Page 6A NATION East Oregonian Tuesday, October 20, 2015 While Clinton used home email, State’s networks were at risk WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton has come XQGHU ¿HUFH FULWLFLVP IRU GRLQJ business over personal email while VHFUHWDU\RIVWDWHSXWWLQJVHQVLWLYH GDWD DW ULVN RI EHLQJ KDFNHG %XW her communications may not have been any more secure had she used a State Department email address, MXGJLQJ E\ \HDUV RI LQGHSHQGHQW audits that excoriated the depart- ment over poor cyber security on &OLQWRQ¶VZDWFK The State Department’s unclas- VL¿HG HPDLO V\VWHP ZDV EUHDFKHG by hackers linked to Russia last year ZKRVWROHDQXQVSHFL¿HGQXPEHURI HPDLOV 7KH KDFNHUV KLW D GHSDUW- ment that was among the worst DJHQFLHVLQWKHIHGHUDOJRYHUQPHQW at protecting its computer networks ZKLOH &OLQWRQ ZDV VHFUHWDU\ IURP 2009 to 2013, a situation that continued to deteriorate as John .HUU\ WRRN RI¿FH DFFRUGLQJ WR LQGHSHQGHQWDXGLWVDQGLQWHUYLHZV The State Department’s compli- DQFH ZLWK IHGHUDO F\EHUVHFXULW\ standards was below average when Clinton took over but grew worse in HDFK \HDU RI KHU WHQXUH DFFRUGLQJ to an annual report card compiled by the White House based on audits E\ DJHQF\ ZDWFKGRJV 1HWZRUN VHFXULW\ FRQWLQXHG WR VOLS DIWHU Kerry replaced Clinton in February 2013, and remains substandard, according to the State Department LQVSHFWRUJHQHUDO ,Q HDFK \HDU IURP WR 2014, the State Department’s SRRU F\EHUVHFXULW\ ZDV LGHQWL¿HG by the inspector general as a ³VLJQL¿FDQWGH¿FLHQF\´WKDWSXWWKH GHSDUWPHQW¶V LQIRUPDWLRQ DW ULVN The latest assessment is due to be SXEOLVKHGLQDIHZZHHNV &OLQWRQWKHIURQWUXQQHUIRUWKH Democratic presidential nomina- WLRQKDVDSRORJL]HGIRUKHUXVHRI D SULYDWH HPDLO VHUYHU IRU RI¿FLDO business while she was secretary RI VWDWH 7KH )%, LV LQYHVWLJDWLQJ whether her home server was EUHDFKHG 6WDWH'HSDUWPHQWRI¿FLDOVGRQ¶W dispute the compliance shortcom- LQJV LGHQWL¿HG LQ \HDUV RI LQWHUQDO audits, but argue that the audits SDLQW D GLVWRUWHG SLFWXUH RI WKHLU Television > Today’s highlights cybersecurity, which they depict as VROLGDQGLPSURYLQJ7KH\VWURQJO\ disagree with the White House ranking that puts them behind most RWKHU JRYHUQPHQW DJHQFLHV 6HQLRU GHSDUWPHQW RI¿FLDOV LQ FKDUJH RI cybersecurity would speak only on FRQGLWLRQRIDQRQ\PLW\ “We have a strong cybersecurity SURJUDP VXFFHVVIXOO\ GHIHDWLQJ DOPRVWSHUFHQWRIWKHELOOLRQ attempted intrusions we experience HDFK\HDU´VSRNHVPDQ0DUN7RQHU VDLG Two successive inspectors JHQHUDOKDYHQ¶WVHHQLWWKDWZD\,Q December 2013, IG Steve Linick LVVXHG D ³PDQDJHPHQW DOHUW´ warning top State Department RI¿FLDOV WKDW WKHLU UHSHDWHG IDLOXUH to correct cybersecurity holes was putting the department’s data at ULVN %DVHG RQ DQ DXGLW E\ /LQLFN 6WDWH VFRUHG D RXW RI RQ WKH IHGHUDO JRYHUQPHQW¶V ODWHVW cybersecurity report card, earning IDU ORZHU PDUNV WKDQ WKH 2I¿FH RI 3HUVRQQHO 0DQDJHPHQW ZKLFK VXIIHUHG D GHYDVWDWLQJ EUHDFK ODVW Tuesday Morning 6 AM PBS ABC NBC CBS FOX STATION 6:30 AgDay Friends Good Day Oregon at 6 News News KOIN 6 News at 6 a.m. 4:30 WakeUp North KGW News at Sunrise Northwest Northwest 4:30 KATU News Stretch W.L.Yoga (31) KTNW (59) OPB 13 Sit and Fit Wild Kratts 11 KPTV 3 (19) KEPR 2 KOIN 19 (25) KNDU 6 KGW 8 (42) KVEW 4 KATU 5 (11) KFFX 7 AM \HDU6WDWH¶VVFRUHVEHVWHGRQO\WKH 'HSDUWPHQW RI +HDOWK DQG +XPDQ 6HUYLFHV DQG WKH 'HSDUWPHQW RI +RXVLQJ DQG 8UEDQ 'HYHORSPHQW 