NORTHWEST East Oregonian Page 2A Thursday, November 12, 2015 Oregon AG says investigators targeted Black Lives Matter PORTLAND (AP) — Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum says one of her investigators has been put on paid leave after she learned he had searched for social media hashtags XVHGE\WKH%ODFN/LYHV0DWWHUPRYH- ment as part of a threat-assessment SURJUDP Rosenblum said Tuesday she was ³VKRFNHG DQG DSSDOOHG´ ZKHQ VKH learned of the allegations, The Orego- nianUHSRUWV+HUFRPPHQWVLQFOXGLQJ the promise of an independent inves- tigation, came after a letter from the Urban League of Portland accused the Department of Justice of digital surveillance of people involved in the UDFLDOMXVWLFHPRYHPHQW The Urban League’s director, 1NHQJH +DUPRQ -RKQVRQ DFFXVHG the department of targeting those who XVHG WKH SKUDVH ³%ODFN /LYHV 0DWWHU´ RQ VRFLDO PHGLD 6KH ZURWH WKDW WKH surveillance snared her husband Erious Johnson — the director of the depart- PHQW¶V FLYLO ULJKWV GLYLVLRQ 7KH OHWWHU ZDV VLJQHG E\ 2UHJRQ ODERU RI¿FLDOV and civil rights groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union of 2UHJRQ “We are concerned that such unwarranted investigations are racially motivated, and create a chilling effect on social justice advocates, political activists and others who wish to engage in discourse about the issues of our WLPH´+DUPRQ-RKQVRQZURWH ,QDQLQWHUYLHZZLWKThe Oregonian, 5RVHQEOXP FRQ¿UPHG WKDW DQ LQYHV- tigator in the department’s criminal justice division used an online search WRROWRORRNXSVRFLDOPHGLDKDVKWDJV LQFOXGLQJ WKH RQH XVHG E\ WKH %ODFN Lives Matter movement, as part of BRIEFLY Two ex-counseling Stomach illness center workers sue spreading in U. of Oregon Klamath County Rising rent pushing out artists that made Portland cool to urban cores, they’re competing for a limited QXPEHU RI UHQWDOV +RXVLQJ construction is still lagging behind pre-recession levels, GDWDVKRZ ,QFRPHV DOVR KDYH UHPDLQHG ÀDW VR SHRSOH DW the bottom income rungs ² WKH ZRUNLQJ SRRU WKH disabled and the under- employed, such as artists and freelancers — are hit KDUGHVW ,Q %URRNO\Q 1HZ