NORTHWEST (DVW2UHJRQLDQ Page 2A :HGQHVGD\1RYHPEHU Crews clean off Seattle gum wall Armed deputy patrolling Umpqua IROORZLQJVKRRWLQJ By MANUEL VALDES Associated Press SEATTLE — A piece of Seattle history is coming GRZQ²RUUDWKHUPLOOLRQ little pieces. &UHZV DUH FOHDQLQJ WKH FLW\¶VIDPHG³JXPZDOO´QHDU 3LNH 3ODFH 0DUNHW ZKHUH tourists and locals have been VWLFNLQJ WKHLU XVHG FKHZLQJ gum for the past 20 years. 7KH ZDOO LV SODVWHUHG ZLWK ZDGV RI JXP LQ D kaleidoscope of colors, some stretched and pinched into messages, hearts and other designs. People also have used the gooey gobs to paste up pictures, business cards and other mementos. 2Q 7XHVGD\ SRZHUIXO VWHDPFOHDQHUVZHUHPHOWLQJ it all off. (PLO\ &UDZIRUG D 3LNH 3ODFH0DUNHWVSRNHVZRPDQ VDLG WKDW IROORZLQJ D EXV\ summer season, market OHDGHUV GHFLGHG QRZ ZDV DV JRRGDWLPHDVDQ\WRZLSHWKH ZDOO FOHDQ %XW WKH\ H[SHFW SHRSOHZLOOVWDUWOHDYLQJJXP on the space again soon. ³,W¶VDQLFRQ,W¶VKLVWRU\´ said onlooker Zoe Freeman, ZKR ZRUNV QHDU 3LNH 3ODFH “The market is famous for WKH JXP ZDOO %XW LW DOVR GUDZVUDWV´ Pike Place Market hired a contractor, Cascadian %XLOGLQJ 0DLQWHQDQFH WR take on the cleaning. They chose steam over pressure ZDVKLQJ WR FRQVHUYH WKH KLVWRULFPDUNHW¶VEULFNZDOOV The blasts of moist air against a mass of dried gum sent a IUXLW\ VZHHW VPHOO WKRXJK the alley. “I just hope that the 3257/$1' $3 ² An armed sheriff’s deputy has started patrolling an 2UHJRQ FROOHJH ZKHUH D gunman killed nine people and himself last month. Douglas County deputy 6FRWW %DWVFK EHJDQ SDWUROV Monday at Umpqua Community College. When a shooter attacked the Rose- EXUJ FDPSXV 2FW LW KDG RQH JXDUG DUPHG RQO\ ZLWK pepper spray. %DWVFKLVDUHFHQWO\UHWLUHG GHSXW\ ZLWK H[SHULHQFH DV D VFKRRO UHVRXUFH RI¿FHU patrolman and detective. Umpqua’s $30,000 contract ZLWK 'RXJODV &RXQW\ ZLOO pay for him to be on campus VHYHQKRXUVDGD\¿YHGD\V DZHHNWKURXJK-XQHThe OregonianUHSRUWHG+HZLOO have a car on campus but PRVWO\ZLOOSDWURORQIRRW 2UHJRQ ODZ VD\V community colleges can’t HPSOR\ DUPHG RI¿FHUV EXW WKH\FDQFRQWUDFWZLWKSROLFH agencies for the service. “Obviously the school has been through a lot and the community has been through a lot, and having WKDWXQLIRUPHGSUHVHQFHZLOO make everyone involved feel a little bit better going IRUZDUG´ VDLG &SO 'ZHV Hutson, the sheriff’s depart- ment spokesman. Students protested at Portland State University and the University of 2UHJRQ ZKHQ DGPLQLVWUD- tors decided to arm their AP Photo/Elaine Thompson A worker uses a powerful steam cleaner to work decades of gum off a “gum wall” that stretches behind and above him, Tuesday in Seattle. Tourists and locals have been sticking their used chewing gum to the wall near Pike Place Market for 20 years, leaving an estimated 1 million pieces in a kaleidoscope of colors, some stretched and pinched into messages, hearts and other designs. 