Page 2B SPORTS East Oregonian Friday, October 9, 2015 College Football EOU hoping to turn things around on Saturday +LVFDUHHUUHFHLYLQJ\DUGV -- an EOU record -- 1,420 rushing yards and 1,315 kickoff return \DUGVDQGFRPELQHGWRXFKGRZQV would suggest he made the right EOU Carroll Mounties Saints choice. (1-4) (3-1) %XW WKH ÀHHWIRRWHG %LOOLQJVOH\ By RYAN COLLINGWOOD whose stout 5-foot-9, 190-pound • Saturday, 1 p.m. Helena Independent Record • at Nelson Stadium frame helps him power through defenders when he isn’t beating Eastern Oregon coach Tim Camp fancies him the best football idea what kind of college football WKHP LQ D IRRW UDFH ZLOO ¿QLVK KLV SOD\HU WR KDYH HYHU FRPH WKURXJK player he’d be when opted to take decorated college career without WKH1$,$IRRWEDOOURXWHLQVWHDGRI HYHUH[SHULHQFLQJSRVWVHDVRQEHUWK the program. (28ZDVVQXEEHGE\WKH1$,$ Statistically, he’s been one of the 1&$$'LYLVLRQ,ZUHVWOLQJ “I just didn’t really know what ODVW VHDVRQ DIWHU ¿QLVKLQJ LQ PRVW SUROL¿F RIIHQVLYH SOD\HUV LQ the country since setting his foot on to expect,” said Billingsley, whose the brawny Frontier Conference in 0RXQWDLQHHUV WUDYHO WR 1R D VHDVRQ LW EHDW HYHQWXDO QDWLRQDO the La Grande campus in 2012. But senior running back Jace Carroll on Saturday in a 1 p.m. tilt champion Southern Oregon on the Billingsley, a four-year starter and at Nelson Stadium. “No big schools road. This season, the Mountain- $OO$PHULFDQ KDG DEVROXWHO\ QR recruited me, so I thought I’d try to HHUV UDQNHG 1R LQ WKH 1$,$ see what happens.” preseason poll, started off 0-3 with FOOTBALL Mountaineers face tough test in No. 4 ranked Fighting Saints road losses to College of Idaho, Sacramento State and and Southern Oregon. The Mountaineers were able to beat No. 17 Montana Tech 33-21, EXW IDOOLQJ WR 5RFN\ LQ D RYHUWLPHGHFLVLRQXOWLPDWHO\GDVKHG their playoff hopes. %LOOLQJVOH\ VWLOO EHOLHYHV KLV WHDPLVLQSRVLWLRQWRKDYHDGHFHQW season, though. Two years ago, EOU started out 0-4 before upset- WLQJ &DUUROO DQG ZHQW RQ WR ¿QLVK ZLWKDQDWLRQDOUDQNLQJRI1R 25. EOU (1-4) is hoping to mimic that run. ³:HVWLOOKDYHDORWRIJRRGWHDPV to play,” Billingsley said. “ In the HQGZHFDQVWLOOKDYHDJRRGVHDVRQ There’s a lot of great opportunities ahead of us.” He’s faced Carroll (3-1) enough to know what to expect. “They’re always going to be solid,” Billingsley said. “Just a team that’s sound all-around and waiting for us to make a mistake. We need to be on point for what they do. We FDQ¶W EH LQWLPLGDWHG:H MXVW KDYH WRVWHSXS\RXUJDPHHYHQPRUH´ %LOOLQJVOH\ SOD\HG UHFHLYHU KLV ¿UVW WZR VHDVRQV DQG PRVW RI KLV junior year before injuries prompted KLVPRYHWRWKHEDFN¿HOGLQD game against Montana Western. “He came in and rushed for DERXW \DUGV DQG ZH¶YH HYHU KLP EDFN WKHUH HYHU VLQFH´ &DPS VDLG³,SUREDEO\VKRXOGKDYHPDGH that change earlier in the season and ran the ball more.“ PREPS: 6WDQ¿HOGFRPSOHWHVELJFRPHEDFNDW,UULJRQ0DF+LUROOVRYHU%XFNV Continued from 1B Pendleton Bucks continued their VHDVRQ VOLGH IDOOLQJ LQ ¿YH VHWV WR the La Grande Tigers 3-2. The Tigers (9-7, 3-0) won the ¿UVW VHW WKH WKLUG VHW DQGWKH¿IWKVHW7KH%XFNV (4-9, 1-5) won the second set 25-17 and the fourth set 25-18. “We played a quick paced game and it was fun to watch, just came up a little short,” said Bucks coach $PDQGD/DSS³7KHWKVHWDVXVXDO was really intense. Small errors were the deciding factor.” Haley Greb led Pendleton’s offense with 10 kills, while Lauren 5REHUWV OHG WKH GHIHQVH ZLWK digs. “I was proud to watch the DPRXQW RI HIIRUW WKH JLUOV KDYH RQ the court tonight,” said Lapp. “They ZRUNHGZHOODVDWHDPDQGJDYHD lot of heart.” ,W ZDV D ELW RI UHYHQJH IRU WKH Tigers, who fell to the Bucks 3-2 on Sept. 8 in Pendleton. Pendleton will look to rebound RQ 7XHVGD\ ZKHQ WKH\ WUDYHO WR +RRG5LYHUDWSP GH¿FLW WR GHIHDW 3LORW 5RFN RQ Thursday. 