Page 2B SPORTS East Oregonian Tuesday, November 17, 2015 NBA Leonard leads Spurs to win over Trail Blazers By RAUL DOMINGUEZ Associated Press SAN ANTONIO — The San Antonio Spurs turned to a veteran when they needed a burst of energy. Manu Ginobili scored 14 of his 17 points in the ¿QDO TXDUWHU WR KHOS WKH 6DQ Antonio Spurs overcome a listless start and beat the 3RUWODQG7UDLO%OD]HUV on Monday night. “I think we all turned into fans on the bench watching him,” San Antonio reserve JXDUG 3DWW\ 0LOOV VDLG ³+H GH¿QLWHO\ VDYHG XV WRQLJKW offensively. Making shots DQG UHDOO\ GRLQJ ZKDW KH¶V done for so long. But to be able to do it this year, it just goes to show his leadership and what he brings to this team. It was fun to watch him.” Kawhi Leonard added 19 points and nine rebounds for San Antonio, which won LWV ¿IWK VWUDLJKW RYHUDOO DQG improved to 4-0 at home. Former Portland standout LaMarcus Aldridge was held to six points and six rebounds, his lowest output since signing with the Spurs. With Aldridge being held in check, the return of Leonard and Portland Ginobili from one-game absences proved crit- ical. The Trail Blazers were playing the second game of a back-to-back after losing LQ&KDUORWWHEXWZHUH DEOHWRVWLÀHWKH6SXUV San Antonio and Portland both set season lows for SRLQWV LQ WKH ¿UVW KDOI ZLWK WKH 7UDLO %OD]HUV¶ SRLQWV falling just four points of matching a franchise low. 80 T h e teams shot a combined 27 San Antonio percent from WKH¿HOGLQDQ HUUDWLF ¿UVW TXDUWHU Ginobili helped ignite the offense. Ginobili and Danny Green each had a 3-pointer during a 12-2 run that put San Antonio XSZLWKPLQXWHV left in the game. But the Spurs had trouble closing out the victory, just as they had in their previous game against winless Philadelphia. 1RDK 9RQOHK¶V ¿UVW 93 3-pointer of the season pulled 3RUWODQG ZLWKLQ EXW they were unable to get any closer. ³:H¶YH MXVW JRW WR OHDUQ how to win,” Blazer point guard Damian Lillard said. “Against Memphis we gave ourselves a chance, but we GRQ¶W NQRZ KRZ WR ¿QLVK WKDWJDPH7RQLJKWZHGRQ¶W NQRZ KRZ WR ¿QLVK WKLV JDPH , WKLQN LW¶V D PDWWHU of us learning how to win games.” The run ended with Gino- ELOL VFRULQJ 6DQ $QWRQLR¶V next nine points, capped by a high 3-pointer. The Spurs EDFNHG *LQRELOL¶V SHUVRQDO 9-2 run with three blocks, including two against Lillard. “I was very glad, that it happened,” Ginobili said. “They were not falling (early). We were taking good shots, it just sometimes happens. 7KDW¶V WKH JUHDW WKLQJ DERXW playing good defense, we NHSW WKHP DW DQG WKDW¶V what gave us a (cushion). If we had played like this offen- sively in Portland, we would have lost by 20.” Green and Boris Diaw each had 12 points and Tony Parker and Tim Duncan both added 10. MUSTANGS: 5HVHUYHV¿QLVKRII%UDYHVZLWKUXQQLQJFORFNLQVHFRQGKDOI Continued from 1B lead into the locker room at halftime. Putman led them with 150 yards on 17 carries and