6LQFH WKHQ WKH ³JXP ZDOO´ has expanded beyond one ZDOODQGRQWRRWKHUZDOOVRI an alley, pipes and even the WKHDWHU¶VER[RI¿FHZLQGRZ &UDZIRUG VDLG WKH FOHDQLQJ FUHZ ZLOO FROOHFW DQGZHLJKWKHJXPHDFKGD\ it is removed. The cleaning is expected to take three days. %\ &UDZIRUG¶V URXJK calculation, there are about 2,200 pounds of gum on the ZDOOV ³:H¶OO¿QGRXWDWWKHHQG AP Photo/Ted S. Warren RI WKH ZHHN KRZ ULJKW P\ Jessica Wang, left, visiting from Los Angeles, has her JXHVVWLPDWH UHDOO\ LV´ VKH photo taken by Michael Teylan, right, at Seattle’s “gum said. wall” at Pike Place Market, Monday. 0DUNHW RI¿FLDOV KRSH WR citizens of Seattle don’t hate 3HRSOH ¿UVW EHJDQ FRQWDLQ ZKHUH SHRSOH SXW me for removing the gum smooshing their gum to the their gum in the future but ZDOO´ VDLG .HOO\ )RVWHU WKH ZDOOZKLOHZDLWLQJIRUVKRZV say they aren’t holding their contractor’s general manager. at the nearby Market Theater. breath. “It’s one of those things that just gives people peace of mind, at this point.” — Anne Marie Levis, Umpqua Community College public information officer RI¿FHUV %XW $QQH 0DULH Levis, Umpqua Community College public information RI¿FHU H[SHFWV QR RSSR- sition on the Roseburg campus. “After a tragedy like this, people have a different SHUVSHFWLYH´ /HYLV VDLG “We’ve had other armed SROLFH RI¿FHUV RQ FDPSXV so it’s one of those things that just gives people peace RIPLQGDWWKLVSRLQW´ Oregon State Police troopers and other armed RI¿FHUV KDYH SDWUROOHG Umpqua’s campus at times since the shootings, Levis said. County Commissioner Tim Freeman said the college requested the FRQWUDFW ZKLFK KH DQG WKH RWKHU WZR FRPPLVVLRQHUV approved. “It’s a large campus, so it’s hard to say that KDYLQJ RQH DUPHG RI¿FHU depending on the situation, FRXOG KDYH EHHQ HIIHFWLYH´ )UHHPDQVDLG³,GRQ¶WZDQW to give any false illusions DERXW KRZ PXFK RU KRZ OLWWOHLW¶OOPDNHWKLQJVEHWWHU´ Chipotle reopening Northwest restaurants after E. coli outbreak ordering a fresh supply of ingredi- ents, the company said. It also said LW LV WHVWLQJ WKH QHZ IRRG SULRU WR restocking and is instituting addi- tional safety procedures and audits in all of its 2,000 restaurants to ensure robust food safety standards. Chipotle Chairman Steve Ells apologized to those affected by the outbreak. “The safety of our customers and integrity of our food supply has DOZD\V EHHQ RXU KLJKHVW SULRULW\´ he said in a statement. “If there are any opportunities for us to do better in any facet of our sourcing or food SEATTLE (AP) — Chipotle said Tuesday that it is reopening the 3DFL¿F 1RUWKZHVW UHVWDXUDQWV it closed amid an E. coli outbreak after tests at the Mexican food chain came back negative for the bacteria. +HDOWK RI¿FLDOV KDYH QRW IRXQG a cause of the outbreak that started last month but concluded there is no ongoing risk of contracting the illness that has sickened about 40 people. &KLSRWOHZLOOUHRSHQWKHUHVWDX- rants in Washington state and Oregon in the coming days after giving them a deep cleaning and handling — from the farms to our UHVWDXUDQWV²ZHZLOO¿QGWKHP´ 7KH RXWEUHDN ZDV WUDFHG WR Chipotle restaurants in Oregon and Washington, but the company closed 43 locations in its Seattle and Portland markets as a precaution. It said it conducted additional sani- tization measures in its restaurants QDWLRQZLGHDQGFRQ¿UPHGWKDWQRQH RILWVZRUNHUVKDGE. coli. Dr. Scott Lindquist, Washing- ton’s state epidemiologist, had said he expected the restaurants to reopen by Wednesday or Thursday. The most recent person sickened Subscriber services: For home delivery, vacation stops or delivery concerns: 1-800-522-0255 Didn’t receive your paper?