Page 8A NATION/WORLD East Oregonian Wednesday, October 28, 2015 No shutdown, no default: Budget deal would cut popular Congress leaders, Obama back deal crop insurance program By ERICA WERNER AP Congressional Correspondent Congress got rid of other types of subsidies in a wide- WASHINGTON — ranging farm bill last year, The two-year budget deal including payments that produces savings from went to farmers regardless one of the most popular RIFURS\LHOGRUFURSSULFH programs in farm country In turn, they increased — federally subsidized crop federal support for crop insurance — and farm state LQVXUDQFH The budget deal would ODZPDNHUVDUHIXULRXV Senators and House create the savings by members said Tuesday they lowering the rate of return ZHUHQ¶W QRWL¿HG RI WKH FXW for companies that sell crop before the deal was struck, LQVXUDQFH WR IDUPHUV 7KH with Republican leaders federal government partially pushing for a vote this week subsidizes those companies RQWKHEXGJHWSDFW7KHFURS DQGLQVXUHVVRPHORVVHV The Republican insurance companies that depend on federal subsidies chairmen of the House and said in a statement that the Senate Agriculture Commit- proposed $3 billion in cuts WHHV 7H[DV 5HS 0LNH over 10 years could be &RQDZD\ DQG .DQVDV 6HQ Pat Roberts, issued a joint GHYDVWDWLQJWRWKHLQGXVWU\ Budget-writers in Wash- statement along with the ington have long eyed the top Democrats on the panels crop insurance program, objecting to the cuts, which which costs more than $9 they said would “undermine billion annually, as a pot of a critical risk-manage- DYDLODEOHPRQH\%XWIDUP ment tool for American state lawmakers have fought agriculture producers and to protect it, saying it makes FRQVXPHUV´ Both said they would more sense than other farm subsidies since it pays out YRWHDJDLQVWWKHELOO Roberts told his ZKHQIDUPHUVVXIIHUORVVHV Associated Press WASHINGTON — Striving to end a cycle of crisis, congressional leaders and the White House united Tuesday behind an ambitious budget and debt deal aimed at restoring a semblance of order to Capitol Hill and ending the threat of govern- ment shutdowns until well after a new president takes RI¿FH The outgoing House speaker, Republican John Boehner of Ohio, prepared to push the deal through his unruly chamber on Wednesday as his last act before departing Congress at WKHHQGRIWKHZHHN All but forced to resign under conservative pressure, Boehner was nonetheless JRLQJRXWRQKLVRZQWHUPV The budget deal stands as an in-your-face rebuttal to his hardline antagonists, on Capitol Hill and off, who angrily oppose spending increases and compromises with Democratic President %DUDFN2EDPD They seethed but acknowledged they were powerless to stop an agree- ment all but certain to pass with votes from Democrats and a sizable number of 5HSXEOLFDQV %RHKQHU brushed off their complaints, declaring that he intended to make good on his promise to leave a “clean barn” for his successor, Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, who is set to get the GOP nomination for speaker on Wednesday and win election on the House ÀRRUWKHGD\DIWHUWKDW “I didn’t want him to walk into a dirty barn full RI \RXNQRZZKDW 6R ,¶YH done my best to try to clean it up,” a good-humored Boehner told reporters after a closed-door gathering of House Republicans, his last such weekly meeting after AP Photo/Lauren Victoria Burke Outgoing House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio talks with reporters on Capitol Hill on Tuesday. “I don’t want (Paul Ryan) to walk into a dirty barn full of you-know-what. So I’ve done my best to try to clean it up.” — John Boehner, Republican, Outgoing Republican Speaker of the House QHDUO\ ¿YH \HDUV DV VSHDNHU and a quarter-century on &DSLWRO+LOO During the meeting, Republican lawmakers had a parting gift for Boehner: a golf cart with Ohio license SODWHVUHDGLQJ³0563.5´ Boehner told them he had a gift in return: the budget GHDO The deal would boost