG IULHQGV LQ my life got cancer, so that made me want to get more LQYROYHG´ In addition to being on a team, Hunt has volunteered as the youth chairperson, luminary committee and WHDPGHYHORSPHQW Hunt encourages people WR JHW LQYROYHG HDUO\ 7KH months leading up to the summer event provide an opportunity to raise more PRQH\ WR KHOS LQ WKH ¿JKW DJDLQVWFDQFHU 7KLV \HDU¶V WKHPH LV ³3DLQW