NATION/WORLD Thursday, November 5, 2015 East Oregonian Warning signs for both parties in state and local elections Associated Press WASHINGTON — State and local elections across the country this Zeek produced Zarning signs for both Democrats and Republicans as they press toZard the 201 presidential contest, noZ just a year aZay. Democrats lost more ground in legislatures and governor¶s mansions, raising questions about the party¶s strength Zhen President Barack Obama¶s name isn¶t at the top of the ballot. Demo crats still have important demographic advantages in the states that often determine presidential elections, but the party is struggling in poZer centers outside Washington that inÀuence policy and steer congressional redistricting. The GOP is casting its victory in the Kentucky gubernatorial race as a blue print for hoZ Republicans can run successfully against Obama¶s signature health care laZ. But the elections Zeren¶t all good neZs for the Repub licans. For party leaders anxious about Donald Trump and Ben Carson¶s lead in the GOP presidential primary, the Zin in Kentucky for Matt Bevin — a Zealthy businessman Zho has never held political of¿ce — could be a sign that many voters are serious about electing outsider candidates. Party leaders are skeptical that outsiders¶ rebellious appeal Zill be suf¿ciently deep and lasting to send such a candidate to the White House. “We¶re at this interesting moment Zhere clearly there¶s a lot of frustration in the elec torate, Zhich means voters are going to be more vola tile,” said David Winston, a Republican pollster. To be sure, offyear elec tions are imperfect predictors of presidential contests. Turnout is far loZer and the voters Zho do shoZ up tend to be older and less diverse, favoring Republicans. Still, Tuesday¶s contests across the country are being scoured for signs of the elec torate¶s mood less than three months before the leadoff IoZa caucuses. For Democrats, results in Kentucky, Virginia and elseZhere Zere part of a trou bling pattern. Since Obama Zas elected in 2008, the party has lost 1 governorships and more than 00 state legisla tive seats, ceding control of 0 legislative chambers. On Capitol Hill, Democrats have given up control of both the House and Senate. The fresh losses raise serious questions for Demo crats about hoZ the party Zill fare next year Zhen Obama isn¶t on the ticket. It¶s also raising questions about Zhere Democrats Zill draZ their next generation of leaders. Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Democratic frontrunner, is making speci¿c campaign appeals to the Hispanics, blacks and young voters Zho helped propel Obama to victory. And she¶s promising she¶ll Zork to help candidates Zin their races, too. The Democratic defeats have implications for policies as Zell as politics. While most Democratic governors have expanded their states¶ Medicaid coverage under the federal Affordable Care Act, several Republicans have resisted, including in Florida and Texas. Demo cratic Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe tried to expand Medicaid but Zas blocked by Republicans. Democrats¶ efforts to fully implement “Obamacare” got even harder Tuesday. McAu liffe failed in his campaign to put Virginia¶s legislature back in Democratic hands. And in Kentucky, Bevin Zon in part on a pledge to repeal the state¶s Medicaid expan sion, propelling a Republican into the state¶s governor¶s mansion for just the second time in four decades. Bevin cast himself as a political outsider, one Zho Zas selffunded and shunned by Kentucky¶s political estab lishment after he challenged Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in the 2014 GOP Senate primary. It¶s an approach that ¿ts Zith the outsider appeal of Trump and Carson, Zho are roiling the GOP presidential primary and Zorrying establishment Republicans Zho fear neither of them could defeat Clinton in a general election. Asked Wednesday Zhether Bevin¶s Zin bodes Zell for his oZn political future, Trump sounded con¿dent. He said, “There is something happening, folks, I Zill tell you. There is something happening.” In an intervieZ Zith The Associated Press, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, Zho