&DOO EHIRUHSP7XHVGD\WKURXJK)ULGD\ RUEHIRUHDP6DWXUGD\ for same-day redelivery — Founded Oct. 16, 1875 — 211 S.E. Byers Ave., Pendleton 541-276-2211 333 E. Main St., Hermiston 541-567-6211 2I¿FHKRXUV0RQGD\WKURXJK)ULGD\DPWRSP &ORVHGPDMRUKROLGD\V SUBSCRIPTION RATES /RFDOKRPHGHOLYHU\ 6DYLQJVRIIFRYHUSULFH (=3D\ SHUFHQW ZHHNV SHUFHQW ZHHNV SHUFHQW ZHHNV SHUFHQW (=3D\ RQH\HDUUDWHZLWKDPRQWKO\FUHGLWRUGHELWFDUGFKHFNFKDUJH To subscribe, call 1-800-522-0255 or go online to and click on ‘Subscribe’ (DVW2UHJRQLDQ(USPS 164-980)LVSXEOLVKHGGDLO\H[FHSW6XQGD\0RQGD\ DQG'HFE\WKH(20HGLD*URXS6(%\HUV$YH3HQGOHWRQ25 3HULRGLFDOVSRVWDJHSDLGDW3HQGOHWRQ25Postmaster:VHQGDGGUHVVFKDQJHVWR (DVW2UHJRQLDQ6(%\HUV$YH3HQGOHWRQ25 Periods of sun, a shower; windy Some sun, then turning cloudy 51° 33° 52° 43° Partly sunny and mild Cooler with rain tapering off PENDLETON TEMPERATURE FORECAST 65° 44° 61° 52° 52° 32° HERMISTON TEMPERATURE FORECAST 55° 31° 53° 42° PENDLETON through 3 p.m. yesterday TEMPERATURE HIGH Yesterday Normals Records LOW 50° 52° 71° (1930) 38° 34° 12° (1911) PRECIPITATION 24 hours ending 3 p.m. Month to date Normal month to date Year to date Last year to date Normal year to date 0.00" 0.31" 0.41" 6.94" 9.65" 10.40" HERMISTON through 3 p.m. yesterday TEMPERATURE HIGH Yesterday Normals Records LOW 54° 53° 72° (1989) 32° 34° 9° (1936) PRECIPITATION 24 hours ending 3 p.m. Month to date Normal month to date Year to date Last year to date Normal year to date Trace 0.16" 0.37" 4.74" 5.85" 7.65" SUN AND MOON Sunrise today Sunset tonight Moonrise today Moonset today New First Nov 11 Nov 18 Full Nov 25 67° 44° 63° 53° 56° 32° Seattle 51/41 ALMANAC 6:48 a.m. 4:29 p.m. 6:34 a.m. 4:55 p.m. Last Dec 2 Multimedia consultants ‡7HUUL%ULJJV ‡WEULJJV#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP ‡-HDQQH-HZHWW ‡MMHZHWW#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP ‡.LP/D3ODQW ‡NODSODQW#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP ‡'D\OH6WLQVRQ ‡GVWLQVRQ#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP To submit community events, calendar items and Your EO News: HPDLOFRPPXQLW\#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRPRUFDOO7DPP\0DOJHVLQL LQ+HUPLVWRQDWRU5HQHH6WUXWKHUVLQ3HQGOHWRQDW To submit engagements, weddings and anniversaries: HPDLOUVWUXWKHUV#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRPRUYLVLWZZZHDVWRUHJRQLDQ FRPFRPPXQLW\DQQRXQFHPHQWV To submit a Letter to the Editor:PDLOWR0DQDJLQJ(GLWRU'DQLHO :DWWHQEXUJHU6(%\HUV$YH3HQGOHWRQ25RUHPDLO HGLWRU#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP To submit sports or outdoors information or