Tuesday, November 3, 2015 PEANUTS COFFEE BREAK East Oregonian Page 9A DEAR ABBY BY CHARLES M . SCHULZ Turning over new leaf means turning away bigoted friends FOR BETTER OR WORSE BY LYNN JOHNSTON B.C. BY JOHNNY HART PICKLES BY BRIAN CRANE Dear Abby: My friendships have I’m now feeling very alone. I always included people of different GRQ¶W VHHP WR ¿W LQ DQ\ZKHUH 0\ races, religions, nationalities, sexual old “guy” friends avoid me, and our orientations, professions, etc. A few married “couple” friends leave me out years ago, I had an experience that because I am not a couple anymore. I was both devastating and humbling on understand that, because they all do several different levels. It caused me to “couple” things. But even my family do a lot of introspection and self-im- seems to have set me aside. When my provement, which led to my becoming wife was alive, we would be invited to Jeanne a more empathetic person. Phillips my siblings’ homes for dinners during Over the last few years, I have the holidays and other times. Now I Advice distanced myself from old friends and often don’t even get a phone call. acquaintances who were racist, sexist, There are times I feel like I have homophobic, etc. I have replaced them with been cast off by everyone. Please help, Abby. new relationships with people who embrace — Lonely Kansan diversity. Some of the people I no longer Dear Lonely Kansan: I’ll try. With most see ask me why we don’t talk or get together married couples, the wives are the ones who anymore. I don’t want to give them excuses make the social plans. This may be why you like, “I’ve been too busy.” How do I explain to aren’t hearing from your “couple” friends. them that I don’t enjoy associating with people Why your family would choose to exclude you who hold bigoted views? — Open-Minded at a time when you need them is something In The Midwest I can’t explain. But they may tell you if you Dear Open-Minded: Because you no pick up the phone and talk to them about it. longer wish to associate with them, why not %HFDXVH \RX ¿QG \RX KDYH WLPH RQ \RXU just respond with the truth? Say: “As you may hands and no prospects, it’s time to establish know, I had an experience a few years ago that yourself as an eligible single male. Research was life-changing. It made me re-evaluate my singles groups in your area. Go online and put life and my relationships, so I decided to ‘edit’ \RXUSUR¿OHRQVRPHRIWKHVLQJOHVVLWHV*HW them down and spend more time with people involved in volunteer activities. Join a dance who think the way I do about life.” class, a yoga class, a gym. There are plenty of Dear Abby: I am a middle-aged man who women out there waiting to be found, but you lost my wife to cancer 2 1/2 years ago. We had ZRQ¶W¿QGDQ\RIWKHPVLWWLQJKRPHZDLWLQJ no children. for the phone to ring. DAYS GONE BY BEETLE BAILEY GARFIELD BLONDIE BY MORT WALKER BY JIM DAVIS 100 Years Ago From the East Oregonian Nov. 2-3, 1915 There is a possibility that hunters may soon be allowed to shoot does again, because of the fact they are becoming plentiful, ZKHUHDVLWLVJURZLQJPRUHDQGPRUHGLI¿FXOW to shoot the bucks. Deputy Game Warden George Tonkin is now engaged in gathering data for a report to the state commission on the success of hunters in Umatilla county during the season just closed. So far he has learned of but three hunters, Albert Gilliam of Pilot Rock, Forest Ranger Walter Allison and Amos Pond, a Cabbage Hill Indian, who secured the limit of three during the season. A number bagged a couple, a good many secured singles and many others never got any. Mr. Tonkin is also questioning hunters as to the number of bucks and does they saw during the season. 