Page 6B East Oregonian PEANUTS COFFEE BREAK Wednesday, November 18, 2015 DEAR ABBY BY CHARLES M . SCHULZ :RPDQ¶VYRZRIFHOLEDF\ LVWHVWHGE\KHUIULHQGV FOR BETTER OR WORSE BY LYNN JOHNSTON B.C. BY JOHNNY HART PICKLES BY BRIAN CRANE Dear Abby: I am a 28-year-old believe Matt has told his mom or woman who has decided, after 11 his siblings yet. He’s quickly losing years and 50-plus partners, to become friends over this awkward situation. celibate. A couple of friends have I’m usually of the mindset to “live attempted to get me to break my vow. and let live,” but here I am tested. It These men know how they make me feels creepy. What is the proper way to IHHO DQG , DP ¿QGLQJ LW GLI¿FXOW WR handle this? — Uneasy In California stay away from them. Although I have Dear Uneasy: Handle this by stopped spending time with them, I withholding judgment and waiting Jeanne still feel the urge to be with them. Phillips to see how the romance plays out. So, do you have any advice on how Matt may look 16, but at 21 he’s an Advice to stay strong? It’s been one month, adult and capable of making his own and I plan on staying this way until I decisions about his love life without get married. — Trying To Stay Celibate “help” from his father’s girlfriend. Matt’s lady Dear Trying: Old habits are hard to break, friend may be a very young 50 and Matt may but as you already know, it can be done. An be a mature 21. Having met neither of them, effective way to do that is to replace the habit I can’t judge. And neither should you, so stay you’re trying to change with some other RXW RI WKH OLQH RI ¿UH RU WKH URPDQFH WKDW activity. Right now, it’s important for you stay suffers may be your own. busy. Dear Abby: Last week a girl I knew in Consider increasing the amount of exercise high school 10 years ago had a surprise baby. you do each day, doing projects around your She went to the ER with stomach cramps and KRPH¿OOLQJ\RXUWLPHE\YROXQWHHULQJHWF found out she was in labor. Mom and baby If you do, you’ll have less time to dwell on DUHGRLQJ¿QHEXWQRZWKH\DUHWKURZLQJDQ what you’re “missing.” This is not to say that “emergency baby shower.” your sex drive will go away, but it will help I rarely speak to this girl. Why should I be you to better control it. expected to get a baby shower gift for her? — Dear Abby: My boyfriend’s son, “Matt,” 0\VWL¿HG,Q0LFKLJDQ just turned 21, but he looks 16. He has 'HDU 0\VWL¿HG: The baby shower is just announced that he’s moving in with a being given because your old high school 50-year-old woman — the mother of a friend chum needs things for the child she wasn’t of his. expecting but who arrived anyway. Should I feel very uncomfortable about the idea you be “expected” to provide a gift? No. But of welcoming her into my home and making if you did, it would be both generous and kind conversation as if they are a normal couple. of you, and I can guarantee that it would be His father and I are the woman’s age. I don’t sincerely appreciated. DAYS GONE BY BEETLE BAILEY GARFIELD BLONDIE BY MORT WALKER BY JIM DAVIS BY DEAN YOUNG AND STAN DRAKE 100 Years Ago )URPWKH(DVW2UHJRQLDQ Nov. 18, 1915 The funeral of former Chief of Police John Kearney, who took his life yesterday afternoon by shooting himself, will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 in the Brown chapel and interment will be made immediately afterward in Olney cemetery. The former chief before he committed his rash act wrote three notes. One directed who ever found it to take the revolver back to the “man who runs the little shop back of Folsom’s,” the second was to Coroner Brown asking him to give his body burial as soon as possible and the third to his wife asked her to forgive him for his rash act, stating that ill health caused him to do it and adding, “You have always been good to me.” Mrs. Kearney states that her husband had been in ill health for some time past and that for the past few days had been irrational and out of his head part of the time. 50 Years Ago )URPWKH(DVW2UHJRQLDQ Nov. 18, 1965 Controversy erupted Tuesday over more than 10,000 acres of Morrow County land near