6WDWH'HSDUWPHQWRI¿FLDOVFRPSODLQ WKHJUDGHVDUHVXEMHFWLYH 7KH KDFN IURP 5XVVLD ZDV VR deep that State’s email system had WR EH FXW RII IURP WKH ,QWHUQHW LQ 0DUFK ZKLOH H[SHUWV ZRUNHG WR HOLPLQDWHWKHLQIHVWDWLRQ &OLQWRQ DSSURYHG VLJQL¿FDQW increases in the State Department’ LQIRUPDWLRQ WHFKQRORJ\ EXGJHWV while she was secretary, but senior 6WDWH 'HSDUWPHQW RI¿FLDOV VD\ VKH did not spend much time on the GHSDUWPHQW¶V F\EHU YXOQHUDELOLWLHV +HUHPDLOVVKRZVKHZDVDZDUHRI State’s technological shortcomings, EXWZDVIRFXVHGPRUHRQGLSORPDF\ &OLQWRQ¶VFDPSDLJQVWDIIGLGQRW respond to repeated and detailed UHTXHVWVIRUFRPPHQW Emails released by the State 'HSDUWPHQW IURP KHU SULYDWH server show Clinton and her top aides viewed the department’s LQIRUPDWLRQWHFKQRORJ\V\VWHPVDV substandard and worked to avoid Kids News Sports Movies 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM ZooClue Paid The Office Paid Good Day Oregon CBS This Morning CBS This Morning Today Bill Murray, Jeff Daniels, Pentatonix (N) Today Bill Murray, Jeff Daniels, Pentatonix (N) Good Morning America (N) Good Morning America (N) Clifford DinoTrain Caillou SuperW! C.George C.George D.Tiger D.Tiger WKHP “State’s technology is so antiquated that NO ONE uses a State-issued laptop and even high RI¿FLDOV URXWLQHO\ HQG XS XVLQJ their home email accounts to be able to get their work done quickly DQG HIIHFWLYHO\´ WRS &OLQWRQ DLGH $QQ0DULH 6ODXJKWHU ZURWH LQ DQ HPDLOWR&OLQWRQRQ-XQH Under Clinton and Kerry, the State Department’s networks were D ULSH WDUJHW IRU IRUHLJQ LQWHOOL- JHQFHVHUYLFHVFXUUHQWDQGIRUPHU JRYHUQPHQW RI¿FLDOV VD\ HFKRLQJ WKH VLWXDWLRQ DW 230 ZKLFK ODVW year saw sensitive personnel data on 21 million people stolen by KDFNHUVOLQNHGWR&KLQD The Russian hackers who broke into State’s email system also LQ¿OWUDWHG QHWZRUNV DW WKH 'HIHQVH Department and the White House, RI¿FLDOV VD\ DQG QR FOHDU OLQH FDQ be drawn between their success and 6WDWH¶VGLVPDOVHFXULW\UHFRUG %XW DV ZLWK 230 6WDWH¶V LQVSHFWRU JHQHUDO LGHQWL¿HG PDQ\ RI WKH VDPH EDVLF F\EHUVHFXULW\ VKRUWFRPLQJV\HDUDIWHU\HDU October 20, 2015 9:30 Mother Paid Good Day Meredith Vieira Let's Make a Deal Today Show II (N) Today Show II (N) Kelly and Michael (N) AM Northwest D.Tiger Peg + Cat Sesame Street 10 AM 10:30 Law & Order: C.I. The 700 Club The Price Is Right The Price Is Right Today Show III (N) Today Show III (N) The View The View Sesame Street DinoTrain DinoTrain 11 AM 11:30 Crime Watch Daily Paid Paid Young & Restless Young & Restless Wendy Williams The Dr. Oz Show Paid Middle Kelly and Michael (N) Thomas Sit and Fit Peg + Cat SuperW! AFTERNOON 12 PM PBS ABC NBC CBS FOX STATION 12:30 Pat. Court Pat. Court The Rachael Ray Show NameG. Bold & B. News Bold & B. TMZ Paid KGW New Paid The Chew The Chew Charlie Rose (31) KTNW (59) OPB 13 Painting Jazzy Veg. 11 KPTV 3 (19) KEPR 2 KOIN 19 (25) KNDU 6 KGW 8 (42) KVEW 4 KATU 5 (11) KFFX 1 PM 1:30 Divorce Divorce Wendy Williams The Talk The Talk Days of Our Lives Days of Our Lives General Hospital General Hospital TestK Sew It All Charlie Rose 2 PM 2:30 Judge Mathis The Real Let's Make a Deal The Doctors Hot Bench Minute The FAB Life The Doctors Meredith Vieira Sesame St. Cat/ Hat Thomas Sesame St. 3 PM 3:30 The People's Court TMZ Live! Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Million? Million? Ellen DeGeneres (N) The Rachael Ray Show Steve Harvey Speaks C.George Cat/ Hat Arthur 4 PM 4:30 The People's Court Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy KOIN 6 News at 4 p.m. Ellen DeGeneres (N) KGW News The FAB Life KATU News @ 4 Arthur Odd Squad Speaks WordGirl 5 PM 5:30 M&M M&M 5 O'Clock News News News News News News NBC News KGW News NBC News News News News News Wild Kratts Business Odd Squad Wild Kratts EVENING 6 STATION FOX (11) KFFX KPTV Barbara Corcoran stars in “Shark Tank” The Flash Storage Wars KEPR KOIN (25) NBC Barry (Grant Gustin) and the team form an uneasy alliance with Lisa (Peyton List) when they discover that her brother, Captain Cold (Went- worth Miller) has been kidnapped in this new episode. Michael Iron- side guest stars as Cold’s father, Lewis Snart. CBS (19) WPIX 5:00 p.m. KNDU PM 6:30 KVEW KGW News at 6:00 8 p.m. Extra Local News at 4 6:30 Face Off KATU 5 SYFY 9:00 p.m. (31) In this new episode, the finalists prepare for the final challenge and discover they’ll be working alongside a real-life Hollywood director and full production crew. Together, they’ll have to create three stun- ning short films on location. KTNW KGW Have some fun with A&E’s “Storage Wars” crew in a new episode of this popular reality TV series. The buyers are given just moments to look inside storage lockers before bidding on their contents in the hopes of finding treasure. (42) PBS ABC A&E 9:00 p.m. (59) OPB Cake Boss TLC 9:00 p.m. AMC The bakery crew creates a stunning cherry blossom cake for a local park as they celebrate spring in this new episode. Meanwhile, Grace and Joey celebrate Rob’s graduation, and a daring culinary student claims he can make cannoli better than the boss. ANPL CMT CNBC CNN DISC DISN Limitless (19) KEPR KOIN 10:00 p.m. Armed with a steady supply of a mysterious drug, Brian Finch (Jake McDorman) works with the FBI to solve complex cases in this new epi- sode. Bradley Cooper has a recurring role as Sen. Edward Morra, who also uses the mystery drug. ESPN Shark Tank The Sharks are once again on the hunt for money-making deals, en- tertaining pitches from entrepreneurs with military backgrounds in this rebroadcast. Only the best ideas impress the tycoons, including recycled .50 calibre shells and a carrying case. CABLE (42) KVEW KATU 10:00 p.m. ESPN2 FAM FNC FOOD FX GOLF GSN HALL HGTV HIST Talk shows (42) KVEW KATU The Chew HALL Home and Family WPIX The Steve Wilkos Show A young Pendleton East-Oregonian, OR: Talk Shows Oct 20, 2015 SPIKE SYFY TBS TCM PREMIUM child suff ered serious life threatening injuries, the mother is a suspect. 1:00 p.m. KPTV The Wendy Williams Show (19) KEPR KOIN The Talk (59) OPB Charlie Rose 2:00 p.m. KPTV The Real KOIN (42) KVEW The Doctors KGW The FAB Life KATU The Meredith Vieira Show 3:00 p.m. (19) KEPR KOIN Dr. Phil KGW The Ellen DeGeneres Show Guests include Florence Welch and Florence and the Machine. (42) KVEW The Rachael Ray Show KATU Steve Harvey 3:30 p.m. ALN Coff ee With America HBO Real Time With Bill Maher 4:00 p.m. (25) KNDU The Ellen DeGeneres Show Guests include Florence Welch and Florence and the Machine. (42) KVEW The FAB Life 9:30 p.m. HBO2 Last Week Tonight With John Oliver 10:00 p.m. HBO2 Real Time With Bill Maher 11:00 p.m. (31) KTNW Charlie Rose ALN Coff ee With America TBS Conan Guests include Zachary Levi, Gabrielle Union and Marian Hill. 11:05 p.m. (42) KVEW Jimmy Kimmel Live 11:35 