Page 8A NATION/WORLD East Oregonian Friday, October 30, 2015 ([SHUWVGLVFXVVKRZWRKDQGOHGH¿DQWKLJKVFKRROVWXGHQWV Associated Press COLUMBIA, S.C. — How should adults respond when a teen- DJHUGH¿HVKHUWHDFKHU" WHEN SHOULD OFFICERS INTERVENE? 3ROLFH RI¿FHUV DUH FRPPRQO\ brought into public schools nowa- GD\V WR PDLQWDLQ VDIHW\ DQG GHWHU illegal behavior. But the School 5HVRXUFH 2I¿FHUV¶ $VVRFLDWLRQ VD\V VFKRRO GLVWULFWV VKRXOG ¿UVW DJUHH QRW WR LQYROYH RI¿FHUV LQ FODVVURRPGLVFLSOLQH 7KH 5LFKODQG &RXQW\ 6KHULII¶V 'HSDUWPHQW KDV D ³PHPRUDQGXP of understanding” delineating ZKHQ RI¿FHUV VKRXOG EH LQYROYHG but the district has declined to PDNH LW SXEOLF VR LW¶V QRW FOHDU whether Senior Deputy Ben Fields ZDVDVNHGWRFURVVDOLQHDW6SULQJ Valley High School. 6KHULII /HRQ /RWW ZKR ¿UHG Fields after seeing the videos, told The Associated Press on Thursday that his deputy should not have EHHQVXPPRQHGLQWKLVFDVH ³,W ZRXOG EH WRWDOO\ GLIIHUHQW LI she were threatening the safety and VHFXULW\ RI WKH FODVVURRP´ /RWW VDLG ³EXW VKH ZDV MXVW H[KLELWLQJ GH¿DQW EHKDYLRU DQG EHLQJ GLVUH- spectful to the teacher ... The role of an SRO is not a disciplinarian. :H¶UHWKHUHWRNHHSWKHSHDFHDQG PDNH VXUH SHRSOH GRQ¶W EUHDN laws,” Lott added. WHAT ELSE CAN EDUCATORS DO? 7KHJLUOEURNHDVFKRROUXOHE\ using her cellphone in class, but WKH WHDFKHU FRXOG KDYH VSRNHQ WR her quietly, even when she refused to surrender it, rather than delay the lesson for everyone else, said Geoff Alpert, a University of South &DUROLQD SURIHVVRU DQG H[SHUW RQ police violence. Lott suggested another possi- ELOLW\³&RPSOHWHO\LJQRUHKHU6KH was the one who was suffering.” Delaying consequences can be HIIHFWLYH VDLG /DUU\ 7KRPSVRQ D IRUPHU .DQVDV WHDFKHU ZKR consults with schools. ³7LPHRIWHQKHOSVWKHEUDLQJHW RXWRIWKH¿JKWPRGH´7KRPSVRQ VDLG³7KHROGPRGHORIFODVVURRP PDQDJHPHQW GRHV QRW ¿W WKH QHZ PRGHORIZKDWRXUNLGVQHHG´ Even when the girl refused to leave her seat, Alpert wonders, ³:K\ GLGQ¶W WKH\ FDOO D VFKRRO FRXQVHORU" 6KH¶V QRW GRLQJ DQ\WKLQJWRKXUWDQ\RQH6KH¶VMXVW being disruptive.” Attorney Todd Rutherford ques- WLRQVZK\WKHGHSXW\ZDV³EURXJKW LQWR D FODVVURRP WR GHDO ZLWK D student who was sitting quietly, VLPSO\QRWZDQWLQJWROHDYHFODVV´ He represents both the girl in ques- tion as well as another student who FKDOOHQJHGKHUWUHDWPHQW%RWKDUH FKDUJHGZLWK³GLVWXUELQJVFKRROV´ D PLVGHPHDQRU SXEOLVKDEOH E\ XS WRGD\VLQMDLODQGD¿QH WHAT ELSE MIGHT THE OFFICER HAVE DONE? Touching a student should DOZD\V EH DQ RI¿FHU¶V ODVW UHVRUW 7KRPSVRQ VDLG ³3K\VLFDO FRQWDFW VLWTXLHWO\DQGOLVWHQ"¶DQGVKHVD\V yes. The third one is, if she abso- OXWHO\ UHIXVHG WR JHW XS DQG VKH¶V FDXVLQJ D SUREOHP DQG KH ZDQWV to get her up, there are pressure SRLQWVJUDEELQJKHUXQGHUKHUDUP ZULVW ORFN WKHUH DUH D QXPEHU RI things that can be done, none of which include telling the student QH[WWRKHUWRPRYHVRKHFDQÀLS KHUGHVNRYHUVODPKHUDQGWRVVKHU DFURVVWKHURRP´ SHOULD THE LAW CHANGE? Lott believes society should re-evaluate the role of police in VFKRROV EHFDXVH RI¿FHUV DUH WKHUH WRHQIRUFHODZVDQGRQHODZFULPL- QDOL]HVFODVVURRPPLVEHKDYLRU ³:H KDYH D EDG ODZ LQ 6RXWK &DUROLQD FDOOHG ³GLVWXUELQJ VFKRROV´/RWWVDLG³,IDQDGPLQLV- WUDWRURUWHDFKHUGLGDVNWKHRI¿FHU WRLQWHUYHQHPRVWOLNHO\WKHRI¿FHU LVJRLQJWRGRLW*HQHUDOO\WKH\¶UH JRLQJ WR GR ZKDW WKH\¶YH EHHQ DVNHG WR GR EHFDXVH WKH\¶YH EHHQ placed in the school.” is the very last piece that we ever want to have to do.” 5HPRYLQJ RWKHU VWXGHQWV IURP WKHURRPLVVRPHWKLQJERWK$OSHUW and the sheriff suggested, but Alpert VDLGLWFRXOGFDXVHRWKHUSUREOHPV ³7KDWJLYHVKHUSRZHULQIURQWRI DOORIKHUIULHQGV´$OSHUWVDLG³,W¶V D KRUULEOH PHVVDJH :RUVH WKDQ that, what are you going to do to, leave that cop and the little girl in WKHURRPDORQH"´ Physically confronting her was ³SUREDEO\ DYRLGDEOH´ VDLG 3HWH 6WURP D IRUPHU 86 $WWRUQH\ LQ 6RXWK &DUROLQD ³:KHQ KH VDZ that she was not going to react, is WKHUHDQRWKHUZD\WRGRWKLV"&RXOG \RX JHW DQRWKHU UHVRXUFH RI¿FHU LQ" &RXOG \RX MXVW OHW WKH WKLQJ GHHVFDODWH" :DLW XQWLO VKH¶V DIWHU class instead of getting everybody LQWRWKLVFRQIURQWDWLRQ"´ 7KH RI¿FHU KDG ³VR PDQ\ options available,” Rutherford VDLG³7KH¿UVWLVWRVD\µ6KH¶VQRW ERWKHULQJ DQ\ERG\¶ 7KH VHFRQG¶V WR VD\ µ0D¶DP DUH \RX JRLQJ WR WOLVES: )LQDOGHFLVLRQUHVWVRQ1RYPHHWLQJ Paul Ryan becomes Continued from 1A species protections. ³7KHUH¶V QR ORJLFDO ZD\ \RX FRXOG GH¿QH WKLV DV D VSHFLHV WKDW¶V UHFRYHUHG´ Weiss said. Weiss was one of WKH VWDNHKROGHUV ZKR KHOSHG GHYHORS 2UHJRQ¶V Wolf Conservation and 0DQDJHPHQW 3ODQ LQ which calls for ODFW to consider delisting wolves after reaching a population REMHFWLYH RI IRXU EUHHGLQJ pairs in Eastern Oregon for three consecutive years. 7KDW REMHFWLYH ZDV UHDFKHG in January. 