military spending as sought by defense hawks, even as it would take away the WKUHDW RI ³¿VFDO FOLIIV´ E\ a GOP-led Congress in the middle of a campaign season where Republicans are aiming for the White House and trying to hang onto their VOLP6HQDWHPDMRULW\ Struck over recent days in closely held talks with White +RXVH RI¿FLDOV DQG WRS House and Senate leader of both parties, the agreement would raise the government debt ceiling until March 2017, removing the threat of an unprecedented and market-rupturing national GHIDXOWMXVWGD\VIURPQRZ At the same time it would set the budget of the govern- ment through the 2016 and ¿VFDO \HDUV DQG HDVH punishing spending caps by providing $80 billion more for military and domestic programs, paid for with a hodge-podge of spending cuts and revenue increases touching areas from tax compliance to spectrum DXFWLRQV The deal would also avert a looming shortfall in the Social Security disability trust fund that threatened to VODVK EHQH¿WV DQG KHDG RII an unprecedented increase in Medicare premiums for outpatient care for about 15 PLOOLRQEHQH¿FLDULHV The White House ZHOFRPHGWKHDJUHHPHQW “No one got everything they wanted,” said Vice 3UHVLGHQW-RH%LGHQ³%XWLW will last for two years, and it will prevent us from lurching IURPFULVLVWRFULVLV´ Congressional Democrats have pushed for months for such a deal, bottling up routine spending bills in an effort to produce negotiations that would result in increased GRPHVWLFVSHQGLQJ Walgreens buying Rite Aid, creating drugstore giant NEW YORK (AP) — Walgreens is buying rival Rite $LG IRU DERXW ELOOLRQ in cash, creating a drugstore giant with nearly 18,000 VWRUHVDURXQGWKHZRUOG The deal combines the ODUJHVW DQG WKLUGODUJHVW 86 drugstore chains, based on VWRUH FRXQWV $QG LW PDNHV one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical buyers even bigger at a time when other key health care players like insurers and drugmakers also are expanding through PXOWLELOOLRQGROODUGHDOV Walgreens said it will pay $9 for each share of Rite Aid &RUS 7KDW¶V D SHUFHQW premium to Rite Aid’s closing SULFHRI0RQGD\6KDUHV of both companies jumped Tuesday after The Wall Street -RXUQDO¿UVWUHSRUWHGWKHGHDO The companies said the GHDO LV ZRUWK ELOOLRQ ZKHQGHEWLVLQFOXGHG Walgreens Boots Alliance ,QF KDV PRUH WKDQ VWRUHVDURXQGWKHZRUOG5LWH Aid, which is based in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, has more WKDQVWRUHVLQWKH86 The companies expect the deal to close in the second AP Photo/Charles Krupa, File Walgreens confirmed Tuesday that it will buy rival Rite Aid, creating a drugstore giant with nearly 18,000 stores around the world. half of next year, although given that it is combining WKH 1R DQG 1R SOD\HUV in its industry, it could draw close scrutiny from anti-trust UHJXODWRUV It comes less than year after Walgreens bought Euro- pean health and beauty retailer $OOLDQFH %RRWV %HVLGHV LWV QDPHVDNH VWRUHV 'HHU¿HOG Illinois-based Walgreens also owns Duane Reade stores in WKH86 A combination with Rite Aid will give Walgreens addi- tional purchasing power in negotiating prices with drug companies, a hot topic given the rapid rise in cost for some SUHVFULSWLRQV Adding Rite Aid’s stores could also help Walgreens lower price for its customers because its growing volume of prescriptions would put it in a better position in talks ZLWKGUXJSURYLGHUV Rite Aid stores will initially keep its name after the deal closes, Walgreens said, but WKDWPD\FKDQJHRYHUWLPH DON’T MISS OUT! BRIEFLY GM says it has reports GM recalling RIPLQRULQMXULHVLQ¿UHV 1.4M cars; oil FDXVHGE\WKHFDUV7KH FRPSDQ\LV¿QDOL]LQJD¿[ leaks can cause for the latest recall, and HQJLQH¿UHV will use state registration DETROIT (AP) — databases in an effort to General Motors issued its track down the owners and third recall in seven years notify them by mail, said for cars that can leak oil and VSRNHVPDQ$ODQ$GOHU FDWFK¿UHLQVRPHLQVWDQFHV In the previous recalls, damaging garages