Page 6B East Oregonian PEANUTS COFFEE BREAK Tuesday, November 10, 2015 DEAR ABBY BY CHARLES M . SCHULZ Special-needs daughter gets little notice from dad’s family FOR BETTER OR WORSE BY LYNN JOHNSTON B.C. BY JOHNNY HART PICKLES BY BRIAN CRANE ¿veyear reOationsKiS ZitK tKeir son Dear Abby: A year ago, I ended a II tKey ZouOd Fonsent to it, I ZouOd turbuOent ¿veyear reOationsKiS ZitK reFommend IamiOy FounseOing Ior my boyIriend, ³AOe[,´ tKat resuOted aOO oI you +oZever, iI tKey Zon¶t, in a sSeFiaOneeds FKiOd AOe[ is not and beFause you IeeO tKat tKeir OaFN Oiving in reaOity ZKen it Fomes to our oI invoOvement in 0egKan¶s OiIe ZiOO daugKter¶s disabiOities, and Kis IamiOy eventuaOOy beFome KurtIuO to Ker, you is not Sresent in Ker OiIe are ZitKin your rigKts to reMeFt tKeir Our daugKter, ³0egKan,´ sSent giIts and ¿nd more suSSort Ior Ker montKs in tKe KosSitaO beIore sKe Zas Jeanne KeaOtKy enougK to Fome Kome, and Phillips ZitKin your oZn IamiOy Dear Abby: 0y son teOOs me no AOe[¶s IamiOy visited onOy a IeZ times Advice one Zants to Kang out ZitK Kim at tKe I Kave tried to resoOve tKe issues ZitK smaOO Fommunity FoOOege Ke attends AOe[¶s IamiOy so our daugKter Fan Kave a reOationsKiS ZitK tKem, but it is stiOO +e is a Kandsome, Ooving, SoOite young man onesided 0egKan¶s SaternaO IamiOy ZiOO send ZKo earned tKe Fiti]ensKiS aZard tKree years a Sresent Ior Ker birtKday or &Kristmas, but in a roZ in eOementary sFKooO +is sister and tKey sSend no time ZitK Ker TKey Kave otKer I Zere disFussing tKat maybe Ke is being TOO grandFKiOdren in otKer states tKat Kis motKer SoOite and it FouOd turn SeoSOe oII No one OiNes drives Kours to see, but sKe Zon¶t drive ¿ve tKe ³niFe guy´ 'o you Kave any adviFe I Fan give Kim" ² Raised A Good Boy minutes to see my daugKter Dear Raised A Good Boy: I disagree I¶d OiNe to start reMeFting tKe giIts tKey send 0egKan ZitK a note e[SOaining ZKy I ¿nd it ZitK your statement tKat no one OiNes a niFe disturbing tKat tKey¶OO sSend money on my guy NiFe SeoSOe OiNe niFe SeoSOe )rom tKis FKiOd, but are unZiOOing to sSend time ZitK distanFe, I am unabOe to guess ZKat your son¶s Ker I IeeO tKe giIts are a SayoII I don¶t Zant SrobOem migKt be +oZever, it is teOOing tKat you are seeNing 0egKan to IeeO OiNe tKe odd man out ZKen sKe¶s oOd enougK to reaOi]e KoZ sKe is treated adviFe about Kis soFiaO SrobOems, not Kim FomSared to tKe otKer grandFKiOdren Abby, TKe best adviFe you FouOd Fonvey to your son ZKat are your tKougKts" ² End Of My Rope ZouOd be to taON about tKis ZitK a FounseOor Dear End Of My Rope: I Kate to see you at sFKooO TogetKer, tKey may be abOe to sever your aOready tenuous ties ZitK 0egKan¶s ¿gure out ZKy Ke Kas troubOe ¿tting in