7KH ¿QDO GHFLVLRQ QRZ rests with the Fish and :LOGOLIH&RPPLVVLRQZKLFK PHHWV 0RQGD\ 1RY LQ 6DOHP 3XEOLF FRPPHQWV will be accepted through 5 SP)ULGD\1RY The Oregon Endangered Species Act allows the FRPPLVVLRQ WR GHOLVW D VSHFLHV LI LW VDWLV¿HV ¿YH criteria: the species is not LQ GDQJHU RI H[WLQFWLRQ WKH species ability to reproduce LV QRW LQ GDQJHU PRVW populations are not actively ORVLQJ KDELWDW WKH VSHFLHV and habitat are not being RYHUXVHG DQG H[LVWLQJ VWDWH RU IHGHUDO SURJUDPV DUH enough to protect the species PRYLQJIRUZDUG $ERXW SHUFHQW RI Oregon land is considered potential wolf range, according to ODFW. Wolves FXUUHQWO\ RFFXS\ percent of that area, and are H[SDQGLQJ DW DQ DQQXDO UDWH RIVTXDUHPLOHV Russ Morgan, ODFW ZROI SURJUDP FRRUGLQDWRU said delisting wolves would QRW LPPHGLDWHO\ FKDQJHG KRZ ZROYHV DUH PDQDJHG under the Wolf Plan, but DOORZVWKHSODQWR³FRQWLQXH WRZRUNLQWRWKHIXWXUH´ Todd Nash, wolf FRPPLWWHH FKDLUPDQ IRU WKH 2UHJRQ &DWWOHPHQ¶V$VVRFL- DWLRQVDLGUDQFKHUVZHOFRPH 2'):¶V UHFRPPHQGDWLRQ DQG KRSH WKH FRPPLVVLRQ follows through with delis- ting. Ranchers have long DUJXHGIRUJUHDWHUÀH[LELOLW\ IRUPDQDJLQJZROYHVDURXQG OLYHVWRFN ² QDPHO\ WKH DELOLW\ WR NLOO ZROYHV WKDW PDNH D KDELW RI SUH\LQJ RQ sheep and cattle. 'HOLVWLQJGRHVQ¶WJHWWKHP there yet, Nash said, but does WDNH DZD\ DQRWKHU WRRO IRU HQYLURQPHQWDOJURXSVWRVXH LQ FDVH D NLOO RUGHU LV ODWHU LVVXHGE\WKHGHSDUWPHQW The frustration of ranchers is only escalating DVZROYHVJURZLQQXPEHUV Nash said. ³:HKDYHEHQWRYHUEDFN- wards to do the nonlethal GHWHUUHQWV´1DVKVDLG³$W VRPHSRLQWZHDOOKDYHWREH people of our word.” 2'):¶V :LOGOLIH Diversity Plan stipulates that delisting an endangered VSHFLHV PXVW EH EDFNHG E\ ³YHUL¿DEOH´ VFLHQWL¿F LQIRU- PDWLRQ ZKLFK LV GH¿QHG DV having been peer-reviewed E\ LQGHSHQGHQW VFLHQWL¿F SDQHO7KDWKDVQ¶WKDSSHQHG Weiss said, and until it does the state is leaving itself open to a legal challenge. ³:H¶YH SXW WKHP RQ notice,” Weiss said. Also on Thursday, the Center for Biological Diver- VLW\ UHOHDVHG VWDWHPHQWV IURP VFLHQWLVWV ZKR RSSRVH delisting wolves. ³,W LV ORJLFDOO\ LQGHIHQ- sible, and contrary to the notion of recovery under the Endangered Species Act, to suggest that wolves are in VRPH ZD\ UHFRYHUHG ZKHQ WKH\¶UH VWLOO PLVVLQJ IURP nearly 90 percent of their suitable range in Oregon,” said Michael Nelson of 2UHJRQ 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\¶V College of Forestry. Steve Pedery, conser- vation director for Oregon :LOG VDLG 7KXUVGD\¶V DQQRXQFHPHQW LV HVSHFLDOO\ troubling considering Morgan had previously set a deadline of Friday to provide 2'): ZLWK PRUH LQIRUPD- tion that would supposedly LQIRUP WKHLU UHFRPPHQGD- tion. ³,GRQ¶WNQRZLIWKHUHZDV really any intent to review the independent science,” Pedery said. Pedery said the entire delisting process