Page 4A OPINION East Oregonian Friday, December 18, 2015 Founded October 16, 1875 KATHRYN B. BROWN DANIEL WATTENBURGER Publisher Managing Editor JENNINE PERKINSON TIM TRAINOR Advertising Director Opinion Page Editor 7LSRIWKHKDW kick in the pants OUR VIEW $NLFNLQWKHSDQWVWRWKH$EHLQVDWKHPXOWLQDWLRQDOFRQVWUXFWLRQ ¿UPWKDWHIIHFWLYHO\OHWJRKXQGUHGVRIHPSOR\HHVIURPWKHLU FRQVWUXFWLRQMREVDWWKH3*(JHQHUDWLQJ VWDWLRQEHLQJEXLOWQHDU%RDUGPDQ There’s nothing worse than losing your MRE:HOO²XQOHVV\RXORVH\RXUMREMXVWWZR weeks before Christmas. That hurts just a little bit more. 6RPHHPSOR\HHVZHUHQRWRQO\WXUQHG away from the construction site, but have yet to be paid for some work they’ve already done. Roughly 500 employees were working on the station, which is 90 percent complete. %XWZKLOHWKHSURMHFWZLOOFHUWDLQO\JHW¿QLVKHGHYHQWXDOO\WKRVHKXQGUHGV of men and women will have a worrisome holiday season — not knowing when that next check will come. $WLSRIWKHKDWWRHYHU\RQHLQYROYHGZLWKWKH+ROLGD\0XVLF)HVWLYDO DWWKH9HUWODVW6XQGD\7KH2UHJRQ(DVW6\PSKRQ\&KRUDOH+HUPLVWRQ +LJK6FKRRO¶V0DMD]]W\FKRLU3HQGOHWRQ+LJK6FKRRO¶V6ZLQJ&KRLUWKH 6KHUZRRG0F.D\&KLOGUHQ¶V&KRLUDQG WKH3HQGOHWRQ0HQ¶V&KRUXVSHUIRUPHGD wonderful variety of music, from the sacred — “Ave Maria” — to the silly — “Text Me Merry Christmas.” It was heartwarming to see the choirs of traditional rivals — +HUPLVWRQDQG3HQGOHWRQKLJKVFKRROV² come together during this festive event. &KULVWPDV([SUHVVLQ+HUPLVWRQDOVR GHVHUYHVDWLSRIWKHKDWDQGVSHFL¿FDOO\ the people who donate time and resources to collect, pack and distribute the food and gifts. ,W¶VEHHQFRRUGLQDWHGE\WKHSROLFHDQG¿UHGHSDUWPHQWIRU\HDUVEXWWDNHV WKHKHOSRIPDQ\RWKHURUJDQL]DWLRQVDQGLQGLYLGXDOYROXQWHHUV7RRPDQ\WR QDPH6HHWKHVWRU\RQ3DJH$WRGD\IRUDIHZ 7KHUHDUHGR]HQVRIRWKHUKROLGD\HYHQWVDOOWKURXJKRXWRXUUHDGHUVKLS area. Each helps make the Christmas season special in Eastern Oregon. Unsigned editorials are the opinion of the East Oregonian editorial board of Publisher Kathryn Brown, Managing Editor Daniel Wattenburger, and Opinion Page Editor Tim Trainor. Other columns, letters and cartoons on this page express the opinions of the authors and not necessarily that of the East Oregonian. OTHER VIEWS :KDWGRQHZIHGHUDOHGXFDWLRQ laws mean for Oregon? The Oregonian $IHZKRXUVDIWHU3UHVLGHQW%DUDFN Obama signed a new law that entrusts VWDWHVZLWKVLJQL¿FDQWHGXFDWLRQUHIRUP UHVSRQVLELOLWLHV*RY.DWH%URZQ broadcast her own pledge to Oregonians. In a short statement, Brown said she is “committed to ensuring every student graduates high school with a plan and opportunities for his or her future” DQGWKDWXQGHUWKHQHZ(YHU\6WXGHQW 6XFFHHGV$FWWKHVWDWHZLOOFRQWLQXH its focus on “equity, high standards and continuous improvement in our VFKRROV´6KHODXGHGWKH³ÀH[LELOLW\´ granted by the new law, which, as The Oregonian2UHJRQ/LYH¶V%HWV\ Hammond reported, transfers the DXWKRULW\WRVHWJRDOVGH¿QHSURJUHVV and select other accountability measures from the federal government to states. Healthy skepticism is warranted. Oregon does not do accountability well, whether it’s in education or any other QXPEHURIDUHDVVHHRXU'HSDUWPHQW of Energy editorial for an example of a VWDWHDJHQF\WKDWKDVORQJHVFDSHGLW But more important, how states use their ÀH[LELOLW\XQGHUWKHQHZODZFDQEHWKH difference between a tailored system that rigorously evaluates and seeks improvement for schools and one that hides its failures — such as Oregon’s low graduation rate, chronic absenteeism and persistent gap in progress for low-income students with students overall — behind a façade of weak metrics. Oregon’s success under the new law will require strong educational leadership from an administration that has, so far, shown little interest in PDNLQJSROLWLFDOO\GLI¿FXOWGHFLVLRQV To be fair, there have been other ¿UHVWRSXWRXWVLQFH%URZQDEUXSWO\ became governor last February when *RY-RKQ.LW]KDEHUUHVLJQHGDPLG LQÀXHQFHSHGGOLQJDFFXVDWLRQV%XWLW didn’t take long for legislators to roll back, with Brown’s blessing, one of his key reforms. The Legislature dismantled the Oregon Education Investment Board FUHDWHGE\.LW]KDEHULQDVDQ effort to comprehensively remake the educational system for children from birth to age 20. 