tips: ‡VSRUWV#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP COMMERCIAL PRINTING Production Manager: 6WHYH.QREEH ‡VNQREEH#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP REGIONAL CITIES Today SUNDAY SATURDAY FRIDAY Cloudy with a little rain NEWS To submit news tips and press releases:‡FDOO‡ ID[‡HPDLOQHZV#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP Real Estate Advertising: Jodi Snook ‡MVQRRN#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP Forecast THURSDAY ADVERTISING Advertising Director: Jennine Perkinson ‡MSHUNLQVRQ#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP Legal Advertising:$PDQGD-DFREV ‡DMDFREV#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP Copyright © 2015, EO Media Group TODAY Corrections The East OregonianZRUNVKDUGWREHDFFXUDWHDQGVLQFHUHO\ regrets any errors. If you notice a mistake in the paper, please call ClassiÀed Advertising: ‡FODVVL¿HGV#HDVWRUHJRQLDQFRP Single copy price: 7XHVGD\WKURXJK)ULGD\6DWXUGD\ Spokane Wenatchee 44/27 50/30 Tacoma Moses 51/37 Lake Pullman Aberdeen Olympia Yakima 53/25 44/28 53/41 51/37 54/26 Longview Kennewick Walla Walla 53/40 51/36 Lewiston 57/30 Astoria 50/32 55/41 Portland Enterprise Hermiston 54/39 Pendleton 39/17 The Dalles 55/31 51/33 55/34 La Grande Salem 45/24 55/36 Albany Corvallis 54/36 55/35 John Day 45/25 Ontario Eugene Bend 47/25 54/34 42/22 Caldwell Burns 48/27 44/13 Astoria Baker City Bend Brookings Burns Enterprise Eugene Heppner Hermiston John Day Klamath Falls La Grande Meacham Medford Newport North Bend Ontario Pasco Pendleton Portland Redmond Salem Spokane Ukiah Vancouver Walla Walla Yakima Hi 55 42 42 55 44 39 54 48 55 45 44 45 43 49 52 55 47 55 51 54 46 55 44 42 53 51 54 Lo 41 17 22 42 13 17 34 28 31 25 22 24 23 35 40 40 25 28 33 39 21 36 27 22 38 36 26 W sh c c sh c r r pc pc r pc sn c c c r c pc pc c c c sh c c pc pc NATIONAL WEATHER TODAY Thu. Hi 55 43 47 57 44 39 53 49 53 48 47 45 43 52 53 57 46 51 52 52 49 53 42 44 51 50 52 Lo 52 26 33 44 19 28 41 38 42 32 23 36 36 33 47 47 26 41 43 47 29 46 37 33 47 43 38 Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. W r s pc pc s pc pc pc pc pc s pc pc pc pc pc s pc pc c pc pc pc pc c pc c WORLD CITIES Today Beijing Hong Kong Jerusalem London Mexico City Moscow Paris Rome Seoul Sydney Tokyo Hi 49 82 62 60 76 37 60 68 60 73 61 Lo 37 75 47 49 50 33 50 47 46 66 53 W c pc pc pc pc sn pc pc c sh c Thu. Hi 51 82 65 60 73 38 58 67 63 79 61 Lo 40 72 53 49 52 30 47 47 46 64 53 W c c s pc pc sn pc s pc t r WINDS Medford 49/35 (in mph) Klamath Falls 44/22 Boardman Pendleton REGIONAL FORECAST Coastal Oregon: Mostly cloudy today with spotty showers. Eastern and Central Oregon: A shower today, but rain and drizzle in the south and central parts. Western Washington: Intervals of clouds and sun today with a shower in spots. Eastern Washington: Snow today, 1-3 inches in the mountains; showers near the Idaho border. A rain or snow shower in the north. Cascades: Cloudy today. A shower; snow, accumulating 1-3 inches in the south. Northern