and in 2008 and 2009, GM KRPHV told owners to park the The recall, which covers cars outside until repairs PLOOLRQYHKLFOHVGDWLQJ can be made since most to 1997, is needed because RIWKH¿UHVKDSSHQHG UHSDLUVIURPWKH¿UVWWZR shortly after drivers turned UHFDOOVGLGQ¶WZRUN0RUH RIIWKHHQJLQHV$GOHU WKDQFDUVFDXJKW¿UH said he doesn’t know if DIWHUWKH\ZHUH¿[HGE\ GM will make the same GHDOHUVWKHFRPSDQ\VDLG UHFRPPHQGDWLRQDJDLQ A valve cover gasket can The latest recall, mainly degrade over time, allowing in North America, includes: RLOWRVHHSRXW8QGHUKDUG WKH3RQWLDF braking, oil drops can fall Grand Prix and Buick onto the exhaust manifold 5HJDOWKH DQGFDWFK¿UH)ODPHVFDQ Chevrolet Impala; the spread to a plastic spark 1998 and 1999 Chevrolet plug wire channel and the Lumina and Oldsmobile UHVWRIWKHHQJLQH ,QWULJXHDQGWKH They’ve served our country with courage and honor. They’ve left behind loved ones to risk their lives in protecting their country. They’ve defended our freedoms and ideals. They make us proud to be Americans. Join us for Veterans Day, Wednesday, November 11, 2015 in the East Oregonian and Hermiston Herald, as we honor the men and women of the U.S. Military. Their courage, hard work and sacrifice are the backbone of our nation, protecting freedom, liberty, justice and all we hold dear. 1x4 - $ 40.00 2x3 - $ 55.00 Full Color Included Private Party Only Staff Sergeant Joel Davis US Marines Veteran 2x3 EXAMPLE We are so proud of you for serving your country. Example Bring us a picture of your servicemen or servicewomen or veteran by November 5 th along with the form below and we will include them in our “Veterans Day Salute” on November 11 th in the East Oregonian and Hermiston Herald at no charge. For more information, call Paula at 1-800-522-0255 or Hermiston Herald at 541-564-4530. Love Evelyn, Joe and Cheryl Service Person’s Name Your Phone Number 1x4 EXAMPLE For more information call Paula at 541-278-2678 or 1-800-522-0255 or Hermiston Herald at 541-564-4530. Honoring those who have served and those that are currently serving our country! Your Address WASHINGTON $3²7KH$LU)RUFHVDLG Tuesday it chose Northrop *UXPPDQ&RUSPDNHURI the B-2 stealth bomber, to build its next-generation ERPEHUDKLJKO\FODVVL¿HG $80 billion project designed to replace the aging bomber ÀHHWZLWKDQDLUFUDIWWKDW eventually may be capable RIÀ\LQJZLWKRXWDSLORW DERDUG The loser of the high- stakes bidding contest was a team formed by Boeing &RDQG/RFNKHHG0DUWLQ &RUS7KHQHZERPEHUZLOO meet the nation’s long- range strike aircraft needs IRUWKHQH[W\HDUV PRICES Wednesday, November 5 th SALUTE Your Name Air Force picks Northrop Grumman to build next bomber DEADLINE Veterans Day Military Rank &KHYUROHW0RQWH&DUOR$OO KDYHOLWHU9HQJLQHV Bring in or call 1-800-522-0255 with a photo and message to your hero to give them a special thanks. Celebrate Your Loved Ones in Our Military Branch colleagues at a Senate Republican caucus lunch Tuesday that his panel ZDV ³VKXW RXW´ +H VDLG that chipping away at crop insurance could mean that farmers have to depend on Congress to approve emer- gency spending for farmers when they suffer large-scale ORVVHV “Agriculture producers DUH EDWWOLQJ ÀRRGV ZKLOH others continue to face ongoing and severe GURXJKW´ 5REHUWV VDLG “Crop insurance has kept them in business in a tough economy and eliminated the need for a costly emergency IHGHUDOGLVDVWHUSDFNDJH´ Still, Roberts did not go as far as to say he would try and block the budget GHDORYHUWKHLVVXH+HVDLG he hoped that lawmakers FRXOG ¿QG D GLIIHUHQW ZD\ to meet the same savings before Congress writes a ¿QDO EXGJHW DW WKH HQG RI WKLV\HDU “Maybe we can achieve the same goal by a different SDWK´5REHUWVVDLG Currently Serving Veteran (Check One) Deliver to: East Oregonian 211 SE Byers Ave. • Pendleton, OR Hermiston Herald 333 E. Main. • Hermiston, OR or e-mail to J OSEPH B. D AVIS J OSEPH S MITH Thank you for your service! Love always Marcy, Julie & Emily