RECORDS Tuesday, November 3, 2015 PUBLIC SAFETY LOG SATURDAY ‡$ZRPDQDWDPUHSRUWHGWZRPDOHVDVVDXOWHGKHU IULHQGDOVRDPDOHDERXWDQKRXUHDUOLHUDWDERQ¿UHLQ8PDWLOOD &RXQW\6KHLGHQWL¿HGWKHDVVDLODQWVDQGVDLGKHUIULHQGVXIIHUHG EUXLVHVD³JRRVHHJJ³RQKLVKHDGDQGDFKLSSHGWRRWK ‡$FDOOHUDWDPWROG3HQGOHWRQSROLFHVKHVDZDVXVSL- FLRXVPDOHGUHVVHGLQDQRUDQJHMXPSVXLWDQGZUDSSHGLQDZKLWH VKHHWH[LWWKHUHVWURRPDW7UDLOKHDG3DUNRQ:HVWJDWH3ODFH ‡$+HUPLVWRQDUHDUHVLGHQWDWSPUHSRUWHGVKHZDQWHG WR¿OHDQRVWDONLQJRUGHUDJDLQVWDZRPDQVKHNQRZVWKDWWRRN photos and videos of her. ‡$3LORW5RFNPRWKHUDWSPWROGODZHQIRUFHPHQWD EULQGOHIHPDOHSLWEXOOGRJWULHGWRDWWDFNKHUVRQWKHQÀHGRQ 6RXWKHDVW'RXJODV6WUHHW ‡$+HUPLVWRQDUHDFDOOHURQ(DVW7KHDWHU/DQHDW SPUHSRUWHGWKHUHVLGHQWVRIDQHDUE\KRXVHVKRWJXQVIRU PLQXWHV7KHFDOOHUVDLGWKLVZDVFRQFHUQLQJDQGDVNHGODZ HQIRUFHPHQWWRWDONWRWKHQHLJKERUV ‡$WDLOJDWLQJGULYHUWULHGWRVWDUWD¿JKW $PDQDWSPWROG8PDWLOODSROLFHDPDOHGURYHEHKLQG DQGWDLOJDWHGKLVYHKLFOHRQ8PDWLOOD5LYHU5RDGWKHQSXOOHGQH[W WRKLPDQGWKHQDJDLQEHKLQGKLP7KHFDOOHUSXOOHGRYHUQHDU 8PDWLOODDQGWKHRWKHUGULYHUVWRSSHGJRWRXWFDPHWRZLQGRZ DQGWULHGWRVWDUWD¿JKW+HWKHQOHIWWRZDUGWKHOLTXRUVWRUH ‡$+HUPLVWRQUHVLGHQWRQ3RZHUOLQH5RDGDWSP UHSRUWHGWZRRIWKHQHLJKERUV¶GRJVFKHZHGXSWKHIURQWRIKHU YHKLFOHWU\LQJWRJHWDFRXSOHRIFDWVKLGLQJLQWKHYHKLFOH SUNDAY ‡$FDOOHUDWPLGQLJKWWROG8PDWLOODSROLFHDIHPDOHRQ'HDQ $YHQXHZDVVFUHDPLQJDQGDPDOHZDV\HOOLQJDQGWKHIHPDOH VKRXWHGVKHZDVEOHHGLQJ ‡3HQGOHWRQSROLFHDWDPUHSRUWHGDPDOHZDVDQ DVVDXOWYLFWLPDW&UDEE\¶V8QGHUJURXQG6DORRQ6:)LUVW6W ‡$PLQXWHODWHU3HQGOHWRQSROLFHUHFHLYHGDUHSRUWRISHRSOH ¿JKWLQJDW86%DQN6:&RXUW$YH3HQGOHWRQ ‡$IHPDOHDWDPDW9LVWD9LOODJH6:WK'ULYH 3HQGOHWRQWROGSROLFHKHUH[ER\IULHQGSXQFKHGRIIKHUIULHQG¶V car mirror. ‡$FDOOHUDWDPDW6XQVKLQHDQG-R\/DQH+HUPLVWRQ reported hearing gunshots since before sunrise. A dispatcher DVNHGLIWKH\VRXQGHGOLNHVKRWJXQVKRWVGXHWRELUGVHDVRQ ‡0LOWRQ)UHHZDWHUSROLFHDWDPUHFHLYHGDUHSRUWRID EURNHQZLQGRZDW/D&DODQGULD60DLQ6W$ERXWDKDOI KRXUODWHUDUHSRUWFDPHIURP0XQVHOOH5KRGHV)XQHUDO+RPH 60DLQ6W0LOWRQ)UHHZDWHUWKDWVRPHRQHVKRWRQHRIWKH EXVLQHVV¶ZLQGRZV ‡$VHFXULW\RI¿FHDWSPDW(DVWHUQ2UHJRQ5HJLRQDO $LUSRUW3HQGOHWRQUHSRUWHGD\HDUROGZRPDQHQWHUHGWKHLU VHFXUHGIDFLOLW\RQWKHWDUPDF7KHJXDUGVDLGVKHFRXOGEH intoxicated. ‡3HQGOHWRQSROLFHZDUQHGDGRJRZQHUDIWHUDFDOOHUDW SPUHSRUWHGWKHGRJEDUNHGIRUVHYHUDOKRXUVRQ1RUWKZHVWWK 6WUHHWDQG(OOLV$YHQXH3HQGOHWRQ ‡7KH8PDWLOOD&RXQW\6KHULII¶V2I¿FHDWSPUHFHLYHG DUHSRUWRIJXQVKRWVDQGSHRSOH\HOOLQJQHDU9LQFHQW/DQHDQG 'LDJRQDO%RXOHYDUG+HUPLVWRQ ARRESTS, CITATIONS Thursday ‡0RUURZ&RXQW\6KHULII¶V2I¿FHDUUHVWHG%UDQGRQ-DPHV 9DXJKQQRDGGUHVVSURYLGHGIRUYLRODWLRQRIDUHOHDVH DJUHHPHQWVHFRQGGHJUHHDVVDXOWDQGYLRODWLQJSUREDWLRQ Friday ‡2UHJRQ6WDWH3ROLFHFLWHG.D\OD-R.HJOH\1HHGOHVRI 0LOWRQ)UHHZDWHUIRUGULYLQJXQGHUWKHLQÀXHQFHRILQWR[LFDQWV