p.m. (19) KEPR KOIN The Late Show With Stephen Colbert Guests include Kevin Spacey, Carol Burnett, Willie Nelson, and John Mellencamp. KATU Jimmy Kimmel Live 12:30 a.m. TBS Conan Guests include Zachary Levi, Gabrielle Union and Marian Hill. ROOT TLC TNT UNI USA WE WGN ENC HBO HBO2 HBO3 MAX SHOW STARZ PM Ask This Business 13 Old House (N) 6 PM 6:30 Live at Seven Entertai- nment Tonight 7:30 2 Broke Girls Family Feud The Simpsons PM PM 8:30 Ent. Tonight Jeopardy! BestEver A modernized variety show featuring stunts, skits, pranks and giveaways. Inside Best Time Ever With Neil Patrick Harris Edition Toy Story The Insider Charlie Brown of TERROR! Jeopardy! Wheel of Fortune BBC World Environ- News mentalists PBS NewsHour 7 8 Grandfa- The thered Grinder (N) "Deadbe- at" (N) Grandfa- The thered (N) Grinder (N) NCIS Abby becomes a hostage when she talks a pharmaceutical doctor about a murder case. NCIS "Lockdown" (N) 7:30 Charlie Toy Story Brown American Experience "The Forgotten Plague" American Experience "The Forgotten Plague" 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 :35 Two Scream To stay close to FOX News :35 Law:CI A squad each other, the girls of First at investigates high profile and a Half Kappa Kappa Tau host a Ten cases while focusing on Men slumber party. (N) the criminals' motives. 11 O'Clock Loves Ray Scream Queens "Seven 10 O'Clock News Minutes in Hell" (N) News "No Fat" :35 NCIS:New An Australian Limitless Brian learns a Action Royal Navy Lieutenant is shocking secret about News at S.Colbert found murdered in New Rebecca’s late father 11:00 p.m. Kevin Spacey Orleans. but worries to tell her. NCIS: New Orleans :35 Limitless "Personality KOIN 6 Crisis" (N) "Foreign Affairs" (N) News/ 11 S.Colbert The Voice The 'battle Chicago Fire Firehouse Local :35 The rounds' continue & the 51 comes under scrutiny News Tonight coaches enlist the help from Internal Affairs Show of top recording artists. after a complicated call. Chicago Fire "A Taste KGW News :35 Tonight The Voice "The Battles" (N) of Panama City" at 11 Agent SHIELD S.H.I.L.D. Shark Tank Active duty Local News at 11 / :05 Kimmel This late-night talk reluctantly teams up military and veterans show features celebrity with their rivals as they who have unique hunt for the Inhumans. products are featured. guests, bands & comedy. Agents of SHIELD KATU :35 Jimmy Shark Tank "Devils You Know" (N) News Kimmel Frontline Gain insight into the hard-fought battles Charlie Rose (N) & secret negotiations over immigration reform. Frontline Gain insight into the hard-fought battles The 25,000 Mile Love & secret negotiations over immigration reform. Story 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage 52 Wars Wars Wars: Ba Wars Wars Wars (N) Wars (N) Wars Wars (N) Wars (N) Wars Wars Tremors Giant worm-like predators attack a Tremors 2: Aftershocks Faster & meaner then ever, :15 Tremors 3: Back to Perfection The town of 60 desert valley town by burrowing through the sand. sand worms are a whole new breed of monster. Perfection is now a tourist attraction due to a battle. North Woods Law To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced :05 To Be Announced 24 North Woods Law Reba +++ The Proposal (‘09, Com) Ryan Reynolds, Sandra Bullock. Broken Skull Challen Raising Raising 43 Reba Guide (N) Rich Guide Shark Tank Shark Tank Rich Guide Rich Guide