California: Partial sunshine today; cold in the interior mountains. Today Thursday WSW 10-20 WSW 10-20 SW 4-8 SSW 6-12 UV INDEX TODAY Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows. 0 1 2 cramps, nausea and vomiting. Foodborne illnesses are not easy to track to the source of the outbreak, said Jonathan Modie, a spokesman for the Oregon Health Authority. “Finding the source of the RXWEUHDN LV RIWHQ OLNH ¿QGLQJ D QHHGOHLQWKHKD\VWDFN´0RGLHVDLG Monday. by E. coli reported eating at Chipotle on Oct. 24. People typically become sick about three to four days after exposure, but it can take as long as GD\V 7KHEDFWHULDDUHDVVRFLDWHGZLWK DQLPDO ZDVWH DQG FDQ EH VSUHDG WKURXJK FRQWDPLQDWHG ZDWHU RU improperly cured compost. Symp- toms include diarrhea, abdominal 1 0 0 8 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m. 0-2, Low 3-5, Moderate 6-7, High; 8-10, Very High; 11+, Extreme The higher the UV Index™ num- ber, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2015 -10s -0s showers t-storms 0s 10s rain 20s flurries 30s 40s snow ice 50s 60s cold front 70s 80s 90s 100s warm front stationary front 110s high low National Summary: Severe storms will extend from Texas to Wisconsin today. High winds will blast the southern Plains as a blizzard visits part of Colorado. Rain will retreat to New England and expand in the Northwest. Yesterday’s National Extremes: (for the 48 contiguous states) High 90° in Boca Raton, Fla. Low 4° in Bodie State Park, Calif. NATIONAL CITIES Today Albuquerque Atlanta Atlantic City Baltimore Billings Birmingham Boise Boston Charleston, SC Charleston, WV Chicago Cleveland Dallas Denver Detroit El Paso Fairbanks Fargo Honolulu Houston Indianapolis Jacksonville Kansas City Las Vegas Little Rock Los Angeles Hi 53 70 62 64 46 72 46 51 73 61 62 59 78 41 58 62 15 42 86 82 63 79 70 61 75 73 Lo 27 57 51 45 31 61 28 41 54 47 44 46 47 24 46 35 -6 29 75 58 45 57 41 40 48 48 W s pc pc pc c pc pc r s pc r s t sn pc s sf r sh t pc s t s t s Thur. Hi 55 67 63 62 44 66 45 54 80 64 53 58 68 44 55 66 3 41 86 71 57 84 58 66 66 78 Lo 29 47 51 43 29 44 31 48 52 40 34 40 44 20 40 41 -9 27 75 52 35 59 33 43 42 50 W s pc sh r s pc s r pc pc c r pc pc c pc pc c sh pc pc pc s s s s Today Louisville Memphis Miami Milwaukee Minneapolis Nashville New Orleans New York City Oklahoma City Omaha Philadelphia Phoenix Portland, ME Providence Raleigh Rapid City Reno Sacramento St. Louis Salt Lake City San Diego San Francisco Seattle Tucson Washington, DC Wichita Hi 65 74 87 59 51 71 79 58 68 62 65 69 47 53 66 44 45 62 68 44 74 62 51 65 64 67 Lo 52 50 75 45 39 53 69 49 39 38 51 46 33 38 47 31 22 38 47 30 51 48 41 39 50 39 W pc t pc r r pc s c s r pc s r r pc pc s s t pc s s pc s pc pc Thur. Hi 61 64 87 52 45 64 74 60 64 54 63 76 50 56 72 45 46 65 60 47 76 63 50 74 65 63 Lo 40 43 75 36 32 41 55 49 35 31 49 49 44 47 46 18 23 39 39 28 52 48 48 44 47 31 Weather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice. W s s pc c c s pc r s s r s r r pc s s s s pc s s r s sh s