is strug gling in the GOP presidential polls, aligned himself Zith Bevin¶s success as a political outsider. “That¶s the same thing I ran on Zhen I ran in 2010,” Paul said of his Senate victory ¿ve years ago. Bevin Zasn¶t the only outsider Zho Zon this Zeek. In Mississippi, Republican poultry and cattle farmer Vince Mangold made his political debut by ousting Democratic House Minority Leader Bobby Moak, Zho had been in of¿ce for 0 years. Republicans targeted Moak Zith mailers displaying his photo next to Obama¶s under the headline, “Bobby Moak and Barack Obama ... A Liberal Love Affair.” Mangold said he campaigned on loZer taxes and a good education system, but he attributed his victory not to any particular policy stances but to his outsider status. “As I traveled around the district, the overZhelming reply Zas they Zere ready for a change,” Mangold said. HoZ does myRA neZ retirement account Zork? Once the account groZs to $15,000, you must move your money to a private NEW YORK — It¶s time sector retirement account to get saving. like a Roth IRA. A governmentbacked 4,VLWULVN\" individual retirement A No. MyRA invests account announced nearly in a fund made up mostly tZo years ago by President of U.S. government bonds Barack Obama is noZ avail called the Government able across the country, the Securities Fund, and it Zill Treasury Department said not lose money. Wednesday, and it removes 4 +RZ PXFK LQWHUHVW several barriers that keep ZLOOP\PRQH\HDUQ" millions of people from A The interest rate saving for their retirement. changes every month. In AP Photo/Charles Dharapak, File The account, called a myRA, has no fees, no minimum In this file photo, President Barack Obama gives his the 10 years ending last balance, no risk of losing State of the Union address on Capitol Hill in Washing- December, the investment money and it doesn¶t have ton. In the address, Obama unveiled a new program earned nearly .2 percent “myRA,” for “my IRA.” The Treasury Depart- annually on average. to be linked to an employer. called ment said Wednesday that the government-backed 4+RZLVWKLVGLIIHUHQW “It¶s a great Zay to start retirement savings plan myRA is now available. WKDQD5RWK,5$" saving for retirement in A Many of the rules are a loZrisk Zay,” said Ed less than 11,000 a year positform.pdf . You Zill Gjertsen II, president of the or couples Zho earn beloZ also have the option to send the same, but Roth IRAs your tax refund to your through banks or brokerage Financial Planning Associ 1,000 a year. 4 +RZ PXFK PRQH\ myRA Zhen doing your companies generally have ation. fees or require minimum MyRAs are aimed GR , QHHG WR RSHQ DQ taxes. 4:KDWLI,PRYHMREV" contributions that can be at those Zithout access DFFRXQW" A None. You can sign up A The account is in your too high for some. Another to employersponsored retirement plans like 401k at . You¶ll name, so it stays Zith you major difference is that Zith Roth IRAs you can invest s, but anyone under certain need a Social Security Zhen you change jobs. 4&DQ,ZLWKGUDZWKH in stocks, bonds, mutual income levels is eligible. number and either a driver¶s funds or other investments. Workers can have contri license, a U.S. passport or PRQH\DQ\WLPH,ZDQW" A Yes. There are no fees They can be riskier, but they butions deducted automat a state or military identi¿ ically from their paychecks cation number to sign up or taxes to pay on the money may earn more money than you have deposited, but if government bonds. With into their accounts, and online. 4 +RZ GR , GHSRVLW you are younger than 5 ò, myRA, the government employers are not charged you Zill have to pay taxes hopes it can push more any administrative fees to PRQH\" A Money can be depos on the interest that your people to start saving for do so. retirement and eventually Experts say regular, ited from a checking or money has earned. 4 ,V WKHUH D OLPLW RQ lead them to opening Roth automatic contributions are savings account or directly a crucial Zay for people to from your paycheck. If KRZPXFK,FDQVDYHLQD IRAs. you Zant money to come P\5$account? 