Paid Paid 72 Shark Tank CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Special Report CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom 68 CNN Special Report Yukon "Gut Check" Yukon "Tanana's Test" Yukon Men (N) Gold Rush: Dirt "Blood, Sweat and Gold" (N) 51 Alaska/Frontier Jessie Girl World Bunk'd Girl World Girl World Girl World Jessie Austin Underc. Girl World Jessie 26 Jessie 30 for 30 "Down in the Valley" (N) NBA Basketball Pre-season Golden State Warriors at Los SportsCenter SportsCenter 33 Angeles Clippers Site: Staples Center -- Los Angeles, Calif. (L) NFL Live 30 for 30 Baseball T. 30 for 30 "Down in the Valley" 34 5:00 NCAA Football L-Laf./Ark. St. (L) Monica Medium (N) Stitchers (N) Stitchers The 700 Club 32 ++ Hocus Pocus (‘93, Com) Bette Midler. Hannity The O'Reilly Factor The Kelly File Hannity On the Record 66 The Kelly File Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped (N) Chopped Burnt (N) 61 Chopped Execut. 65 4:00 White House ... ++++ Captain Phillips (‘13, Docu-Drama) Barkhad Abdi, Tom Hanks. The Bastard Executioner (N) Golf Cent. Golf World Long Drive Championship Golf Cent. Golf 88 Golf World Long Drive Championship (L) 76 Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Baggage Baggage Middle Middle Middle Middle G. Girls G. Girls 87 Waltons "The Torch" Waltons "The Tailspin" The Waltons Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper House (N) House (N) Fixer Upper 62 Fixer Upper Counting Counting CountCars Counting Counting Counting Counting Counting Counting Counting Counting :05 50 Cars "Hog Wild" Cars CountCars Cars Cars Cars Cars Cars Cars Cars Cars 29 Wife Swap: Abroad (N) Celebrity Wife Swap Celebrity Wife Swap Celebrity Wife Swap Celebrity Wife Swap Celebrity Wife Swap iCarly Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends 27 H.Danger Thunder WITS (N) Thunder iCarly 5:00 NCAA Volleyball Supercross -- Anaheim, Calif. UEFA Soccer Champions League Chelsea vs. 37 Ga.T./Vir.T Dynamo Kiev Ink Master "Ink Live" Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master Sweat Inc. "Interval Sweat Inc. "Interval 42 Training" Training" Face Off Face Off 67 3:00 Leprechaun's... +++ Men in Black 3 (‘12, Act) Will Smith. Face Off (N) American Family Guy Family Guy Seinfeld Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan Zachary Levi, 59 Dad "420" Theory Theory Theory Theory Theory Theory Gabrielle Union 5:00 +++ A League Sleepless in Seattle A boy calls a radio talk show & :15 ++++ The Prince of Tides A man's relationship with :45 56 of Their Own sets his widowed father up with an engaged woman. his psychiatrist helps him to confront a childhood trauma. Wrestlin... Cake Boss Cake Boss 49 Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss CakeB. (N) Cake Boss Our Little Family +++ The Book of Eli (‘09, Adv) Denzel Washington. Public Morals (N) Public Morals (N) Public Morals 57 Movie Noticiero Muchacha italiana Antes muerta Lo imperdonable No creo en hombres Impacto Noticie. 21 Incluido +++ The Lost World: Jurassic Park (‘97, Adv) Jeff Goldblum. Modern Modern 58 5:30 +++ The Day After Tomorrow LawOrder "Bad Faith" Law&O. "Purple Heart" House "Last Resort" House 118 LawOrder "Privileged" Law & Order Manhattan (N) :05 Manhattan :10 Manhattan Manhattan :05 Manhattan Rules Rules ++ Invincible Greg Kinnear. :45 ++ Sideways (‘04, Com/Dra) Paul Giamatti. 