SPORTS )5,'$<'(&(0%(5 Sports shorts 1B FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @EOSPORTS HEPPNER $JJLHVKXUWLQJIRU TXDUWHUEDFNV &2//(*(67$7,21 7H[DV$3²7H[DV$0 has lost its top two quarter- backs after Kyler 0XUUD\OHIW the team and was granted a release to WUDQVIHU7KXUVGD\ 7KHKLJKO\WRXWHG freshman followed Kyle Allen in leaving the team. Allen was granted his release ODVW7KXUVGD\ 7KHPRYHOHDYHVWKH $JJLHVLQDGLI¿FXOWSUHGLF DPHQWIRUWKH0XVLF&LW\ Bowl against Louisville on 'HF7H[DV$0KDVMXVW one scholarship quarterback RQLWVURVWHULQ-DNH+XEHQDN DMXQLRUFROOHJHWUDQVIHUIURP Blinn College who played sparingly this season. It’s unclear what caused WKHSDLUWROHDYHWKHWHDP but the moves raise questions about whether there are prob- lems between the coaching staff and the players. 0XVWDQJVFURZGDOOVWDWHURVWHU 3DWULFN&ROOLQV C.J. Kindle named 3OD\HUVRIWKH