scored on totes of 20, 4 and 7 LQWKH¿UVWTXDUWHUDORQH+H added another 4-yard touch- down run before halftime, then threw an 11-yard touch- GRZQSDVVWRFDS+HSSQHU¶V VFRULQJLQWKHWKLUGTXDUWHU “Our linemen did a wonderful job today, all glory goes to them,” he said. “In this game our line, this was the best blocking WKH\¶YH GRQH DOO \HDU 7KLV was amazing,” said Kindle, ZKR¿QLVKHGZLWK\DUGV and a touchdown on 13 carries. “We had so much room to run back there. We came together really well as a team today.” ,WKDVQ¶WDOZD\VEHHQWKDW way for an offensive line that had a few new pieces at the beginning of the season. ³:H¶UH WRJHWKHU QRZ :H¶YHEHHQFRPLQJWRJHWKHU DQG QRZ ZH¶UH ZKHUH ZH want to be,” said senior 3DWULFN &ROOLQV ³:H¶UH PDNLQJ OLQH FDOOV DQG ZH¶UH doing exactly what we need to be doing, capitalizing on HYHU\WKLQJ ,W¶V MXVW UHDOO\ QLFH KRZ ZH¶YH KHOG LW together.” Collins also was part of a dominant game by the +HSSQHU GHIHQVLYH OLQH DQG VHW XS WKH 0XVWDQJV¶ IRXUWK WRXFKGRZQRIWKH¿UVWTXDUWHU when he ripped the ball from %UDYHV¶ UXQQHU -RH\ +HUU DW the line of scrimmage for the JDPH¶V¿UVWWXUQRYHU Five plays later and the rout was on as Putman rumbled over Reedsport Staff photo by E.J. Harris Heppner’s C.J. Kindle runs with the ball Saturday in the Mustangs’ 52-14 win against Reedsport in Heppner. defenders for his third touchdown. Kindle ran in the two-point conversion to make it 32-0. Logan Grieb also added a 43-yard untouched touchdown VFDPSHU LQ WKH ¿UVW TXDUWHU and the Mustangs said they were playing as if every one of them was necessary. “It was a good start but we FRXOGQ¶W OHW XS DW DOO :KHQ you get good teams in there, even two touchdown leads, \RX FDQ¶W OHW XS´ .LQGOH said. “Because you heard DERXW WKH 6WDQ¿HOG JDPH )ULGD\QLJKW\RXMXVWFDQ¶W let up. This part of the season HYHU\RQH LV JRRG VR \RX¶YH just got to keep pounding it, working hard.” “We always come out ¿ULQJDQGZHWU\DQGJHWWKHP down early and keep them down,” Collins said. “Our main goal is to just let them NQRZµ:H¶UHQRWKHUHWRPHVV DURXQGZH¶UHKHUHWRZLQ¶´ Another three-and-out by 5HHGVSRUW¶V RIIHQVH WR VWDUW WKH VHFRQG TXDUWHU EURXJKW up a punt that Kindle returned \DUGV WR WKH %UDYHV¶ with 15 more yards tacked on for a helmet-to-helmet hit. That put the ball on 5HHGVSRUW¶V DQG .LQGOH ran the ball into the end zone RQ ¿UVW GRZQ .DGHQ &ODUN passed to Ryan Smith for the conversion and a 40-0 lead with 10:13 still left in the VHFRQGTXDUWHU 5HHGVSRUW ¿QDOO\ SLFNHG XS D ¿UVW GRZQ RQ LWV QH[W drive on a six-yard pass from 7\OHU 7UHVFK WR -RH +L[HQ- baugh on 3rd-and-three, but the drive stalled short RI PLG¿HOG ZKHQ 7RPP\ %UHG¿HOGDQG:\DWW6WHDJDOO combined on a sack on 3rd-and-13. +HSSQHU DOORZHG MXVW \DUGV RI RIIHQVH LQ WKH ¿UVW half, and held Reedsport to 3-of-9 on third down in the game. ³7KH\¶YH JRW D SK\VLFDO defensive line and line- backers and we had to run side to side most of the time in our offense, but