Page 10A OFF PAGE ONE East Oregonian FRANCE: Police searches netted 127 arrests, 31 weapons Continued from 1A VSHFL¿FJRDOWRVRZIHDUDQGWRGLYLGH us,” Hollande told Parliament in a rare joint session convened at the Palace of Versailles. “Syria has become the biggest factory of terrorism the world has ever known and the international community is still too divided and too incoherent.” As he spoke, thousands gathered around candlelit memorials at the Place de la Republique square and beneath the Eiffel Tower, which like many top attractions in one of the world’s most-visited cities reopened IRUEXVLQHVV0RQGD\LQDGH¿DQWVSLULW The tower was bathed in red, white and EOXH ÀRRGOLJKWV RI WKH )UHQFK WULFRORU with the city’s centuries-old slogan — “Tossed but not sunk,” suggesting an unsinkable city braving stormy seas — projected in white lights near its base. French and other Western intelli- gence agencies face an urgent challenge to track down the surviving members of the three Islamic State units who LQÀLFWHGWKHXQSUHFHGHQWHGEORRGVKHGLQ France and, perhaps more importantly, to target their distant commanders in IS-controlled parts of Syria. $ )UHQFK VHFXULW\ RI¿FLDO VDLG DQWL WHUURULQWHOOLJHQFHRI¿FLDOVKDGLGHQWL¿HG Abdelhamid Abaaoud, a Belgian of Moroccan descent, as chief architect of the Friday the 13th attacks on a rock concert, a soccer game and popular nightspots in one of Paris’ trendiest districts. 7KH RI¿FLDO FLWHG FKDWWHU IURP ,6 ¿JXUHV WKDW $EDDRXG KDG UHFRP- mended a concert as an ideal target for LQÀLFWLQJ PD[LPXP FDVXDOWLHV DV ZHOO as electronic communications between Abaaoud and one of the Paris attackers who blew himself up. 7KH RI¿FLDO VSRNH RQ FRQGLWLRQ of anonymity to discuss the sensitive investigation. Abaaoud came to public attention last year by boasting in an IS propaganda video about his pride in piling the dead ERGLHVRI³LQ¿GHO´HQHPLHVLQWRDWUDLOHU Anti-terror agencies previously linked him to a series of abortive shooting plots this year in Belgium and France, including a planned attack on a passenger train that was thwarted by American passengers who overpowered the lone gunman. French police have used emergency SRZHUV WR FRQGXFW VHDUFKHV VLQFH Sunday night that netted 127 arrests and 31 weapons. AP Photo/Daniel Ochoa de Olza A bird flies in front of the Eiffel Tower, which remained closed on the first of three days of national mourning, in Paris, Sunday. French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said police seized a Kalash- QLNRY DVVDXOW ULÀH WKUHH DXWRPDWLF pistols and a bulletproof vest from a suspected arms dealer with jihadist sympathies, and a rocket launcher and other military-grade gear from his parents’ home. But police have yet to announce the capture of anyone suspected of direct involvement in Friday’s slaughter. Seven attackers died — six after deto- nating suicide belts and a seventh from SROLFHJXQ¿UH²EXW,UDTLLQWHOOLJHQFH RI¿FLDOVWROG7KH$VVRFLDWHG3UHVVWKDW its sources indicated 19 participated LQ WKH DWWDFN DQG ¿YH RWKHUV SURYLGHG hands-on logistical support. French police accidentally permitted the suspected driver of one group of gunmen, 26-year-old Salah Abdeslam, to avoid arrest at the border Saturday and cross to his native Belgium. On Monday, Belgian police in balaclavas, gas masks and body armor raided Abdeslam’s suspected hideout in the Molenbeek district of Brussels but came out empty-handed. Abdeslam’s brother, Brahim, was among the suicide bombers and killed one civilian after blowing himself up outside a restaurant. Police in Molenbeek arrested another brother, Mohamed, but freed him Monday without charge. After he left police custody, Mohamed Abdeslam told reporters that his family couldn’t believe that both of his brothers were jihadists. He said all three siblings grew up in Belgium and seemingly were content with life in the West. “I have not been involved in any way with what happened on Friday the 13th in Paris. We are an open-minded family. We never had any problem with justice,” he said. He said he didn’t know where his brother Salah was or whether he would surrender to police, and expressed familial loyalty to him despite his shock RYHU WKH PDVV NLOOLQJV ³