7KH 5RFNHWV GRPL- QDWHG WKH ¿UVW WZR VHWV ZLQQLQJ DQG %XW WKHQ WKH Mustangs (10-10, 3-3) stormed EDFN WR WDNH WKH ¿QDO WKUHH VHWV DQG ³, ORYH WKHLU UHVLOLHQF\ ULJKW now,” said Heppner coach Deiter Waite. “We just stayed focused on what we needed to do and fought for the win.” Jessica Kempken led the 0XVWDQJV RIIHQVLYH DWWDFN ZLWK NLOOV ZKLOH 6\GQH\ 0DEHQ 5LDQH Dompier, and Kaelyn Lindsay each added two kills. Heppner next plays Saturday ZKHQ WKH\ KRVW &XOYHU DW QRRQ DQG ,UULJRQ DW SP 3LORW 5RFN QH[W SOD\V ,UULJRQ DQG &XOYHU RQ Saturday at Heppner High School DV ZHOO ZLWK WKHLU ¿UVW PDWFK starting at 2 p.m. STANFIELD 3, IRRIGON 2 —$W,UULJRQWKH6WDQ¿HOG7LJHUV came from behind to take a 3-2 ZLQ RYHU WKH ,UULJRQ .QLJKWV RQ Thursday. 6WDQ¿HOGZRQWKH¿QDO HEPPNER 3, PILOT ROCK WKUHHVHWVDQGWR 2 — $W 3LORW 5RFN WKH +HSSQHU win the match. Irrigon (3-11, 0-4) Mustangs fought back from a 2-0 ZRQ WKH ¿UVW WZR VHWV DQG 25-20. In the third set the Tigers were two points from a loss as Irrigon KHOG D OHDG %XW 6WDQ¿HOG IRXJKW EDFN DQG ¿QLVKHG RII D match — which is something that has plagued them this season. ³:H XVXDOO\ VWUXJJOH WR ¿QLVK JDPHV´VDLG6WDQ¿HOGFRDFK$QJLH Connell. “We had a few girls looking like they were done when we trailed, but they dug down deep DQG¿QLVKHGLW,ZDVSURXGRIWKHLU effort.” 6WDQ¿HOG QH[W SOD\V DW KRPH against Heppner next Thursday at 5 SP ,UULJRQ QH[W SOD\V 3LORW 5RFN and Heppner on Saturday, with both matches taking place in Heppner at 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. In the second half, Flynn hooked up with Jason Zuarez on a 44-yard touchdown pass for the Cardinals only score of that half. $FFRUGLQJ WR ,RQH FRDFK 6WDQ Weiper, his Cardinals team was VLPSO\RYHUPDWFKHG “Perrydale was just bigger, faster, and stronger than us,” he said. ³7KH\KDYHDJRRGVKRWDWZLQQLQJ the whole thing in the end.” %XWHYHQZLWKWKHVL]HDEOHORVV Weiper was still pleased with the effort he got from his team. “I felt they played as hard as they could in this one,” he said. “But we just got beat by the better team.” Ione will look to rebound QH[W )ULGD\ ZKHQ WKH\ WUDYHO WR Mitchell/Spray/Wheeler for a 1 p.m. matchup. Football Boys Soccer PERRYDALE 62, IONE 22 — $W,RQHWKH&DUGLQDOVZHUHVLPSO\ outmatched in the game, falling WR WKH 3HUU\GDOH 3LUDWHV RQ Thursday night. The Cardinals (1-4, 0-3) got on WKH ERDUG WZLFH LQ WKH ¿UVW KDOI ¿UVW RQ D WZR\DUG WRXFKGRZQ UXQ by Cord Flynn and then a 58-yard touchdown run from Henry Padberg. MAC-HI 9, PENDLETON 1 — $W 3HQGOHWRQ WKH 0DF+L Pioneers dominated the game with WKH %XFNDURRV IURP VWDUW WR ¿QLVK OHDYLQJZLWKWKHYLFWRU\ Senior Braidon Wood scored WKHRQO\JRDOIRU3HQGOHWRQ 0-2) and was assisted by senior Jose 5RGULJXH] The Buckaroos were also without starting senior goalkeeper Grant Banister, who was out after injuring his shoulder during the Bucks game against The Dalles on