we FRXOGQ¶W VHDO WKH HGJH VR LW GLGQ¶W ZRUN´ 7UHVFK VDLG “I was trying to look for an open receiver as fast as I FRXOGVR,GLGQ¶WJHWFUXVKHG every play.” 5HHGVSRUW¿QLVKHGZLWKMXVW \DUGVRQ+HSSQHU¶VVWDUWLQJ GHIHQVH DQG FURVVHG PLG¿HOG just once, and just barely, to the +HSSQHU3XWPDQVDLGWKH\ came into the game looking to prove something on that side of the ball. “Like everybody was saying and like they put in the paper, battle of the defenses, I think we won it today,” he said. “Our defense, I think LV UHDOO\ JRRG , GRQ¶W ZDQW to speak about ourselves WKRXJK,¶OOOHWRWKHUVGRWKDW´ It was Putman that sent the starting unit to the sidelines for good when he scooped up a fumble that teammate Kevin Murray had dislodged from Reedsport receiver Korde Parmenter and returned it 24 yards to the Braves 33. With Kolby Currin taking over lead-back duties to start the second half, Putman stepped behind center and completed two passes to &DGHQ +HGPDQ7KH VHFRQG was an 11-yard touchdown that gave the Mustangs their ¿QDOSRLQWV 5HHGVSRUW ¿QDOO\ JRW some offense going against +HSSQHU¶V VHFRQG VWULQJ GHIHQVH DQG ¿QLVKHG ZLWK 155 yards and touchdowns E\+HUUDQG*DJH%LOOLQJV Despite the knowledge WKDWKHZRXOGQ¶WKDYHDQRWKHU home football game in his high school career, Kindle said it was nice seeing the UHVHUYHV¿QLVKRXWWKHJDPH ³,W ZDV TXLWH UHOLHYLQJ actually. I was pretty glad having them come in,” he VDLG³,W¶VP\ODVWJDPHKHUH ever, but I had a good time. ³,W VWLOO KDVQ¶W NLFNHG LQ WKDW¶V LW WKH ODVW JDPH KHUH but it will soon. This is an DPD]LQJ ¿HOG DQG ZKHQ ZH ran in front of the crowd and they were cheering us on — we have pretty good IDQVXSSRUWKHUHLQ+HSSQHU LW¶VDZHVRPH´ The Mustangs move on WR WKH VWDWH VHPL¿QDOV DQG a neutral site to face No. 3 5HJLVDW/LEHUW\+LJK6FKRRO on Saturday at noon. The Rams beat Imbler 44-14 in WKHLUTXDUWHU¿QDORQ6DWXUGD\ ,W¶VWKHWKLUG\HDULQDURZ +HSSQHU KDV UHDFKHG WKH round and a rematch from the VHPL¿QDOVZKLFK5HJLV won 21-14. ³:H¶YHEHHQKHUHEHIRUH ZH¶UH QR VWUDQJHUV WR LW EXW ZH¶YH VWLOO JRW WR FRPH WR ¿JKW´ .LQGOH VDLG ³,W¶V going to be a good game next week I think. Regis is a very good team.” ——— HEPPNER 52, REEDSPORT 14 RHS (9-2) 0 0 7 7 — 14 HHS (11-0) 32 14 6 0 — 52 Scoring First Quarter H — Weston Putman 20 run (Kaden Clark to Logan Grieb), 8-0, 9:13 H — Putman 4 run (Clark to Jake Lindsay), 16-0, 4:57 H — Grieb 43 run (Clark run), 24-0, 1:50 H — Putman 7 run (C.J. Kindle run), 32-0, :00 Second Quarter H — Kindle 19 run (Clark to Ryan Smith), 40-0, 10:13 H — Putman 4 run (Pass inclomplete), 46-0, 4:08 Third Quarter H — Caden Hedman 11 pass from Put- man (PAT missed), 52-0, 2:45 R — Joey Herr 23 run (Kyle Barnes PAT), 52-7, :00 Fourth Quarter R — Gage Billings 19 pass from Marc Chaney (Barnes PAT), 52-14, 4:41 Statistics PASSING — Reedsport (6-10-0, 87): Tyler Tresch 5-9-0, 68; Marc Chaney 1-1-0, 19. Heppner (4-9-1, 57): Kaden Clark 2-5-0, 34; Weston