Saturday ‡3HQGOHWRQSROLFHDUUHVWHG&DLWLOLQ6%DLOH\RI 0\WLQJHU/DQH3HQGOHWRQIRUGXLL ‡3HQGOHWRQSROLFHDUUHVWHG-XVWLQ/HH6SULQJHURI 3HQGOHWRQIRUWKLUGGHJUHHDVVDXOWDQGVHFRQGGHJUHHGLVRUGHUO\ conduct. ‡%RDUGPDQSROLFHDUUHVWHG(OGHU'RQDOGR$ODUFRQ&RQWUHUDV QRDGGUHVVSURYLGHGRQWZRFRXQWVHDFKRIWKLUGGHJUHHUDSH DQGVHFRQGGHJUHHVH[XDODEXVH Sunday ‡0LOWRQ)UHHZDWHUSROLFHDUUHVWHG'DYLG5H\HV*DOOHJXLOORV RI6(6FHQLF9LHZ'ULYH&ROOHJH3ODFHIRUGXLL UHFNOHVVGULYLQJDQGWKUHHFRXQWVRIUHFNOHVVO\HQGDQJHULQJ DQRWKHUDIWHUKHFUDVKHGLQWRWKHUHDURIDYHKLFOHDWDPDW 6RXWK&ROXPELDDQG(DVW%URDGZD\0LOWRQ)UHHZDWHU ‡8PDWLOOD&RXQW\6KHULII¶V2I¿FHDUUHVWHG$VX]HQD.D\ 2FKRDQRDGGUHVVSURYLGHGIRUXQDXWKRUL]HGXVHRIDPRWRU YHKLFOHDIWHUDQHPSOR\HHRI6ZDLQ0RWRUV+LJKZD\ +HUPLVWRQUHSRUWHGDZRPDQDWDERXWDPGURYHDGDUN EOXH7R\RWD6LHQQDPLQLYDQULJKWRIIWKHORW MEETINGS TUESDAY, NOV. 3 PENDLETON SCHOOL DISTRICT WORK SESSION, DP 3HQGOHWRQ 6FKRRO 'LVWULFW RI¿FH6RXWKJDWH6XLWH WESTON LIBRARY BOARD, SP :HVWRQ 3XEOLF/LEUDU\(0DLQ6W IRRIGON PLANNING COM- MISSION, SP ,UULJRQ &LW\ +DOO1(0DLQ6W MEACHAM VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT, SP 0HDFKDP )LUH 'HSDUWPHQW 0HDFKDP BOARDMAN CITY COUN- CIL, SP%RDUGPDQ&LW\+DOO &LW\&HQWHU&LUFOH PENDLETON CITY COUN- CIL, SP3HQGOHWRQ&LW\+DOO FRXQFLOFKDPEHUV6:(P- igrant Ave. PILOT ROCK CITY COUN- CIL, SP FRXQFLO FKDPEHUV :0DLQ6W STANFIELD CITY COUN- CIL, SP FRXQFLO FKDPEHUV :&RH6W UMATILLA CITY COUNCIL, SP 8PDWLOOD &LW\ +DOO Sixth St. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 4 MORROW COUNTY COURT, DP3RUWRI0RUURZ 0DULQH'ULYH%RDUGPDQ UMATILLA COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSION- ERS, DP 8PDWLOOD &RXQW\ &RXUWKRXVHURRP6( )RXUWK6W3HQGOHWRQ7KHPHHW- LQJZLOOEUHDNIRUOXQFKDQGFRQ- WLQXHDWSP PENDLETON FACADE COMMITTEE, SP 3HQG- OHWRQ&LW\+DOOFRPPXQLW\URRP 6:(PLJUDQW$YH HERMISTON AIRPORT AD- VISORY COMMITTEE, SP +HUPLVWRQ $LUSRUW ORXQJH $LUSRUW:D\ Gloria Dawn Riesland Helen M. Ellingson Hermiston July 1, 1927-October 29, 2015 Salem June 4, 1920-October 31, 2015 Gloria Dawn Riesland of Hermiston, Oregon, was born on July 1, 1927, in Portland, Oregon, to parents Lawrence Elsworth and Velma Nunn Everton. She died on October 29, 2015, in Hermiston, Oregon, at the age of 88 years. Gloria was raised in Yakima, Washington. She married Leo Elmer Riesland and they had a son, Gary L. Riesland, on July 2, 1946, one day after her 19th birthday. They divorced 6 months later. In 1950 she moved to Wallula, Riesland Washington, where she worked as a switchboard operator for Union Paci¿c Railroad. Gloria moved to Hermiston, Oregon, in 1952 and worked for Union Paci¿c Railroad as a clerk/crew dispatcher until retiring in 1987. During that time she also worked