RECORDS Saturday, October 10, 2015 Most Wanted Saturday, Oct. 10, 2015 Umatilla County Community Corrections and the East Orego- nian are cooperating in this weekly publication of descriptions of people who are wanted. The persons below have criminal warrants. If you see any of these people, do not attempt to apprehend them yourself. If you know where these people may be, contact dispatch at (541) 966-3651 or Community Corrections at 276-7824. Ortega Jr., Jose Raul Delivery/manufacture of controlled substance. (3 counts) Salinas, Andrew Jacob Assault, riot, selling marijuana For more information about Umatilla/Morrow County Community Corrections and additional wanted offenders, check out our website at: Find AA meetings in your area at DAILY OPEN AA MEETING, QRRQ +DUSHU5RDG+HUPLVWRQ OPEN AA MEETING, QRRQ (SLVFRSDO&KXUFKRIWKH5HGHHP- HU6(6HFRQG6W3HQGOHWRQ &RIIHH LV SURYLGHG (G SATURDAYS OREGON GREEN FREE MED- ICAL MARIJUANA SUPPORT GROUP, QRRQ *HNHOHU /DQH /D *UDQGH /XQFK ZLOO EH SURYLGHG 'RUHHQ Second Saturday AA BOOK MEETING, 10 a.m., St. Johns Episcopal Church, 665 (*ODG\V$YH+HUPLVWRQ ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, 7 SP 3LORW 5RFN &LW\ +DOO FRXQFLO FKDPEHUV : 0DLQ 6W (G- ZDUG' OPEN AA MEETING, 7 p.m., 8QLWHG &KXUFK RI &KULVW 6 (DVW6W&RQGRQ VISION FOR YOU OPEN AA MEETING, SP *RRG 6KHSKHUG /XWKHUDQ &KXUFK /RFXVW 5G 6: %RDUGPDQ 3DW UMATILLA COUNTY’S NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS, 7:30 p.m., United Methodist &KXUFK(*ODG\V$YH+HUP- iston. Warrants NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS, SP6:UG6W3HQG- leton. Saturday, Oct. 10, 2015 HEPPNER MIRACLES OPEN AA MEETING, 8 p.m., St. Patrick’s The East Oregonian receives a list of warrants on the Friday before publication of the weekend edition. The warrants below are outstanding as of Oct. 9, 2015. Barnes, Brian William Criminal trespass Bail: $20,000 Faught, David Terrill DUII Bail: $10,000 Fernandez, Ruben Contempt of court Bail: $30,000 Long, Wendy Lynn Criminal trespass Bail: $50,000 Longoria, Jose Manuel Assault Bail: $200,000 Mabry, Mary Katherine Criminal trespass Bail: $5,000 Rodriguez, Latisha Sue Theft Bail: $20,000 Salinas, John Michael Animal neglect Bail: $5,000 Spaulding, Jacob Michael Criminal trespass Bail: $5,000 Villarreal Montes, Gregorio Physical harassment Bail: $5,000 Please call dispatch at (541) 966-3651 if you know the location of any of the above subjects. &KXUFKSDULVKKDOO1*DOH6W +HSSQHU OPEN AA MEETING, 8 p.m., +DUSHU5RDG+HUPLVWRQ NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS, SP1:&DUGHQ$YH Pendleton. SUNDAYS HUNGRY SPIRIT OPEN AA MEETING, DP 5RRVWHUV 5HVWDXUDQW 6RXWKJDWH 3HQGOHWRQ NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS, SP1:&DUGHQ$YH Pendleton. OPEN AA MEETING, 7 p.m.,