644 :15 +++ About a Boy Hugh Grant. Taken 3 (‘14, Act) Liam Neeson. Real Sports (N) American Sniper 518 5:00 Grudge Match The Leftovers Last Week Bill Maher The Secret Life of ... 520 5:40 Rush (‘13, Act) Daniel Brühl. :45 +++ The Faculty Jordana Brewster. Doll&Em Vice Special Report :45 +++ Walk of Shame :20 Focus Will Smith. 521 ++ The Maze Runner Dylan O'Brien. +++ Working Girl Melanie Griffith. The Knick "Ten Knots" +++ Vision Quest 549 5:50 ++ Vertical Limit Chris O'Donnell. Play It Forward Heather Davis. Homeland Inside the NFL NotreD. NotreD. Inside the NFL 578 Movie :45 Blunt :20 Reach Me (‘14, Dra) Lauren Cohan. Blunt Talk :35 ++ Pearl Harbor (‘01, War) Ben Affleck. 621 Demons NIGHT OWL STATION PBS ABC NBC CBS FOX 7:00 a.m. (19) KEPR KOIN CBS This Morning (25) KNDU KGW Today Show Bill Murray on ‘Rock the Kasbah.’ (42) KVEW KATU Good Morning America WPIX Maury 7:30 a.m. LIFE The Balancing Act Managing Nontuberculous Mycobacteria; behind the scenes of the Broadway smash ‘IF/THEN’. 8:00 a.m. WPIX The Jerry Springer Show Things were going great for Roger and Jennifer until Roger wound up in bed with Amber. 9:00 a.m. (19) KEPR The Meredith Vieira Show (25) KNDU KGW Today Show II Zooey Deschanel on ‘Rock the Kasbah.’ (42) KVEW Live! With Kelly and Michael Guests include Vin Diesel and Amanda Peet. ALN The Balancing Act WPIX The Jerry Springer Show Julie gets a reality check when she discovers her boyfriend cheated on her. 10:00 a.m. (25) KNDU KGW Today Show III Marlo Thomas on ‘Clever Little Lies.’ (42) KVEW KATU The View HALL Home and Family WPIX The Bill Cunningham Show Families in crisis confront their loved ones about drug use, drinking and neglect. 11:00 a.m. (25) KNDU The Wendy Williams Show KGW The Dr. Oz Show KATU Live! With Kelly and Michael Guests include Vin Diesel and Amanda Peet. WPIX The Steve Wilkos Show Keita is devastated that her boyfriend cheated on her a few months ago. Noon KPTV The Rachael Ray Show (31) KTNW Charlie Rose LIFE NICK KATU News at 6 PBS NewsHour STATION PEN A&E 7 Modern 2 Broke Modern Family "Suddenly, Girls 11 "Goodni- Last ght Gracie" Summer" 6 O'Clock News Family 3 Feud Action Inside The Big Bang "The News at 6 Edition 2 p.m. Engagemen t Reaction" KOIN 6 Evening Extra 19 News at 6 News Local Family Wheel of Fortune News Feud 6 12 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 2 AM 2:30 3 AM 3:30 AngerM. :35 Hot In :05 WizeBuys Loves Ray TMZ Dish Queens Raising Commun. Cougar T Paid SColbert :35 James Corden :35 Paid :05 CBS Overnight News SColbert :35 James Corden :35 Insider :05 CBS Overnight News Tonight :35 Seth Meyers :35 C. Daly :05 Today Show Mad Money Tonight :35 Seth Meyers :35 C. Daly :05 News Backroads Mad Money :05 Nightl. :35 Paid :05 ABC World News Now Kimmel :35 Nightl. :05 Paid :35 Paid :05 ABC World News Now Newsline Americas American Experience Frontline "Immigration Battle" (31) KTNW Antiques Roadshow An Oregon Experience Phil "Hong Kong" (59) OPB 13 PBS NewsHour 11 KPTV 3 (19) KEPR 2 KOIN 19 (25) KNDU 6 KGW 8 (42) KVEW 4 KATU 5 (11) KFFX 4 AM 4:30 5 AM 5:30 WizeBuys Minute News Good Day Oregon at 5 News News News News News KOIN 6 News at 5 a.m. News Wake Up Northwest News KGW News KGW News at Sunrise ABC News America This Morning Northwest News KATU News This Morning Phil "Hong Kong" Antiques Roadshow The Green Blues Business BBC News