Tuesday. ³7KDWGH¿QLWHO\WKUHZDZUHQFK into things from the start,” said Bucks coach Jeremy Talbot. In Banister’s absence, senior $OH[*HDUPDGHWKHVWDUWLQJRDOIRU Pendleton. The game featured some slug- gish play from the Bucks, but the team picked up the pace following Wood’s goal. “It was nice to seem them bounce back after our goal,” said Talbot. “It’s just about playing and competing. We’re almost there.” Mac-Hi (3-3-1, 0-1) next plays at Ontario on Saturday at 3 p.m., while Pendleton next hosts Herm- iston on Monday at 4 p.m. Girls Soccer UMATILLA 2, HORIZON CHRISTIAN 0 — $W7XDODWLQWKH Umatilla Vikings picked up their third win of the season and second- straight shutout win with the 2-0 YLFWRU\RYHU+RUL]RQ&KULVWLDQ No other details were reported. Next up for Umatilla (3-3-2, LVDKRPHJDPHZLWK5LYHU- VLGHQH[W:HGQHVGD\DWSP HONKERS: )LQDOGULYHDQGFKDQFHWRWLH¿]]OHVRXWEHIRUHPLG¿HOGWRVHDOORVV Continued from 1B napping on third-and-eight and (YDQV IRXQG SOHQW\ RI RSHQ VSDFH as he cut across the middle of the ¿HOGIRUD\DUGWRXFKGRZQSDVV IURP VRSKRPRUH 7KRPDV (YDQV (YDQVFDXJKWWKHEDOODWWKHDQG trotted into the end zone from there. 7KH WZRSRLQW FRQYHUVLRQ IDLOHG EXWWKH+RQNHUVKDGOLIHDWZLWK OHIWLQWKHJDPH The Honkers could get nothing going on their subsequent three SRVVHVVLRQV WKRXJK DQG ¿QDOO\ put the defense in a spot it couldn’t get out of when a fake punt failed PLVHUDEO\DQGJDYHWKH5DQJHUVWKH EDOODW$UOLQJWRQ¶VZLWKOHIW in the game. Pence barreled his way into the HQG]RQHRQ'XIXU¶V¿UVWSOD\DQG DIDLOHGWZRSRLQWFRQYHUVLRQPDGH LW $UOLQJWRQ¶V ¿QDO GULYH QHYHU JRW SDVW PLG¿HOG DQG 'XIXU ZDV DEOH WR ¿QLVK WKH JDPH LQ YLFWRU\ formation. Hunting said although the offense didn’t run a single red zone play on Thursday, and couldn’t complete a pass at the end of the game when it needed to score, it’s not time to hit the panic button. ³,WKLQNZHDOZD\VKDYHURRPIRU LPSURYHPHQW DQG WRQLJKW VKRZHG us some areas we need to work on,” said Hunking. “We don’t like to be pressured a the end of the game to KDYHWRSDVVVRZH¶OOWU\QRWWREH LQWKDWVLWXDWLRQDJDLQ,WKLQNZH¶YH got a pretty good offense so we’ll see how it goes.” 'DYLV OHG $UOLQJWRQ ZLWK UXVKLQJ \DUGV DQG 7KRPDV (YDQV FRPSOHWHG¿YHSDVVHVIRU\DUGV Pence led Dufur with 101 yards rushing and Derek Frakes completed six passes for 90 yards and a touchdown. 'XIXU WRRN WKH OHDG ZLWK left in the second quarter when Frakes found Curtis Crawford running unchecked behind the $UOLQJWRQVHFRQGDU\DQGFRQQHFWHG IRUD\DUGERPE 7KH5DQJHUVKDGDQRWKHUFKDQFH to score just before halftime when $UOLQJWRQ IXPEOHG RQ LWV RZQ but Frakes was run out of bounds as he tried to scramble for the end zone as time expired. 'XIXUFDPHLQWR$UOLQJWRQZLWK more than double the amount of players and a winning tradition WRIDOOEDFNRQEXW(YDQVVDLGWKH Honker aren’t making any excuses. ³:H¶YH MXVW JRW WR JHW EHWWHU next week, there’s nothing else to VD\ DERXW LW 7KH\¶YH JRW VSHHG WKH\¶YHJRWVL]HDQGZH¶YHMXVWJRW to respond,” he said, adding there’s QR PRUDO YLFWRULHV WR JDLQ IURP Thursday’s outcome. “It’s just how ZH SOD\ RQ WKH ¿HOG 7KHUH¶V QR mentality that gets you ready for a game, you work hard all week and then you see it out there on the ¿HOG´ $UOLQJWRQ QH[W SOD\V ¿UVWSODFH Sherman (4-2, 4-0) next Friday. ——— Contact Matt Entrup at or (541) 966-0838. HAUSCHKA: 6HDWWOHNLFNHUWLHGIRU1)/OHDGLQPDGH¿HOGJRDOV FRQ¿GHQWO\