has been less than professional, and 2'): KDV HURGHG VRPH of the trust it had built up GXULQJWKH¿UVWSKDVHRIWKH conservation plan. ³7KLV LV QRW MXVW D VFLHQFHSUREOHPLW¶VDOHJDO SUREOHP´KHVDLG :ULWWHQ FRPPHQWV LQ advance of the Nov. 9 PHHWLQJ FDQ EH VHQW WR RGIZFRPPLVVLRQ#VWDWH RUXV 0RUH LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG PHHWLQJ PDWHULDOV FDQ be found at www.dfw.state. RUXVDJHQF\FRPPLVVLRQ ——— Contact George Plaven at gplaven@eastoregonian. com or 541-966-0825. 54th speaker of the House :$6+,1*721 $3 ² 3DXO 5\DQ EHFDPH WKH WK VSHDNHU RI WKH 86 +RXVH RQ 7KXUVGD\ LQ D GD\ RI KLJK political theater, a young new leader for a fractured Congress, charged with healing Republican divides and quieting the chaos of Capitol Hill. $V5\DQVSRNHVHQDWRUVDFURVVWKH&DSLWROZHUHSUHSDULQJ to cast votes on a broad two-year budget and debt deal that passed the House on Wednesday, HQJLQHHUHGODUJHO\E\RXWJRLQJ6SHDNHU John Boehner to allow Ryan a fresh start with the toughest issues resolved. 7KH PHDVXUH ZDV H[SHFWHG WR clear an initial legislative hurdle well DIWHU PLGQLJKW LQ D GHDGRIQLJKW YRWH UHVXOWLQJIURPWKH6HQDWH¶VFRQYROXWHG OHJLVODWLYH WLPHWDEOHV DQG GHOD\LQJ tactics by opponents. Many in the *23 PDMRULW\ SODQQHG WR YRWH ³QR´ Ryan including presidential candidates Marco Rubio, Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, who canceled FDPSDLJQHYHQWVWRUXVKEDFNWR:DVKLQJWRQWRRSSRVHLW 5\DQ WKH 5HSXEOLFDQV¶ YLFH SUHVLGHQWLDO QRPLQHH ZDV HOHFWHG VSHDNHU LQ D UDUH OLYH UROOFDOO YRWH RQWKH+RXVHÀRRUZLWKHDFKODZPDNHUVWDQGLQJLQWXUQWR GHFODUHKLVFKRLFH7KHPRRGPL[HGVROHPQLW\ZLWKOHYLW\DV Boehner, driven into resignation by GOP strife, brandished D ER[ RI WLVVXHV DQG UHSHDWHGO\ QHDUHG WHDUV ZKLOH VRPH ODZPDNHUVVKRXWHGWKHLUYRWHVDOPRVWMR\RXVO\ ³&DOLIRUQLD FKHHVHKHDGV IRU 3DXO ' 5\DQ´ GHFODUHG RQH:HVWHUQODZPDNHU'RXJ/D0DOIDJHWWLQJEHKLQGWKH :LVFRQVLQFRQJUHVVPDQ 7KH ¿QDO WDOO\ VKRZHG YRWHV IRU 5\DQ IRU 0LQRULW\/HDGHU1DQF\3HORVLRI&DOLIRUQLDWKH'HPRFUDWV¶ candidate, and nine for Republican Daniel Webster of Florida. LAWSUIT: For fear of further retaliation, $GGLVRQPRYHGRXWRI%DNHU&LW\ Continued from 1A Addison refers to the police GHSDUWPHQW¶V XVH RI D GUXJ VQLI¿QJ GRJ GXULQJ WKH $ VWDWH EDVNHWEDOO WRXUQDPHQW LQ %DNHU &LW\ ZKLFK KH felt violated constitutional protection against unreason- able search and seizure. ³,WORRNHGOLNHMXVWDQLFH UDQGRP VWUROO DQG ¿VKLQJ H[SHGLWLRQ RK DQG D YLROD- WLRQRIWKHWK$PHQGPHQW´ he wrote. 