Page 2B SPORTS East Oregonian Tuesday, October 27, 2015 PREPS: ,RQHZLQV%LJ6N\/HDJXHFKDPSLRQVKLSLQ¿YHVHWVRYHU'XIXU Continued from 1B Bulldogs rallied to win the ¿QDOWZRVHWV&XOYHU¶VZLQV were by scores of 25-18, DQG “It was a donnybrook,” said Weston-McEwen coach 6KDZQ:KLWH³:H¶GSOD\HG them closely before in sets this season but this was the ¿UVW WLPH ZH¶G WDNHQ RQH IURPWKHP´ 6HYHUDO SOD\HUV PDGH large contributions to the two wins and Alyssa Finifrock led the team with 20 kills and EORFNV Sarah Finifrock had 14 NLOOV6DUDYRQ%RUVWHODGGHG 11 and Anna Gilsdorf had QLQH Gilsdorf added 10 blocks, and Maddi Muilenburg FKLSSHGLQQLQH9RQ%RUVWHO led the team with 30 digs, Mati Aby had 29 and Tiah %HQHGLFWDGGHG Ali Schroeder led the TigerScots (20-9) with 51 assists and 12 aces, and Bailey Hillmick and Aby were second on the team with WKUHHDFHV :HVWRQ0F(ZHQ¶VVHDVRQ FRQWLQXHVLQWKHWHDP¿UVW round of the OSAA state tournament which will be SOD\HG DW VFKRRO VLWHV RQ 6DWXUGD\2FW 7KH 1R 7LJHU6FRWV¶ RSSRQHQWZLOOEHGHWHUPLQHG when the state rankings IUHH]HRQ7XHVGD\,W¶VOLNHO\ WKH\¶OO KDYH WR WUDYHO VLQFH each of the six league cham- SLRQVDUHJXDUDQWHHGDKRPH JDPHUHJDUGOHVVRIUDQNLQJ ³:H FHUWDLQO\ KDYH SOD\HGDWRXJKVFKHGXOHDQG KRSHIXOO\ WKLV WKH WLPH RI WOLVES: Williams DPRQJ1:$& hitting leaders Continued from 1B DQG QLQH FDPH XS ZLWK GLJV RQWKHEDFNURZ Also key to the win was %0&&¶VWHDPEORFNVDV WKH7:ROYHV¶GHIHQVHKHOSHG NHHS