Putman 2-3-0, 23; Coby Daugherty 0-1-1, 0. RUSHING — Reedsport (21-68): Joey Herr 7-45; Griffin Kaufmann 6-16; Joseph Hixenbaugh 3-5; Gage Billings 2-5; Tresch 3-(-3). Heppner (43-373): Putman 17-150; C.J. Kindle 13-140; Logan Grieb 2-55; Kolby Currin 4-14; Kaden Corbin 3-9; Kaden Clark 1-5; Coby Daugherty 2-0; Jake Lindsay 1-(-1). RECEIVING — Reedsport: Korde Parmenter 2-45; Hixenbaugh 3-14; Tyreece Gardner 2-9; Billings 1-19. Heppner: Hed- man 2-23; Putman 1-21; Lindsay 1-13. Penalties — Reedsport 5-40; Heppner 2-15. First Downs — Reedsport 6; Heppner 22 3rd Down Conversion — Reedsport 3-9; Heppner 2-4. COLLEGE: (DVWHUQ2UHJRQYROOH\EDOOZRPHQ¶VVRFFHU¿QLVKVHFRQGLQ&&& Tanner Trosin amassed 215 passing yards for the ball and the Ducks held on Raiders, going 23-for-31 on for the win. the afternoon, while Melvin “I might have touched it a Mason registered three OLWWOHELW´:DONHUVDLG³-XVWD rushing touchdowns. OLWWOH¿QJHU´ The Raiders nearly Royce Freeman ran for GRXEOHGWKH1DY\DQG*ROG¶V 105 yards and a score and Charles Nelson scored on offensive production in the a 75-yard run on one of the opening half, recording 'XFNV¶ WKUHH WRXFKGRZQV RI \DUGV RI WRWDO RIIHQVH FRPSDUHGWR(28¶V more than 45 yards. 1R 628 RSHQHG Oregon needs to win the the game with a 5-play, ¿QDO WZR JDPHV DQG KRSH \DUGGULYHWRWDNHDQHDUO\ Stanford loses next week at home to California to win the lead and never trailed. Eastern (4-7) trailed by as Pac-12 North title. many as 22 before receiving SOUTHERN OREGON touchdowns by Billingsley 48, EASTERN OREGON DQG &RQQRUV LQ WKH JDPH¶V 37 — At La Grande, the ¿QDOVL[PLQXWHV 0RXQWDLQHHUV FRXOGQ¶W CALIFORNIA 54, overcome a three-touchdown OREGON STATE 24 — At KDOIWLPH GH¿FLW RQ 6HQLRU Berkeley, Calif, one week Day at Community Stadium after a disastrous perfor- on Saturday. -XQLRU TXDUWHUEDFN =DFK mance in a lopsided loss to Bartlow tied a career-high 1R8&/$2UHJRQ6WDWH and his own school record TXDUWHUEDFN 1LFN 0LWFKHOO ZLWK ¿YH WRXFKGRZQV IRXU looked a lot more poised and passing, one rushing), relaxed in the pocket. +H MXVW ZDVQ¶W DEOH WR UHJLVWHULQJ SDVVLQJ yards and 111 more on the ¿QLVKKLVQLJKWDJDLQVW&DOL- JURXQG -XQLRU UXQQLQJ fornia. Mitchell passed for two EDFN$OIUHG *URVV DGGHG yards on 14 carries, while touchdowns and ran in a third sophomore wide receiver EXWWKH%HDYHUVFRXOGQ¶WNHHS Calvin Connors recorded a SDFHZLWK-DUHG*RIIDQGWKH FDUHHUKLJK\DUGVRQ¿YH Golden Bears in a 54-24 loss at Memorial Stadium on kickoff returns. 