the Boardman Space Age Industrial Park in Eastern Oregon. First, State Sen. Vernon Cook, D-Troutdale, suggested in a statement WKDW *RY 0DUN +DW¿HOG DQG 2UHJRQ %XUHDX of Land Management Director Russell Getty might be stalling investigation of the land development proposal. Cook said the Interim Committee on Public Lands, of which he is vice chairman, met over the weekend in Burns and Lakeview and heard testimony concerning the blocking together of isolated parcels of state- owned grazing lands. But he said a motion to call Getty and the Idaho BLM director in for another meeting was defeated by Republican members of the committee. He questioned whether political strategy were the reason another meeting had not been called. Gov. +DW¿HOG¶V RI¿FH VDLG &RRN¶V VWDWHPHQW ZDV “either gross ignorance or a McCarthy-type attempt to get political publicity.” 25 Years Ago )URPWKH(DVW2UHJRQLDQ Nov. 18, 1990 Heppner High School senior and student body president Scott Johnston has been climbing some steep steps — the ones that lead to success. The latest sign that he’s headed in the right direction was his recent selection as the state’s 1990 Outstanding Student Leader for schools the size of Heppner High School — class 2A in Oregon’s system. He was chosen from among 25 nominees by the Senate Youth Program. The honor brought him a $500 scholarship, awarded by the William Randolph Hearst Foundation. One student from each of the four high school divisions received similar honors, along with two from among Oregon students who attended the Oregon Association of Students Councils’ summer leadership camp. A lifetime Heppner resident, Johnston is the son of Rick and Susan Johnston. THIS DAY IN HISTORY DILBERT THE WIZARD OF ID LUANN ZITS BY SCOTT ADAMS BY BRANT PARKER AND JOHNNY HART BY GREG EVANS BY JERRY SCOTT AND JIM BORGMAN Today is the 322nd day of 2015. There are 43 days left in the year. 7RGD\¶V +LJKOLJKW LQ +LVWRU\: On Nov. 18, 1865, Mark 7ZDLQ¶V ¿UVW OLWHUDU\ VXFFHVV the original version of his short story “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras &RXQW\´ ZDV ¿UVW SXEOLVKHG in the New York Saturday Press under the title “Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog.” 2QWKLVGDWH: In 1883, the United States and Canada adopted a system of Standard Time zones. In 1886, the 21st president of the United States, Chester A. Arthur, died in New York. In 1928:DOW'LVQH\¶V¿UVW sound-synchronized animated cartoon, “Steamboat Willie” starring Mickey Mouse, premiered in New York. In 1936, Germany and Italy recognized the Spanish government of Francisco Franco. In 1942, “The Skin of Our Teeth,” Thornton Wild- er’s Pulitzer Prize-winning allegory about the history of humankind, opened on Broadway. In 1959, “Ben-Hur,” the Biblical-era spectacle starring Charlton Heston, had its world premiere in New York. In 1964, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover described civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. as “the most noto- rious liar in the country” for allegedly accusing FBI agents in Georgia of failing to act on FRPSODLQWV ¿OHG E\ EODFNV King denied making such a claim. In 1985, the comic strip “Calvin and Hobbes,” created E\ %LOO :DWWHUVRQ ZDV ¿UVW published. (The strip ran for 10 years.) 7RGD\¶V %LUWKGD\V: Actress Brenda Vaccaro is 76. Author-poet Margaret Atwood is 76. Actress Linda Evans is 73. Actress Susan Sullivan is 73. Country singer Jacky Ward is 69. Actor Jameson Parker is 68. Actress- singer Andrea Marcovicci is 67. Rock musician Herman Rarebell is 66. Singer Graham Parker is 65. Pro Football Hall of Fame quarterback Warren Moon is 59. Actor Oscar Nunez is 57. Actress Elizabeth Perkins is 55. Rock musician Kirk Hammett (Metallica) is 53. Actor Owen Wilson is 47. Actress Chloe Sevigny is 41. Rapper Mike Jones is 35. Actress/comedian Nasim Pedrad is 34. Actor Damon Wayans Jr. is 33. 7KRXJKW IRU 7RGD\: “Few people can see genius in someone who has offended them.” — Robertson Davies, Canadian author (1913-1995). PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN BY DANA SIMPSON BIG NATE BY LINCOLN PEIRCE