50 Years Ago From the East Oregonian Nov. 2-3, 1965 Lexington was “a mess” but all other communities of Morrow County escaped damage from Halloween pranksters, according to Morrow County Sheriff C.J.D. Bauman. Padberg Machinery Co. heavy equipment was moved to the middle of Black Horse Canyon road in Lexington Sunday night, Bauman said. A barrel in the street was struck by a car before it was removed by RI¿FHUV%DXPDQVDLGKHKDGHDUOLHUUHPRYHG a barricade from the 2nd Street bridge in the town. In Heppner a few motorists found WKHLUWLUHVÀDWWHQHGDQGDIHZZLQGRZVZHUH marked with soap. Several cars received globs of shaving cream. “On the whole it was a quiet Halloween,” Bauman reported. 25 Years Ago From the East Oregonian Nov. 2-3, 1990 A local entertainment promoter wants to develop an outdoor amphitheater near the Pendleton Airport, city Planning Director Mike Hyde told the Pendleton Planning Commission Thursday. Hyde informed the commission of a Nov. 15 public hearing at which the commission will consider granting a conditional use permit to David Oliphant, of Pendleton Entertainment Productions, to develop the amphitheater. The city’s Airport Commission already has given the concept a positive review after considering Oliphant’s plan at an Oct. 10 meeting. Oliphant had a hand in attracting Charlie Daniels to the Red Lion last summer. “There’s a gully there where people can sit on the hillside and you can put the stage right in the gully,” Hyde said of the location across Airport Road from Cole Electric Motors. BY DEAN YOUNG AND STAN DRAKE THIS DAY IN HISTORY DILBERT THE WIZARD OF ID LUANN ZITS BY SCOTT ADAMS BY BRANT PARKER AND JOHNNY HART BY GREG EVANS BY JERRY SCOTT AND JIM BORGMAN Today is the 307th day of 2015. There are 58 days left in the year. This is Election Day. Today’s Highlight in History: On Nov. 3, 1900, the ¿UVW PDMRU 86 DXWRPR- bile show opened at New York’s Madison Square Garden under the auspices of the Automobile Club of America. On this date: In 1839 WKH ¿UVW 2SLXP War between China and Britain broke out. In 1903, Panama proclaimed its independence from Colombia. In 1911, the Chevrolet Motor Car Co. was founded in Detroit by Louis Chev- rolet and William C. Durant. (The company was acquired by General Motors in 1918.) In 1936, President Franklin D. Roosevelt won a landslide election victory over Republican challenger Alfred M. “Alf” Landon. In 1954, the Japanese monster movie “Godzilla” was released by Toho Co. In 1957, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 2, the second manmade satellite, into orbit; on board was a dog named Laika who was VDFUL¿FHGLQWKHH[SHULPHQW In 1960, the Meredith Willson musical “The Unsinkable Molly Brown” opened on Broadway with Tammy Grimes in the title role. In 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson soundly defeated Republican Barry Goldwater to win a White House term in his own right. In 1970, Salvador Allende was inaugurated as president of Chile. In 1979¿YH&RPPXQLVW Workers Party members were killed in a clash with heavily armed Ku Klux Klansmen and neo-Nazis during an anti-Klan protest in Greensboro, North Caro- lina. In 1986, the Iran-Contra affair began to come to light as Ash-Shiraa, a pro-Syrian /HEDQHVH PDJD]LQH ¿UVW broke the story of U.S. arms sales to Iran. In 1994, Susan Smith of Union, South Carolina, was arrested for drowning her two young sons, Michael and Alex, nine days after claiming the children had been abducted by a black carjacker. Today’s Birthdays: Actress Peggy McCay is 88. Actress Lois Smith is 85. Actress Monica Vitti is 84. Former Massachusetts Gov. Michael S. Dukakis is 82. Actor-dancer Ken Berry is 82. Actor Shadoe Stevens is 69. Singer Lulu is 67. Come- dian-actress Roseanne Barr is 63. Actress Kate Capshaw is 62. Comedian Dennis Miller is 62. Actress Kathy Kinney is 62. Singer Adam Ant is 61. Actor Dolph Lundgren is 58. Rock musi- cian C.J. Pierce (Drowning Pool) is 43. Olympic gold PHGDO ¿JXUH VNDWHU (YJHQL Plushenko is 33. Actress Julie Berman (TV: “General Hospital”) is 32. Thought for Today: “Love is never merely an amiable tolerance of what- ever form human frailty and folly may take.” — Josiah Royce, American philoso- pher (1855-1916). PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN BY DANA SIMPSON BIG NATE BY LINCOLN PEIRCE