3HUVRQQHOFKDQJHVDOVRVHWEDFN HGXFDWLRQDOLQLWLDWLYHV6WDWH6FKRROV &KLHI5RE6D[WRQDVWURQJSURSRQHQW of adopting higher standards and expectations in schools, retired from WKHVWDWHWRWDNHDORZHUSUR¿OHSRVLWLRQ with the Northwest Regional Education 6HUYLFH'LVWULFW$QGWKHVWDWH¶VFKLHI HGXFDWLRQRI¿FHU1DQF\*ROGHQZKRVH position was also pared down after .LW]KDEHU¶VUHVLJQDWLRQUHWLUHGWKUHH months ago. The position has been ¿OOHGRQDQLQWHULPEDVLVE\%URZQ¶V education policy adviser, Lindsey Capps, a former teachers’ union leader who has no experience as an educator. Brown then delivered her own blow as well. A teachers’ union-led revolt DJDLQVWVWDQGDUGL]HGWHVWVWRRNKROG resulting in a bill that would allow families to opt their students out of the QHZWRXJKHU6PDUWHU%DODQFHGH[DPIRU any reason. Despite extolling the need IRUGDWDIURPVXFKVWDQGDUGL]HGWHVWV to track how well schools are teaching students — particularly low-income and disadvantaged students — Brown buckled and signed the bill. Both the old HGXFDWLRQODZDQGWKH(YHU\6WXGHQW 6XFFHHGV$FWPDQGDWHWKDWDWOHDVW percent of students in tested grades take WKHH[DP3DUWLFLSDWLRQIRUWKLV\HDU¶V test just met that minimum. ,QDQHPDLO6WDWH6FKRROV&KLHI 6DODP1RRUWROGThe Oregonian OregonLive editorial board that both he and Brown value the data that such tests deliver and that they are committed to meeting the 95 percent minimum. “First, whether there was a federal law or not, as sound practice and good stewardship, we need reliable student data,” Noor wrote.” This data is one tool to drive school improvement efforts and aggressively close achievement and opportunity gaps. The Governor believes strongly in data informed policies.” In the meantime, the state will solicit feedback from parents, educators and the community about “the kind of inspiring and highly-engaging learning we want to see in our classrooms,” Noor wrote. ³:HKDYHWRFUHDWHOHDUQLQJWKDWOHDGV to greater motivation, critical thinking, creativity, and success for every student so students see a connection between their education and their future.” 7KHÀH[LELOLW\WKDW1RRUDQG%URZQ welcome, however, also makes it easy for states to shortchange students, prop up school ratings and weaken teacher HYDOXDWLRQV7KH86'HSDUWPHQWRI Education is barred from prescribing what measures states should use to track progress or what goals they should set, notes Daria Hall, a vice president with :DVKLQJWRQ'&EDVHGDGYRFDF\JURXS Education Trust. If a state includes school success indicators that mask a problem — for instance daily average attendance — students end up losing. ³6WDWHVZLOOQHHGWRWDNHOHDGHUVKLSRI this,” she said. “But also advocates in the state need to really keep states honest. Let’s make sure this is about rigorous outcomes.” Considering Oregon — and Brown’s — reaction so far to rigorous outcomes, education advocates face a lot of work ahead. OTHER VIEWS Fear, loathing and Republican debaters : one that he apparently imagines could ell, the big Republican be targeted so strategically that it would presidential debate is over kill only terrorists. and the message is clear: Be On the plus side, Jeb Bush did perk afraid. Be very afraid. up a bit. About time. I am privileged “America has been betrayed,” began to be on the Jeb! campaign