part- time at the Midway, Cozy, and Union taverns. Gloria loved to volunteer at the Hermiston Senior Center, Red Cross blood drawings, and the Maxwell Siding. She was a member of the Eagles Lodge 2909 since the early 1950s, UPRR Old Timers where she served as president a couple of times, the Red Hatters, and the Chicken Foot Gang. Gloria enjoyed playing cards, bowling, word search puzzles, and traveling. She is survived by her son, Gary Riesland and his wife Darlene, Hermiston, Ore.; granddaughter Erin Scoggins; several cousins; and many co-workers and friends. Gloria was preceded in death by her parents and a sister, Valline Peny Beddo. A celebration of life service will be held on Saturday, November 7, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. at Burns Mortuary chapel, Hermiston, Oregon. Please sign the online guest book at burnsmortuary- Burns Mortuary of Herm- iston, Oregon, is in care of arrangements. DEATH NOTICES Edward ‘Clark’ Dickey Hermiston Sept. 12, 1918-Oct. 30, 2015 Edward “Clark” Dickey, 97, of Hermiston died Friday, Oct. 30, 2015, at his home. He was born Sept. 12, 1918, in Cave Creek, Ark. A celebration of life service will be held Friday, Nov. 6 at 11 a.m. at West Side Church of Christ, 2185 W. Orchard Ave., Hermiston. A private family burial will follow at the Hermiston Cemetery. Burns Mortuary of Hermiston is in care of arrangements. Sign the online guest book at burns- Deloris Maag Pasco, Wash. May 15, 1928-Oct. 31, 2015 Deloris Maag, 87, of Pasco, Wash., died Saturday, Oct. 31, 2015, in Richland, Wash. She was born May 15, 1928, in Sawyer, N.D. Arrangements are with Mueller’s Greenlee Funeral Home in Pasco, Wash. Helen E. Troyer Walla Walla July 17, 1918-Oct. 26, 2015 Helen E. Troyer, 97, of Walla Walla died Monday, Oct. 26, 2015, at the Park Manor Rehabilitation Center in Walla Walla. She was born July 17, 1918, in Valley, Oklahoma. Memorial services are Thursday, Nov. 5, 2015, at 11 a.m. at Munselle- Rhodes Funeral Home in Milton-Freewater. Private inurnment is at the Milton-Freewater Cemetery. Arrangements are with Munselle-Rhodes Funeral Home in Milton-Freewater. UPCOMING SERVICES TUESDAY, NOV. 3 ELLINGSON, HELEN — Memorial service at 3 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church, 600 State St., Salem. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 4 ROOF, BETTY JANE — Memorial service at 1 p.m. at Pendleton Pioneer Chapel, Folsom-Bishop, 131 S.E. Byers Ave. OBITUARY POLICY The East Oregonian publishes paid obituaries. The obituary can in- clude small photos and, for veterans, a flag symbol at no charge. Obituaries may be edited for spelling, proper punctuation and style. Expanded death notices will be published at no charge. These in- clude information about services. Obituaries and notices can be submitted online at www.eastorego-, by email to, by fax to 541-276-8314, placed via the funeral home or in person at the East Oregonian office. For more information, call 541-966-0818 or 1-800-522-0255, ext. 221. BLUE MOUNTAIN FOREST PLAN REVISION PUBLIC MEET- ING: LIVESTOCK GRAZING, p.m. doors open, meeting begins DWSP+HSSQHU&LW\+DOO 1 0DLQ 6W 6SHFL¿F WR 8PDWLO- OD 1DWLRQDO )RUHVW $ IDFLOLWDWRU ZLOO HQVXUH HYHU\RQH KDV WLPH WR VSHDN OLVWHQ WR RWKHUV DQG SURSRVH VROXWLRQV 3HWHU )DUJR BLUE MOUNTAIN BOARD OF EDUCATION, SP 7%$ PENDLETON FACADE COMMITTEE, SP 3HQG- OHWRQ &LW\ +DOO DGPLQLVWUDWLYH FRXQFLO URRP 6: 'RULRQ Ave. CONDON CITY COUNCIL, SP&RQGRQ&LW\+DOO6 Main St. UMATILLA FIRE DISTRICT, SP :LOODPHWWH $YH 8PDWLOOD 0F1DU\ $Q H[HFX- WLYH VHVVLRQ ZLOO EH KHOG GXULQJ WKH PHHWLQJ WR GLVFXVV HPSOR\- PHQWUHODWHG VXEMHFWV 5RQQD /H%RHXI HELIX SCHOOL BOARD, +HOL[ 6FKRRO OLEUDU\ Main St. LOTTERY Friday, Oct. 30 Megamillions 17-41-51-53-56 Megaball: 15 Megaplier: 5 Estimated jackpot: $129 million Lucky Lines 01-08-09-16-FREE-20-22-28-31 Estimated jackpot: $15,000 Pick 4 1 p.m.: 0-7-3-4 4 p.m.: 0-1-1-6 7 p.m.: 2-9-5-8 10 p.m.: 4-9-6-5 Saturday, Oct. 31 Powerball 09-20-25-47-68 Powerball: 7 Power Play: 2 Estimated jackpot: $127 million Megabucks 04-05-16-17-38-46 Estimated jackpot: $6 million Lucky Lines 01-07-11-13-FREE-18-24-25-32 Estimated jackpot: $16,000 Pick 4 1 p.m.: 2-5-3-3 4 p.m.: 0-2-2-0 7 p.m.: 5-5-1-6 10 p.m.: 8-4-1-1 Win for Life 23-28-43-58 Helen M. Ellingson, 95, the area. died Saturday, October 31, at Helen and Jim were her home in Willson House, active members of the Salem, Ore. Methodist Church and the Helen was born June 4, Sons of Norway. After Jim’s 1920, in Spokane, Wash- retirement, they traveled to ington, to Benjamin and Norway and other European Bernice Blakesley. She was countries as well as Hawaii raised in Spokane where she and visited the daughters met and married her and grandchildren husband of 73 years, at their different James Ellingson, locations through who preceded her in the years. The death in 2014. grandchildren were She was trained a special joy. as a legal secretary, Helen is survived but was happiest by daughters Pat in her role as wife Ennes (Richard), and mother to their Carol Mulder, and three daughters. Louise Roth (Ted); They moved to seven grandchil- Hermiston in 1946 Ellingson dren, Greg Mulder, and then to Eugene Eric Mulder, where Jim attended Cameron Mulder, the University of Oregon to Nikol Rochez, Kjirsten complete his Ed.D degree. Petersen, Darcy Hawes