4 :LOO WKLV OHDYH PH build nest eggs. A Yes. If you¶re under HQRXJKWRUHWLUHRQ" Here are more details out of your paycheck and A Almost certainly not. about the account and hoZ your employer alloZs direct 50 you can deposit up to deposits, myRA provides 5,500 a year. Those Zho The government and ¿nan it Zorks 4:KRLVHOLJLEOHIRUD a form to give to your are or Zill be 50 or older cial planners caution that employer at httpsmyra. by the end of the year can this is a Zay to get people to P\5$" A Individuals Zho earn govfilesmyradirectde deposit up to ,500 a year. start saving. Associated Press VWDEEHG DWWDFNHUNLOOHGDW FHQWUDO&DOLIRUQLD XQLYHUVLW\ MERCED, Calif. AP — A student stabbed and Zounded four people as classes got underZay at a rural university campus in central California before police shot and killed him, authorities said Wednesday. TZo students, one staff member and a vendor Zere attacked at the University of California, Merced, but Zere expected to recover, the school said on its veri¿ed TZitter account. Campus of¿cials reported earlier in the day that ¿ve people Zere stabbed. All the victims Zere conscious Zhen paramedics reached them, Assistant Vice Chancellor Patti Waid said. TZo of them Zere taken by helicopter to hospitals in Modesto, but BRIEFLY their conditions Zere not immediately knoZn. The three others had injuries that Zere minor enough that they could be treated on campus, Waid said. Campus of¿cials said the assailant Zas a student but had not con¿rmed his identity or provided a motive for the attack. Of¿cials said they Zere still Zorking out a timeline of events leading up to the stabbings, and it Zasn¶t clear hoZ the attack played out. University senior Phil Coba, a student government representative, said numerous students told him that the stabbings started inside a classroom and continued outside before campus police shot and killed the attacker. Authorities have not con¿rmed those accounts and have said the attack occurred outside a building as students Zent in to class shortly after 8 a.m. µ+HUR¶RI¿FHUVWDJHG VXLFLGHHPEH]]OHG IURP\RXWKSURJUDP ultimately found nothing. Asked Wednesday Zhether ROUND LAKE BEACH, that evidence Zill noZ be ,OO ² A SoOiFe oI¿Fer Zho destroyed, Filenko said he Zas Oauded as a hero aIter his didn¶t knoZ. More than 100 investi fatal shooting triggered an intense and costly manhunt gators stayed on the case for Zeeks, even after in fact killed questions arose. himself because One hint came he Zas about to be Zhen the Lake exposed as a thief, County coroner, and carefully staged Dr. Thomas Rudd, his death to make announced that it seem like he died GlinieZic] Zas in the line of duty, killed by a “single authorities said devastating” shot to Wednesday. his chest, and that Fox Lake he couldn¶t rule out Police Lt. Charles Gliniewicz suicide or an acci -oseph *linieZic] embe]]led thousands of dent. That prompted an angry dollars from the toZn¶s Police response from Filenko, Zho Explorer program for seven said releasing such details put years, and spent the money “the entire case at risk.” But Filenko revealed on such things as mortgage payments, travel expenses, Wednesday that as the case investigators gym memberships and adult progressed, Zebsites, Lake County Zere uncovering incrimi Major Crimes Task Force nating texts and Facebook Commander George Filenko messages GlinieZic] had sent, expressing fears as early said. “We have determined this as May that his thefts Zere staged suicide Zas the end about to be exposed by an result of extensive criminal audit of the Explorer program acts that GlinieZic] had been being conducted by a neZ committing,” Filenko said. village administrator. “If she gets ahold of He declined to provide more details about these crimes, the old checking account, because “the investigation im pretty Zell fasterisk the strongly suggests criminal asteriskasterisked,” activity on the part of at least ¿rst message reads. He had deleted the texts, tZo other individuals.” The commander then but authorities Zere able to endured blistering questions recover them anyZay. Investi from skeptical journalists gators released some of them about his handling of the verbatim, but did not identify the people he sent them to. tZomonth investigation. “This village adminis “We completely believed