mailing Chris Christie, setting the tone for the list and his pre-debate missives were night, which might be described as possibly the most pathetic in recent bellicose paranoia. The betrayers were SUHVLGHQWLDOKLVWRU\³«,QHHGWR 3UHVLGHQW%DUDFN2EDPDDQG+LOODU\ Gail Clinton. His example of the terror they COllins know you’re with me. Are you, Friend? Do you have my back? If so, please have wrought was the Los Angeles Comment chip in just $1 right now to say you’re school system, which closed Tuesday RQP\WHDPWRQLJKW´ after an email threat from someone /HW¶VVHHZKDWHOVH"6HYHUDOFDQGLGDWHV who described himself as a Muslim terrorist. VHHPHGWRWKLQNWHUURULVPRQ86VRLOLV “Think about the mothers who will take entirely due to “political correctness.” Carly those children tomorrow morning to the bus Fiorina promised to bring stop wondering whether their back “warrior class” generals children will arrive back on OLNH'DYLG3HWUDHXVZKR that bus safe and sound,” “retired early because they Christie said darkly. “Think WROG3UHVLGHQW2EDPDWKLQJV about the fathers of Los that he didn’t want to hear,” Angeles who tomorrow will skipping the part about giving head off to work and wonder FODVVL¿HGPDWHULDOVWRD about the safety of their wives biographer with whom he was and their children.” having an extramarital affair. This is probably not the But the real battle was over time to point out that the governor of New Jersey seems to have a rather who could make things sound more dire, or offer solutions more drastic. Trump wants to retro view of the roles of mothers, who are target the families of terrorists, and he drove likely to be heading off to work themselves. home the point by repeating his story about the But here’s the thing: The threat was a hoax. :RUOG7UDGH&HQWHUDWWDFNHUVVHQGLQJDOOWKHLU New York got the same message and kept FODVVHVJRLQJDIWHURI¿FLDOVGHWHUPLQHGWKDWWKH loved ones back to the Middle East in advance. ³«WKH\ZDQWHGWRZDWFKWKHLUER\IULHQGV writer was not only a phony, but a phony who RQWHOHYLVLRQ´7KHIDFWWKDWWKHWHUURULVWV had no clue how to sound like either a Muslim had no families or girlfriends in the United or a terrorist. 6WDWHVQHYHUVHHPVWRWDNHWKHVWHDPRXWRIWKLV The lesson from Los Angeles would seem argument. WREHWKDWWKHFRXQWU\QHHGVWR¿QGDZD\WR Christie got a Facebook question from operate in a calm and rational manner, aware a young woman who thought it was a little of the possibility of disaster but cleareyed uncharitable to rule out accepting any refugees, about the fact that the odds against a terrorist including orphans under the age of 5. “Now attack at any particular place or time are OLVWHQ,¶PDIRUPHUIHGHUDOSURVHFXWRU«´KH DVWURQRPLFDO:HDUHPRVWGH¿QLWHO\QRWLQ responded. All told, Christie mentioned being a need of politicians trying to scare the pants off IRUPHUSURVHFXWRU¿YHWLPHVGXULQJWKHGHEDWH the voting public. giving the distinct impression that in the ³:HKDYHQ¶WKHDUGDORWDERXW5RQDOG ZDNHRIKHZDVWKHRQO\WKLQJVWDQGLQJ Reagan’s city on a hill,” questioner Hugh between New Jersey and oblivion. Hewitt said rather plaintively, yearning for His answer to the question was that the some optimism. The audience was getting the 5-year-olds have to stay out: “And it was Ronald Reagan who blew up a wagon full of widows and orphans, by the way, and we now gunpowder in “Cattle Queen of Montana.” The topic was national defense, and Donald NQRZIURPZDWFKLQJWKH6DQ%HUQDUGLQRDWWDFN that women can commit heinous, heinous acts Trump seemed stumped by a question about against humanity just the same as men can do the three ways America could conduct nuclear it. And so I don’t back away from that position attacks — from air, land or sea. “I think, I for a