7KH PRUQLQJ DIWHU WKH editorial ran in the newspaper, %DNHU&LW\3ROLFH&KLHI:\Q /RKQHU PHW ZLWK $GGLVRQ DQG WKH 5HFRUG&RXULHU¶V HGLWRU DQG GHPDQGHG WKH\ retract the article. 7KH FRPSODLQW VWDWHV the Record-Courier did not retract the article and VXSSRUWHG$GGLVRQ¶VULJKWWR H[SUHVVKLVRSLQLRQ Following an ownership FKDQJH$GGLVRQ ZDV WHUPL- QDWHG IURP KLV MRE -XQH DQG³EHFDPHHQPHVKHG in a heated discussion with WKH 5HFRUG&RXULHU¶V QHZ owner/editor and publisher” ZKHQKHZHQWWRSLFNXSKLV ¿QDOFKHFNWKHQH[WGD\ /DWHU WKDW GD\ D %DNHU &LW\ SROLFH RI¿FHU ² WKH VDPH RQH $GGLVRQ DOOHJHG YLRODWHG WKH )RXUWK $PHQG- PHQW²QRWL¿HG$GGLVRQWKDW D KDUDVVPHQW FRPSODLQW KDG EHHQ PDGH DJDLQVW KLP E\ the Record-Courier and gave KLPDFLYLOVWDONLQJFLWDWLRQ $ %DNHU &RXQW\ &LUFXLW &RXUW MXGJH GHFOLQHG WR issue a restraining order and GLVPLVVHG WKH FLWDWLRQ D IHZ days later. 'HVSLWHWKHGLVPLVVDOWKH FRPSODLQW VWDWHV %DNHU &LW\ SROLFH IROORZHG $GGLVRQ¶V car repeatedly between June DQG$SULO6RPH- WLPHV WKH SROLFH RI¿FHUV would pull Addison over IRU DOOHJHG WUDI¿F YLRODWLRQV but never issued anything beyond a warning. $GGLVRQ PRYHG WR (QWHUSULVH LQ WR ZRUN as a reporter for the Wallowa County Chieftain but eventu- DOO\OHIWWKHMREDQGUHWXUQHG WR %DNHU &LW\ LQ 7KH Chieftain is owned by the EO Media Group, which also owns the East Oregonian. Addison alleges the SROLFH UHVXPHG IROORZLQJ DQG SXOOLQJ KLP RYHU ZKHQ KH UHWXUQHG WR %DNHU &LW\ Despite repeated encounters with local police, Addison RQO\ UHFHLYHG RQH WLFNHW IRU H[SLUHGWDJVLQ 2Q$XJ$GGLVRQ ZDV KLUHG DV D ³VXSSRUWHG HPSOR\PHQW VSHFLDOLVW´ E\ New Directions Northwest ,QFDQRQSUR¿WWKDWSURYLGHV alcohol and drug addiction services. His new position was SXEOLFL]HGLQD1RY %DNHU &LW\ +HUDOG DUWLFOH detailing a city council PHHWLQJDWZKLFKKHVSRNH %DVHG RQ LQIRUPDWLRQ IURP WKH 2UHJRQ %XUHDX of Labor and Industries, $GGLVRQDOOHJHVD%DNHU&LW\ SROLFHRI¿FHUFDOOHGWKH1HZ Directions clinical director after reading the Herald DUWLFOH DQG XUJHG KHU WR ¿OH a public records request with ORFDOODZHQIRUFHPHQW In response to its record request, New Directions was VHQWD³IDFW¿OH´FRPSLOHGE\ WKH %DNHU &RXQW\ 6KHULII¶V 2I¿FHDQGDQLQFLGHQWUHSRUW IURP WKH FLYLO VWDONLQJ citation. According to the FRPSODLQW WKH ³IDFW ¿OH´ falsely states Addison was WLFNHWHG WLPHV VLQFH DQGOLVWVWKHFLYLO VWDONLQJ FLWDWLRQ ZLWKRXW QRWLQJLWVGLVPLVVDO Addison believes the GRFXPHQWV JLYHQ WR 1HZ 'LUHFWLRQV ZHUH WKH SULPDU\ UHDVRQ IRU KLV GLVPLVVDO QRWLQJ KH UHFHLYHG EHQH¿WV SDSHUZRUNWKHGD\EHIRUHKLV WHUPLQDWLRQ +H DOVR DOOHJHV WKH ³IDFW ¿OH´ DQG