Helen and Jim continued and Jeremy Roth; and nine raising their family in Salem great-grandchildren. from 1962 until 1971 before A memorial service moving to Independence will be held at the First where they owned and oper- United Methodist Church in ated a small Christmas tree Salem, Oregon, on Tuesday, farm for 10 years. November 3 at 3:00 p.m. Helen enjoyed sewing We are grateful for the and taught her daughters and care they received at Willson others to sew through the 4-H House since moving there in program. There were many 2006 when Helen’s health enjoyable family activities declined. They appreciated such as camping and traveling the beautiful setting and to the coast or Mt. Adams and Àowers that could be seen their cabin on the North Fork from their window. of the Santiam. She was an Contributions can be excellent cook and enjoyed made in her name to Willson entertaining as well as square House United Methodist dancing, hiking and traveling Retirement Center or the with many friends. Helen and United Methodist Church of Jim had fun visiting local Salem. festivities and the various Virgil T. Golden Funeral ¿elds of Àowers that decorate Service is assisting the family. Walter Edward Rand Salem April 1, 1916-September 19, 2015 Walter Edward Rand was born April 1, 1916, in Kenne- wick, Wash., to Walter Joseph and Iva (Latimer) Rand. He passed away peacefully in his sleep the morning of September 19, 2015, in Salem, Oregon, at a resident care facility. The family moved to Milton-Freewater in the early ’20s. Ed attended school in the Fruitvale area. Ed started working for farmers in his early life and at Utah Cannery. He enlisted in the Rand Army in March 1942. In the ’50s he started driving log truck for State Line Lumber, and in 1954 bought his ¿rst log truck and stayed in the logging business until 1978 when he retired. He was best known in the business as “Mr. Ed.” He also worked for the Humbert family for a time and was affectionately known as “Eddie” there. He married Georgena Gewecke on September 6, 1947. They were married for 68 years and 13 days. He was active in the local Elks Lodge and was the Hide Chairman for many years. He was a member of the Apple Blossom Good Sam Club also. He really enjoyed ¿shing and they enjoyed dancing with their many friends. Ed and George went south for ten winters while they could. He was also a member of the Burger Hut morning coffee “Roll Call.” He is survived by his wife, Georgena, and his daughters Marilyn (Ron) Schmit of Dallas, Ore., and Judy Asplund of Shoreline, Wash. Grand- children include Wes (Darlene Bussell) White of Vancouver, Wash., Lore (Alan) Ivie of Salem, Ore., Bengt