minute.” think for me, nuclear is just the power, the ,QVXPPDU\.LOOWKHIDPLOLHV6FUHZWKH devastation is very important to me,” the RUSKDQV&DUSHWERPE6\ULDEXWLQDWDUJHWHG front-runner said. ZD\6HQG-HE%XVKDGROODU2QWR Not a problem. He can hire somebody who Ŷ NQRZVDERXWQXFOHDUZHDSRQV6RPHERG\ Gail Collins joined The New York Times really great. in 1995 as a member of the editorial board The campaign’s current up-and-comer, and later as an Op-Ed columnist. In 2001 she 7HG&UX]H[SUHVVHGHQWKXVLDVPIRUFDUSHW bombing, a tactic he seemed to be unaware the EHFDPHWKH¿UVWZRPDQHYHUDSSRLQWHGHGLWRU of the Times’s editorial page. 8QLWHG6WDWHVKDVQ¶WXVHGVLQFH9LHWQDPDQG In summary: Kill the families. Screw the orphans. YOUR VIEWS +HUPLVWRQ¿UHERQGZLOO improve response times I would like to comment on Ron Triplett’s letter of Dec. 16. He makes it sound as though WKHUXUDOIRONVLQWKH¿UHGLVWULFWZLOOEHSD\LQJ for everything, which is not true. Everyone in the district will be paying the same rate, $1.75 per $1,000. And for that we get six more employees, which will help SURYLGHVWDI¿QJIRUWKH:HVWODQGDQG3XQNLQ Center stations. And the main thing will be, if you should need to call 911, your chance of a fast response will be much better. :HKDYHEHHQUHDOOXFN\RQDPEXODQFH calls at this time. No delays. But with the QXPEHURIFXUUHQW¿UHPHQDQGDPEXODQFHV DQGPRUHWUDI¿FRQ,QWHUVWDWH,QWHUVWDWH and Highway 395 — and with our growing population — if we don’t do something, someone may be waiting a little while longer for the emergency people to show up. Bruce Naugher ¿UHERDUGPHPEHU6WDQ¿HOG *URXSFHOHEUDWHVH[WHQGLQJ QDWLRQDOFRQVHUYDWLRQIXQG Founded in Oregon and now with membership in all 50 states and Canada, Backcountry Hunters & Anglers applauds the congressional three-year extension of the /DQGDQG:DWHU&RQVHUYDWLRQ)XQG/:&) ZLWK¿UVW\HDUIXQGLQJDWDKLJKHUOHYHOWKDQ LQSDVW\HDUV:HDSSODXGVHQDWRUV:\GHQDQG Merkley for their efforts to make this fund permanent. Over the 50-year history of this tax-free IXQGRYHUPLOOLRQ/:&)GROODUVKDV helped ensure access to our public lands in Oregon. It also helps fuel a robust $10 billion dollar outdoor economy that employs approximately 100,000 people, according to Travel Oregon estimates. The Land and :DWHU&RQVHUYDWLRQ)XQGLVHVSHFLDOO\ important to rural areas where the economy lags. Headwaters Economics studies show the closer a rural community is to public lands, the better the economy. :KLOHWKHUHFHQWH[WHQVLRQLQFOXGHGLQWKH year-end Omnibus bill is encouraging, BHA will continue to support full and permanent funding of this law, which has overwhelming bi-partisan support. Full and permanent funding was held up primarily because of one HOHFWHGRI¿FLDO²&RQJUHVVPDQ%RE%LVKRS of Utah, who wants to restructure and re-direct /:&)IXQGV/:&)H[SLUHGLQ6HSWHPEHU because of Bishop. Had it not been for the LQVLVWHQFHRIVHQDWRUV:\GHQDQG0HUNOH\DQG others, this three-year extension would not have happened. It’s time for all those who love and support public lands tell Congressman Bishop to take DKLNH+HPD\¿QGVRPHWKLQJZRUWK\RI support if he takes that hike in public lands. Brian Jennings %HQG LETTERS POLICY The East Oregonian welcomes original letters of 400 words or less on public issues and public policies for publication in the newspaper and on our website. The newspaper reserves the right to withhold letters that address concerns about individual services and products or letters that infringe on the rights of private citizens. Submitted letters must be signed by the author and include the city of residence and a daytime phone number. The phone number will not be published. Unsigned letters will not be published. Send letters to 211 S.E. Byers Ave. Pendleton, OR 97801 or email