LQFLGHQW report were created by the %DNHU &LW\ 3ROLFH 'HSDUW- PHQW DQG QRW WKH VKHULII¶V RI¿FH Since leaving New Direc- WLRQV WKH FRPSODLQW VWDWHV $GGLVRQ KDV EHHQ ZRUNLQJ as a contract reporter for the %DNHU &RXQW\ 3UHVV DQG QR ORQJHUUHSRUWVRQ%DNHU&LW\ news. For fear of further UHWDOLDWLRQ $GGLVRQ PRYHG RXWRI%DNHU&LW\ $GGLVRQ LV VHHNLQJ FRPSHQVDWRU\ GDPDJHV SXQLWLYHGDPDJHVLQMXQFWLYH UHOLHI DQG DWWRUQH\¶V IHHV through his lawsuit. 2QH RI $GGLVRQ¶V DWWRU- QH\V FRQGHPQHG WKH %DNHU &LW\ 3ROLFH 'HSDUWPHQW LQ D VWDWHPHQW ³7KHULJKWRIMRXUQDOLVWVWR UHSRUW IUHHO\ RQ JRYHUQPHQW activity is crucial to our GHPRFUDF\´ &OLII 'DYLGVRQ RI 6XVVPDQ 6KDQN VDLG ³7KH DFWLRQV RI WKH %DNHU City police send a disturbing PHVVDJH WR %DNHU &LW\ UHVL- dents: if you criticize police here, you will be punished.” ,Q D VHSDUDWH VWDWHPHQW ACLU of Oregon legal director Mat dos Santos was no less harsh. The ACLU ¿OHG WKH %2/, UHFRUGV request on behalf of Addison. ³,W LV GHHSO\ GLVWXUELQJ WKDW WKH %DNHU &LW\ 3ROLFH 'HSDUWPHQW DSSHDUV WR KDYH NHSW D ¿OH RQ DQ LQQRFHQW SHUVRQ VLPSO\ EHFDXVH KH penned an editorial criti- cizing police actions in the FRPPXQLW\´ GRV 6DQWRV VDLG ³7KLV NLQG RI DEXVH RI police power is a threat to ERWK RXU IUHHGRP RI VSHHFK and the free press. It adds to the increasing sense of distrust of policing in Oregon DQG GDPDJHV WKH UHSXWDWLRQ RIJRRGSROLFHRI¿FHUVHYHU\- where.” /RKQHU GLG QRW LPPHGL- ately respond to a request for FRPPHQW ——— Contact Antonio Sierra at or 541-966-0836. They’ve served our country with courage and honor. They’ve left behind loved ones to risk their lives in protecting their country. They’ve defended our freedoms and ideals. They make us proud to be Americans. Join us for Veterans Day, Wednesday, November 11, 2015 in the East Oregonian and Hermiston Herald, as we honor the men and women of the U.S. Military. Their courage, hard work and sacrifice are the backbone of our nation, protecting freedom, liberty, justice and all we hold dear. PRICES 1x4 - $ 40.00 2x3 - $ 55.00 Full Color Included Private Party Only Bring in or call 1-800-522-0255 with a photo and message to your hero to give them a special thanks. DEADLINE Wednesday, November 5 th 1x4 EXAMPLE For more information call Paula at 541-278-2678 or 1-800-522-0255 or Hermiston Herald at 541-564-4530. 2x3 EXAMPLE We are so proud of you for serving your country. Love Evelyn, Joe and Cheryl J OSEPH B. D AVIS J OSEPH S MITH Thank you for your service! Love always Marcy, Julie & Emily