Robert Asplund (Bonnie) III of Brooklyn, N.Y., and Kristi Asplund of Juneau, Alaska. His great-grandchildren are Mason and Heidi White of Vancouver, Wash., Amelia Ivie of Salem, Ore., and Madeline and Marlowe Asplund of Brooklyn, N.Y. He was preceded in death by his parents, his sisters Ruth Givens and Imogene Meier, and his brothers Cecil Rand and Irvin Rand. A memorial service will be held on Saturday, November 7, 2015, at 2:00 p.m. at the Munselle-Rhodes Funeral Home chapel in Milton-Free- water. A reception will follow at the Milton-Freewater Elks Lodge. In lieu of Àowers, memo- rial contributions can be made to the Senior Center or Meadowood Springs Speech Camp through the Munselle- Rhodes Funeral Home, 902 S. Main, Milton-Freewater, Oregon. To leave a condolence online visit www.munseller- 11/2 - 11/3 Sunday, Nov. 1 Cineplex Show Times $5 Classic Movie Lucky Lines 03-07-09-15-FREE-20-23-26-29 Estimated jackpot: $17,000 Pick 4 1 p.m.: 9-3-2-1 4 p.m.: 8-1-4-9 7 p.m.: 0-1-1-0 10 p.m.: 4-1-1-7 11/4  12:00 PM SMOKE SIGNALS THE MARTIAN (PG13) 2D: 6:50 3D : 3:50* 9:50 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA (PG) 2D: 4:30 7:00 Monday, Nov. 2 Pick 4 1 p.m.: 8-4-4-5 CRIMSON PEAK (R) 9:20 Don’t let Hearing Loss keep you from enjoying life to the fullest. Sound Advantage Hearing Aid Center 541-567-4063 2012 NW Carden Ave. 541-276-1522 Page 7A OBITUARIES FRIDAY •The pastor of Crossroads Community Church, 350 N. 6KHUPDQ6W6WDQ¿HOGWROGSROLFHDWDPVRPHRQHWULHGWR break in during the night and damaged the hedge, took screens RIIZLQGRZVDQGUHPRYHGPRWLRQDFWLYHOLJKWV7KHSDVWRUDOVR UHSRUWHG¿QGLQJDSDFNDJHRIPDULMXDQD ‡$Q$WKHQDUHVLGHQWDWDPUHSRUWHG³&DQFXQ 'HVWLQDWLRQV´FDOOHGKLPRYHUDQGRYHUIURPDQG WKHEXVLQHVVZRXOGQRWVWRSFDOOLQJHYHQDIWHUKHWROGLWWR+HVDLG KHZDQWHGWRWDONWRD8PDWLOOD&RXQW\VKHULII¶VGHSXW\DERXWWKH harassment. ‡$PRWKHUDWSPDVNHGODZHQIRUFHPHQWWRFKHFNRQ WKHZHOOEHLQJRIKHUDGXOWGDXJKWHURQ/DUN/DQH+HUPLVWRQ EHFDXVHVKHZDV¿JKWLQJZLWKKHUER\IULHQGDQGKHUHIXVHGWROHW KHUOHDYH ‡$Q$GDPVPDQDWSPUHSRUWHGWKHWKHIWRID'HUULQJHU FDOLEHUSLVWROIURPWKHEORFNRI:HVW:DGH6WUHHW East Oregonian 405 N. 1st St., Suite #107, Hermiston Ric Jones, BC-HIS Verna Taylor, HAS Forrest Cahill, HAS 541-215-1888 246 SW Dorion, Pendleton Ron and Valori Martin Pre-planning... A choice this important deserves talking to experienced professionals. 131 SE Byers Ave. Pendleton • 541-276-1221 BRIDGE OF SPIES (PG13) 3:40* 6:40 9:40 SCOUTS GUIDE TO THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE (R) 4:50 7:10 9:30 THE LAST WITCH HUNTER (PG13) 4:40 7:20 10:00 Credit & Debit Cards accepted Cineplex gift cards available * Matinee Pricing 541-966-1850 Pendleton, OR I-84 - Exit 216