3OD\LQJ KLV ¿QDO JDPH Saturday night. Making his fourth start in in a Mountaineer uniform, VHQLRU UXQQLQJ EDFN -DFH place of injured Seth Collins, %LOOLQJVOH\ FDXJKW ¿YH 0LWFKHOOFRPSOHWHGRI SDVVHV IRU \DUGV DQG KH SDVV DWWHPSWV IRU \DUGV DOVR KDG D \DUG NLFNRII and two touchdowns and UHWXUQ LQ WKH WKLUG TXDUWHU added 49 yards rushing in The Winnemucca, Nev., one of his strongest outings QDWLYH ¿QLVKHG KLV FDUHHU of the season. But the Beavers redshirt ZLWK D VFKRROUHFRUG freshman had his night cut receiving yards. Senior linebacker Gary short following a helmet-to- Posten paced the Mountain- helmet hit by Cal linebacker HHUV¶ GHIHQVLYH HIIRUW ZLWK -DOHQ-HIIHUVRQ0LWFKHOOKDG 14 tackles, while senior just thrown a 3-yard touch- defensive back Adam Bese down pass to Noah Togiai when he was hit. logged 12 tackles. Continued from 1B %HDYHUV¶ QDWLRQDOO\ODXGHG freshman class. “When I get on (them) a Volleyball COLLEGE OF IDAHO OLWWOHELWKH¶VDOZD\VSXWWLQJ 3, EASTERN OREGON an arm around them and 0 — At La Grande, for the WHOOLQJ WKHP LW¶V JRLQJ WR second-straight season, No. be okay, and then through 25 College of Idaho spoiled some of our x and o stuff, the No. 9 Eastern Oregon KH¶V DOZD\V WDONLQJ WR WKRVH 8QLYHUVLW\ YROOH\EDOO WHDP¶V guys,” Tinkle said. 3D\WRQ KDG SRLQWV chances of winning a Cascade Collegiate Conference (CCC) six assists and six rebounds Tournament Championship as Oregon State defeated at Quinn Coliseum, as the Northwest Christian 74-52 Yotes utilized 22 EOU attack Saturday. 7KUHH RI WKH %HDYHUV¶ errors and hit .303 to defeat the Navy and Gold in straight freshmen scored in double digits in their college debuts VHWV ,WZDV(28¶V¿UVWORVVDW for Oregon State (1-0). Drew WASHINGTON STATE home in a year, with that loss Eubanks had 13 points and 31, UCLA 27 — At Pasdena, coming to C of I on Nov. 14, eight rebounds, Stephen Calif., a few UCLA players LQWKHVHPL¿QDOVRIWKH 7KRPSVRQ -U VFRUHG all on 3-pointers, and Tres warmed up on Washington CCC Tournament. Tinkle added 14 points. 6WDWH¶VVLGHRIWKH5RVH%RZO ¿HOG EHIRUH WKH JDPH DQG Men’s Basketball the Cougars felt disrespected. 9$1*8$5' Women’s Basketball 7KDW¶VQRWDQHZHPRWLRQIRU EASTERN OREGON 72, EASTERN OREGON players at a long-struggling, OT – At Las Vegas, Nev., the 71, WHITWORTH 61, constantly overlooked Mountaineers continued to OT — At Spokane, Wash., Pac-12 school. show promise on the hard- KXQJU\ IRU WKHLU ¿UVW ZLQ RI Several hours and several wood, but again fell just short the 2015 campaign the No. jaw-dropping moments later, in overtime to NAIA Division 14 Mountaineers outscored Gabe Marks dived to make I opponent Vanguard (Calif.) NCAA Division III opponent a catch that exacted revenge on Saturday evening. :KLWZRUWK LQ WKH H[WUD and made a statement: The -XQLRU JXDUG .HQWUHOO period to pull off a thrilling Cougars are back in the Washington netted his victory on Sunday afternoon. game. Sophomore guard Payton seventh-straight double- “People were not going double with 25 points and Parrish netted a career-high to give us respect until they 14 rebounds, while senior 21 points off the bench, absolutely have to,” Marks guard Case Rada registered LQFOXGLQJ D IRU HIIRUW said. “Now they have to.” SRLQWVLQFOXGLQJDIRU from beyond the arc. Senior Marks caught a 21-yard effort from beyond the arc. In forward Nikki Osborne