SPORTS East Oregonian Page 2B Tuesday, October 20, 2015 BUCKS: Nirschl, Greb lead team in kills Continued from 1B and looking for the entire season,” she said. “To get a lead, keep the lead, and push through, so it was great to VHHWKHZKROHSLFWXUH¿QDOO\ come together tonight.” 7KH WKLUG VHW SOD\HG RXW much like the second set, as the teams battled neck-and- QHFN DOO WKH ZD\ WR D tie. And then just like the second set, Hermiston gained the advantage and served game point a total of four times as Pendleton battled EDFN EHIRUH ¿QDOO\ JHWWLQJ WZRVWUDLJKWWRHDUQWKH set win. “It’s one of our positive marks from the season is that WKH\DUHDWHDPWKDWEDWWOHV´ said Hermiston coach 'RURWK\6PLWK³,NQHZWKLV ZDV D \RXQJ YDUVLW\ WHDP EXW ,¶YH UHDOO\ VHHQ WKHP JURZWKLV\HDU´ Hermiston got another big performance from junior .\Q]HH3DGLOODZKR¿QLVKHG the night with nine kills and VHYHUDO NH\ GLJV WR NHHS WKH Bulldogs close. The potential in Padilla DV ZHOO DV SOD\HUV VXFK DV +D\GHQ 0H\HUV $OH[ %DUWRQ DQG 5HJDQ 0H\HUV KDYH6PLWKH[FLWHGIRUZKDW¶V WRFRPHQH[WVHDVRQ ³:KHQWKH\JHWLWWRJHWKHU LW¶V JRLQJ WR EH WKHUH HYHU\ VLQJOH WLPH´ 6PLWK VDLG ³,W¶VDJUHDWWHDPZH¶UHRQO\ losing one senior so that’ll be HDV\WR¿OODQGNHHSWKHJLUOV going at it.” In the fourth set, the match swung back into the Bucks favor as the team found WKH PRPHQWXP HDUO\ DQG EUHH]HGWRDVHWZLQWR FOLQFKWKHPDWFKYLFWRU\ “We’ve learned over the season that no matter what \RXKDYHWRFRQWLQXHWR¿JKW and bounce back,” said Lapp. “And that’s what we took into that (fourth) set, just forget about what happened and go for it.” The Buckaroos saw some big offensive nights from 1LUVFKODQG*UHEDVWKH\OHG WKH WHDP ZLWK NLOOV DQG NLOOVUHVSHFWLYHO\²ZLWK PDQ\RIWKRVHFRPLQJLQWKH clutch. 6HQLRUV /DXUHQ 5REHUWV and Yoshioka led the team GHIHQVLYHO\ZLWKDFRPELQHG GLJV )UHVKPDQ $VSHQ Garton was close behind ZLWKGLJV “The seniors have been here and worked so hard for this,” said Lapp. “And the new girls coming in and leaving their footprints DOUHDG\ WKH\ HDUQHG LW tonight.” 7KHWHDPVSOD\HGLQIURQW of a loud crowd at Warberg &RXUW 0RQGD\ ZKLFK included the loudest and largest student turnout for the %XFNVWKLV\HDU )RU