from day one that this Zas trator hates me and explorer a homicide,” Filenko said. program,” he said in another. “GlinieZic] committed the “This situation right here Zould give her the means to ultimate betrayal.” Minutes before he died on CRUCIF< ME if it Zere 6ept. 1, GlinieZic] radioed discovered.” On Aug. 1, the day before that he Zas chasing three suspicious men in a sZampy he killed himself, GlinieZic] area of Fox Lake, a suburb Zrote that the administrator north of Chicago. Backup had demanded a ¿nancial of¿cers folloZed a trail of report on the program. Village Administrator equipment to the Army veter an¶s body, about 50 yards Anne Marrin read a brief statement Wednesday from his squad car. GlinieZic] Zas a 0year thanking authorities for their police veteran and expert Zork, and noting that the crime scene investigator, his of¿cer threatened her person boss said, and took elaborate ally after she began asking steps to try to make it look like tough questions. In one of the texts, he died in a struggle. The ¿rst bullet struck his cell phone GlinieZic] and “Individual and ballistic vest. The second hash2” discuss trying to get pierced his upper chest, and Marrin out of of¿ce, perhaps his head Zas bruised in Zays by arresting her for drunk the coroner said could have driving, or Zorse. “Trust me ive thougit through MANY been intentional. His handgun Zasn¶t found SCENARIOS from planting for more than an hour, even things to the volo bog,” he though it Zas less than three Zrote, referring to a local feet from the body, Filenko ZaterZay that Zould be dif¿cult to search. said. To the public, the case An intense manhunt began immediately, Zith hundreds remained a homicide investi of of¿cers searching houses, gation, even after authorities cabins and even boats on announced in October that area lakes. Helicopters Zith GlinieZic], 52, had been shot heatsensing scanners and Zith his oZn Zeapon. GlinieZic] Zas held up on K units scoured the area for days. Some 50 suburban national television as a hero Chicago police departments Zho died doing his job in a and sheriff¶s of¿ces assisted, dangerous environment. An racking up more than outpouring of grief sZept Fox 00,000 in overtime and Lake, a village of 10,000 about other costs, according to an 50 miles north of Chicago. analysis that the Daily Herald The of¿cer¶s picture Zas hung in storefront ZindoZs neZspaper published. More than 100 people and Àags ÀeZ at halfstaff in submitted to DNA tests as his honor. Others described investigators sought matches him as tough Zhen needed, to evidence collected at but also as sZeet and a role the crime scene — genetic model to youngsters aspiring tests that Filenko said to go into laZ enforcement. Associated Press DON’T MISS OUT! %RPEPD\KDYH GRZQHG5XVVLDQ MHW868. RI¿FLDOVVD\ LONDON AP — British and U.S. of¿cials said Wednesday they have information suggesting the Russian jetliner that crashed in the Egyptian desert may have been brought doZn by a bomb, and Britain said it Zas suspending Àights in Sinai Peninsula inde¿nitely. Intercepted communications played a role in the tentative conclusion that the Islamic State group¶s Sinai af¿liate planted an explosive device on the plane, said a U.S. of¿cial briefed on the matter. The of¿cial added that intelligence analysts believe it Zas planned and executed by the Islamic State¶s af¿liate in the Sinai, not the group that is headquartered in Syria. Page 7A Celebrate Your Loved Ones in Our Veterans Day SALUTE Staff Sergeant Joel Davis US Marines Veteran Honoring those who have served and those that are currently serving our country! Example Bring us a picture of your servicemen or servicewomen or veteran by November 5 th along with the form below and we will include them in our “Veterans Day Salute” on November 11 th in the East Oregonian and Hermiston Herald at no charge. For more information, call Paula at 1-800-522-0255 or Hermiston Herald at 541-564-4530. Service Person’s Name Military Branch Your Name Your Address Your Phone Number Military Rank Currently Serving Veteran (Check One) Deliver to: East Oregonian 211 SE Byers Ave. • Pendleton, OR Hermiston Herald 333 E. Main. • Hermiston, OR or e-mail to