touchdown pass from Luke addition, sophomore guard notched a double-double Falk with 3 seconds to play, Miles Loupe added a career- with 15 points and 10 boards, sending Washington State to high 10 points and four ZKLOH VHQLRU JXDUG -RUGDQ DYLFWRU\RYHU1R assists off the bench. Klebaum added 12 points. UCLA on Saturday night. EOU led at halftime, Maloree Moss added four “I was a little kid who EXWZDVRXWVFRUHG points and three assists. dreamed about having a in the extra period. game-winning drive at the OREGON 79, NORTH Rose Bowl,” said Falk, who OREGON STATE 74, CARLINA 77 — At Chapel lived in the Los Angeles area NW CHRISTIAN 52 — At +LOO 1& /H[L %DQGR while growing up. “Any time Corvallis, Gary Payton II can VFRUHG SRLQWV -LOOLDQ you come down here and ¿OOXSDVWDWVKHHWEXW2UHJRQ Alleyne had 12 points and 13 win at the Rose Bowl in the State Coach Wayne Tinkle rebounds and Oregon upset IDVKLRQWKDWZHGLGLW¶VJRLQJ said his star is showing No. 22 North Carolina 79-77 to give us some momentum leadership by mentoring the on Sunday, marking the “Nick was in the zone,” Oregon State coach Gary Andersen said. “There were VRPH SOD\V WKDW GH¿QLWHO\ KHOSHG KLP +H PDGH VRPH good decisions, tucked the ball and ran with his feet.” Goff overcame a sluggish start to pass for six touch- downs and 453 yards to help HQG WKH %HDUV¶ IRXUJDPH losing streak. 7KH%HDUV¶FDUHHUOHDGHULQ nearly every passing category, *RIIFRPSOHWHGRISDVVHV ZKLOH KHOSLQJ &DO Pac-12) pile up a school-record \DUGVLQRIIHQVH as a program.” ¿UVWWLPHWKH7DU+HHOVHYHU opened the season with two straight losses. $IWHU 2UHJRQ¶V $OOH\QH who scored her 70th double- double, made the second of two free throws with 25 VHFRQGV OHIW WKH 7DU +HHOV had two chances to win. -DPLH &KHUU\¶V SRLQWHU went off the front of the rim EXW GHÀHFWHG RXW RI ERXQGV of Alleyne. Cherry then had a 3 bounce off the backboard and rim as time expired. Women’s Soccer CARROLL 0 (3), EASTERN OREGON 0 (2), PK ² $W 6SULQJ¿HOG despite out-shooting Carroll College 11-7, the Mountain- eers lost a heartbreaker to the Saints 3-2 in a penalty kick shootout in the Cascade Collegiate Conference (CCC) Championship on Saturday evening. Following a Carroll FRQYHUVLRQ=RH$QGHUVRQDQG freshman forward Alexandria Cuaresma netted goals to keep EOU in the shootout. TEssa Pitzer made two saves until \LHOGLQJ D JRDO E\ &DUUROO¶V Tayla Vaira to make it a 3-2 affair, and then sophomore PLG¿HOGHU 0DNHQVLH )RUV\WK came up empty to seal the victory for the Saints. Despite the defeat, EOU VWLOO FDUGHG LWV ¿UVWHYHU spot in the NAIA National Tournament, and on Monday morning learned that it will KRVW LWV ¿UVWHYHU RSHQLQJ round contest. The Mountain- HHUV ZLOO VTXDUH RII DJDLQVW Biola (Calif.) on Saturday in La Grande at 1 p.m. ——— Associated Press writers Josh Dubow, Michael Wagaman and Kyle Odegard, and EOU Sports Information Director Seth Dahle contrib- uted to this report.